Operating a SingleSurFaceE/ement
1 To•eft and hold the O pId for the _sired zlement codtion unUl • been iz h©•rd.
2 Touch the element (_ p_l once _0 turn ON the Dower leVel [11 or Q Pad once _r Lo (Fig. 1 ],
3 Each thech of the (:_ or (:_ Pad will de_rHse or lacee•_ _le Dower Irwl _, 0,5_,
4 when O_klng has been completed touch the O Pad once to turn the element OFF
"Note: Simmer 3ower levels between 1J0 •rid 3.0 Vdll ee_aze or In_e•_ b..2 increment1. _JI other
power level _ttmgs may mcr=•lc or aec_zse r/0,E.
t Touek and hold t_ 0 Md f_, the Tri=le
emmenz aOZltlOnUnUl I heed i; ne=m
Z, SeleCt the INNER [R!l, ;i), +_AODLE [Fig, 3)
or ALL 3 elem_eb [R9, 4) to h©at I;ef
preJlJng the _ P•o once. twl_ or cqree
Touch the Trlele e_ement _ F I0 orl_ _o
turn ON the )ow©r Irwl HI or{:_ pad
once for Lo (Fig* S),
Operating the Bridge SurFaceElement
• TOU_k and hold the _ P_ldfor the BrlCge • Whell _ooklr_ hal been _m=lemzl mte_:_
element position until • bee_ Is _elrd. the 0 pzd o_ce t_ turn the element
2 Select the FRONT [Fig. 6), +BRIO6E (R_. 7) or OFR _:_ I _ H'
ALL 3 ©l©mentl (R 9, B] to heat _y prelslnll the
,_-..... I ''I , Igl ..... ' --
_' ................. (El,. "1 l i ...... _: LO
for Lo [fig 4]. _ek taae_ of the (_ or (v_ F]9"6 Rg, 7 R_,8
_td w_ll _l_r_ale or _her_a_ _i lower leVel _r_ _d_
Operoting the WarmerZone
- Te_c_ the O Pad at the W•rmer Zone _ontre =_=ltton a_
Z At the Warmer Zen_ eontrol _lHon teu_Jt (_ on_ to tam ON rite _ewer I_wl for Hi [FIR. 10]
or (_ to turn ON tee Dower _e_l for Le [FI 9,11 ].
3 Each fou_ of the (_) at Q will die,ale ar t,_•le th© _r I_15 I_ _S."
Touch the O Pad o_= to turn the Warmer Zone OFR O
L° _ "TAO1
Flg, I _:oo_ & H_ld Convert
S. E_ch _uch of the (_ orQ _•d will m
G. When _OOkl_g k_ _een _om_leted tou(_ t_e
p,d_ o._ _ _ thedem©.toe_ t_" • ,,-,,
Rg. z R_I, 3 FIg, 4 R_. s
Fig. I t)
• ' _" Setting YourOvenControis F .
1 2
4 5
SI#w V_rm ;'one
Totet th_ CLOCK(for 1:30]!
_t_ng the TIMEF
[example for S minutes}:
_ Setting F_.EXCLEAN : pren_). Press(_.A_r ovendoorlo_k_th ..... i[ISelf-Clesn for 3 hours
w_r the Use and Care Gude before calhng 1 -_OO-4-MY-HOM_" for _ssistanc_
Fig. 11
Sefflng 9AKE (example will =tart
0_en it 350'F]:
_e_ng BROIL[examole will
automi_cal_ 1tart at 550' F):
(example 350"F):
[example 350"F):
To tot WARM & HOLO pre_ _. Press_,
, _nes e Quick Starl Instrucuang are not inlenoeo to reoiace rout Use and Care Guide+ Read the Use and Care Gu'de como_etew
for orooer use of your aOOllance. If you are hay ng a _roblem afte_ n-vie wing inese tins refer to the "_e fore You Call"s_ct on of
Cony Bake Bro Cony
Bake Roas_
Pro, _. Press the humor paes to set the time in the ihsplly [example _)
minutes). Press (_, The timer will beg 1 to count down, When the _t Um_ h_$ run out
the cinch will sound with 3 beep_ every 15 seconds unl _ Is pres_u again.
