Kenmore Haier HBF05E, BrewMaster HBF05E Installation Instructions Manual

No regrese este proclucto a kl tienckl
Si t_e_÷ ¢_g_ prob_em_ ¢o_ es_e prodgcto, par fervor ¢ont_¢te el "Centro _e Servklo _
Co.sure,dot _e H_er" _ ]=_77=337=3639 (Vat,do solo e_ E°UoA)_
_15_ 60Hz
PA_de i_ Ch_
@ @ 0 0
Hoier A_erico
Hew York, HY ] 0018
HBFO5OE-2 part #RF-9999-]] 7
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What The World Comes Home To =
l lis?eH
Fo i Bi
ReadaHof the instructions before using this appJiance° When
using this appJiance, aJways exercise basic safe_ precautiens, incJuding the foHewing:
1. Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this operation
2. Thisappliancemustbe properly installedin accordancewith theinstallation instructionsbeforeit is used_Seethe installationsectionfor moredetails.
Thisappliancemustbe connectedto a proper electricaloutletwith the correct electricalsupply.
Proper grounding must be ensured to reduce the risk of shock and fire. Do not
cut or remove the grounding plug! Ifyou do not have a three-prong electric receptacle outlet in the wd!, have a certified electrician install the proper outlet.
The waJJreceptacle must be properly grounded.
Never unplugyour applianceby pulling on thepower cord. Always graspthe plug firmly and puJJstraightout from theoufleL
Immediately replace worn power cords, loose plugs and power outlets.
Toreducetheriskof electricshockor fire, do not useextensioncordsor adaptersto connecttheunitto an electricalpower source.
Unplug your appliance before cleaning or making any repairs. \'Ve suggest that a certified technician perform the service if for any reason this
product requires service.
10. if your old appliance is being discarded, we recommend that you remove the
door and leave the shelves in pJace.This wiJJ reduce the possibiJib,"of danger to children.
11.Thisapplianceshould notbe recessedor built intoan endosedcabinet. It is designedfor freestandinginstallationonly.
12. Donot operate),'ourappliancein thepresenceof explosivefumes,
13_Do nottamperwith thecontroJs_ 14_Do notoperatethisappliance unlessaJJenclosurepanelsare properly in place.
15. Do notoperatethisappliance when partsare missingor broken,
1& Do notusethisappliancefor commerdaJuse_
17.Thisapplianceis designedfor indoor useonly and shouldnot be usedoutdoors,
18.Toreducetherisk of iniury, do not allow childrento play in or on theappliance. Closesupervisionisnecessarywhentheappliance is usednear children.
19.Theappliancedoor mustbe dosedduring operation. Do notleavethedoor open whenchildren are near the dispensen
Important Safe,/Precautions of ¢02 (Carbon Dioxide) Gas
1. CO2 gas can be dangerous! CO2 cylinders contain high-pressure compressed gas, which can be hazardous if not handled properly. Make sure
you read and understand all the procedures for the CO2 cylinders before instdJation.
2. Always connect the CO2 cylinder to a regulator! Failure to do so may cause an explosion res@ing in possible death or iniury when the cylinder vdve is
3. Never connect the CO2 cylinder directly to the product container.
4_ Always follow the correct procedures when changing cylinders.
5. Never drop or throw a C02 cylinden
6. Always keep C02 cylinders away from heat. Store extra cylinders in a cod place (preferably 70 ° F). Securely fasten with a chain in an upright position when storing.
7. Always ventilate and leave the area immediately if C02 leakage has occurred!
8. Always check the D.QT. (Department of Transport) test date on the cylinder
neck before installation, if it has been over 5 years, do not use. Return the cylinder to ),'our gas suppJien
9. Never connect a product container unless there are at least two safety devices
in the pressure system; one on the C02 regulator and the other on the product container or in the pressure gas line.
Riskd childentrapment!BnJ0rnthrowingawayy0nrdd appJiancn,
rem0ve the dear se that dliJdrenmay net easily becometrappedinsideo
Thank you for purchasing our Haier
producL Thiseasy-to-use manual will guide you in getting the best use of
your beer dispensen
Remember to record the model and serial numben They are on a label in
back of the uniL
Model number
Serial number
Date of purchase
GeneralSafety 1
CO2(CarbonDioxide/Gas Safety ................................................................ 2.
