How to Install and Remove
installing Refrigerator Front-Mounted Handles
If installing handles for the first time, the refrigerator handles
can be located within the refrigeratorsection The handle trim
wilt be located in the literature pack
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Remove _ " hex- nut screws _._
I £rom door face with hex nut t_ _++_
driver, ._ _"
. If reversing door, remove door I "
p_ugsfrom opposite side of door ..._
and insert
I_ i iii HlI.NI.IHHI H HH,.,I !
Ig b'gn handle holes with screw
holes on door face and secure
with 2 door face screws _om
step L
i,,ll i ill i illll, i i i,lull
pack and install over top and
bottom of handle, as _lustrated.
Secure top handle trimwith remaining Iti /
screw removed instep 1
Snap bottom trim over bottom portionof
handle. ......
Installing Freezer Handles
If installinghandles for the first time, the freezer handtes can
be located within the freezer section.
r H i. +u, Hi i _lH HIHUn,UP
InstM] handle by fastening with | i
screws removed _om edge of _ _f
door. __
If reversing freezer door, remove _--_--f
door p]ugs from top edge of door I
and insert into screw holes
InstaUing Your Refrigerator
Removing Refrigerator Front-Mounted Handles
Removing handles may be necessary when transporting unit
through tight spaces, or when reversing the door
illll ii illl i
Pry bottom handle _dm from
_1 handle with screwdriver Hat blade
wrapped in masking tape.
Retain trim for later replacement
Removing Freezer Handles
Removing handtes may be necessary when transporting
unit through tight spaces, or when reversing the door.
Remove handle screws wi'th .....
PhiItips screwdriver.
• Retain screws for later replacement
Installing Refrigerator Side-Mounted Handles
If installing handles for the first time, the refrigerator
handles can be located on the back of the refrigerator
"x,,st_handleby+ste_,,, "_..
withscrews_-S5_o=+) ++1t!1"_
removed_omedgeordoo, _]I!
• If reversing freezer door, remove door "_1
plugs from top edge of door and insert "-....
into screw holes
Installing Freezer Handles
If installing handles for the first time, the freezer handles
can be Iocated on the back of the refrigerator,
,ll, i i IH,NI,,,, , ,, ,.,,,,,,,,,,, I IIH III
( ,',,,ta.h_.dloby+ste,_,with_.__ "l
I screws_-_ro_')removed_'_.. I
i "°me+°fd°°r"
• Torx_ is a registered trademark of Textron Inc
Removing Refrigerator Side-Mounted Handles
Removing handles may be necessary when transporting
unit through tight spaces, orwhen reversing the door.
Remove handle by removing
s+_o_doo,. "--AI 1]!
• Retain screws for Iater replacement,
Removing Freezer Handles
Removing handles may be necessary when transporting
unit through tight spaces
| dzree screws (7"-15 Torx + ) _om
i h.andleo
k Reta!n screws for later replacement: ,