Kenmore 141.157991, Elite 141.157981, Elite 141.157991 Owner's Manual

Modal 141.157_1
Mode!_4t.t 57991
Read _is Owner's Manua_ _efu_ly and be sure your gas 8€_tis pro_riy assembled, insta_ed and maintained. Failuretofol|owtheselnsb_u_t_s _d
result _ sedous bodily lnjuP_,andtor ptope_/dam- age. This gas gt_llisintended for outdoo# use _y
and is not intend_ to be _nsta_edin _
recreational vehicles or boats.
Note to Installer:
Leave this Owner's Manua_withthe consumer
at'tot deiive_ and/or _stallet_n,
NO_ to Consumer: Leave _is; G_ne#s ;M_ua_ !na _nven_nL pl_
for future reference°
Manufacturer Customer Service He|piths:
t! the shippingbox is missi_ par_ or you have questions about _ssambty, ca_!_e Set. vice Help_ine 8am - 11prn CST, Monday _rou_
Sea_, R_b_ck and Co,,
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U,S,_
Warran_ 2
Safe_ instructions ........................................ 2:
P_-Assembly instructions..............................4
Parts Diag_m and Pad Lists ..................5
Assembly InsL_c-tiens ....................................... 8,
L_hting _nstru_ions ..................................... 14
Cooking fnstru_ions .................................._6
Cle_ning and Maintenance |n_ructions ....16
Frequently Asked Questions ..................... 19
C_king Guide and Recipes ................. 20
From the date of pure,base for _ designated tm_e pef_s _isted below, _ars will replace the folilowing gdl_parts free o{ charge if they are defec_JveIn maiedat
Lifetime of Gd_i::Exterior Stainie_ Steel Parts; _uminum Castings (e×cept: for paint loss)
3 Ye_: Flame Tamers, Cooking Gdds, IBumers
5 Y_ts: _i OIhe_ Gdll Rafts (except _nitor baf_ery) Th_s _rranty d_s not co_:
Labor costs for _pairs * Grill _it is used fo_ commerdat or renta_
Replacement parts ate available by _n_cting the nearest Seals Se_e C_ter,
_!s warran_ applies _ly when _e gril_ _ used
the Un_ States.
Th_s warranty gi_s you spe¢_c legaJ r_hts, and you m_y a_so have other dghts _t_ 'va_ from
state te state, Sears, Roebuck _nd Co,, _spt, 81TWA,
Hoffman Estates, II _79
F_tlure to compty with these ins_ctions could teSu|| In a fl_e or exp!osion which could cause _!ous bodily inju_ _eath, or property damage_
Gdfl Snst_IIaIIonCodes
This gas gritl must be inslatled in accordance w{_ aU ]ocatcodes. _n areas wJthou_ toc_J_ _es, follow the infest edi[_ _ the, National
Fue! ,Gas Code ANS_ Z_3._. In Canada, ins_k ta_ion must conf0_m _ standard C_tCGA
lb!49.1 or t-bt49.2 (l_stailation C_e for Gas
8ur!!rigAppliances a_ Eq_ipment)_nd all_I
Proper Placement and Clean, rice of Grit| Never use _r gas gnfl _na garage, porch, shed,
breezeway or any o_ enclosed _rea. Your gas grill is to _ used outd_rs only, at least 24" from th_ back and s_e of any combust_Je surface. Yo_r gas grJi_should not be pl_d under any surface tha_ _l_ bum. Do no_ obstruct _e flow of venti_a_
t_'_ a_" a_und _e gas griJJ housing_
This ou_doo_gas gaff ts not in_nded to be ins_#ed In or on Iveh_les andtor boats,
Correct LPG Cylinder Use LPG gnH medeis ate designed for use w_th
s_nd_rd 20 lb. Liquid Propane Gas (LPG)
cylinder, no_ inc_u_ with gd_| box. Never connect you_ gas grill _o an LPG cylinder that
exceeds this capacity. A ¢ylin_e_ of app_oxi- matety 12 inches _n d_me_r by 18-I_ inches
high sh_ld be _e maximum s_e LPG _inder
used. We recommend buying an "OPD" gas cyflnder _ich offers an Oveditl Preve#tion Device. This safe_ry feature preven_ the cylinder
From being ove_liied _ich can cause ma]f_Jnc- tio_ of the LPG cylinder, r_u_tor and_o_ gdll.
