Use and Ca e/ ferma ien
"Theffe>d_Sx:_dsac e_ sheud ba as cod as
pessbe wKb,)_ t !t_.ez sg veg_etabes e r__!k
Adiust as necesss y
£ D_:,,Beaks
©÷Ires whes W4 sch _'es fame Sat the
mmpe '_,£urecordite d_,i tx_OFF tar daft,eat rK_,
Remove f'ce_: ©e _0_tx_u<:hl_"e_znQpate wh
bare hands ©e _ot se ele_h'c deftest devices
®_hsi_ @.ye_sto met _et lh®y may damage
Biasc pare:,
W[ses de!:c<stsg S comp_,_ed wpe I'@
ffeea g pate do÷a_sd_eset '_e ,(:_s_t;_ode.
F')et_mfeed to/he r_}Mgeuaor
Mix 2 tabI_slx,o>s bakh9 sods will', Sluar't
wItlrl ware 0/;a@ 8 soap _1o _@ us,#
sin;an9 cl,®ar_et_s s_oour_ !_powder 8' pads I%
ler'sisIeA{ o@;ls, 80tl_}l f3ae_s S®p./iee £1el{ei
k_ ode emova Btod(scs ©o,_8 putt e dip
t_ay s Ih® d sh'_s,slse_' _&£cuurntt,,.eeende_ser
tuth_g oa lhe back {I l_e _eq'{5®_'a_e_wser_
Es®tgy ea'vl i lps
epeai_{7 R t remove ?red. Make sq;e the deer
s'Bull7 sl_. al%® each use so la_ cod aF does
!el esos@e lel the [afdgerabw _'}svi%,'
2° H_l Ii® iI_'_let_Iel' _toila cleill, The meier
rest week hsdec wlseI th® toils _,s_ i(_sty,
Ci®Ie {Hesoils at least ethic everi/@ moi the,
ieeated 0_/he back o! t_* unt.
3 Adi_s_ the Cod Ce?4_v;;i s 'wam_e sett _g
Yeu_"refiqgets_ou may i:<_:s,_';sd@__tf-s_ssn_ecessuy
Use the cor_di_o'_of m_; o clseck _efr or
emt:>erak._rs AS o_g a{,sttk keeps wb©u
spa!/_9 you _<'_s_ige M ss, {cA ep_sgh
5. De ot ale4_ _e_,::_"h_,>_!4 _tD o fi'oslts Q;d
uls n the fp::.e)ft_co_' p_;_sm+t_4
6 Re@4_se_e nur'sber and/er_gth _/tree ye_
ope_ the deer Ybur cool ng sysfx_m will r_et
!"_aveto __sraS ott.e_',}
seas ti htty Whe_ tie deer s d©sed l_e door
gaSkel.s shocid teuch/e_e t/e_aIo_ a Be
way 8@sn8 f so mike 7our refrget'<:£or level
bI .m_:'_of the s_:lusesbte IQ located ut@e_'the
8 Hee_ your refrige_sto_ away from steve) or
®tAe[ heal sot A..r_?sA cOO s"d dry pace alio'_ms
7au_ r_:@'igeratorto operate moe_,effitienl,/.
lefo_'_ Call_#£ for Service
Check the plug end fuse
,, 'b_sf:the eieS wlH a/amp
* Be s_¢_8tt"@cfmlre s 'el ®_/.o OFR
Read the ma_:'_LsS,especia y the it_ms u_sde_"
the Use sad ©are #e_ssat or 'Ybs may Iirtd the
answe_ to you_ ,Gt_estie_s
, i yeu de not find the a_swer to lieu questiet'@
h:_thi r_'/ar_tel fir_dtf _:_"_itmode number oe
{_e ,ppe back of tfw__,sfA_#_>rator)and centsc{
you'Sears Ser'v ce Cer_te_.
Whe ieques i_sgseiviice ot ord® %g parts, a!iv_aya
prey de the follow _s9i_'£orma or'_
Model _tumbel: _ F%r_!Humbe_
BANG_R: 8I,,,7.8W_tC£L SHOCK H#_A#
@tscenn_ct fsow@rbe_er_ serd¢i_si,