Use & Care Guide
Manual de Uso y Cuidado
English / Espafio|
Model/Modelo: 796.3140"
I(enmore Elite°
T o i
For best results, a low sudsi_g HEHigh Effidency
Detergent made for high dflciency washers must
be used.
Paraobtene_ losn ÷jo_esresult_ados,debera
_ti z_%seun dete_genteH_paralavadorasde
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Sears Brands Management Corporation
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U,S,A.

IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........................... 3-5
GROUNDING REQUIREMENTS ........................................... 5
Key Parts and Components ............................................... 6
Optional Accessories .......................................................... 6
Included Accessories .......................................................... 6
Key Dimensions and Specifications ...................................7
Choose the Proper Location ............................................. 7
Flooring ................................................................................. 7
Clearances ........................................................................... 7
Unpacking and Removing Shipping Material ................ 8
Connecting the Water Lines............................................... 9
Connecting the Drain Hose ............................................. 10
Connect to the Power Supply .......................................... 10
Leveling the Washer ....................................................... 11
Control Panel Features ..................................................... 12
Operating the _A/asher..................................................... 13
Cycle Guide ................................................................. _4-15
Sorting "_/ash Loads ......................................................... 16
About the Dispensers ........................................................ ] 7
Detergent and Dispenser Use ......................................... 18
Time and Status Display ................................................. 19
Cycle Modifier Buttons ...................................................... 20
Option Buttons ............................................................ 21-23
Accela 'vA/ash.................................................................. 21
Stain Boost...................................................................... 21
Extra Rinse..................................................................... 21
Water Plus...................................................................... 21
Add a Garment ............................................................. 21
Chime ................................................................................ 21
Fabric Softener .............................................................. 22
My Cycle ......................................................................... 22
Soak ................................................................................. 22
Delay Wash ................................................................... 22
Rinse & Spin ................................................................... 22
Control Lock.................................................................... 22
Special Drain Feature ....................................................... 22
Regular Cleaning .......................................................... 23
Maintenance ................................................................... 24
Cleaning the VCasher.....................................................25
KENMORE CONNECT TM SYSTEM..................................... 26
Using the Kenmore Connect TM System .......................... 26
Normal Sounds "YouMay Hear ....................................... 27
Before Calling for Service ........................................ 27-32
Error Codes ................................................................. 31-32
WARRANTY .......................................................................... 33
SERVICE ................................................................. Back Cover
In the space below, record the date of purchase, model,
and serial number of your product. "Youwill find the
model and serial number printed on an identification
plate located inside the washer lid. Have these items of
information available whenever you contact Sears
concerning your product.
Model No.
Date of Purchase
Serial No.
Save these instructions and your sales receipt for
future reference.
Master ProtectionAgreements
Congratulations on making a smartpurchase.Yournew
Kenmore® product isdesigned and manufactured for years
of dependable operation. But likeall products,it may require
preventive maintenance or repair from time to time. That's
when having a Master ProtectionAgreement can saveyou
money and aggravation.
TheMaster ProtectionAgreement also helps extend the life of
your new product. Here'swhat the Agreement_ includes:
• Paris andlabor needed to help keep products operating
properlyunder normal use,not justdefects.Our coveragegoes
well beyondthe product warranty. No deductible,no functional
failureexcludedfrom coverage- real protection.
• Expertservice by a force of more than 10,000 authorized
Searsservicetechnicians,whichmeans someoneyoucantrust
will be workingon yourproduct.
• Unlimitedservice callsand nationwide service, as oftenas
• "No-lemon" guarantee - replacement of your covered
product if four or moreproduct failures occur within twelve
• Product replacement if your covered product can not
be fixed.
• Annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your request - no
extra charge.
• Fast help by phone - we call it Rapid Resolution. Phone
support from a Sears representative on all products. Think of us
as a "talking owner's manual,"
• Power surge protection against electric damage due to
power fluctuations.
• $250 food loss protection annually for any food spoilage that
is the result of mechanical failure of any covered refrigerator
or freezer,
Rentalreimbursementif repair of your covered product takes
longer than promised.
° 25°//odiscountoff the regular priceof any non-coveredrepair
serviceand related installedparts.
Once you purchasethe Agreement,a simple phone call isall
that it takesfor you to scheduleservice. Youcan call at any
time day or night or schedulea serviceappointment online.
TheMaster ProtectionAgreement isa rlsbfree purchase.
If you cancel for any reasonduring the product warranty
period, we will provide a full refund,or a prorated refund any
time after the productwarranty period expires.Purchaseyour
Master ProtectionAgreementtoday!
Somelimitations and exclusionsapply.
Forpricesand additionalinformationin the U.S.A.
call 1-800-827-6655.
_Coverage in Canada varieson someitems.
Forfull detailscall SearsCanada at 1-800-361-6665.
SearsInstallation Service
For Searsprofessional installation of homeappliances,
garage door openers, water heaters, and other major home
items,in the U.S.A.or Canada call: 1-800-4-MY-HOME®.

