Kenmore Liquid propane gas grill Use And Care Manual

Use and Care Manual
Liquid Propane Gas Grill
Assembler/Installerleavetheseinstructions withthe consumer.
Consumer/Userreadall these instructionsand keepthem ina safeplacefor futurereference.
Safety Rules
Use and Care
Frequently Asked Questions
If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flame.
3. Open Lid.
4. if odor continues,
immediately call your gas supplier or your fire
/_ WAIINING: Combustion by-
products produced when using this product contains chemicals known
to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other
reproductive harm.
For your safety:
1. DO NOT Store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this
or any other appliance.
2. An L.P. cylinder not connected for use shall
NOT be stored in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
3. NEVER use Liquid
Propane (LP) Gas in a unit
designed for Natural Gas.
4. NEVER use Natural Gas in
a unit designed for Liquid
Propane (LP) Gas.
Sears,RoebuckandCo.,HoffmanEstates,IL 60179U.S.A.
2003 KenmoreUse & Care-1141224202/09
table ofContents Page
_Varranty ..................... 2
_lasterProtectionAgreement ............. 3
SectionA- SafetyRules ................ 4
SectionB- GeneralInstallation ........... 5
SectionC- OptionalElectrical
Attachments ................ 6
SectionD- LPGasSupplyCylinder
SectionE- Transportingthe Cylinder..... 6-7
SectionF- FillingandPurging
Type1 LP GasCylinders
SectionG- Purging&Evacuation
Type1 CylinderValves ........ 8
SectionH- ForYourAdditional
Safety ................... 8-9
SectionI- ConnectingType1LP
GasCylinders ............... 9
SectionJ- Hoseand Regulator
SectionK- LeakTesting ............... 10
SectionL- FixingaFuel Leak ........ 10-11
SectionM- Start-upCheckList .......... 11
SectionN- LightingInstructions
SectionO- GrillIgniterSystem .......... 12
SectionP- MatchLighting SectionQ- SidebumerLighting
SectionR- Shuttingoffthe Grill .......... 13
SectionS- GeneralUseand Correct
BurnerFlames.............. 14
SectionT- InCaseof GreaseFire
SectionU- CleaningtheVentud ......... 15
SectionV- Cleaningand
SectionW- MovingandStorage ......... 16
SectionX- Troubleshooting............. 17
SectionY- Frequentlyasked
questions.................. 18
'qotePage ......................... 19
ServiceNumbers .............. BackCover
Kenmore Grill Warranty
Full One-Year Warranty on Grill Parts For one year from the date of purchase,
except for the reason of normal paint
finish deterioration, Sears will repair or replace, at our option, any grill part that
is defective in material or workmanship.
Limited Lifetime Warranty on Grill
From one year after the date of
purchase through the lifetime of the grill. except for the reason of paint finish
deterioration. Sears will supply a new grill casting for one that is defective in
material or workmanship. You pay the cost of labor if you wish to have Sears install it.
Limited Four-Year Warranty on Grill Burner
From one year through five years after the date of purchase, Sears will supply
a new burner for one that is defective in material or workmanship. You pay the
cost of labor if you wish to have Sears install it.
Warranty Service
Warranty service is available by contacting Sears at 1-800-4-MY-
This warranty is void if grill is used for commercial or rental purposes,
This warranty applies only when the grill is used in the United States.
This warranty gives you specific legal
rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
11420163 Kenmore U&C (Pg. 2)
In thespacebelowrecordthemodelandserial
numbersandpurchasedateof your barbecuegrill. Youwillfind themodelandserial numberson the
AGAlabellocated on thegrillbase.
Model No
Serial No.
safeplacefor futurereference.
Master Protection Agreements
Congratulations on making a smart purchase. Your new Kenmore® appliance
is designed and manufactured for years of dependable operation. But like all
products, it may require preventive maintenance or repair from time to time.
That's when having a Master Protection Agreement can save you money and
Purchase a Master Protection Agreement now and protect yourself from
unexpected hassle and expense.
The Master Protection Agreement also helps extend the life of your new appliance. Here's what's included in the
Agreement: [] Expert service by our 12,000
professional repair specialists
[] Unlimited service and no charge
for parts and labor on all covered
[] "No-lemon" quarantee -
replacement of your covered product if more than three product
failures occur within twelve months
[] Product replacement if your covered
product can't be fixed
[] Annual Preventive Maintenance
check at your request-no extra charge
[] Fast help by phone - non-technical
and instructional assistance on
products repaired in your home, plus convenient repair scheduling
[] Power surge protection against
electrical damage due to power
[] Rental reimbursement if repair of
your covered product takes longer
than promised.
Once you purchase the Agreement, a simple phone call is all that it takes for
you to schedule service. You can call anytime day or night, or schedule a service appointment online.
Sears has over 12,000 professional repair specialists, who have access to
over 4.5 million quality parts and accessories. That's the kind of
professionalism you can count on to help prolong the life of your new purchase for years to come. Purchase your Master Protection Agreement today!
