Electric Range
Slide-in models
U' _&C_e G; e
.... /
Estufa el_ctrica
Modelos deslizables
Models, Modelos 790,4635_
= Color number, nOmero de color
318200835 (0402} £ev B Sears Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 US.A www.sears.com

Table of Contents
$1id_in Range Warranty ................................................. 2
Product Re¢on_ ................................................................ 2
IMPORTANT SAFRTY INSTRUCTIONS .............................. 3J5
P_ote_tion Agreement_ ................................................... 6
Range Features ................................................................ 7
Control Pad Functions ..................................................... 8
Temperature Conversion ................................................. 8
Setting the Clock ............................................................. 9
Selecting Surface Cooking Utensils ............................... 10
Specialty Pans & Trivets .................................................. 10
Surface Cooking ........................................................ 1142
Oven Vent{s} and Racks .................................................. 12
Changing Oven Light ..................................................... 12
Setting Oven Controls ............................................... 1347
lose orChange[empeaL!_ero Nom_iBak_g . 13
Hmed Bake Fe_tuT_ ................ 14
O_en Bakit_gInformal ots ...................... 15
Air Ci_cuat oH in t_e Oven ..................... 15
Broil .......................................... 16
BToilr_gIrfiormat ons ................................ 17
Oven Cleaning ........................................................... 1_1g
General Cleaning ....................................................... 20_24
Re_iibral;ing You r Oven lemper_ture .......................... 24
Before you call .......................................................... ;2_1-26
Espa_ol ........................................................................... 27
Sea_ $ervi_e .................................................... BackCove_
Slide-In Range Warranty
If, _¢hin one yr.'at ibm thr__te o i_'_tallat o_J _m2 p_T fi_; o iu_lJon p]o_;_fly duc to a defe_:t n mate kd of wo kman_h p Sea_ w!l
'f'o_. celalri£ glss _}moothiop s _eve[_d by af" add _iof'al )nd th[ou!]h 5th ycz_ [mied warr4nly This watr_nl¥ prouddr.'s[ef _epi_cr.'lrel,
_r _ny d_fecli_4e5urfage i_e_ti_lg ele_er_, d_ierior_ted _ubberized silicate _eal, or¸_las_ smoothtop ih_t c_£ks due to thermal br_ak_.
D_a_e o_ b_k_ due io Cusiomer abu_ i_ _i co_t.<t_db_ _hi_ _r_r_ly.
If _hr.'p_duc_ s subjr_ded tc other tkau srivate _r:siden al usr:, he abort.' wat_an_7 is _ffecti£e fo_ ony BOdp;.
T_is warranty gvtJs you specif _:legal ri!]h s,and yol_ l_ay z4sohz_vr;_ter rigi_ls which yaw fore state _o _;_ e.
Sears Ror_buck and Co, Dr_pt Ol 7,4,.-"._!_mz_n E_;al_r;. IL 60179
Product Record
]!! _}lls_pace _eJow, tea:BiB _e ddte o p_rchase, mooel a_d sel ,al nL!mbet o! your proouct. You wlh t_d die mode, drld sea}
numbe_ ptirlied o_ _l!_ derlti i_at orl p]_te, t_e iden f c_tio!l '_[_ie _ 1o¢_3!eoorl t e le_t _,_e o !he drlge _rlo _re v_b!e weT_
tile oven door is ope_ ol oil he Iil_loe o he drawer _ ollt) e side ol _e faq'e.
Mode No. 790_ ............................................................... Date of P rchase .......................................
Sed_l No. .............................................................. S_-_vetese nstruct on; ad you sales receipt [or relevance

Read all instructions before using this appliance.
Save these instructions for future reference.
T_is _F_IItL;_] COn _3i_ S !Y!a!_yi!TIpOItaPt_l_e[y rres_g_s Alway3 re_d aY_dobey al s_i_Lyr'i_ss_ige_
the s_i_etysymbo _ c_ls youl _ltter tion _os_i_eF_, mess_gesdidit hfform you of haz_rd_ ha cartkli or hil you or oDes_ or
Ind ca es aY_mm _e_!ly h_zardous si ua ion wiq _h, f z_voidedm_y _esul n den h o_s_rious h_ju_y
AI salely messages wIi ide_sti[ythe i!azaro, [eli you Dow Io reduce De chance o iqjury, ad tell you wiat ca Dapperl i!_the
i ylfL;(tioris_r_ ot foiJowed
• All ranges can tip.
• injury to persons could result.
• Install anti-tip device packed with range.
", See Installation Instructions,
To reduce the risk of tipping, the range must be secured by properly installed anti-tip
bracket(s) provided with the range. To check if the bracket(s) is installed properly,
remove the lower panel or storage drawer and verify that the anti-tip bracket(s) is engaged. Refer
to the Installation Instructions for proper anti-tip bracket(s) installation,
Remove all tape end packaging before using the
range= De,boy _e cz_rto_aY_dpaso bags ater u spz_ck-
ir_gthe _nge. Never _Hiowch IdreH [o play wig_ pack_g_
Proper Installation-Be sure your appliance isproperly
installed and grounded by a qualified technician in
a_ordance with the National Electrical Code ANSI/
NFPA No. 70 latest edition, and local cede _equir_
ments. In_Hl only per iHstalalo_ nsbuct or_sprovided rt
Ask yot_r defiler to e_:otr[qef_d a qua1 fled :ec _nic a_q_nd _m
authorize_ _ears _er_i_e Cerl_[ Know i_ow _:odis_.o_!rlect
the power _._othe t_lrlg_ at li_e _i!_L!it b!_a_ or _u_ bf._xi!'!
User servi_;ing--Do not repair or replace any part of
the appliance unless specifielly recommended in
the manuals. AI ogler _ vic ng si_ouJdbe doHe o_fly by
aq aiied:_cmicaY, fhsmay educe erisko_pe,_
Never modify or alter the _onstru_ion of a range by
removing leveling legs, panels, wire covers, antFtip
brackets/screv_, or any other part of the product.
Stepping, leaning or sitting on the door
or drawer of this range can result in serious injuries
and also cause damage to the range, Do Yo zHlow
chldeq_odimbo #_ayaouY, dthe aY_ge Ihewei£3h o z_
Idlld oft art OpeT_door m_Jy¢?;u_ die r,JY'geIo ti_, re_L!Jti_gP
_rious P_r_s o_ ohe} lljur _ A ope_ _ ewes, when Do!, mey
_Do not use the oven or warmer drawer
(if equipped) for storage.
Do not store itams of interest to children
in the r,abinets above a range. Ch Idren cimb ng on te
_nge _ re_ch i_ms couldbe seriously ir_u_d
_ Never use your appliance for warming
up or heating up the room,
Storage in or on applian_e_Flammable materials
should not be stored in an oven, near surface units
or in the drawer (if equipped), I_i_ i eludes p<_e,_
platte arid cot i_m_, _uc ascookbooks, pa_ cw_re
_rtd _o_el_, aswel a_II_r'm'_bie liquids Do not s_oe
_×plosives, su_:/_as aeroso czms,oH o ne_t the ap;.d_nce.
Fl_rqm_bie m_te a s may explode _mdr_suI iY_iie or