UNPACKmNG AND ACCESSORmESiNVENTORY ..................................4
PARTS AND FEAYUR_:$............................................................................ 5
PROPI:R LOCATION ................................................................................ 6
Installing the Casters .................................................................................... 7
Installing the Beer Tap .................................................................................. 7'
Installing the GuardraiJ .................................................................................. 8
Installing the C02 ReguJator and C02 CyJinder .............................................. 8
Tapping the Beer Keg (Single-Valve Type Barrel) ............................................ @
Important Safety Message for Draft Beer Dispensing .................................... 10
OPERATING YOUR BI:_:R DmSPI:NSER .................................. 10 o1:2
Dispensing the Beer 11
Understanding Beer Temperature ............................................................. 11
Understanding the Temperature Control Setting ............................................ 11
Automatic Defrosting .................................................................................. 1 1
NormaJ Operating Sounds .......................................................................... 1:2
ENERGY SAVING YJPS .......................................................................... 14
WARRAN'LrY............................................................................................ :2:2
U pocki g oHd A essoFies
1. Remove aJJpacking rnateriaJs_This indudes the foam base and aJJadhesive tape holding the accessories both inside and outside. Slide out and remove the plastic or foam guard used to secure the compressor during shipping.
2. hspect and remove any remaining packaging, tape or printed materials before turning on the beer dispensen
N@te: Allow the beer dispenser to stand in an upright position for 2 hours before
turning on the powen
Check all supplied accessories in the carton to be sure that all pieces are present and in good condition. A checklist of accessories is listed bdow for your reference. Hfyou find any accessories that are not in good condition or are missing, please
contact our customer service department for assistance. Our ToH-J:ree number is J-877-337-3639.
1 Beer Tap HncJuding:
1 Gasket for the Beer Tap
1 VV'asherfor Connection to the Keg Coupler 1 C02 Regulator 1 C02 Cylinder 1 Keg Coupler
1 Cleaning Kit 1 COz Air Line
2 Hose Clamps
1 C02 Cylinder Retainer 1 GuardraiJ
1 Drip Tray
4 Casters
4 Large Phillips-Head Screws 8 Small Phillips-Head Screws
2 Retainer Fixing Screws 2 Wire Shelves
4 Support Pins
_ts _d Features
© ©
1_ Front Casters
2. Interior Keg FJoorSupport 3_ Cabinet
4. CO2 Tank
5. \'Vorktop & Chrome GuardraiJ
7_ Chrome Beer Tap
8. AdjustabJe Thermostat (Located in rean}
9. Drip Tray
10_Keg (Not incJudecLShown for
iJJustrationpurposes onJ,v.}
r@per B@c ti@
Toensure that ),'our beer dispenser works at the maximum efficiency it was designed for, instal[ it in a location where there is proper air circulation, plumbing
and electrical connections.
Choose a location where the beer dispenser wiJJbe away from heat and wiJJnot be exposed to direct sunlight.
®Thisbeer dispenseris designedfor indoor use only and shouldnot be used
" This beer dispenser is a freestanding design and should not be placed in a built-in
or"recessed area.
® The following dimensions are the recommended clearances around the beer
Sides ........................ 3/4" (19mm}
Top.............................. 1" (25ram}
Back............................ 1" (25ram}
Assembly str cti@ s
ReadcarefulJyand understandaJJinstallationinstructionsbeforeinstallingthebeer dispensenHfafter completingtheprocessyou are still unsurewhetherthe beer dispenserhasbeenproperly installed,we recommendthat you contacta qualified
installing the Casters Followthestepsbdow to install thecasters.
1. Emptytheinsideof the cabinetcompletelyand Jaythebeerdispenserdown sideways.\'Ve recommendthatyou placea pieceof
cardboard or cloth underneaththecabinetto
preventdentsor scratchestothe cabineL
2. hsert the casters into the holes on the boffom corners of the cabinet. Tighten
eachcasterbyturning the nutcJockwisewith thewrench provided,
3. Once all four castershavebeentightenedevenly,standthecabinet in an upright position.
installing the Beer Tap Followthestepsbdow to install thebeertap.