ertydamageand/or seriousbodilyharmor death.
All safetymessageswillfollowthesafetyalert symbol and either the word DANGER, _VARNING
or CAUTION. These words mean:
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or seriousinjury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate
All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of iniury, and tell
you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.
"Do not install or store the washer where it will be
exposed to the weather or freezing temperatures.
• Do not tamper with controls.
• Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Use & Care Guide.
• Before use, the washer must be properly installed as
described in this manual.
° Do not wash articles that have been previously
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted with
gasoline, dry cleaning solvents, or other flammable
or explosive substances, as they give off vapors that
could ignite or explode.
• Do not add gasoline, dry cleaning solvents, or other
flammable or explosive substances to the wash water.
These substances give off vapors that could ignite or
° Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be
produced in a hot water system that has not been
used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS
EXPLOSIVE. If the hot water system has not been used
for such a period, before using the ,washer, turn ON
all hot water faucets and let the water flow from each
for several minutes. This will release any accumulated
hydrogen gas. As the gas is flammable, do not smoke
or use an open flame during this time.
° Do not allow children to play on or in the washer.
Close supervision of children is necessary ,when the
washer is used near children.
• Before your washer is removed from service or
discarded, remove the lid to the -washing compa_ment
to avoid the danger of children or small animals
getting trapped inside. Failure to do so can result in
serious personal injury or death.
•Keep the area underneath and around your appliance
free of combustible materials (lint, paper, rags, etc.),
gasoline, chemicals and other flammable vapors and
• Do not repair or replace any part of the washer or
attempt any servicing other than as described in this
manual. VVe strongly recommend that any service be
performed by a qualified technician.
•See Installation Instructions for grounding
•ALWAYS follow the fabric care instructions supplied by
the garment manufacturer.
° Do not place items exposed to cooking oil in your
washer. Items contaminated with cooking oils may
contribute to a chemical reaction that could cause a
load to catch fire.
"Use fabric softeners or products to eliminate static
only as recommended by the manufacturer.
° This washer is not designed for maritime use or for
mobile installations such as in RVs,aircraft, etc.
°Turn OFF the water faucets and unplug the washer if
the machine is to be left for an extended period of
time, such as during vacations.
• Packaging material can be dangerous for children.
There isa risk of suffocation. Keep all packaging
from children.
° Always check the inside of the washer for foreign
objects before loading laundry. Keep the lid closed
when not in use.
WARNING: This product contains chemicals known
to the State of California to cause cancer and birth
defects or other reproductive harm. Washhandsafter

Toreducethe riskoffire, electricshock,or injury to persons
when usingthisappliance,follow basicprecautions,including
* Unplugthewasherbeforecleaning toavoid the riskof
• Never useharshchemicals,abrasivecleaners,or solventsto
cleanthewasher.Theywill damagethe finish.
• Do notputoily orgreasyragsor clothingontop of the
washer.Thesesubstancesgive offvaporsthat could ignite
° Do nat wash itemsthat are soiledwith vegetableor cooking
oil. Theseitemsmay containsomeoil after laundering and
may catch fire.
• Disconnectthisappliancefrom thepowersupply before
the OFF positiondoesnotdisconnectthisappliancefrom the
powersupply.Failureto follow thiswarningcan causeserious
injury,fire, electricshock,or death.
° Do notcombinedetergents,fabric softeners,and/or other
laundryproductsfromdifferentmanufacturersfor useina
load,unlessspecifiedonthe label.
° Do notmix chlorinebleachwith ammoniaor acidssuch
asvinegar.Followpackagedirectionswhen usinglaundry
products,incorrectusagecan produce poisonousgas, resulting
in seriousinjury or death.
° Do notreachinto the washerwhile partsaremoving.Before
knobandallowthe tubtocoasttoa completestopbefore
reachinginside.Failureto followthiswarningcan causeserious
injury,fire, electric shockor death.
groundingprocedures.Installationinstructionsare packedin
thewasherfor the installer'sreference_If the washeris movedto
a newlocation,haveit checked and reinstalledbya qualified
servicetechnician.Failure to follow this warning can cause
seriousinjury,fire, electricshock,or death.
• Do not,underany circumstances,cut or removethe third
(ground)prongfromthe powercord.Failureto followthis
warningcan causeseriousiniury, fire, electricsh_k, or death.
• For personalsafety,this appliance must be properly
grounded.Failureto followthis warning can causeserious
injury, fire, electric shock,or death.
• The power cordof this appliance is equippedwith a
3-prong(grounding)plugwhichmateswitha standard3-prong
(grounding)wall outletto minimizethepossibilityofelectric
shockhazardfrom thisappliance.
° Thiswashermustbe pluggedintoa 12OVAC,60Hz
groundedoutlet.Failureto followthiswarning can cause
seriousinjury,fire, electric shock,or death.
• Have the wall outletand circuitcheckedby a qualified
electricianto makesurethe outletisproperlygrounded,
Failureto followthis warning can cause seriousinjury,fire,
electric shock,or death.
• Where a standard 2-prongwall outletis encountered,it
isyour personalresponsibility and obligationto haveit
replacedwith a properlygrounded3-prongwall outlet.
Failuretofollow thiswarning can causeseriousinjury,fire,
electric shock,or death.
• Do not install on carpet.Install the washer on a solid floor.
Failureto followthiswarningcan causeseriousleak damage.
• Do not remove grounding prong. Do not use an adapter or
extensioncord.Plugintoa grounded3-prongoutlet.Failure
to follow thesewarningscan causeseriousinjury,fire, electric
shock,or death.
• Do not,under any circumstances,cut or remove the third
(ground)prongfromthe powercord.Failuretofollowthis
that matchesthe rating plate. This providesthe best
performanceandalso preventsoverloadinghousewiring
circuitswhich couldcausea fire hazard from overheated
• Neverunplug your washer by pulling an the power cord.
Always gripplugfirmly and pull straightout from the
outlet.Failureto follow this warning cancauseserious
• Immediately repair orreplaceall power cordsthat have
becomefrayed or otherwisedamaged. Do notuse a cord
that showscracksor abrasion damage along its length or
at eitherend. Consultwith a qualified servicetechnician.
Failureto followthis warning can causeseriousinjury, fire,
electricshock,or death.
• When installing or movingthe washer, be careful notto
pinch,crush,or damage the power cord. Failure to follow
this warning cancauseseriousinjury, fire, electricshock,or
• The washer must be installedand electricallygrounded
bya qualifiedservicetechnicianin accordancewith local
codesto preventshockhazard and assurestabilityduring
• The washer is heavy. Two ormore peoplewill be needed
to installand movethe appliance. Failureto do so can
resultin damage to propertyor seriousbodilyinjury.
• Storeand installthewasher where it will not beexposed
to temperaturesbelowfreezing orexposedto outdoor
weather conditions.Failure to follow thiswarning can
• Toreducethe riskof electricshock,do not installthe
washer inhumid spaces. Failureto followthis warning can
causeseriousinjury,fire,electricshock,or death.
• Toreduce therisk of personalinjury,adhere to all industry
recommendedsafety proceduresincludingthe useof long
sleevedglovesand safety glasses.Failureto follow all of
the safetywarnings in this manualcouldresult in property
damage, personalinjuryor death.
• Neverattempttooperatethisapplianceif it is damaged,
malfunctioning,partiallydisassembledor hasmissingor
brokenparts,includinga damaged cordorplug.
•To minimizethepossibilityof electricshock,unplugthis
appliancefrom the power supplyor disconnectthewasher
at thehouseholddistributionpanelby removing the fuse
or switchingoff the circuitbreakerbeforeattemptingany
maintenanceor cleaning.
• Toreducethe riskof electricshock, do nottouchthe power
plugwith wet hands.