Some limitations and exclusions apply. For prices and additional information Call
Sears Installation Service For Sears guaranteed professional
installation of home appliances and items like garage door openers and water
heaters, inthe U.S.A. call 1-800-4-MY-
11420163 Kenmore U&C (Pg. 3)
,ASa.o .u.o. I
Z_ =Risk of injury _ =Risk of fire ----
_ =Risk of explosion O=Keep away
I.z I
I NeverstoreaspareLPgassupplycylinder I I underthegrill bodyorinsideghllenclosureorin theI
I vicinityofanyheat producingappliance.(Fig.I) I
For Outdoor UseOnly. Never operategrillin enclosedareas, asthiscouldleadto gas
accumulatingfroma leak, causinganexplosionora
carbonmonoxidebuildupwhich couldresultin injuryordeath. . __ I [
Do Notusein garages, ,_ j _i '____,,_
NotForUseByChildren.(Fig,3) Iftheseinstructionsareignored, ahazardousfire orexplosion
couldresultinphysicalinjury, Z_ , i_ll_;_ _ deathor propertydamage!
DO NOTtouchhotgr,ll #.._, _'_ //_kJ
)artswithbarehands! _t_..
Youreust usepretectivegloves. _ # a_" _
Neverplacemorethan15boundsona sidetableor a sideburner. Do Notleanonshelves.(SeeFig.6)
Neverusecharcoalbriquettesor lighterfluidin a gasgrill.(SeeFig.7) Grillis hotwhenin use;toavoidburns, DONOTtouchanyhotgrill surface.Keepchildrenandpets
awayfrom hotgrill. (SeeFig.8) Never leavethegrill unattendedwhileit is inuse. (SeeFig.9) Itis yourresponsibilityto assemble,install,operateandcare for yourgasgrill properly. Do Notvent propanevaporfromthecylinderbeforetakingit tobe refilled. Do Notusegasgrill indoorsorstore anypropanecylinder(s)indoors,includinginthegarage,
breezeways,shedsorenclosedareas, Undersomecircumstances,propanemaylosethedistinctiveodorthatwasadded. Keepthe service
valveclosedand pluggedorcapped(asrecommendedbythe manufacturer)whenthecylinderis not connectedto theappliance,including"empty" cylinders.Otherstrongodorsmay hideor maskthe
odorofpropane. Colds,allergies,sinuscongestion,andthe use of tobacco,alcoholordrugs may impairyourabilityto detecttheodor of propane.
11420163 Kenmore U&C (Pg. 4)
IB- General Installation I
the absenceof localcodes,with eitherthe
NationalFuelGasCode,ANSIZ223.1(USA), CAN/CGA-B149.1,NaturalGasInstallationCode or CAN/CGA-B149.2,PropaneInstallation Cede(Canada).Tochecklocalcodes,see your
localLP gasdealeror naturalgascompanylisted
in theYellowPagesfor recommendedinstallation
)roceduresand regulations.
Thisapplianceisnotto be installedin oron a recreationalvehicleand/orboat.
Follow these safety rules
before each use:
1.Alwaysmaintaina minimumclearanceof24
inchesor60cmfromallsidesofgrill toany
2. Neverlocategrillunderacombustiblematedal or verflangwhichisconnectedto abuilding.
3. Donotobstructtheflowof combustionand ventilationair.
4. Keeptheventilationopening(s)ofthecylinder enclosurefreeandclearfromdebris.
5. Grillshouldbeleveland notfacingdirectlyinto wind.
_ Clear
24.__ r Fepresentative
' gAAA
z_ WARNING Keepanyelectrical
supplycordawayfrom anyheatedsurface.
Duringassemblyof grillandwhenattachingor replacingtheLPgascylinder,insurethatthe gassupplyhoseisfree ofkinksandis at least 3" awayfromhotsurfacessuchas thegrill casting.
11420163 Kenmore U&C (Pg. 5)
I C- Optional Electrical
When using an electric attachment withgrill, follow specification statements accompanying the accessory.
//_ IMPORTANT: If using an external electrical source, the installed appliance must be electrically grounded according to localcodes or,
in the absence of local codes, with the National
Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 or the Canadian
Electrical Code CSA C22,f,
ElectricalGroundinginstructions:An appliance equippedwith athree-prong(grounding)plug for yourprotectionagainstshockhazardand
mustbepluggeddirectlyintoapropedy groundedthree-prongreceptacle.Donot
removegroundingprongfroma three-prong
extensioncordsmustbe usedwithcare.The markedelectricalratingofthe cordsetor
extensioncordmust beatleastasgreat asthe electricalratingofthe appliance. If the appliance is ofthe groundedtype,theextensioncordshould
be a grounding-type3wire cord.Useoutdoor extensioncordswithasurfacemarkedwith suffix
letters"W-A"andwitha tagstating"Suitablefor
UsewithOutdoorAppliances'. Keepthe
connectionto anextensioncord awayfrom water andoffthe ground. Arrangethecordsothat it will
not drapeover the countertop ortabletopwhere it can bepulledon bychildrenortripped over unintentionally.
