ReadaHof the instructions before using this appJiance° When
using this appJiance, aJways exercise basic safe_
precautiens, incJuding the foHewing:
1. Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this operation
2. Thisappliancemustbe properly installedin accordancewith theinstallation
instructionsbeforeit is used_Seethe installationsectionfor moredetails.
Thisappliancemustbe connectedto a proper electricaloutletwith the correct
Proper grounding must be ensured to reduce the risk of shock and fire. Do not
cut or remove the grounding plug! Ifyou do not have a three-prong electric
receptacle outlet in the wd!, have a certified electrician install the proper outlet.
The waJJreceptacle must be properly grounded.
Never unplugyour applianceby pulling on thepower cord. Always graspthe
plug firmly and puJJstraightout from theoufleL
Immediately replace worn power cords, loose plugs and power outlets.
Toreducetheriskof electricshockor fire, do not useextensioncordsor
adaptersto connecttheunitto an electricalpower source.
Unplug your appliance before cleaning or making any repairs.
\'Ve suggest that a certified technician perform the service if for any reason this
product requires service.
10. if your old appliance is being discarded, we recommend that you remove the
door and leave the shelves in pJace.This wiJJ reduce the possibiJib,"of danger to
11.Thisapplianceshould notbe recessedor built intoan endosedcabinet. It is
designedfor freestandinginstallationonly.
12. Donot operate),'ourappliancein thepresenceof explosivefumes,
13_Do nottamperwith thecontroJs_
14_Do notoperatethisappliance unlessaJJenclosurepanelsare properly in place.
15. Do notoperatethisappliance when partsare missingor broken,
1& Do notusethisappliancefor commerdaJuse_
17.Thisapplianceis designedfor indoor useonly and shouldnot be usedoutdoors,
18.Toreducetherisk of iniury, do not allow childrento play in or on theappliance.
Closesupervisionisnecessarywhentheappliance is usednear children.
19.Theappliancedoor mustbe dosedduring operation. Do notleavethedoor
open whenchildren are near the dispensen