° Do not allow children to play on or in the washer.
Close supervision of children is necessary when the
washer is used near children. As children grow, teach
them the proper, safe use of all appliances. Failure
to comply with these warnings could result in serious
personal injury'.
* Destroy the carton, plastic bag, and other packing
materials after the washer is unpacked. Children
might use them for play. Cartons covered with rugs,
bedspreads, or plastic sheets can become airtight
chambers. Failure to comply with these warnings could
result in serious personal injury.
• Keep laundry products out of children's reach. To
prevent personal injury, observe all warnings on
product labels. Failure to comply with these warnings
could result in serious personal injury.
°Before your -washer is removed from service or
discarded, remove the lid to the washing compartment to
avoid the danger of children or small animals getting
trapped inside. Failure to do so can result in serious
personal injury or death.
IMPORTANT: Please read carefully.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in risk of electric shock. Check
with a qualified electrician or service technician
if you are in doubt as to whether the appliance
is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug
provided with the appliance. If it does not fit the
outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified
electrician. Failure to follow these warnings can
cause serious injur_; fire, electric shock, or death.
grounding type
wall receptacle
This appliance must be grounded, In the event of
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of electric shock by providing a path of least
resistance for electric current. This appliance is equipped
with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor
and grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into
an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and
grounded in accordance with all local codes and
Ensure proper
ground exists
before use.

The washer lid is locked during operation. The
lid can be unlocked by pressing the START/
PAUSE button to stop the washer.
The ultra-large stainless steel tub offers extreme
The soft close hinges allow the lid to close gently
and quietly. The tempered glass is durable and
makes it easy to observe the washer.
The front touch panel is specially designed to
be water resistant and provides easy access to
controls, eliminating the need to reach for rear
controls. The soft-surface touch buttons add a
premium touch.
This washer is designed to save rinse water by
using a jet spray rinse system in NORMAL and
HEAVY DUTY cycles.
Should you experience any problems with
your washing machine, it has the capability
of transmitting data via your telephone to
the Kenmore Connect Team. This gives you the
capability of speaking directly to our specially
trained technTcians. The technician records the
data transmitted from your machine and uses
it to analyze the issue, providing a fast and
effective diagnosis.
The Bleach Dispenser compartment holds liquid
bleach, that is dispensed automatically at the
proper time during the wash cycle.
Hot Water Co_d Water
Inlet valve Inlet valve
Add detergent or softener to the main wash
compartment of the dispenser drawer. Cleaning
products are dispensed automatically at the
proper time during the wash cycle.
'-Optional Accessory -_
Hot and cold water hoses (with 2 seals per
hose, 1 at each end/
Included Accessory
Cable tie (for securing drain hose)

Rated Voltage/Frequency
Top-Loading Washer
120VAC, 60Hz
27"(W) X 28 3/8"(D) X 41 3/10"(H), 55 3/8"(H with lid open)
68.6 cm (W) X 72.1 cm (D) X 105.0 cm (H), 140.6 cm (H with lid open)
Net "vVeight
137.8 Ibs. (62.5kg)
*Washeris heavy. Two or more peopleare requiredwhen
movingand unpackingthe washer.Failureto do so may
result in damage to property or seriousbodily harm.
* Storeand installthe washerwhere itwill not beexposed
seriousinjury, fire,electric shock,or death.
warning can cause seriousinjury,fire, electric shock,or
• Toreducethe riskof electricshock,donotinstallthe
washer in humidspaces.Failureto follow this warningcan
cause seriousinjury, fire, electric shock,or death.
• Toensure properair flaw, do not block the large opening
on the bottomof the washer with carpeting or other
' Do notremovegroundprong.Do notusean adapter or
extensioncord.Plugintoa grounded3-prongoutlet. Failure
to follow this warning can causeseriousinjury, fire, electric
NOTE:Installingthe washerin a humidspace,or installingor
storingthe washer whereit will be exposedto theweather or
freezing temperatures,may resultinrustor other damage that
isnotcovered by the product warranty.
' The poweroutlet mustbe within 60 in. (1.5m)of either side
of the washer.
' The appliance and outlet must be positioned sothat the plug
is easily accessible.
• Do not overload the outlet withmore than
one appliance.
• Theoutlet mustbe grounded in accordance with current
wiring electric codes and regulations.
• Time-delay fuseor circuit breaker isrecommended.
NOTE:It isthe personal responsibilityand obligation of the
product owner to have a proper outlet installeclby a qualified
• Tominimize noiseand vibration, the washerMUSTbe
installed on a solidly constructed floor. Seethe NOTEto your
• Allowable slopeunder the entire washer is a maximum I in.
difference from side to side or from front to back.
° Installing on carpeting and soft tile surfaces is
not recommended.
• Never install the washer on a platform or weakly
supported structure.
4! 3/_o"
(105.0 cm)
1" ___ 27 ,_ _ !"
(2_5cm) -_ (68.6 cm) (2 5cm}
Toensuresufficientclearance for water lines and airflow, allow
minimumclearancesof at least 1in.(2.5 cm)at the sidesand
4 in.(10 cm)behind the unit.Be sureto allow for wall, door, or
floor moldingsthat may increasethe required clearances.
(81.1 cm)
(72.1 cm)
3 !/2"
28 3is" [}1_:
55 3/s'
(140.6 cm)
(with open rid)
26 3/4"
(68 cm}
Minimum vertical space from floor to overhead
shelves, cabinets, ceilings, etc., is 56 in.
NOTE: The washer must be installed on firm flooring
to minimize vibration during the spin cycle. Concrete
flooring is best, but a wood floor is sumcient, provided
it isbuilt to FHA standards. The washer should not be
installed on rugs or exposed to weather.
(9 cm)