1_First,removethecabinetplug locatedon the
worktop_Firmlygrasp thecabinet plug, twist and pull upward_
Note: Store thisplug in a safeplaceas it wiJJ
be requiredwhenconvertingthebeer dispenserinto a refrigeraton
2. Placethegasketover thewing nuton the bottomof the beertap_
3. Passthebeer tubethroughthegasketto the baseof the beertap.
4_Pushboththewing nutand the beerduct
throughthehole in theworktop untilthe beer tap isrestingon topof thecabinet.
Draft Arm Assembly
Small Phillips Head
Guard Rai_
5. Align theholesof thebeer tap with thegasketand pilot holeson the worktop of
6. Secure the beer tap to the cabinet by inserting four large Phillips-Head screws into the holes and tightening,
InstaJJing the GuardraiJ Followthestepsbdow to install theguardraiJon theworktoF
1. PlacetheguardraiJon top of thecabinet.
2. Align aJJholesof theguardrd with thehales of thecabinet.
3. Secure the guardraiJ to the cabinet with eight
smdJ Phillips-Head screws.
Installing the ¢02 Regulator and ¢O2 Cylinder Followthestepsbdow to safelyinstalltheCO2 regulatorand CO2cyJindenYou mustread and understandthefollowing proceduresfor CO2cylindersbefore
installation. Note: YourCO2cylinder isshippedemptytoavoid any possibleaccidentsduring
transportation_When you purchasethefirst kegof beer,haveyour beer distributorfill theCO2cylinder.
1. InstalltheCO2air line hoseto the regulatorby attachingone end of thered air line hoseto the hosebarb connectionon the
CO2reguJatonSecurethe hoseby usingone of thetwo self-lockingblack plasticsnap-on damps. Usepliers to snapthedamp on C°nnec4t°theC°2Cy[inder
tightlyto ensurethatthereare no Jeaks.
2. Attach theCO2regulatorto theCO2 cylinder by screwingtheregulatornutonto
thecylinder valveand tighteningwith an
adjustablewrench. Clamp (
3. Removethenutfrom the retainerbolt. Shut-Off
Usetwo retainerfixing screwsto securethe
retainertothe holeson theback of the 0........ _o_heCO
cyJinder_ AirLin_
4_Slidethecylinder throughtheretainer and
placeit in thecabinet.Thentightenthe retainernut.
CO2 Cylinder
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i!
Tapping the Beer Keg (SingieoVdve Type Barrel)
Yourbeer"dispensercomeswith an American SankeyTapmade by theBanner EquipmentCompany Thisbrand nameisthe mostwiddy usedin the UnitedStates.
Beforepurchasinga keg,checkwith your beerdistributor tomake surethat a SankeyTapcan be used.
Not÷: ForEuropeandraft beer,a EuropeanSankeyis required_Pleasecall the
BannerEquipmentCompanyToll-Freeat (800) 621-4625 for more information.
Followthestepsbelowto tap the kegof been
1_Make suretheblack pull handleof the kegcoupler
isin theclosed(up}position beforeinstallingit on thebeer keg. Insertthe kegcouplerinto thelocking neckof thebeer kegand turnclock,vise1/4-turn to
lockit into position.(seefig. 1)
2. Attach theopenend of thered air line hoseto the hosebarb connectionon thekegcouplen Next, securethehoseby usingtheremainingself-locking
plasticsnap-on damp to ensurethat thereare no leaks.Securetheclamp tightlywith pliers. (seefig. 2)
3_It isvery important that theblack rubberwasher be
installedinsidethewing nutbefore connectingthe beerline tothe kegcouplen Removetheblack
rubber protectivecap locatedon top of the keg
couplerand screwthe wing nutwith the rubber washeronto thekegcouplenHand-tightenfirmly.