Prest(_, Pro. (_ O_n control will automatical,)" Cecreale the set oven
t]tmpetature b.# 25'F
7 8

Ustodbelow rarequestionsfrequently Iskd byour customers. Pleasetake a moment to read
this important information to he_pyou operate and car for Your electric range,
[_j _'_ _t]_,_ _',',_
Q. The lef_ r_ar ceoktnn sur_a(_ aet_ warm when uslhn lJl_ {N_n, almnUOh the
£ookl_u i_ not be_n_u_d?
_. WarmaierlsesthraUghtl_ovenventpl_Nidlngairdrculatl_nwhlch
murm_l 5aking results,Toe own vent is k_lted at the botlOm ]cft |r_a _
the _:ontrolpane DONOT bl_k the oven vent. It is rL_omm_nd_d that
y_u do not I_lN_ empty COORWa_or ut_ RIllSon the _OOKIngsu_lce•
Q MY ove_ door ola. has i _tiinbow" afflict or _olot tint an_irance, isthat a d_fect7
A, NO•The _eer ooe¢glass ii coatedwith • heat _arrier _oltJn_ that whenviewed undercertain Ight sourcesor angles
will have • rainbow COlOrappearance, This heat b_rrier _tlng _fl©eb 0_n heat back into the ovento reduceheat
lois through the glass,Thisis _otmll and Isu_d on Self-Cleaning ranges.
IMPORTANT NOTE_0amage to the ¢erlmic gl|ss c0oktop mayo_r if you u_ean
abrasive type Clel nleg pad-DniYu_eolel nlng products that havebeenspe_iflcJil_,t
designedfor _emml_ g_ss CooktopL
9OTE! It I_ hign_ recommended before using tw_ glass Ceoktoo for the first time to
gl_tect it by applying the r_oktop ¢Jeanlng _am and thoroughly buff the surface
_ _ oven smokes _essl_lV while brollinU?
After _ttlng the _.lm _ntrol and pllClng the food in the oven For broiling, oe sure _ ope,
_ Clean
I] j;./ . /_ bt°lring ha! completl_d, N...... luminum foil to co_te r anymlng ..... liner ins_e or
l_e oven door to the broil stop gosiltt_ p. Open the _et_ door u_out 5 to 6 in_Jle| |way the _cn
_ and the d®e will naturally _top Into this poslt_n. _ _t all(.w the _en door to dose until
A It's possible to e_xperlence {ome odors end/or msmall amount o_ smok_
from your new range The o_or will diminish after first using your
oven. Before looking In your oven for the first time, W_ recommend
that you turn the oven ON to 4OO'F for 30 mill utc_ fillnimun_ Thl_ will
IIIow for an Initial burn-in period. You may also u_ntllate the _lt(_hen
y operllng I wJnoow,
_ G. MYri_oemakesholm whenI usetheover. Isthl_ normal•oris_ethino wmno7
Noise A. Chinges in temperatuR sometimes create noises when the oven expind_ and
" L J I _onblcts. T_Is lS normal* _e _on_ol pardi will mk_ cJIcklng sounds when using the
• I L _ ova:n, T_iI iS normal. Th_ biik¢ ind basil ele_:nt rel_ will t_Jr_ ON ante OFF while
O_ MY rvew oven cook_ differently thin my old oven? Is snmethino wrol}a with the jl_'J_tJ_l_SJ_ Use the
_. Your flew _wn has been factont eJlllbrated and tested to ensure an accurate baking
temperature. For the first few UR_ follo_ yo_ recipe times and tem_era_R
reeomri_ndatJOll! elrefully• if" you feel your Oven is too hot or too _m_l from your baking
experlen_, the _en temperature may Deadjusted to your liking¸ *Refer to your appliance
Use and Care Ouide _r complete instruetlor_ on how to adjust the temper|ta_e _on_r o1•
baking, This grovid_ betfzr cooking and browning result; by _ycllng the heating
Be sure to visit our web page at ht_p_/www.sears.com
Readyour Useand CareGuide for completeinstructionsand Information.