When removing the washer from the carton base, be
sure the plastic tub support comes off with the base.
If you must lay the washer down to remove the base
packaging materials, always protect the side of the
washer and lay it carefully on its side. DO NOT lay
the washer on its front or back.
3. Carefully remove the two foam pads which cover
the top sides of the tub guide, making sure not to
leave behind any pieces of the foam.
Carton Base
1. After removing the carton and shipping material,
lift the washer off the foam base. Make sure the
plastic tub support comes off with the base and
is not stuck to the bottom of the washer.
2. Save the foam block for future use. If the washer
must be moved in the future, this will help prevent
damage to the washer during transportation.
4. Unfasten the power cord from the back of the
• Adjustable Pliers
• Carpenter's Level
NOTE: To prevent damage, do not remove the foam
block until the washer is at the final location.

• IMPORTANT: Use new hoses when installing the
washer. Do NOT reuse old hoses.
* IMPORTANT: Use ONLY the inlet hoses provided by
Kenmore. Aftermarket hoses are not guaranteed to fit or
function correctly. Other hoses may not tighten correctly
and could cause leaks. Subsequent damage to product
or property will not be covered under the terms of the
product warranty.
• Water supply pressuremust be between 14.5 psi and
116psi (100_800 kPa). if the water supply pressureis
more than 116psi, a pressure reducing valve must be
* Periodically check the hose for cracks, leaks, and
wear, and replace the hose if necessary.
• Make sure that the water linesare not stretched,
pinched, crushed, or kinked.
• The washer should never be installed or stored in a
location subject to freezing temperatures. Damage to the
water lines and internal mechanisms of the washer can
result,if the washer was exposed to freezing temperatures
prior to installation, allow it to stand at room temperature
for several hours before use and check for leaks prior to
3. Always run a gallon or two of water through each inlet
hoseto flush dirt, scale and other debris out of the
water lines. Doing so will help prevent future problems
with clogged filter screens,and will also allow you to
verify which hose ishot and which iscold.
Rubber Sea[ Rubber Seal
(towater inlet
on washer)
(to tap)
Inspect the threaded fitting on each hose and make
sure there is a rubber seal in place in both ends.
f "x
4. Attach the (red) hot water line to the hot water inlet on
the back of the washer. Attach the (blue) cold water
line to the cold water inleton the back of the "washer.
Tighten the fittings securely. Turn ON both faucets
all the way and check for leaks at both ends of the
NOTE: Be careful not to cross-thread the hose
fittings. Thiswill damage the vaFzeand could result in
property damage from leaks.
2. Connect the water supply hosesto the HOT and
COLD -water faucets tightly by hand and then tighten
another 2/3turn with pliers.

•The drain hose should always be properly secured.
Failure to properly secure the drain hose can result in
flooding and property damage.
• The drain must be installed in accordance with any
applicable local codes and regulations.
• Make sure that the drain hose is not stretched,
pinched, crushed, or kinked.
Option 1: Standpipe
f %
Draln Line
Option 2: Laundry Tub
(09~1.2 m)
Bend the outlet end of the drain hose to form a
U shape, insert the end of the drain hose into the
drain. If the drain is large enough for the flange on
the hose to fit inside, then do not insert the flange
more than 1-2 inches into the drain. Use the tie strap
included with the installation materials in the foam
block in the tub to secure the drain hose to the drain.
Tie Strap
Drain Hose
Bend the end of the drain hose to the desired shape
and support it on the edge of the laundry tub. Use a
tie strap to secure the drain hose in place.
Washer should be plugged into a 120-VAC, 60-Hz
grounded 3-prong outlet. Plug in the washer.
If the water valves and drain are built into the wall,
fasten the drain hose to one of the water hoses with
the cable tie (ribbed side on inside).
C_bie lie
If your drain isa standpipe, fasten the drain hose to the
standpipe with the cable tie provided.
• Normal height of the end of the hose should be
approximately 35"_47" (0.9_1.2 m) from the floor.
• Do not installthe end of the drain hose lower than 29
in. (0.7 m) or higher than 96 in. (243.8 cm) above the
bottom of the washer or more than 60 in. (152.4 cm)
away from the washer.
• Never seal the drain hose to the drain. If no air gap is
present, water can be siphoned out of the tub resulting
in poor wash/rinse performance or clothing damage.
Improper connection of the equipment-
grounding conductor can result in risk of electric
shock. Check with a qualified electrician or
service technician if you are in doubt as to
whether the appliance is properly grounded.
Do not modify the plug provided with the
appliance. If it does not fit the outlet, have a
proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.
Failure to follow these warnings can cause
serious injury, fire, electrical shock, or death.