(seefig. 3)
4_Make surethebeer tower faucetis in theclosed
(faucethandlepointing straightback! positionbefore
connectingthe kegcouplerand thebeer keg. To
fig. 1 K_goouu_
fig. 2
fig. 4
securethetank connection,puJJthekegcoupler ,4"/ _ handleoutand pushdown until it locksinto position. Listenfor the "dick" of the pull handlewhen it shifts intothefind downward position.(seefig. 4}
5. Carefully tilt the beer keg and rest the edge on the stainless steel keg floor support on the bottom of the interior cabineL Slide the beer keg in slowly,
ensuring that it is properly Iocated.(see fig. 5}
Lift Upright
important ,Safety Message f@r' Dr'aft Beer' Dispensing HfCO2is usedfor draft beer dispensing,the systemmustbe adequatdy protected
againstexcessivepressurebuild-up. Thiscanbe accomplishedby installingat least two safetydeviceswithadequate reliefcapacity in thesystem.
Safetydevicesshouldbe installedin thefollowing places: A. On or immediatelydownstreamfrom theCO2regulaton
B_On thetapping deviceitself. C_h-line in the pressuresystem.
Note: LocationsA and Bnotedaboveare preferable, Hfpossible,theyshouldbe
built into theCO2regulatorand tapping devicesothat the>"cannotbe
removedor by-passed.
@per@tiHg Your Beer ©is_e_ser
Dispensing Beer Followthestepsbelowto dispensebeer.
1.Make surethatthebeer dispenserisplugged in properly toa 120V,60Hz, 15Amp groundedAC outlet.
2. Placethedrip tray under thebeer faucet.
3. Open thebeer faucetby pulling the tap towardsyou quicklyand completelyto dispensethebeen
Note: If for any reasonthebeer doesnot comeout of thetap, referto the
trouble-shootingguide on page 17.
4. Increasethepressureif thebeer runstoo slowly. At thecorrectpressureand
temperature,a 10oz. glassshouldbe filled in 4 seconds_
5. Holdtheglasssteadyat a 45° angJe_When it is 2/3 fuji, startstraighteningthe glass.Properfoam should bea tight creamyhead and the collar on an average glassshouldbe 3/4" to 1" high.
Note: It isnormal to seecondensationforming on the outer surfaceof thefaucet.It
is causedby thedifferencein temperaturebetweenthecold beer and the inner surfacesof thefaucetwhen beer isflowing throughtheline.
Understanding Beer Temperature
®The recommended temperature for serving chiJJedbeer is between 34 ° and 38°E
Tomaintain this temperature in average room conditions of 70°F, set the thermostat to _NormaJ/_
Note: During the summertime when temperatures are warmeB we recommend
that you adiust the controJ to a coder setting accordingJy.
Sdect and maintain the proper temperature inside the refrigerator cabinet. This
is necessary for maintaining the flavor freshness of been ®The best temperature for storing a keg is between 38 ° and 40°F. ®Excessivdy coJdor warm temperatures inside the refrigerator cabinet may cause
a Jossof flavon
Note: Sour beer is produced as a resuJtof secondary fermentation above 45°F.
Ur_derstanding the Temperature ¢ontroJ Setting
The temperature contrd isJocated at therear of the uniton the
bottomJeff-handcornen After turning theuniton, you mustwait 24 hoursfor theunit to cod properJy.Youmay thenadiust the
temperaturesettingbased on your needsand preferences.
Automatic Defrosting it is notneccessaryto defrostthe beerdispenserirefrigeraton icethat has deposited
on theevaporator isautomaticaJJydefrostedwhenthe compressorcyclesoff. The defrostedwater coJJectsin thewater coJJectiontray at the rear of theunitand
Understanding Nor_aJ Operating Sounds
®BubbJingor gurgJingsoundsand dight vibrations are theresuJtof therefrigerant
circuJatingthroughthecoding coiJs. SizzJingor popping soundsoccurduring theautomaticdefrostcycJe.
®Dripping soundsoccuras icemeJtsfrom theevaporator and flowsinto thewater
coJJectiontray during theautomaticdefrostcycJe_ Crackingor popping soundsare causedby theexpanding and/or contractingof
thecoding coiJsduring theautomaticdefrost cycJe.