Do not leave children alone-_Children should not be
lef_ alone or unattended in the area where appliance
is in USe= |hey SgOL!d never be allowed :o si o ;tared
equipped)= Bfp_su r_ce _nd ove_ heatillg e emen!s
may be
nea_sur[a_zeun_s m_y become hot enough [o cau_
buns Duri_g ar,d airier u_e,do not _ouch, o_ I_ clothing
o oter fammable tRy}leta stouch lese are_}_unLI they
have ad sufficien_ time _ocool Arqong _ese _r_as a_'e
the cook:op, su laces [aci_g _e cooktop, the oven yen
open ng; and surfaces nea _he;e oper_ng;, oven doo
aid w r,dow.
Wear proper apparel--Loose-fitting or hanging
garments should never be worn while using the
appliance. Do rl_t I_ clot _ing o oti_e, !amrq_be
m_e as _J_ {a_ hot su_t_ces.
Do mot use water or flour on grease fires--Smother
the fire with a pan lid, or use baking soda, a dry
chemiral or foam_type extinguisher.
When heating fat or grease, watch it closely. Fat or
g_a_ mayca!_h i:ke ff allowed to become loo hot
Use only dry potholdem-_Moist or damp potholders
on hot surfac_ may result i_ bums from steam. DO
riot letpoholdeslouc_hot _ea _geeme_s Oorl_t
u_ a !owel or oi+e bu!ky dot ir_ste_d_ a po holde.
Know which knob _ontrols each surface heating unit.
Use proper pan size. ]_is appfi_}nCef; eq _upedwith one
o mo_ surface ni_; oi d l'l:ere/_ sizes Select uke_sils
h_v ng i:la_bo _oms large et_ough _o covel the sut face _/dI.
Pe _e _f unde sized ute_sils wl expose a po on _l the
_url:aceheating ut_i[ _od rec',co_ _ac__}nd may result t_
ig_i_o/_ ol c o i@;g Proper_elatiortshp of u_e/_il !o i_e
Utensil handles should be turned inward and not
extend over adjacent surface units, to reduce the risk
of burns, gni ion ol il_mmabie maledals, _rld sp I_ge due
to ur ir_te_tionalco_tac wii_ the !e_si
Never leave surface burners unattended at high heat
setting_Bo overs cause smoki/qg _{ridg,easy accumul_-
tio_s _at may ignite, o__ pa_ _at has boled dry may
Protective liners Oo _ot t!;e altlmirit!tl" foil 1o {il'leravefl
bottom o eny other p_r'. _f the appNance. Only use
alul_lin rq foil _}s_orqmended for bak t_gif used _}sa
cover placed on qe rood. Any ose use_f p _tecUve lieu
o a umiY,urq foil may resulJ in _ _k o[ eecc shock o
fh_ or _hod c rcuit.
Glazed €ooking utensils Only cetf_ir_ lypes or glass,
gl_s_ce_m c<_:eamk:, ear_heriwa_e, of ogle[ glazed
u_ensis are suitable For_ange_opserdce vvi nout breaking
due :one sudden change itstempe_atur_ Check the
m_nul_ctu_e_LsecommeridaLo_ _for cook[op use
Do not heat unopened food _ontainers-4tuildup of
pressure may _use _onteiner to burst and n_sult in
Remove the oven door from any unused range if it
is i;o be stored or disr._ded.
IMPORTANT--Do not attempt te operate the oven
during a power failun_. If the power fails, always turn
the oven off. Ii:the oven i_rl_t tuf r!ed of[ _nd the power
_e_umes,the oven m_ begi_ _oope_te again (Food I_lt
Ele_:troniccontrollers can be damaged by
cold temperatures. When you use your appliance for
the first time, or if it has not been used for a long
period of time, make sure that it has been exposed to a
temperature above O_CJ32_'Ffor at least 3 hours before
con_e_ting it to the power supply.
Do not use decorative surface element ¢ovett_ I[aT_
eleme_t is _cciderl_l]y tu r!!ed oft, the decorative _over will
become hot arid po_slb}y melt BUrl:!_ wlli occu f the qral
cove's ale :o ched Damage mey _Hsobe done to he
Do not clean or operate a broken _ooktop_l cc_!op
should beak, de_ni_sgsol _tiot s arid spi lovers may
penetrate the broke_ cookiop _rid crea_ea risk o[ eiectdc
_ho¢k COH_aCt_ qualifed _echrqdan immed a:ely
Ctean _ooktop glass with cautionql a we[ _po_ge o
cloth i_u_ed _ wipe spills o_ _ i_o_cookirig are_, be
c_re_ul_ avoid a _am burlq Some cleansersCaT_produce
Avoid scratching the _ooktep glass with sharp