The tub of your new washer spins at very high
speeds. To minimize vibration, noise, and unwanted
movement, the floor must be a level, solid surface.
NOTE: Adjust the leveling feet only as far as
necessary to level the washer.
Extending the leveling feet more
than necessary can cause the
washer to vibrate, oy
NOTE: Before installing the
washer, make sure that the floor
is clean, dry and free of dust, dirt,
water and oil so the washer feet
cannot slide easily. Leveling feet
that move or slide on the floor can contribute to
excess vibration and noise due to poor contact with
the floor.
All four leveling feet must rest solidly on the floor.
Attempt to rock the washer from corner to corner
to make sure that all four leveling feet are in firm
contact with the floor.
1. Position the washer in its final location, taking
special care not to pinch, strain, or crush the
water and drain lines. Place a level across the top
of the washer.
• To check if the washer is level from side to side,
place a level on the back edge of the lid.
"To check if the washer is level front to back, place
a level at the side of the washer on the edge where
the cabinet side meets the top cover. Do not place
the level on the top or the lid] Using these surfaces
will result in the washer being unlevel.
to Side
"Front to Back
Lower .... Raise
I "vt/
,, Raise Lower ,
2. Adjust the leveling feet, Turn clockwise to raise
the washer or counterclockwise to lower it.
Wrong Right
3. To make sure that the washer is properly level,
open the lid and look from above to see if the
tub is centered. If the tub is NOT centered (as
shown in the drawing on the left), readjust the
feet. tf you have a level, check your washer with
the level.

WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock,or injury to persons, read and follow this
entire Use & Care Guide, including the important Safety Instructions, before operating this washer.
Pressto turn the washer ON. Pressagain to turn
the washer OFF. Pressingthe POWER button dur-
ing a cycle will cancel that cycle and any load
settingswill be lost. The lid will unlock after o
brief pause.
NOTE: If the washer remains idle for four minutes
after turning the washer off, any water left in
the tub will automatically be drained. An alarm
will sound one minute prior to draining, and 'dr'
will appear on the display. "Youmay restart the
washer at this time. However, once the washer
initiates draining, all functions will be suspended
and cycle settings lost, and 'dr' will be displayed
until draining is complete.
Press the cycle b_rrtonto select the desired cycle. Press
the Specialties button repeatedly to cycle through
the specialty cycles. Once the desired cycle has been
selected, the standard presets will appear in the dis-
play. These settings can be adjusted using the cycle
setting buttons any time before starting the cycle.
Press this button to start the selected cycle.
If the washer isrunning, use this button to pause the
cycle without losing the current settings.
NOTE: If you do not press the START/PAUSE button
within four minutes of selecting a cycle, the washer
automatically turns OFF. if the washer is paused
during a cycle for more than four minutes, the cycle
will be cancelled and any water remaining in the
tub wilt be drained. An alarm will sound at three
minutes to warn you that the tub is about to drain.
Use these buttons to adiust the settingsfor the se-
lected cycle. The settings light up above the
buttons to show the current selection.
These buttons allow you to select speclo_ cycles or
The display showsthe cycle statusand estimated
time remaining.
NOTE: To protect your clothing, not all settings are available on all cycle selections.

Sort laundry by fabric type, sol level, color and load size, as
needed. Open the door and load the itemsinto the washer.
w_ H_
Co_ L_w
Add High-Efficiency (HE) detergent to the detergent dispenser
drawer, For proper wash performance, always measure
the detergent using the measuring device provided by the
detergent manufacturer.
Press the PO\A/ER buffon to turn ON the washer. The lights
above the cycle buttons will illuminate and a chime will sound.
Press the cycle button directly or the Specialties button repeat-
edly to select the desired cycle.
The preset "Wash Temp, Spin Speed, Soil Level, and Option
settings for that cycle wil be shown.
Default settingsfor the selected cycle can now be changed if
desired. Use the cycle modifier buttons.
NOTE: To protect your fabrics, not all modifiers are
available on al! cycles. A different chime will sound and the
LEDwill not come on if the selection isnot allowed. Cycle op-
tions can also be added by usingthe option buttons.
Press the START/PAUSE button to begin the cycle. The door will
lock, and the washer '*,ill briefly tumble the load without water
to measure its weight. Once the weight of the load is mea-
sured, the washer will begin the selected wash cycle.
The ADD A GARMENT light will illuminate near the
beginning of the wash cycle to indicate when it is safe to add
itemsto the load. Press the START/PAUSE button to pause the
cycle and add any additional items to the load.
NOTE: it is not recommended to add items unless the ADD
A GARMENT light is illuminated, as this could result in poor
Press the START/PAUSE button to resume the wash cycle.
Do not stand on top of the appliance or place objects (such as
laundry, lighted candles, lighted cigarettes, dishes_chemicals,
metal objects, etc.) on the appliance.
Failure to follow these cautions can cause fire, electric shock,
problems with the product, or iniury.