Beer Serving Guide
Beer Serving Tips
ThefoJJowingtipswiJJheJpyou servethe perfectbeen Toservebeerfrom the tap theway it Jeffthevat, checkfor the fdJowing:
CJeanJiness ®Temperature
®Pressure ®UseC02 wheneverpossibJe
What a ] i2oJ(eg af Beer Gives Yau
Thisbeer dispensercanhdd up to a 1i2-keg_ Foryour convenience,thefoJJowing tabJeshowshow many servingsa 1/2-keg provides.
No_ of GJasses GJassSize
192 12 oz.
236 10 oz. 264 9 oz.
290 8 oz. 353 7 oz.
1/2-Keg = 15-1/2 GdJons
= 1984 FJuidOunces
1/2-Keg = 6-3/4 Cases of 12 ounce BoffJes
417 6 oz_
Tips for ¢Jeaning Beer GJc_sses Forthefreshestflavor,it isimportantto servebeer in cleanglasses.Foryour
convenience,thefollowing tips explain how toproperly dean beer glassesbefore servingbeer:
Do notwash beerglassestogetherwith glassesthat havecontained milk or any otherfatty"substance.
®An excessiveamountof germicide build-up will alsoleavea fatty film on the
glasses,which may causefiat beer Washglasses thoroughlywith a good detergent to remove alJ fatty substances
(i.e. lipstick}.
® Do not use soap. 'p Do not wipe glasses dry. Allow glasses to air-dry by placing them on a wire rack
or on corrugated metal.
® Rinse in fresh cold water justbefore serving beer It is best to serve beer in a wet
Two Simple Tests Jot Clean Bee_ @lasses
1_Wash theglassesusingyour usualmethod.Immersetheglassheel firstin clean
waten Emptytheglass_If water dropletscling to the glassor if spotsappearon
theglasswhile pouring, theglasshas not beencleanedproperly.A dean glass shouldair-dry crystalclean
2. Again, wash theglassusingyour usual method.Pourout thewater and then shakesalt intothewet glass.If salt doesnot cling to the entireinsidewall of the
glassand dear unsaltedspotsremain,theglassis notclean.
CoHvertiHg the Beer DispeHser to
AHoRefriger tor ARp ic tioH
Foryour convenience,thisbeer dispensercanbe convertedto an all-refrigerator application.Simply follow the stepsbelowfor a quick and easyconversion.
Note: When usingasa refrigerator,we do notrecommendtheuseof casters,as
storeditemsmay faJJoff the shriveswhenthe unit is in motion.
Close the main valve on the CO2 cylinden Close the connection between the beer keg and the keg coupler by pulling and
lifting the handle of the keg coupler into an upright position. Disconnect both the beer line and the CO2 air line from the keg couplen Remove the beer keg from the cabinet.
5. Disconnect the air line fl_m the C02 cylinden
6. Remove the C02 cylinder from the cabinet. 7_ Remove the beer tower from the cabinet by grasping the center of the towen
Turncounterclockwise and Jifl_
8. PuI[ the beer line through the top of the cabinet, 9_ hstaJJthe cabinet plug on the worktop_
10_ Lay the unit down sideways_ We recommend that you place a piece of
cardboard or cloth underneath the cabinet to avoid dents or scratches to the cabinet. Remove the casters and install leveling legs.
11_ hstaJJthe two wire shelves.
A, hsert one end of each support pin into the holes on the right side of the
B. Place one end of the wire shelf into the left side of the cabinet and rest the
other end onto the exposed support pins on the right side.
C. Repeat the same with the second shelf.
12. The conversion process is now complete. Store all the removed accessories in a safe place for future use_
13. Adiust the temperature of the unit as required for food storage.
EHergy S viHg Tips
Follow the energy-saving tips bdow for optimum efficiency.
Limit the opening and dosing of the door on hot and humid days. When you open the door, dose it quickly to prevent hot air from entering_
® Check regularly for proper air circulation around the unit to make sure that the
unit receives sufficient airflow.
Keepthedoor gasketdean andpliable to ensurea proper seakIf thedoor gasket is notsealedproperly, hotair may easilyenterinto theunit, making theinterior
temperaturewarmen The compressormustthenrun continuouslyto keeptheunit cool, thusmaking the energyconsumptionvery high and inefficient.