The LPG cytinde_ must be consisted 8t_ marked in ac__,o_'da_ with s_ific4ations of the U_S, Dept, of T_spottatJon (DOT), in Canada.
the LPG cylinder must meet the Canadian Tr'anspe_i_ and Communicat_s (CTC) specificat_ns. A_so be sure:
1. The LPG _indet has a shutoff v_ve, terrn_-
hating in _ LPG s_pp_y cy{inder vane ouZeL that is comp_t_ble with _ Type _ cytinder connection _ev_. The LPG cyfinder must
a_se have a sefe_y relief device thal has a di_r_ communir.,a_on wfd_ the vapor sp_e of the _yfircJer.
2. The cyflnder supply system must be atrang_ for v_por withdr_L
3 The LPG cylinder used must have a coffer
to prote¢_ the c_4inder valve
2 ? Scans, Ree_k and Co.
Failure to compty w_th these ins|fuSions coutd result in a fire or explasion which couJd cause serous bodt|y inju_, death, or property damage_
Never connect an unregulated LPG cy_inder to your gas grl& The gas regulator assembly supplied wiLh your gas griit is adjusted to have an outlet _essure of 11" water Column (W.C,) for connect_n to an LPG cylinder.
OnWyuse the regulator and hOSe assembly supp_d w_th your Ms _U. Replacement regulators and ;hose assemblies must De those specff_ed by SeaTs.
Have your LPG cylinder fi_ted by a reptJta_le pr_ane _s dealer and viisuat_yinspected
and re4:lUalifled at each fitting.
- Never BI the gas Gyl_de_ beyond 80% fu_l H_e _r prc_pane gas dealer check the re{ease valve after e_y [H_ing to _sure that _t remains f_ee of del'ects.
A_ays keep LPG cylinders in an upright
Do not store (or use) gaso|ine or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vic_ity of this gas gdH. An LPG cytinder |ha! is not _nected for use must not be stored in the vicinity of this or any other gas grill.
Do not subject the LPG ¢ytinder to e×cess_ve
heat. Never store an LPG cylinder indoors, ff you s_ore your gas gri!! _ the gaffe or _
Jnd_ _tion, always disconnecl _e LPG c_inder first and st_e it safely ou_s_e_
LPG cylinders must be store_ogtdoors _ a
wag-venerated area Disconnected LPG cylin- ders mue! not be stored in a building, gara_ o_ any o_ enctesed area.
- When _r gas gtrrrrrd_is not m use the gas must be turned _ at _he LPG cylinder. The regu_ato_ and hose assembly m_st be inspe_ before e_h use of _ grill if there isexca_ive abrasion or wear or if the
hose is cut. itmust be replacedpriorto the grillbeing _sed again.
,, Keep the gas regulator hose away from
hot gri_ surfaces and dr_pping grease. Avo_ unn_ssary _sfing of hose. Visually
_nsp_t ho_e prior _ each use for cuts
cracks,excessive wear or other dama_.
If the hose appears damaged do no_ use gas grille CaU Sears at %8004-MY-HOME
for a ,.Sears authorized replacement hose.
o Never light _ur gas gr#_ with the liid dosed
or before check_ng to insure the burner tubes are fulJy seated over _e gas valw odfices,
Never aJlow children I_ operate your grill,Do not a4_owchildren_o p_ay near you; grill
Shut _ gas supply _ the grit.
* ExtJng#_h any open Qame , O_ gdliiid.
- If _or c_|inues,, immed_ately¢_l!your gas company or _ca_ fire department.
Fail,re to compiy wi_ _esa ins|ruPiahs cog_d result tn a fi_'e er exp_on wh_h co_JId _use _ti_s bod_y injury, dea#_ prope_ dama_°
A strong gas smelt, _ the hmsing sound of
gas Indicates a serious problem _t,h _ur gas g#_| _ the LPG c_4it-_. Failure to
immediately follow _e st_s _ted below could resuit _ a f_e or explosi_ _ich
could cause serious bedily injury, _th, or p_ damage,
Gat a_y fr_ the LPG c'_inder,
De not try _ fix the prob_m you_elf.
Call your f_e department. (Do not call near the _G _inder because _r _lephone is an eieckic_ device.)