Thecycle guide below showsthe default settings, available options and recommended fabric
types for each cycle. Allowable modifier adjustments are shown below the default setting for
each cycle.
Normal Cotton, shirts, jeans, Hot Extra Hi h I
socks,pants Cool Mediu I Heavy
Whites Heavily to normally
Heavy Heavily soiled Hot
Duty cotton fabrics Cool
Sanitize pillow covers,
w/Oxi *_ bedsheets, baby
soiledwhite cottons Warm
Cotton, underwear,
wear(less than 12
Cold .... I Light
TapCold r_o _pm I
Extra High
_ Tap Cold _ No Spin .....
No Spin
Extra High
Medium Normal
Low Light
Extra High
Medium Normal
Low Light
No Spin
ilillliHHi t!ii i
= Available Option
_ili = Default Setting
Bulky/ Large items such Hot ExtraHigh I
Bedding as a_anKeTSaria Cool Medium I Heawt
**Certified by NSF:NSFInternational (formerlythe National
Sanitation Foundation), certifiesthat the Sanitize w/Oxi
cycle reduces 99.9% of bacteria on laundry,and noneof the
bacteria will carry over onto the next laundry load when used
in conjunction with Oxi products. Follow product manufacturer's
instructionsfor usingOxi products with this cycle.
To protect your garments, not every wash temperature, spin speed, soil level, or option is available with every cycle.
A chime will sound and the LED will not light if the selection is not allowed.
_When a cycle is selected, the default time for that cycle isdisplayed. Thistime will change as modifiers or options
are selected. Once the START/PAUSE button is pressed, the washer will measure the size of the load. The estimated
time may change once the load size has been measured. The washer automatically adjusts the wash time for the
amount of laundry, water pressure, water and other operating conditions.
These cycles use various wash motions to enhance cleaning and/or fabric care performance. The wash motions may
sound different at different stages of the ".,ashcycle. Thisis normal.
comTorrers Cold Low I Light
TapCo!d No Sp!nI
Protocol P172
Sanitization Performanceof Residentialand
Commercial, Family SizedClothes Washers

Thecycle guide below showsthe default settings, available options and recommended fabric
types for each cycle. Allowable modifier adjustments are shown below the default setting for
each cycle.
Lightly soiled
clothing and small
Extra High
No Spin
Small loads of
cotton, linen,
towels, shirts,
sheets,jeans, mixed
sheets,jeans, mixed
Extra High
No Spin
Extra High
No Spin
Extra High
No Spin
- Available Option
Default Setting
blouses, nylons,
sheer or lacy
Heavily soiled
cotton fabrics
War m
No Spin
Extra High
No Spin
To protect your garments, not every wash temperature, spin speed, soil level, or option is available with every cycle.
A chime will sound and the LED will not light if the selection is not allowed.
_When a cycle is selected, the default time for that cycle is displayed. This time will change as modifiers or options
are selected. Once the START/PAUSE button is pressed, the washer will measure the size of the load. The estimated
time may change once the load size has been measured. The washer automatically adjusts the wash time for the
amount of laundry, water pressure, water and other operating conditions.
_The Deep Vv'ashcycle adds water to the .wash cycle and raises the water temperature for efficient wash
These cycles use various wash motions to enhance cleaning and/or fabric care performance. The wash motions may
sound different at different stages of the wash cycle. This is normal.

° Do not load items higher than the top edge of the tub.
Failure to foliow this caution can result in leakage or
damage to fabrics.
"Use the BULKY/BEDDING cycle for buoyant or
nonabsorbent items such as pillows or comforters.
Failure to follow this caution can result in leakage.
-If possible, do not wash any water-resistant items.
If you must, please select the Bulky/Bedding cycle.
- Examples of water-proof or water-resistant items
include certain mattress pads, mattress covers, rain
gear, camping gear, skiing apparel, outdoor gear and
similar items.
Grouping Similar Items
For the best washing results,and to reducethe possibility
of damage to clothing, care should be taken to sort the
clothing into loads that are made up of similar items.
Mixing different fabric types and/or softlevels can result
in poor wash performance, color transfer or discoloration,
fabric damage or linting.Fabrics should be sorted into
groups as described below.
Sort articles by color. Wash dark clothes together in
aseparate load from light colors or whites. Mixing dark
clothes with light clothes can result in dye transfer or
discoloration of the lighter clothes.
Soil Level
'C/ash heavily soiled clothing together. VVashing lightly
soiled clothing in the same load with heavily soiled
clothing could result in poor wash performance for the
lightly soiled clothing.
Fabric Type
Delicate articles should not be mixed with heavier or
sturdier fabric types. Washing delicates in a load
with heavy fabrics can result in damage to the more
delicate fabrics. Washing heavier fabrics in a delicate
load can result in poor wash performance for the
heavier fabrics and possible damage to the delicates.
Fabric Care Labels
Many articles of clothing include a fabric care label.
Using the chart below, adiust the cycle and option
selections to care for your clothing according to the
manufacturer's recommendations.
Fabric Care Labels
cycle ,_r,=_
Water • • • 00 •
temperature _ w_,_ _i
Am/b_h Only nen_chlorl_ bbeach _ _ N_ch
_h_ need_} (,,_en_eeded)
Loading the Washer
"Check all pockets to make sure that they are empty.
Items such as clips, matches, pens, coins, and keys can
damage both your washer and your clothes.
• Close zippers, hooks, and drawstrings to prevent these
items from snagging or tangling on other clothes.
• Pretreat heavily stained areas for best results.
• Combine large and small items in a load. Load large
items first.
• Large items should not be more than half of the total
wash load.
•The washer can be fully loaded, but the tub should
not be tightly packed with items. The lid of the washer
should close easily.
• To prevent an out-of-balance load, do not wash
single items. Add one or two similar items to the load.
Large, bulky items, such as a blanket, comforter, or
bedspread, should be washed individually.
• The washer will not fill or operate with the lid open.
Lint Type
Some fabrics attract and bind lint to them while others
give off lint in the laundry process. Avoid mixing these
lint collectors and lintproducers in the same load. Mixing
these fabrics will result in pilling and linting on the lint
collectors. (For example, lint collector - knit sweater; lint
producer - terrycloth towels.)
Sort Laundry...
by Colors
by Soil
by Fabric
Easy Care
by Lint
Lint Producer
Lint Collector
NOTE: Use the BULKY/BEDDING cycle for large or
bulky items such as poly-filled jackets, comforters,
pillows, etc. These items may not be as absorbent
as other laundry items and should be sorted into a
separate wash load for optimal results.
Bulky items should be placed as far down in the tub as
possible for optimal results. Always place buoyant items
at the bottom of the tub.
The washer will automatically detect the load size.
Because of the high-e_ciency wash system, the water
level may not completely cover the load.