Use _r_ when opening oven d_r or warmer drawer
(if equipped_St_Nb _othe sibe ol he _rl_e w_e_
oper_i_g the door o a _o oven Let _o _k oTS_am
e_cape before you _emoveor epace fc_d _ te oveil/
Keep oven vent duct_ unobstructed. ]he ove_qve_ is
located at the _e_r of Y_e cookiop or_the ri!_ _t side
tbt_ching t_e st_ fa_:e_ i__ [_i_ a_a when the over_ i_
ope a_ir_g may cause _eve_e bums. Aso_ do _o p!ace
pa_tc o _ea!-_si lye i!ems o_ or nea he oven ve_t
Placement of ovenlwarmet drawer (if equipped)
Racks. Awavs pace oven rack; i!l desi,ed locationwhle
ove_Vwam_erbrawer (i!:equipped) is cc_l I rack mu_t be
r'ioved whle f._veltisi!ot se e× l_me C_U Oil. Li_e
p_tholder_ ard g_;p the ack wi_ bob _a_ds 1o _po_i-
tioIt. DO!lot et potho def_ILO_tacthe hot _e_ti _g
e emems ir t_e ovenh_rmer d,owe_ (if equipped)
t_er'love _lll t!teT_ilsio_" tile rack b_o_ _'ov it!_.
Clean the range regularly to keep allpa_s free of
gnease that could catch fire.Exh_ust_arlventato!
boobs and g_ea;e fiiter_ shouid be kept dean Do r_ot
deposi!!_in the far_coud _tch fir_ Wi_er_you ae !_mir,g
_ood ur_der_e hood, _m ti_efan oH. t_eier!o ti_e hood
Kitchen €leane_ and ae_osols_Alway_ foiow the
_Y_a_u_ctur'e__e_o_imende_ di_ctio_s _"_oru_e Be
In the self-_leaning cycle, only €lan the I;_€_ Ii_t_
in this Use and Care Guide, _i_._I_e_elf-c earl n!_ le
oven, eTYiovethe bolet p_ll _llb _y !eilsil_ o! i:OOIJS
om the oven.
DO not use OVen cleane_No Co!Ylmeri_i_ll oven
Cl_e_ or¸_._ve_!iner p_ctive co_tiT_ _t _r_y kiT_bshou!b
Do not use the broiler pan without its insert, t_e
broile_ par_a_d _sironer_low d_ppip OI_It_I._bran _rlb be
kept aw_y f_m the high heat _f the b_ile_:
Do not _over the broiler insert with aluminum bil,
Do not teuch a hot light bulb with a damp cloth.
Don!_ _o coud cause he bulb to beak O ;compeer the
appii_nce o_¸lure _ff the power _ the appii_:e b_fo_
Do not clean door gasket H_edc_p_gasket s e_sen ai
_r _ good _al. C_ shouid be lake_ _ot _ rub, damage
Remove oven racks. Oven _ackscoio_ wil c_Hge i!:l_i_t
The health of some bi_Js is extn_mely
sensitive to the fumes given off during the self_
¢teaning _¢te of any range. Move birds to another
well ventilated room.
t_e Ca ilb n a SJe D _k ng Wk_te_a_d Ioxic E_fo_eme_t Act require_ the Govemo of CaiiForni_ to pub ish a i;t of
subt_¢es k_owll _ live _ le LOc_use caducei¸,bit li_ d_ect_ ot ¸other _pt_d_ctive h_lrm, _ild !eqLikes b_irle_e_ to w_Tn
cu_to_le_ oi: pote_ti_l e_po_e _ such Sub_t_3_ce_

In the U.S.A.
Master Protection Agreements
t.o tg_atu _t o_s o_ _T_ki_g_ sq"_ t puf_Lh_se.YOUT_le_
K_IITT!OT_®pf_dL!c isdesig_ed _nd _r_iriuI_{_tclredi:o_yeaYsoI
de_endable oi3eratio_ But likeal pT_ducLs,t m_y _e_ i>e
whe_l h_v n!__ _,4a_te'Pate_ on A!_ree_eat _La _ve you
Pufcha_e a Mest_sPfo_ec_io_ =4_t,_ftlent _ow z#'_d pfatect
yourself Oom unexpe_t.._t ha&sleand expense
t_e Mas_r P_testion Ag_eemen al_; helps exte_d the ir_ oi:
yoL;r n@_p_odust He_'s what's iT_ciudedin ti_eAgf_eT_e_t:
Expe_t se_i_e by our 12,000 pro_sio_ai _epair
Unlimited service and no _harge fo_ part_and iabo_on
_, =No4emon<' guaranSee - replacemen _
o Iyou__J_veredproduc_ i _3r o moo proOuc_ i:aIL_res
i_ Produr.t replaceraent I your caroled produst can_ be
Ann_aJ Prevent;ire Maintenan_;e Check at yo/.ir r_que_l
i_ _as_;help by phone _ phone _u#_Do t lore z_Sea _
tech_ici_l on oroducts requiring in-home _pair ¸,plL_s
Power surge p_otertion agakist e eccal d_ma!2e d e
Rental reimbu_emen_;if repair o you__LovereOproducl
In Canada
Maintenance Agreements
YOUrpu;_hose has added value because you con depend
on Saare HomeOentrePfat se_ice. With over 2400
Service Technicians and more than a million parts and
accessories, we have the tools, parts, knowledge and
skills to ensure our pledge: We Service What We SaIL
Your Kanmore_pr_uat is designed, manufaatu red
and tested to provide years of dependable operation. But
like all products, it may require service from time to time.
The Sears Maintenance Agreement offers you an
outstanding se_ice program, affordably priced,
The Sears Maintenance Agreement:
IS your way to buy tomorrow's se;_ice at today's pdca
• Elimin_es tepei_ bills _sulting f ram normal wear and
• Prevides phone suppo_I f_m a _ao_ technician on
p_uc_ requi_ing in-home repair
• Even ifyou don't need _paire, p_vides an annual
Preventive Mai_enonce Ohack, at your request,
ensu re that you_ p_uct is in proper running condition,
Some limitations apply. For mars it_formation about
Sears Canada Maintenance Agreements,
cell 1-8_J_361-6665
Once yoL_purchase [:e Agreement, a simp}e phone _ZHisall
!ha_.t _akesfor you _oschedule _'ce. You cancali anytime
d_y or nght, o_ _:hedule a _' ce appoir_trneat online
Se_rshas_ve_ 12,000 p_o!essio_af repar spec afi_!s, who have
a_Les_te over 45 _liliio_ qu_li_ p_rte _T_d_cces_fies. ti_at's
the kitedof p_essionalism you c_ couat on _ help proiong
the life o_your new push,so for¸ye._lrs _ocable. I_u_h_._ _r
Some limitations and e×t;lasions apply.
For pri_s and additional information call
Sea_sIm;ta[lation So,vice
Fo_¸Se_r__e_sion_l iT_staliatior_o_home
ap_ii_nce_, g_r_ge doo_¸openers, wa_r he_r_,
a_d ather maio_¸i_ome i_m_ in the USA call