Note_ Replacea damaged door gasketto restoreenergyefficiency.
®DO NOT storehot food in the unit. Letthe food cool Beforerefrigerating it.
In,taJJing the CJeaning Kit
Readand understandthefollowing instructionsbeforeinstallingthe cleaningkit.
1. Mix one gallon of warm water and one ounce (one tablespoon) of cleaner in a bucket.
Note: Do not use lye, soap or hot water.
2. Remove the cleaner cap. Fill the jar and replace the cap. '_ Leave the remaining solution in the bucket.
3. Turnoff either the air cock on the regulator or the valve on the C02 tank_
4. Disconnect the tap from the barrel Then disconnect the beer line from the tap by turning the nut counter-clockwise. Place the tap and the end of the hose in
the bucket.
5. Remove the faucet from the tower with the wrench and attach the fitting on the cleaning bottle in its place.
Note: Make sure there is a washer in the back of the fitting_
6. Hold the cleaning iar upside down until the solution runs through to the bucket as shown in the above figure.
7. FiJJthe iar with cod clean water and repeat the process until the water runs
8. Rinse the tap in the bucket with cool water.
9. Remove the fitting from the tower and replace the fauceL Make sure the washer is in the back of the fauceL
10. Re-attachthebeer hose tothetap and attachthetap to the barrel
Not÷: Beerlinesshouldbe flushedafter eachkeg is emptid.
€meaning and Generam Maintenance
General hterior and Exterior"Cabinet Cleaning
1_Prepare a cleaning soJutionof 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda mixed with warm
w'ater_Use a sponge or soft cloth dampened with the cieaning solution to wipe dow'n the interior and exterior surfaces of the cabineL
2. Rinse with clean, w'arm water and dry w'ith a soft cloth. Note: Do not use harsh chemicals, abrasives, ammonia, chlorine bJeach,
concentrated detergents, solvents or metaJ scouring pads. Some of these products may dissolve, damage and/or discolor the cabinet finish.
Door Gasket CJeaning
1. Clean the door gasket with a damp cloth ever,,!three months. The gasket must be kept dean and pliaNe to ensure a proper seal.
2. Petroleum ielly applied lightl',/to the hinge side of the gaskets wiJl keep the gasket pliable and ensure a good seal.
Cleaning Behind the Beer Dispenser
1_\'Ve recommend that you clean the rear of the refrigerator at Jeasttwice a yean
Note: Some operating environments may require more frequent cJeaning.
2. Use a vacuum or a brush to cJean the coils.
Tr@ub es @@ti g Guide
When dispensing beer into the glass, if you find that the beer is Cloudy, Flat,
Bubbly, Off-Taste, Sour, Wild or Tail-End Beer, refer to some of the following hints.
Beer Condition: Cloudy Beer Thebeer in the glassappearshazy,and not clear.
Cause I
Excessivelylow temperaturesmay causehazy or cloudy beer,particularlywhenthe beer liesin thecold coil for long periodsof time.
®Make certain thatthe linesare thoroughlycleanedand thenraisethetemperature
Cause 2 Thebeer faucetwas only openedpartially.
®Open thefaucet quicklyand completely ®Replaceany worn washersand partsin thefaucetwhen necessaryto dJow the
faucetto be fully opened.
Beer Condition: Flat Beer Beerlacksits usualbrewery-freshflavor.Thefoamy head disappearsquickly.
Co,use 1 The glass is greasy.
®Do not wash beer glasses together with glasses that have contained milk or any
other fatty substance. An excessive amount of germicide build-up may also leave
a fatty film, which will cause beer to go flak ®It is preferable to steam and sterilize glasses where health Jawspermik ,, Wash glasses thoroughly with a good detergent to remove oJJfatty substances
(ke. iipstick}_ ®Do not use soap.
®Do not wipe the glasses dr),'. Permit glasses to air-dry by placing them on a wire
rack or on corrugated metal. ®Rinse the glasses in fresh cold water just before serving been It is best to serve
beer in a wet glass.
Cause 2 improperdrawing of beer into theglass.