The automatic dispenser consists of two compartments
which hold:
"Liquid fabric softener.
° Liquid or powdered detergent for main wash.
S _ _
Main W'ash
Liquid Fabric
Dispenser Drawer
Main Wash Liquid Detergent
Powder Detergent
Compartment Compartment
Main Wash Detergent Compartment
Thiscompartment holds laundry detergent for the main
wash cycle. The detergent isadded to the load at the
beginning of the cycle. Always use High-Emciency (HE)
detergent with "your"washing machine. Either powdered
or liquid detergent may be used.
Never exceed the manufacturer's recommendations
when adding detergent. Using too much detergent can
result in detergent buildup in clothing and the washer.
When using liquid detergent, make sure the liquid
detergent cup and insert are in place. Do not exceed
the maximum fill line.
When using powdered detergent, remove the liquid
detergent cup from the compartment. Powdered
detergent willnot dispense with the liquiddetergent
cup in place.
Fabric Softener Compartment
This compartment holds liquid fabric softener, which is
automatically dispensed during the final rinse cycle.
Never exceed the manufacturer's recommendationswhen
adding softener. Using too much fabric softener can result
in buildup in clothing and the washer.
• Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations
when adding fabric softener. Do not exceed the
maximum fill line. Using too much fabric softener may
stain clothes.
• Dilute concentrated fabric softeners with warm water.
Do not exceed the maximum fill line.
. Never pour fabric softener directly onto the load or
into the tub.
Liquid Bleach Compartment
The bleach dispenser isa separate compa_ment at
the left front of the tub opening. This compartment
holds liquid bleach, which is dispensed automatically
at the proper time during the wash cycle. Any liquid
remaining in the dispenser at the end of the cycle is
water, not bleach.
"Do not add powdered bleach to this compartment.
The bleach compartment is designed to dispense liquid
bleach only. Powdered or liquid color-safe bleach will
not dispense properly.
•Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations
when adding bleach. Never add more than one cup
and do not exceed the maximum fill line since this can
cause the bleach to be dis_nsed immediately,resulting in
damage to fabrics. Using too much bleach can damage
• Never pour undiluted liquid chlorine bleach directly
onto the load or into the tub. Fabric damage can occur.
"Do not usecolor-safe bleach or Oxi products inthe
same cycle with liquid chlorine bleach.
Do NOT mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or
acids, suchas vinegar or rust/scale remover.
Mixing chemicals like these can produce a lethal
gas, resulting in severe injury or death.

A Word About Detergents
High-Emciency (HE) detergents produce fewer suds,
dissolve more efficiently to improve washing and
rinsing performance, and help to keep the interior of
your washer clean. Using detergent that is not HE may
cause oversudsing and unsatisfactory performance
which could result in error codes, cycle failure, and
machine damage.
Maximum __J
_--Normal Load Am u ,._____.j
Liquid Powdered
Detergent Detergent
detergent using the measurements provided by the
J or proper wash performance, always measure the
detergent manufacturer.
The normal amount of HE detergent needed, for
average loads, is less than V2 of the recommended
maximum. Use less detergent for soft water, light soll
or smaller loads. Never use more than the maximum
amount recommended by the detergent
Using the Softener and Detergent Dispenser
To add detergent, bleach, and fabric softener to the
outomatlc dispenser:
O Open the dispenser drawer,
O Load the laundry products into the
appropriate compartments.
O Close the drawer before starting the cycle.
NOTE: It isnormal for a smallamount of water to
remain in the bleach and softener compartments at the
end of the cycle.
IMPORTANT: Do not place or store laundry products,
suchas detergenb bleach, or liquid fabric softener, on
top of your washer or dryer. Wipe up any spills immedi-
ately. These products can damage the finish and controls.
Using the Liquid Bleach Dispenser
The bleach dispenser automatically dilutes and dispenses
liquid bleach at the proper time in the wash cycle.
Designed to use only
High-Efficiency (HE) detergent
IMPORTANT:Yourwashing machineisdesigned for use
with only High-Efficiency (HE)detergents. HEdetergents
are formulated specifically for High-Efficiency washers
and containsuds-reducing agents_Always look for the
HEsymbol when purchasing detergent.
IMPORTANT: Not all detergents are the same. Pay
careful attention to the amount of detergent used to avoid
overusing, poor rinsing and detergent buildup in clothing,
and residue buildup that can contribute to odors in the
machine. NEVER use a cup or scoop other than the one
supplied by the manufacturer of the detergent you
are using. Never use more than the maximum amount of
detergent recommended by the manufacturer.
Always measure the detergent amount. While HE
detergents are designed for this type of washing
machine, be careful when measuring the detergent. For
most normal loads, no more than 1/4to V2 of cap or
scoop of HE detergent should be used.
NOTE: Extra care mustbe exercised when using 2X and
3X concentrated detergents because even a little bit extra
can contribute to the problems mentioned above.
NOTE: Detergents designated as HEcompatible may not
provide optimal results.
Check clothing care labels for special instructions.
Measure liquid bleach carefully, following
instructions on the bottle. High-emciency washers
use less water, so less bleach is needed. One half
cup is enough for most loads.
Carefully pour the pre-measured amount of bleach
directly into the bleach dispenser. If you are using
powdered bleach of any kind, pour it directly into
the tub before adding the laundry. Never add
powdered bleach to the liquid bleach dispenser.
• Never pour undiluted liquid chlorine bleach directly
onto clothes or into the tub.
• Do not pour powdered bleach into bleach
• Do not place laundry items on top of the bleach
dispenser when loading and unloading the washer.
• Alwaysmeasureand pour bleachcarefully.Avoid overfilling
or splashingwhenadding bleachto thedispenser.The
maximumcapacity of the bleachdispenserisonecup of
bleach perwashcycle.Overfilling could resultin bleach
being dispensedimmediately.