Range features
Your Electric
At a glance
Oven Lig_h
. Oven Vent
(styles and color
vary by model)
Note: The features of
your range will vary
a_ording to model.
Drawer w_h
Sla nless Steel
wit model)
6 _'Sir_gle
Hot SuPi_ce Cera_Fic (._ass

Control Pad Features
NO_; t_e _pr_ear_¢_ oi Your ove]_co _trol r'lav di_:le _ligh )v _ror_l_e o__eii ustra ed beow FIo_evef_ _ll iu]_c otis ate _he
saTr_eAlso, push _uos or pads may be sh_ped dixie en lyth_n tho_ _ppe_ _I ir_ hs Use and _LL_re_uicle.
READTHE INSTBUC+IIONS CAREFULLY BEFOREUSING THE OVEN. FO!s_'_tisfa_;tof7use o your oven, be_:omefai'_lIi_lrwi!h
_hev_rious i:u/qc_ioriso +F_heoven a_ desa-ibed belo_.
LIGHT_ Ihe;e
ight _oshow
z which _e_ltL;fei_
/ i!_USe.
PAD Used
• Oven
• Prehwt
• DoorLocked
The oven (;an be programmed to: BAKE normally, TIME BAKE, BROIL, SELF-CLEAN
Note ] eo_,en L CtO _1 O wo K ! theatre _ oayco.k s (,,_e.
For a silent control panel:
,+ > _ .... , > , , , _ ,
_'d,_eT_C_!¢'X_SlFI_I_1t lIC Oil. _1[,leep w!l De head e_lc_![rile _1p_o _ pushed. It Des eo. t e I.o tro_ I._lribe pro_ra!l_rleO tot
sileY_toper_tio_ F sh_ndi,oldSTOPTIMEy._ad_)Ai:terTseco_ds, t e_zo_tro_llbee;_orl_:e, lhs_llblockthecon[ols
i:ro_l-s_undir_9 v_,4_ena pad is pushed. To _e u_ he sound [._sh arid hold STOPTIME pad _ agai or / seedbedsu ii 'f
t;_eepix heald
Temperature Conversion
t_e e e_tron Cove_ Cor_tr#._lis _e_t#._oper,3 e i_ _ F_hre_he t) _en sh PF_ed_#._m_hefai:t#._ry,lhe o_,eriCall be pro_.]w_m/r_ed
i:_ a_y _e_ pe atu e f o_ 1ZOF _o550_F(65_C _o2_Z_(_;_
To _;han!le the ternperotun_ to _C (_;elliu!i) or from _Cto _F({,ont ml should not be in a Bake or Clean mode):
1. t_ushBROIL _._d_ "- - ' appe_lr; i!'! he display.
2. l_ush_lnd hold_e UP ARROW A p_d ur_til"HI'apF_earsn _hedisp!ay
_. t_ush_d hod BROIL p_d _ un _For % _ppe_s i'q he disp ay
,1. t_ushUP _ o_ DOWN ARROW v pad to ci_ar,ge °F_oC o _(. to F
S. f_ushairyt rlI_tio!'!p_d _0!_tr n _0!!orm_'l[oF_eali!!g !T!ode

Setting the
To Se_he Clock
_o Se_Lhe Minu_ ]imer
NOTE: )heoven L!_cton
wili Y_t wok i!:De imeof
Note: li_e oven functior wli ot wok !: the [pie o d_y clock is Y_o;set.
To Set the Clock
When he _aHges Pu£1!_ed_, o whe_ the powe_ supply to the _pp iace has bee_ iH!errup!ed, !he disp!ay wl il_
1. Pust_CLOCK SET pad _'_.
2. With P 5 secor_ds,pusi_a/_dhod the UP _ or DOWN ARROW pad v Ur til the i:ort_c! ;ime of day appears ill the
Note: Ihe cock cannot be cha_ged duiirl 9 a_y timed bake or se[l:-cean cycle
• Oven
• P_hMt
• DoorLocked
To Set the Minute Timer
1. PustlTIMER SET/OFF pad C_
2. Push the UP ARROW pad A to ncre_e the tree i_ one miu!e i_c emenLs Pusi_and i_old _heUP ARROW pad A 1o
ncrease De time iH10 miHu_e iHcremeHts,ti_e fime_ can be _ for _ny _mourR of time frorq 1 miHu_eto ' 'l hou_ ad
Note: I] you push tile DOWN ARROW pad V ii_st, tile time_ wili adva ce to 11 houls and 59 mir_utes
ltTedspay_ )wsthe[ e Cou oow r T rutesu II ) e T rL[e el!a s ]_eo_p[ayw cou7 o_ r _eco ds
Whe_ lhe _et time has run out_ the time_¸will beep 3 ¸times¸ It wiil corTtinue to beep 3 _ime_eve_ 50 seco__dsurTtil the
TIMER SETtOFF pad (_l is
Note: [he mlnL_[e timeF doe_ no slaK[ or stop cooki_g. I[ se_ves as a_ ex!r_ [me_ iY__e ki!(:hen that wlli beep when the _e
time i_as _ur_out Ti_e mi_u _ timeF c_ be u_d a[o_e or du_ir_g aT_y_ the _the_ ¸over i:u_ctio_ When ti_e TT_i_'_U_ timer ¸i_ i_
use with ally other mode, [e m u!e timer wili be show ir_the d spl_{y 1o view olhe_ functior s, push te func on pad i:oK
!hat mode
To Change the Minute Timer while it is in use:
_iile tt_eti T_eri_ac_i e _nd _hows i_the display, push _nd hold t e UP A or DOWN ARROW pa_ v _o increase or
decrez_sethe ¸time¸
To Cancel the Minute Timer before the set time has _un out :
Pstl TIMER S ET/OFF pa_ _J