CAUTION: _iders a_ sinai| ins_ occa- sionally spin webs ar make nests in the
gr_l_burner tubes du_ng transit and ware-
housing_ These webs _n _ad to a gas flow ebseuci'_n .which _ufd result in a fire _n
and around the _mer iubes. This type of _re is kno'_ as a "FLASH-BACK" and can
causa ser_s damage to your grill and
create an unsafe apera_ng cond_Lk)n for _e
_though an Obs_ed burner tube is _t
e on_y cau_ of "FLASH_BACK", _t _ 'the mos_ common _use.
To reduce the chance of "FLASH-BAOK"_ you must clean the burnertu_ before assembling _ur grill, and at laast _ca a month in |ate summer _ eady fail _en spi#ers are most active° _so perform th_s _umer tuba c|_ning pt_3c_ure _ y",_Jrgrit! h_ not _n us_ f_r _ extended period
Be_ a stiff _, _a _ hanger _ weft) into a _a_! h_ _ shown _ow Run _e h_ _ro_h ]he _r _ and _n_e the _ seve_ times to _ve any
U_ a _le brush with a _xi_e ha_ Run
_ _h the bu_ tu_ a_ _side
the bume_ _| _mes, _mo_ _y de_s°
3_ _ an _i_ h_ to _ air thigh each
_m_ _ t_. The fo_ air shou_ pass _.s Or __ thigh the _Jcc_r' ar_ o_ the
The _on _f the _r tu_ _h mspe_
to t_ _ is vi_,a!for safe
Che_ to e_re the o_;_ce is i_e _
Fig. 2o tf _e _J_ tu_ does _ _ over
the v_lve _, i_t_ the _m_ may
ca_ a_r fire.
F_u_ i
_,_ BOX
" Size 2 _#iips r
Size 4 _lip_
ble _r_c,h
Lor_lnose _iers
- _r,-e_, _!1_6" size _ g_ves
,, Eye
_gA _0A
U4"xtF2" Ph|||ips Head _ 4 _/4" Nut 4
3t8" V'vllee! 2
2 2
I/4_1_ Phillips Head S_ 3 1/4" Nut 3
1/4"x_ _i_li_ Head Screw 7 1/4" Nut 7
I/4"x1_" _iHips Head _ 4 _/4" NUt 4
_m Phillips Head Screw 1/4"x5/8" Pa _H
Ph_ll_ He_ Scow
_|_lips Head Screw _|ips Head
4 !
! 4 4
4 8
2 2
_/4"_4" Phillips H_ Screw
U4" Lock Nut:
U4"x3/4" Pl_ii_lps _
Door Ha_le Magnetic Door StQp
Flare Tamer Spacer
114"×_t2" _WJPS Head Screw
irL_all B_om Sl'_|f To Ca_ Legs
l_l _ee_s To Ca_ Legs
|n_l! Rea_ Panel To Cart
install Top Pa_ a_ B_ S_lf To Ca_
l_stall _ Stops To Cart
V_stall C_r Hand_ To Doors |_1! _fs To: Cart Inst_ll Tank H_ To Cart install Tank _ To C_
Re_ Df_,ve_ From Bal_ Pulled Out T_ Fa,- Ins_a|l G_t| Head To Car_
ln_l| S_e Shelves To C_rt _Ins_ll T@ F_ _rs Inst_ll To Cart
tn_l To Electric Ig_ltor Instal| To _ Side Par_ ir_all Rear _ _ To Cact
/_-_| Size a_ _J_J_tity _ Each _rdw_e P_e:
ii ........................................
FJ_r_ Tame_
& 4_ & &
t0. 1t.