Nevercleananyelectricalproductwith wateror cleaningfluids.Storeelectricalproductsindoors andout of reachofchildrenwhennotin use. Do
Notallowcordto touchanyhotsurfaceswhich couldmeltinsulation.
I D-LP Gas Supply Cylinders I
GrillsdesignedtouseLPGas(Propane) cannotbeconvertedtousenaturalgas.
YournewbarbecuegrillisequippedwithaType I 1couplingnut[El. DoNotattemptto connectto I anyotherLPcylindernot equippedwith amatingI
Type1cylindervalveIF]. Thisgrillis not to be I usedwflh anyother cylinderconnectiondevice. I
LiquefiedPetroleumgas,(abbreviatedLPgas or propane)is highlyflammable.Itbecomes liquidwhen storedunderhighpressureinsidea cylinderand vaporizeswhenreleased.LP gasis
heavierthanairandtendstocollectin lowareas.
Itisimportantthat therearenoleaking connectionsonyourgasgrill thatcouldcause a fire or explosion.(SeeK"LeakTesting"Fig's.17 & 18)
PortableLPgasgrillsrequirea fueldelivery systemwhichis comprisedofa valveIA], a hose [B], aPegul,_or[C}withventhole[G],an LPgas supplycylinder[D],a Type1 couplingnut[E)anda Type1cylindervalve[F]. (Fig.11)
Do Notinsertany foreignobjectsinto the
valveoutlet.Youmaydamagethe back-check.
Adamagedback-checkcancausea leak,which
couldresuflin explosion,fire, severepersonal
' Cylindersmustbestoredoutdoorsoutofthe reachofchildrenandmustnot bestoredina
building,garageor anyotherenclosedarea. (Fig.12)
CylinderSpecificationsandPrecautions , Any LPgas supplycylinderusedwiththis grill
mustbeapproximately12inchesdiameterand 18incheshigh. The maximumfuel capacityis
20poundsof propane.
Themaximumweightof aproperlyfilled cylinderwillbeapproximately38 pounds(47.7
The LPcylindermusthaveashut-offvalve terminatinginaType 1LPgascylindervalve
outlet. (Seeitem[F], Fig. 11).
A Type1compatiblecylinderwith aType1 cylindervalve hasaback-checkvalvewhich
doesnotpermitgasflow,untila positiveseal
The LPcylindermusthaveaUL listedoverfill
11420163 Kenmore U&C (Pg. 6)
Thecylindermust bearrangedfor vapor withdrawal. Itmustalso includea collarto
protectthe cylindervalve. A safetyrelief device havingdirect communicationwiththe vapor
spaceof cylindermustbe provided. Thiswill expelhighpressuregasif the cylinderis overfilledor overheated,conditionswhichcould
resultin fireor explosion.
All LPgascylindersusedwiththisappliance shallbeconstructedand markedin accordance
with thespecificationsfor LPgascylindersof the U. S.DepartmentofTransportation(DOT)
or the NationalStandardofCanada,CAN/CSA-
B339,Cylinders,SpheresandTubesfor Transportationof DangerousGoods; and Commission,asapplicable.
, Readlabelsonthe LPGasSupplyCylinder.
Newcylindersarealwaysshippedemptyfor safety.
, AllowonlyqualifiedLP gasdealerstofill or
repairyour LPgas supplycylinder.
Informthe gas dealerif it is anew or used cylinderto befilled.
o Cautionthegas dealernotto overfillcylinder.
Afterfilling, havethe gas dealercheckfor leaks andto seethatthereliefvalveremainsfree to
I Z_ CAIUII"|ON: Havethe gasdealer I
weighcylinderafterfillingtoensurethatthe cylinderis notoverfilled.
I E- Transporting the Cylinder
Transportonlyonecylinderat atime,
Transportcylinderin anuprightandsecure mannerwithcontrolvalveturnedoff andthe
POLplugorcap inplace.
DoNot transportcylinderinpassenger compartment,unlessyouhavean open
. DoNetleavecylinderindirectsunlightor ina
highheatareasuchas a closedcar trunk. Highheat areascouldcausethe reliefvalveto
Usea cylindercaponcylindervalveoutlet
duringtransportandwhenthe cylinderisnot connectedtogrill.
° Keepcylindervalveclosedwhennotin use.
Takethecylinder(s)directlyhomeafterthey havebeenfilled.
Handleafull cylinderwithcare. Gas is under
NEVERstorea spareLPgassupplycylinder underthegrill bodyor insidegrillenclosureor inthevicinityof anyheatproducingappliance.
(Fig. 13)
NEVERfillthecylinderbeyond80%full Failuretofollowthisinformationexactlycould
resultin anexplosionand/orfirecausingdeath or seriousinjury.
11420163 Kenmore U&C (Pg. 7)
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