The time and status display shows the estimated time remaining and cycle progress.
These LEDswill illuminate when a cycle is selected
to indicate which stages will run. When a cycle is
running, the LEDwill blink for the active stage. Once
a stage is complete, the LEDwill turn off. If a cycle
is paused, the active LEDwill stop blinking.
When a cycle is selected, the default time for
that cycle is displayed. This time will change as
modifiers or options are selected. Once the START,,"
PAUSEbutton is pressed, the washer will measure
the size of the load. The estimated time may
change once the load size has been measured.
NOTE: The time shown is only an estimate. This time
is based on normal operating conditions. Several
external factors (load size, room temperature,
incomingwater temperature, etc.) can affect the
actual time.

Each cycle hasdefault settings that are selected
automatically. "Youmay also customize these settings
using the cycle modifier buttons. Pressthe button for
the desired modifier until the indicator light for the
desired setting is lit. The washer automatically adjusts
the water level for the type and size of wash load for
best results and maximum efficiency.
Due to the high-e_ciency nature of this product,
water levels may be much lower than expected. This is
normal and cleaning/rinsing performance will not be
Extra High
Tap Cold
No Spin
NOTE: To protect your garments, not every wash/rlnse
temperature, spin speed, soil level, or option isavail-
able with every cycle. A chime will sound and the LED
will not light if a selection is not allowed.
WASH TEMP selects the wash and rinse temperature
combination for the selected cycle. Pressthe VVASH
TEMP button until the indicator lightfor the desired
setting islit.
° Select the wash temperature suitable for the type
of load you are washing. Follow the garment
fabric care labels for best results.
• Cold rinses use lessenergy. The actual cold rinse
temperature depends on the temperature of the
cold water at the faucet.
Higher spin speeds extract more water from clothes,
reducing drying time and saving energy.
Pressthe SPIN SPEEDbutton until the desired speed
isselected. Some fabrics, such as delicates, require
a slower spinspeed. To protect your clothing, not all
spin speeds are available for all cycles.
Adjusting the soil level setting will modify the
cycle times and/or wash actions. Pressthe SOIL
LEVELbutton until the desired soil level is selected.

Your washing machine features severaladditional cycle
options that customizecyclesto meet your individual needs.
O TurnON the washer and pressthe cycle button to select
the desired cycle. If the cycle selectionis changed after
the options have been selected, all settings will be
changed to the default settingsfor thenew cycle.
O Use the modifier buttons to the for
that cycle.
O Press cycle option option(s) you
cycle adjust settings
would like to add. Thebutton will light when that option
isselected, if the selected option is not allowed for the
selected cycle, the chime will soundtwice to alert you
and the LEDwill not illuminate.
O Pressthe START/PAUSEbutton to start the cycle. After a
brief delay, the lid will lock and the cycle will begin.
• Toprotect your garments, not every option isavailable with
every cycle.
• if the START/PAUSEbutton is not pressedwithin four
minutesto start the cycle, the control will shut off and all
settingswill be lost.
Adding this option reduces the cycle time while
_maintalning wash performance similar to the same
cycle without ACCELA WASH.
m ¸oo
_'_'_, -_IUsethis option for heavily soiled
will begin with warm water to help prevent the setting
of certain types of stains. Then, as the cycle progresses,
hot water will be added to gradually increase the water
temperature to help remove stains that require treatment
at higher temperatures
• Bestresultsare obtained with smaller loads (lessthan 6 Ib).
• If you select Stain Boost,the SaveEnergy+ option isnot
loads that need improved staintreatment.
When Stain Boon is selected, the wash cycle
Thisoption will add an extra rinseto the se-
lected cycle. Use this option to help ensurethe
removal of detergent or bleach residue from
fabrics. Liquid fabric softener, if used, is always
dispensed in the final rinse.
NOTE: You cannot select the EXTRARINSE option with the
RINSE& SPIN cycle.
_e_ Usethis option if you wish to add more water to
[_s_!___olyour wash load. Thisoption is especially useful
for large or bulky loads.
The ADD A GARMENT light will
illuminate during the early stage of the
wash cycle to indicate that it is safe to
pause the cycle to add more items.
Once the ADD A GARMENT light goes out, additional
laundry should not be added to the load. Doing so may
result in unsatisfactory performance because the washer
will not compensate for the additional garments.
O Pressthe START/PAUSEbutton to pause the washer.
O Open the lid after it unlocks.
Add your additional items.
O Close the lid.
O Pressthe START!PAUSEbutton. Thecycle will resume
after the lid locks.
• Chime / Pressrepeatedly to adjust the volume of
_"_ J the chime. The chime will sound at the new
volume with each press of the button. When
no chime is hoard_ the chime isoff. The volume settings
are LOW - HIGH - OFF.
The chime volume can be adjusted at any time as long as
the washer is turned ON.