Selecting Surface Cooking Utensils
__I i i• Cu_cd an_l _¢_pod p_n DotoIr_.
i i_ _aI'o_oh_rgsunitbymolt_tkoI'_.5
i i • Fla¢ bottom ,_rd s_aight sdc_ i i cm (1"_
I i • _ohlfi_h-g Ids i i ----
i i• wei#htoihanded_snot£1£psn Pan i i
Paf_sshould have flat bo£to[rs [h_{ m;_ke I
good conl_(! w_h tr_e r.'r%lresuqace ee I be p_t.'pared and hr.' sze of £he surfa_:e [ [ • _ez_w t_andle iilB pz_r
met Che!;k iol fla hessby !O[# irt!]! a _Uiel i
z_oo% be bo toir Tl_e_t.'should be r!o i i • Made of mate k_ U_Z_¢onduq_shea_ i i
' _ i• Easylo_:ear. i i_ Par ssirallr.'rorlarqr_rU_z_r elr_mr_n£
Note: Alw_y_useau_eRsil_oriB nir.'rded i i J :
pu_po_. FOIIO_7manut_du e!% ]n_ruc [ * Specal'.y pan_ su_;hz_sIob_le_ p_s, griddles
toi%. b_me'*",, L !r*r._:_lL** ,_el8•, _ ['Ot,, i _,j,.,-,_ t_,, b_ I and p_essu[e ¢_kels ruby be u';ed bu_ irus_
L!_ed rl _i18 Ove_l or OR _ile £,_k[op [ £o If Of It [o ,.he 8bo_e _ecoir mt_nded cook --
.... i i • P n sizeslr_[_.il [ilt.' _moun[ o_ io_ [o i i
tl_fland !uei: I i well i i
i iswr_'l b_da_,ced, i i
_lemer [ i i
J '_ve.lt_e(_ui_eirenb;
Specialty Pans & Trivets
Weks wit_ lie- booms sui!able for
DO NOT use b¢_o
eien-en[s (it the cook_op s no!
equipped with bridge eleme_ _ _ he_r_
one large pa_ such _ a _oa_e_ or¸
griddle, o_ _liow cooking u_nsiis _o
boil d_y. The b_ surface _f the
cau_ d scolor ng o_ crazir_g of !he
Wire _tft,ef:_: Do no[ u_ wire _dve_.
C_pkwaf£ bottoms mus_ be in di_ec;
DO NOT use a wok if it is equipped
wit_ a metal ring, Because this ring
traps heat, the surface element and
cooktap _u_ace _ould be damaged.
Fo_ gia_s smoethtap models, only
fiat bottomed woks (without
support rings) may be used.

Surface Cooking
Setting Surface Controls
' Place he p_ OT_[_e su F_ceeler'len
2 Push rt _rtd trn he SLI_D_cee eTTeT_t¢orttIoi kr,ob !o de_i_ed_ttill!?.
3 [t_e _ufface _9nal light,wl glow whe_ one o mor_ eleme_ t_a_eturned on. Aiways
tutti he e emeHt _!Tb_lofe er'iovirtg the pan
Note: The size and type of utensil used, and the amount and t_'pe of food being
_ooked will influen_;e the setting needed for best _;ooking results,
Setting Type of CooMng
HI (_IAX_ StaT mo_ foods, bring waie to a boil, pa boil_ 9
(IviED) Man!an a _ow bol, hckeu 5auiLesand gravies, s_a/'r!
2-4 (MED-LOW)
LO (_$1N) Keep walt% melt, simmer
*t_e sugges!ed seUir_gsfour_d ir_[_e ch_[ above a_eba_d o_ gooki _9 iv medium
t ickr;essalumi!!um palls wih ids. Seigs may ray whe_ usir_g ohe_ types o pans
Do not place items such as salt and pepper shakers, spoon holders
or plastic wrappings on top of the ¢ooktop when it is in use. t_ese i!ems ¢oui0
met or igrfile. Po holder_, towels o wood cold _:a!d_e i!:pbced !oo ciose!_ he
turned elf this phenom-
e_o_ isnormal and the
glasswill come ba_:k_ i_
hascomplelely cc_;ied
down _?_/_i[eglass
CeramioGlass Cooktop
[l_e _e a)"i c-gla_s cooktop ha_ e eclri¢ heat ng coils located below the ce am c-g ass
_u_face l_e deign of g_eglass cooktop out ines he a_a o the su Pace_eating eels
below. Mo_t mportai;t y, make _ure tile 0ia_l-eLetel t_e p_rt m_tches [_e d ar'lele of
t_e su Pacea_a. Hea is _msferred up throu!?_the surface of the cooktop. OHly fa!-
bo!lf._T!ed pa_ _;!ould be _ed. the lype a_d size of _ookwa_e, nu!l-bet o Fsu fa_e ull [_
nu_and_ e se _9soig_e_rfaceu_fit_areracbrs hatwllalfe_t_i_eamo n of he
t e rills Ihear_assur[ou di 9 heu__t_m_y
[he cooktop should _o be used asa cu!tir_g board or work surPace Dropping heavy or
i_a_dobjec_ on the _ook_p may cf_k it _ris with _ough b_t_om_ may _h _i_e
cook_p sur_e Pla_i_g _ods n_t in u_erisil_di_ct!y on _i_e_mooti_top _urface isnot
!ecomme_ded a_ difficult ¢iea_i!!g wiii _e_uIta/rid¸foods m_y _mo_ a_d ¢_uge a
potential ¸fire hazar0 Never u_ 9d0die or¸_imilar cookin 9 sheet on the ce_r_ic=gla_
Types of Heating Units Used
the cetalTlic-gl_l_ desig_ shows the Iota [ioll of t_e _e_tillg _ traces
Control knob_ are used _o_÷t ti_ehea powe level_ Kr_obsneed ii,st _obe p e_ed ir_
when al OFFposi on, hen [ur ned !ote desi ed beat se:tir_gs
A glow _%]_ed_ufface extend ng beyo_d he bottom edge oi he _:ookir_guiensil
nd cares the teH_i istoo smali for _e uril
[he cone knob does rio _ave to be set exactly ou a par gu a mak Use De marks as
a 9ude arid adj !st the control knob as needed ]be hot surface arid suffai:e ir_dii:ator
Not;e: A bu it-in pro;ecbr win autor'latk:afly turn o te rad aHtheal 9 urlit i!:te
_e_aRlic_gla_s[eRipe_ture ex_:eed_the _[ li_it.

