Reversible Super Wide
Side-Swing Door
Puerta super ancha de
vaiv n lateral de posicion
1. Place towel (A) on top of dryer to protect
2. Open dryer door. Remove bottom
screws from cabinet side of hinges (B).
Loosen (do not remove) top screws from
cabinet side of hinges.
3. Lift door until top screws in cabinet are
in large part of hinge slot. Pull door for-
ward off screws. Set door (handle side
up) on top of dryer. Remove top screws
from cabinet.
4. Remove screws attaching hinges
to door.
5. Remove screws attop, bottom and
side of door (4 screws). Holding door
over towel on dryer, grasp sides of outer
door and carefully lift to separate
it from inner door. Do NOT pry apart with
putty knife. Do NOT pull on door seal or
plastic door catches.
6. Be careful to keep cardboard spacer
centered between doors. Reattach outer
door panel to inner door panel
so handle is on the side where hinges
were just removed.
7. Attach door hinges to door so large
part of hinge slot is at bottom of hinge.
8. Remove door strike (C) from cabinet.
Use a small, flat-blade screwdriver to
carefully remove 4 hinge hole plugs (D)
on left side of cabinet, insert plugs in
hinge holes on right side of cabinet.
9. Insert screws in bottom holes on
left side of cabinet. Tighten screws
halfway. Position door so large end of
door hinge slot is
over screws. Slide
door up so screws
are in bottom of
slots. Tighten
screws. Insert and
tighten top screws
in hinges.
Remove door stnke plug (E). Insert the
door strike you removed in Step 8 in
hole and secure with screw. Insert door
strike plug in original door strike hole
and secure with screw.
11. Close door and check that door strike
aligns with door catch (F). If needed,
slide door catch left or right within slot
to adjust alignment.
1. Coloqueunatoalla(A)encimade ]asecadorapard
2. Abralapuertadela secadora.Extraigalostornillos
inferioresdelas bisagrasde1ladode1gabinete(B).
Afloje(noextraiga)los tornillossuperioresde las
3. Levante]apuertahastaquelos[ornillossuperiores
de1gabineteestenenla partegrandede la ranura
dela bisagraTiredelapuertahaciaadelantepard
separadade los tornillos.Coloquelapuerta(con
el lad0dela rnanijahaciaarriba)encimade la
4. Extraigalos tornillosqueunenalas bisagras
conla puerta
5. Extraigalos tornillosen la partesuperior,inferiory
lateraldela puerta(4tornillos) S0s[eniendola
costadosdel parteexteriordela puertay levante
cuidadosamen[epardsepararladela parteinterior
dela puerta NO los separeutilizandouna
esp_tula NOtiredelbudetedela puertani de
losganchospl_sticosdela misrna.
6. Tengacuidadodemantenerlosespaciadoresde
cart6ncentradosentre las puertasVuelvaa unirel
panelexteriordela puertaal panelinteriordela
mismade maneraquelamanijaseencuentreen el
ladode dondeseacabandeextraerlasbisagras
7. Unalasbisagrasdelapuertadernaneraque
la partegrandede la ranuradelabisagrase
encuentreen la partedeabajodela bisagra.
8. Extraigaelinterruptorde lapuerta(C) de1gabi-
nete Useun destomil[adorpequeSodepunta
taponesen losagujerosde la bisagraenellado
9. Introduzcalostornillosenlos agujerosJnfefiores
enel ladoJzqu]erdodel gabinete.Atornillelospar
la mitad Coloquelapuertade talfarina queel
extremograndede la ranuradela bisagraeste
sabrelos tornillos _._j/
Deslicela puertahacia _
y aprietelostomillos
10 Extraigael tapondelinterruptorde lapuerta(E).
quit6en elpaso8enel agujero,y asegOrelocon
ela puertaenelagujerooriginalde1interruptorde
la puertay asegQrelocon untomillo
11 Cierrelapuertay asegQresede que elinterruptor
dela mismaest6alineadoconel ganchodela
puerta(F).Si esnecesario,desliceel gancbo
dela puertahacialaizquierdao derechadentro
dela ranuraafin deajustarla alineaci6n