18: 19,
32. 33
Lk_- Po_e_ln, G_ph_e
Ud $_ Paae_. Left Ud St_ _nel - PJgh_
Name P_te
L_ H_e
Warm_ _k
Cast iron _ki_ G_ Stainless Stee_ Flame Tamer
Gas Col_r Box w/Electrode _nition W_reSe_t
£a_ _ Left
Pane{ -Raa_ Par_{ _ Frortt
Gas Valve _sembty
- LP°G_
E_c_¢ IgOr
_a_oi Panel _n_Ol Knob
Top Pa_e! of Cab_r_el
Storage B_n
G_e_seD_lnl_ Tray
L_r HeatShield insert_ate- Stain|ass Steel
Rear Paae_ BoOm S_;f o{ Cabot Side Shaft Side Burr Body
Cart Legs - Castor
_rt Legs - Whoa{ :S_e
Drawer-Stai_le_ Stoat
C_ F_
_52A _45B
P04_ P0237C
P15098 PI648B
P0728E _727E
P3297C P3_7E
P5027C P_ P294_B p_ P_ P_l_ P2706D
F_z945A PI_31B P4325A PI040A P_31_ P__37B F%573A
_32A _78A
P51('_A P4324A
1 1
1 ! 1
I 1 1
I 1 1
! 1
1 I
41. 42, Wheel Hub * G_e
43. Wheel - _ph_ 44 Tank Hook (LP_G. enlyj
45. T_nk }J_r (LP.G _y) _, AA Battery
47. Magnetic Door S_p _. Door Handle
49, FJame Ta_ Spacer
50 Pot S_Jppen
51, Si_e 8u_r _y - It_r_r
Regu_tor ann H_se (L,P,G. o#fy) P3632E
B_met Aseemb4ty Co_ae_n Tube
Ad_r Gas Valve Assembty
- L.P.G.
57. _r _uffet (N.G. en_/)
58. Rear W_t_ Shield
59. G_,easeShield
_o NaG. 12" Nose K_
51. Gas VaLveBracks_
62. Rair_Shield
P5113C _106D
P4029A P40_B
_gA P0239A
PBOC6A P2323B _A
P3298A P3_
P_5A P4775C
H_r_v_ P_k (conten_ page 5) PS_D
if _ur S_ipping bOX _s mtssLq£ pa_s e_ _J
M_y _ro_ F'dd_y, 1;-888-:3_7-7642
2 2
1 1 1
6 1 !
FO__e rep_|r o_ _sp|acemeat parts you need:
C_i 6 am - _1 pm CST, 7 days a week
To make sure y_ _ _e co_ repiacem_t
pa_s for _ur Kenmore _lite gas gri& plaase
refer to _ part numbers on th_ pa_, fa_!e_ng in_ormaao_ is r_ui_; to assu_e y_ receive the _ec_ p_:
1. G_ M_e[ Num_f {S_ AGA _ab_ on gri|0
2, Part N_m_r
3. Pa_ Description 4, Quartet of pad_ ne_ed
]m_rtant: Keep _[s C_g_e¢s t_u_ for convener
refej'T_ and for _A _epiac,ement. _m_rtant: U_ on_y Sears auth_z_ p_. The
use _ any pa_ _at is not Sears authodzed _n
dangerous and _li also vo_ _r pfed_t
_fore your g_ griH_ _ _ _r'_s |i_ to che_ t_ a|! _ ha_ _n ir_l_led. |n_ grill a_ _ pad5 f_ da_ as you proe,e_ _ r_ ,a_e or _e y_r gd_l _f _ a_Ps dam_ed, ff you have q_stions during the pro_ _l! 1-888-3_7o7642, _m- 1;1pro CST, _ay _ro_ F_.
this gas g¢_L h_ _ anothe_ person _ hand,in9 some of _e la_er, heart _, _ialLy t_e gril! h_
Fi_m I
OP.A_ ¸ _L
R_ve al| cart parts° P_re, a_ gril! he_ f_m carton. A_ble the gas gril| on a work _e to avc_ gri!| Refer _ parts _st a_ hardwa_ pa¢_ |Itust_ions to help yoJJ a_m_ _Jr grill
1_ P_on _om _e|_ (P_s L;_ _|em _i)
with _ front v_ic_l le_e faci_ d_.
_f_ _ Cart: Legs to tt'_ _om
Shelf, make _Pe _ 2 t'_s for _ Step are |oca_ed in tJ_ ftor_. _ Fig= i. Ins_l!
Cart Si_e on the left _ of the Bo_gm Shelf0 _ the D_ Channel faci_ in, 'The _ deg_ I_ _ sides and
_ of Bottom S_f m_ _ _ _e _e
of the Side _an_ for _r fit. _
u_ng _ of the 1/4"x_t2" _i_lips head Screws a_ n_s o Install t_ C_r_ ee! Side 'to the ot_ s_ of _ttom Sh_ usi_ the same-stz_ _.,r_ and m._.
2 In_! Rea_ P_ _ol_ _ S_ Pa_ by _ing
3 of the 1/4,x1_" Philti_ he_ _ and m,fs.