Surface Cooking
Tiffs he, tit gun[ _d_p!s [o bob smal and aTgeheai_ 9 u_er_sils]_e ur_il,con[rol dia _as
a duai s÷[ _ 9_duations. For¸small u_nsils use [i_erigi_t side _f [i_econ boi di_l; for¸large
u_nsils the bfE Oniy [i_ei_r_e_su_f_ceof the unit i_e_[swhen using i[ _r smali ute_sils;
the whole surf_ce hea_ Ib_¸iarge utensils ,the hot surface a_d suri_ce indicator ligh_ wiil
glow when the heatir_gur_it is¸turned ON
N_e: DL_ing any be_t se_[i_go[ the oL_ler¸radiator elen_ent, the inkier r_dian[ element
Indi_ator Lights
]wo differen[ sud_ce ¢on[rol !ghLs wili glow on your ,ange: Surface Indi_tor Lights _nd
Hot Surface Indictor Lights.
• The su_ace indica_r lights, located on the control panel_ giow when a_y suH_ce
urilt is [urr_edon A quick giance at the ligh_ after cooking isan ea_ check _ be sur_
• The hot _urf_ce indicators lights, lo_ted under the glass craok_op, wiil come or_
asthe surface cooking _ea heats up _nd wiil contir_ue m giow un[ii [he glass cook_p
has cooled down to _ _odeI_[e ievei the ligh_ _ay remai_ on wen tboL!gh the
Oven Vent(s) and Racks
Some models are equipped with a blower which runs in baking and self-cleaning mode to keep 1
all internal components at a cool _emperatu_e. It is possible _hat the blowe_ keeps running even if the range has
been turned off, until the components have cooled down.
Changing Oven
Oven Vent Location
t_e overt is ven!ed at Pe rgth sde ffo_[ panel and visible when the ove_ doo isope_ See the
ii ustra ion i:o the exact oca_ion When the oven isor_,,z_'a_ma _ _ele_sed h_oug __e veu_(s).
t_is venig isnecessary !o proper f;i, ¢ii{,:ul_Roil rl the oven a_sdgood bakng ,esul!s DO NOI
bk_ck P!e ve_[(s} Dang so may cause cooking ia lu,es, i:ile o, damage !o the appl an<e.
Arranging Oven Racks
ALl'lAY5 AR_4NG_: OVEN 6tA(X.5' WHE]_,t7B_ OVENtS C_.IOL(PRIOR70 OP_RA77NG7_
O;,/_:P-.{].Ai'¢7_ysuse oven TTfi!!Swhen using the oven.
TO remove an oven rack, pui the _ck <or'¢,'a_dur_[I i _lops. Lf up i:ro_t of rack and side ou.
To replace an oven ra_k, ?i the ack o_to [_e guides on the oven _'vals. lilt he fron ot he
rack upwind and side [he _ck back into pace.
Be sure [_e over_s Lmp!ugged arid al pa_Lsare COOL beioe rep!ac ng
ti_eoven light buib Do _ot turn [he ove_ ligkt o_ durir_g a_if-deaning cycie. High
On _;me models _n in erio oven ligh wli un ot eu om_ tally whe_ he over_s opened
[he oven Igh[ may be [umed on when he dc_ s dosed by usig ti_eoven ig! swi!ch
oca[ed ot he Elec[ro_icOve_ co_[ro
On _ sek_an _ing c_,'_en:he I_ p isco_,e_d_i_h; ga_sst_eid_ed n gbce ._ya w,_ hol,Jer
2 Webera leag,e_.[aced go_e [o prolection agair;st possble broke_ gass.
3 Repace bulb w!h a 40 Wat[ a_._pli_ncebulb o_fly
4 Fo se [-cea_,no o_e,%presswi_e _oder [o one sde [o re e_segass shieid, cage