®Open the faucetquicklyand completely_
Properfoam shouldbe a tight creamyhead. Thecollar on theaverageglass shouldbe 3/4" to 1" high. Beerdrawn without head hasthe appearanceof
being flat.
Not enough pressure.
increase the pressure if beer runs too slowly. The correct flow shodd fiJJa 10oz. glass in 4 seconds_(Approx. 8oz_ of liquid)
® Check the pressure source to determine whether there are obstructions in the air
line. Replace a sluggish air source or the CO2 regulator and gauge_
® The tank pressure must always be higher than the pressure used on the keg_
Always apply pressure to the keg before drawing been
Beer Condition: Loose Foam Large soap-like bubbles that settle quickly.
Cause 1 This is generally the same as the Flat Beer condition. See the Hat Beer
causes above.
Beer Condition: Off°Taste Beer Often bitter and bitey; sometimes completely Jacking in flavor and zest. May
also have an oily or foul odor, which carries an unpleasant taste_
Cause 1 Improper cleaning of the tap.
Brush and clean the tap properly, it should be scoured using a detergent, then rinsed cJean.
Cause 2 Contaminated air Jine_
Air line should be examined, if contaminated, it shodd be replaced.
C_USe 3
Improper type of air line
®A rubber hose wiJJabsorb and retain odors. Try using a plastic or copper hose
General Recommendationsfor Off-TasteBeer: Beerlinesshouldbe flushedafter each kegisempfied_Maintain fresh,clean,
sanitaryconditionsaround the dispenser.Smoke,cookingodorsand disinfectants
wiJJharm the tasteand flavor of beer.Theseconditions,as described,may come
from an air sourceor fl_m actual contactwith the glasswhendrawing beer.
Beer Condition: Sonr Beer Beertastesand smellsextremelyyeastyor moldy.
Canse 'l
Impropertransportingof beer kegs_Beerthat isdelivered on an open truck during high summertemperaturesmay start a secondaryfermentationprocess.
* if possible,havebeer kegsdeliveredin a dosed, refrigerated truck_if an open
truckisused,cover beer kegswith tarpaulinfor protectionagainst summerheat
and warm air:
Beer Condition: WiJd Beer Beer that is either aJJfoam, or too much foam and not enough liquid.
Cause 1 Improper drawing of beerinto the glass,
Open the faucet quickly and completely. ®Proper foam should be a tight, creamy head, and the collar on the average glass
should be 3/4 _ to 1_ high.
Canse 2 Yeastgrowth or otherobstructionsin thefaucet,which isusuallycausedby
a non-refrigeratedfaucet. Worn faucetparts and worn faucetwashers.
®Checkfor, and replaceany kinked,dented,or twistedlines from thebarrd to the
Examinefor frayed coupling washersbehindthefaucetthat may causean
The beer was stored in an area that is not cdd enough and has thus become warm_
® Keep kegs of beer refrigerated at aJJtimes at 40°F aJJyear round[
Cause 4 Toomuchair pressure.
Correction ®First,checkthesourceof pressureto makesureit isworking Thenadiustthe
pressureto suita properlybaJancedsystem_Thecorrect beer flow shouJdfiJJa
10oz. gJassin 4 secondsat the proper temperature.
Cause 5 Excessiveamountsof CO2.
Adiustthe CO2pressureto aslow as possibJe_However, theapplied pressure mustremain sJightJyhigher thanthe internalpressureof thebeen No morethan
18 Jbs.shouJdbe appJied_Theproper amountshouJdbe between 10-12psiiJbs.
®Thecolderthebeer and thehigher theappJiedCO2pressure,themore rapid the
absorptionof CO2by the beenThisover-carbonatesthe beer,causingWiJdBeen
®CheckthepressurereguJatorsperiodicdJyto ensurethat theoperatingpressures
Cous÷ 6
Not enoughpressureor no pressureat all. Correction
Checkfor defectiveair vents.
®Alwaysturn thepressureon beforedrawing been
Couse 7 An oJd keg of beer which has not been stored in cod temperatures has been used_
If beer has been aJJowedto stand in warm temperatures beyond 45°F for an excessive Jengthof time, it may begin a secondary fermentation. Store beer at
40% aJJ),'ear round.
+ 50 hidden pages