3o_ _ 2 Cabots i_ Castor Se_ (see
_m _ C_rt _). T_ the
th_ castor stem _ _nd, _ until
stops, _hten _ _ OpeP_ed ii/t_" _h,
Figure 3
Si_, _ inse_r_;_ _ _1 _ through
v_eel _nd _ _e on _ cad _ _
in Fig. _ Put _ng _er and 3_ _"nut o_|o bolt _ t_e_ secu_ _ng a s_e 4 I_lips
t. _ _ or _1 will e_
turn freely. Snap V_1_ H_ o_o _ _o
5,. P_ion T_ Pa,_ (Parts _ _tem #24}
_s front vertj_l _ facing up Before |n_al|_ t_ Top PaF_L make _m _ 2 holes for the Door Stop are located in the R_ Top Panel into position, _ the degree I_p on _ ouL_ of Rear Panel, See Fig; 3. _ firmly u_ 7 of the 114"_1/_ Phl|l_ head _ a_'M n_ provided.
_nstatl Ooor Stops to Bottom _eif _ Top Pan_ _ Cabir_° See Fig. 4. _re _rm_
_ng 4 of the 1/4"x!_ _iHi_ head
and n_o
2o R_e _ white mm _ the
_eel _. _ a _ }-Iand_ to
F_ DOor _ using 2 _ _ M4x6mm
¢arefu_ _ _ _ch _
3, _n l_!l_ _e Fro_ _, make _
of me ca_ L_o
4. in_l eitP_ F_ _ _ inse_i_ t/4"x5/8" patt-th_aded bolt through the lower door bolt _e of t_ Fr"_ _ a_ _nto I[L_ tapped ho|e of the _-n Sh_f. T_ht_ _._u_o Next, a_n the upper door bolt h_ of F_ Door _.h t_ tapped hole _n the Top _i
Cabin. !nse_ 1]4"x_ pa_t-th_ bol_
and tigL_en _re_y_
5. R_at t:h_ _ Io inslail tt_ _r F_ _.
:H_ To _vel The GflU _ _ _ Dr._omLineJJp
_#_ the top_e of the _n_ d_ dO_-_ |_ne_p you_gnll _d r_5 to _ leveled. Th_ step
isoft_ requir_ after mitia! _:_ and when yeur g_il h_ _ _ve_ to a new _ion. To level _|1 ca_ u_ _ t 1/_6" _pen-end
_nch to ur_screwthe C_o_s
ft_ _r Ca_or _a*,s (see bottom _ _e C_rt
L_} _it the _n_ doors _r_ al_. S_e F_.
F|_u_ 4
FWd_ S
_bIi_ The Tank Hook and _[i _r
Attach the LPG Tank Hook and Tank He_f to the whee_ of g_|! as _ _n Fig. 6. A_n t_e tapped holes of _ pa_ _h the
_es on Side Panel. Se_JJre fi_iy
l!4_xlt2 " Phi|lips he_d _ _¢_dad°
2_ install 2 of the I/4"x_F£ Ph_l_ps head
to the rear of t_ _r T_ack
SI_ the _ i_o the D_ Tracks until
it _o_. See Fig, 7.
_n_all 2 of the 1/4"xl/2 _ Phill_ _ to tl_ _ o| the D_ Track This im_ ta_ step p_v_ the d_ frown I_i_
pulled e_de Lhe t_cks _ Fig, ?_
inst.|ling The _ll Head
Now tt'_atyou've assembi_ the gd|| _n y_u
ca_ |nstal{ the p_-_assembl_,t G_II Head See fig. 8, To red_ the wet0ht of the G_I!
Head, we sugg_ you Open the GdH Lid a_
re_e t_ pac_,d Even the com_s removed, t'_ step requ_ 2
_e to lin and _ion |_ GdU _ onto
grill _rL Be sum to al_ _e 2 ho_es
I_eneath the I_ang _ on each _ of
Gdli Head _ the 2 holes on e_
of ca_. R_ise Gr_l_L_ _ _se_ 4 of the _!4"x3_" PI_iUipshead scn_s _ _k nuts and _ghten securely.
2 F_ the _ s_e of g_! he_, i_ the
G_ _ng Tr_ See Fig. 8.
3_ Cen|e_ _ G_a_e Re_pta_e _der Gma_
Ora_nir_ T_. _e FIg. _,
4_ Insbll Rear _ Sh_id _ween _
S_e Pane_ _ _r_g 2 of the 1/4"×_" Philli_ he_ _ Fcovid_. _e dra_
+ 23 hidden pages