Setting Oven
• Oven
• P_hMt
NOTE: Iheoven urcton
win !!or work i!:t_e Limeof
Note: [he ove_ functon will not work i !he time of day co_:k s _oI set.
• DoorLocked
To Set or Change the Temperature for Normal Baking
Ti_eovert c_n be p og ammed [o bake a _ny !en'pe_tu,e from 170% to 550% (65L [o 2_;_'L)
Note: the oven_:orTo!h_ a buitl-in_le!_ i:eatumhai wl _ul _f ie over ii:the(onirol _ !_ on Io i_ore ihar 11 hou1_59 minute_
To SeE_he Controls for Normal Raking:
2. WihinS_conds,_._ sh I_eUPAofDOWNARROW;._dv. I_e_isolaywll_i_ow"350% '1;'7%:)" Byt_oldngq_eUP _3
o DOWN ARROW pad v, !he !emper_ltule can t_e_ Lieadjusted in 5_ (1%) irt_:re_l_elt!5
soon a_ he UP _ o DOWN ARROW pad v is elea_ed, he oven wil begin _eatt g Lo he see_: ed !empe_Ju e
When Li_ed splayed temperature e_c _e_ he desked baking !empe_tu_e. !he co_Lol wil Peep 3 rues
To Change the Oven Temperature afte_ RaMng has _;tarted:
2. Push ihe UP A or DOWN ARROW p<;dv _o ncre<_seor decease _tle sel empe a ure.
To Se_ Control for Cont;inuous Bake or 12 Hour Energy Saving:
_e oven con _olh_sa bul_n 12 Hou_ D_egy Savng fe_Lu_eLha_wil shut of he oven f Lhecon_ol s lelt on for more th_m
1'1hour5 <;rK759 mJ]lules 1he oven _:anbe p_ogfa_r_T_ed_o ore idehis eatre fo con uous baking.
TO set _ontrol for continuous baking:
1. PUS{TIMER _;ETfOFFpad _), 'O:_.tO'wil _ppea it _tle
2. Pusi_ar,d ho!_ TIMER _ET/OFF pad (_ @)wn for 5 seco_ds u_tii to_e si,eard, ' i,r" w 11appear i d spl_y fo
re rn o he_ispav.
?. lo cancel H_eCon _uous t_akeFu_ctio %push TIMER _;ETtOFFpac/1_ a"!c_hold fo 5 seco ds un to_e ishear_
'12hff wliappearindisplayindkaing ha i,econ olhas eured o he12NorEnergySavi gfe_ue
d w_lay
To Se_ Control for Oven Lockout:
_ COIt!fO CLIP Lie pfogfa_mY_e{7to i¢_:k_e oven {7oorarid J ac _'_e te overt tort ols
To Set Control for Oven Lockout feature:
1. tu;; the_TOPCLEARpao_ oh_J o 3_coros
wll fag_ ard he moor @yen door lock wil begin !o do_ au_oma caly. DO NOT open oven door while the irm/icato
igh! is !ash ng AIow about 'f5 seco_ds fo he oven doo to lock. @_ceLheoven doo socked, the cu_e_ I !ime ol day
d splay, Lhe"Doo Locked" ndica or Igh_
2. [o cancel he Iockou fe_ ue, push STOP CLEAR pad _ and hold fo 3 _co os. rPe _ t _ v. ll un<ockt e oven {7_o
Note: If any control pad is pressed while the Oven Door/Cont_ol Lo_kout mode, <'Lot" will appear in the display
until the _ontrol pad is released. 13
) _, , ) •

Setting Oven
limed B_ke Fe_ture
• Oven
• P_hMt
• Door_cked
To Set the Automatic Timer _imed Bake Feature-if equipped)
Ti_eCOOK TIME _rld STOP TIME con ols ope,ate he Ilmed Bake FeaLur_.[_e a !omatic timel wil _u_ the over! on _lnd o?!
at _e _ime_you _elect n advar_ceIhe ove_ can be programmed _o_taT immediately and sh; oi a ;omaUcaliy or to begirt
_ak n!_ _ a a_er _ime,,,vd_a automat c si_u!off
TO Program the Oven to Begin Baking Immediately and To Shut Off Automatkally;
1. Besure that the dock shows the co_t time o[ d_y
2. Pl_cethe _od in the ove_
_. Push the BAKE pad (_
4. Within 5 _conds, push ti_eUP A Or DOWN ARROW pad v Fhedisp!ay wiii show "350_F (177_C} " ByholdiT_gthe UP
A Or DOWN ARROW pad v, the _pe_tuTe can ti_e_ be adjusted in 5% (1_C) iric_men_
Pusi_the COOKTIME pad
5.... _'_ "0:00" wiil fl_sh in the
6. Pusi the UP _ or DOWN A_ROW pad v unl _i_edesi ed _rnou t o bakir_gtime appea_s !he d_pby
TO Program Oven for a Delayed Sta_ Time and $o Shut-Off Au/comat:icany:
1. Besure that the dock shows the co_t time o[ d_y
2. Pl_cethe _od in the ove_
_. Pusi_the BAKE pad ('_
4. Within 5 _conds, push ti_eUP A or DOWN ARROW pad v Fhedisp!ay wiii show "350_F (177_C} " ByholdiT_gthe UP
A or DOWN ARROW pad v, the _pe_tu_ can ti_e_ be adjusted in 5% (1_C) inc_men_
.....PUSi__heCOOKTIME oad
6. Pushthe UP _ or DOWN ARROW pad v un the desi,ed ar'lOUt_tot bakig me appea _.
& Pushthe liP _ or DOWN ARROW pad v unl the desi'ed _op time appea_ i_ the dspby
g. Otcethecon olsae_e!, heco_Rrolcacule_e_ hefimewhe_ bakir_gwil starlir_ordertoiirfish_tthe meyou heveseL
Onf;e She Controls are Set:
1. Fhe ove_ wll come or_and begin he_th_g to g_eselected bakir_gten'pe_tu e
2. Fhe oven empera ¸ure or ime of day) wili show inhe dispiay.
display.5 _) "0:00" willflash _ the
display/. tush _e STOPTIME _'_ lhe e_rl est _me v. li lash n the
When the Set Cook Time Runs Out:
1. _END wiliappea i thedispiaywi dow_ otieove wiilshutoiTaul_atiaily
2. Fhe control will 3 ¸times 60 L,n.ii the STOPCLEAR _ ix
To Change the Oven Temperature or Cook Time afte_ Baking has Started:
2. Pushthe UP A o_¸DOWN ARROW pad v to adjust ti_e_ettirig.
_Use ca !ion when usin!2 te au oma_ictimer Used_eau!omadc time w}er! cook M!2cured or gozen rqe_l[s
ad most fretsand vegetables Foods ca_ easJy_poil _uch as milk, eggs. i_i_, meat or pouI y, should be ch lied n the
_[rige_z_to trst Eve_when chil ed. heyshoud _ot sta_d n _e ove_ Formor_ !hen 'l hour beio_e cook ng beg ns.eqd shoud
be ,emoved p omp!ly wher_ cooki g s comp!e!ed. 14

Setting Oven Controls
Oven Baking Informations
For bes_ Tes I!s< pehea the ore- belore baking cookies, b ead_. c_kes, pes or pasbie_, ec Ihee s rio need to preheat g_e
I eco_krg_ e_a o e peatues eeded_oo_ke_p pduct rayva_lgh!y _you pevouslyow eo_pp_, ce
Rele_ to _Re_librating Your Oven Temperature _ _ec_ on
Baking problems and solutions
Baking Problems _Z_us_ tZorre_ions
biscuit_ human
Cookies nd bscu5 _x_ into i * Allow OVel)to pie _at tO tf_ _eec_d elTO_t_4_ute
be_ore pl_d_ ¸food _noverL
the bosom,
O_er_ ack ovetcmwdr_d i * Choo_ pan 5zes dw*_ wl[ penn 2' Io z_, (51 or Io
102 cm} of air space or all ades when placrad ir the
Dark p_m ;,bs_crb_ heat oo fast. i *
Oke_ too d_rk on i _
top or bottom,
t_ ii"
Cakes pu_ n_o he o_en before i * Allow oven to p]e _eat {o tfe _eeced el_)r.'_ahae
O_er_ rack p_i_io_ oo fi_h o Use Dope rack position fo bakm3 nr_eds
Ovel ._ hot i * Se O_ell eroD!! Ute 25'_12 C owei o_!
before _acim 3 food in the o_en
_ke_ _ot done in
[ the center.
P _lnvt_en .t.dln h_o en.
i I
_ake_ not level, i * Pace [TK_lked _3[as5ITe_<SL ing CL[2 fled wth w[el
P_l !oo clo%e to over_ _li or Be _ure [o _llow 2' [o 4 ¸' {51 _:m [o 102 gf_) o_
on [h_ cen[e_ o_ the o_e_l _gk If water I_vel i_
u_!_ell, refe! ¸ k_ [he ill_[_ll_[ion i!!5[_u_:[io_15 for
e f flea o[ _,Je_u eg<b p_li!_theO_fl
DO' nv[" L_,._'p_ns th_[ are denied or w_tDed.
when _ooki_ 9
[ ti_e is up,
Over d._ oDene_ too
i * Be sue to _emo_¢.,_dlDn_ fore [e o_en exc¢_pttkm
: * O_ll oven door o!l[y _et ¸ _hor[e_[ !eco_i_ier!ded
Air Circulation in the Oven
] usir_ mu ip)e pas _19ger _s _;_ow_: II usiilg orie Daik p_ e ir__e_ ef o oveTL
Fo best ai, ck_ulaton and bakn 9 _sths, cente pans asmuc
_s possib e. Alfm_ 2-4' (5-10 cm) a_ot!nd the L!tensi](s)for
proper ak ci_cuiaUor_ard be sure pans do not _oc: e_ch
othe, thedoor, sides or back oi oven. l _e hot ak must
c t:uia!e a_ou;qdthe pas [e overt FOreve[_i:ez_tto _ach

Setting Oven
• Oven
• P_hMt
• DoorLocked
B o lir_gisa mehod o _:ookiHg _ende_c1._ ol mea _:_ydect _e_ nder d_e broil ele _-e_t oi d_e
ove_ A beep eLSyo kn_b_when g_e boil tempe atu_e _ re_ched. Be _ur_ you cenle !he boiler
g_n dredy ur_de _e broil elemen for be_ esulLs
A_a_ge overt rack whle oven s_tili cool. Posi oH te _ck _ eeded
ti_e bole pall _lnd iLSill_erl _[Iow dHppi _9 gl_a._. _f._d_ir! _rllJ _:_eke[_.away _rom he hig_ he_ oi
gle bro el. DO NOT LI_e_e p_ll wi hour. i!sillse L DO NOT _:_ver the in_e_ with foil. Ihe
OT_he Ire or use a i:hee_ _gu si_eL DO NOT DuJw_te_ or (our or_ he Ire. Fou mey be explosive _mdwae call cause e
To se_ the oven to broil
1. A raY,ge oven rack whle oven is _Jl cc_)
2. Pug_ he BROIL pad (_
_. Pusi_aYd hold the UP A OrDOWN ARROW _d y u_i the desired broil _e ng eveJ appea_sn he display PushUP
ARROW pad A tot HI broil o i_e DOWN ARROW p_d y tot LO bro I'vlo_t_oods c_n be bro led at the HI broil _ld)_g
Sele_ _e LOboi se_ng to avod e×ce_sbr_;_¢_fingo_ d_yir_gof Ioods ha sgoud be cooked 1o _e wel -done stage.
4. Piecegrid on t_e b[o let _._n, [i_e_pa_:ethe (ood o_ the g_d. DO NOT se [e pa wi_.hou Ls9rd DO NOT cover !he gd
5. Placethe pan o_ g_eoven rack Open the oven door to _he broil stop position when broiling,
_. Broilor_or_e_ideL_Ttii_g_odi_bTow_ed;_m_r_dcookor_he_condside. Note:Aiw_yspuI}the_ackout_o_topl3o_itior_