Compact Refrigerator
Model No. 98291
2.9 cu. ft. Oapacity
Read This Manual!
It will tell you how tooperate and care for your refrigerator.
tt also offers tips on how to get the best and lowest cost
tf you prefer installing you own parts, use the parts list to
find the part number. Do not use the illustration number.
In the space below record the model and serial number of
your refrigerator. Each is printed on the model number plate
located inthe upper corner of the refrigerator back. Use
these numbers when calling for service.
Model No. Serial No.
Remove all packing material and tape from unit. Inspect
unit thoroughly, notify Sears immediately if unit has any
damaged or missin( _ _ . _ _
Install unit on a strong level floor or counter. Avoid any
........direct sunlight;-_hear source or moisture. ............
Let air circulate freely around the refrigerator_Keep the
back ofthe unit at least 4 inches away from the wall.
Provide at least 1-inch of space between the_topOfthe unit
and any surface above iL
CAUTION: if you turnoff the coid control, allow
at least three minutes before restarting to avoid
blowing fuses ortripping your circuit breaker.
Manual Contents:
• Installation
• Operation
Temperature Control
How To Remove ice Cubes
How To Defrost
° Maintenance
• FoodStorage Times and Energy Saving Tips
° Parts List
° Troublehooting
° Warranty
Electrical Grounding
Your refrigeratorcomes with a three-prong plug and must be
inserted intoa three-prong, grounded wall outlet.DO NOT
use an extension cord.
WARNING: Unless the above grounding.
method is followed, you are not protected
against severe or lethal shock inthe event of a
_rtcircuit: in refrigerator wiring O_electrical ._
ThUgs to Remember
1.When resettingyour refrigerator to a new temperature,
allow 24 hours for it to reach the new setting.
2. The motor will start and stop often. It must do so in order
to maintain the temperature you select.
3. Keep your refrigerator level, so that the door seals prop-
Electrical Requirements
120 Volts, 60 Hz (60 cycles AC), 15 amps
Rt[filed Mex co
Pad No. 8336460152100A
Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL
4. Unplug,the refrigerator before doing anything withthe
electrical system,
5. The lowtemperature section is not intended for long-term
storage of frozen foods.

Temperature control
Normally temp. Control knob should be set at "3" position.
Refrigerator compai'tn3ent temperature and freezer
compartment temperature can be adjusted by turning
Temp. Control knob. The closer to "MAX" position Temp.
Control is set by turning the knob clockwise, the lower
temperature of refrigerator compartment and freezer
compartment becomes.
Set the knob at "MAX" position only when ice cubes are
needed in a hurry. (Be sure to return Control setting to
normal position when ice cubes have be_n make.)
When frost is hard/icy or heavy, defrost freezer
comparment as follows:
Remove foods from freezer compartment, Then, set
Temp. Control knob at "OFF" position.
When ice/frost on side walls and ceiling of freezer
compartment comes off, remove ice and melted water
with scraper and cloth.
After defrosting, reset Temp. Control knob at normal
position to start freezing.
When room temperature is high and Temp. Control knob is
set at "5" or "MAX" position for a long
time, it is possible that evaporator of
refrigerator compartment will be
frosted heavily which may cause
insufficientcooling of refrigerator
compartment. In this case, the Temp.
Refrigerator Compartment
As far as Temp. Control is set at ordinary position,
evaporator of refrigerator compartment is automatically
defrosted and no manual operation is needed to defrost.
Defrosted water is drained out to evaporating tray on the
back of refrigerator cabinet and is evaporated therein
Control knob should be set at "2"
position or below, Then, set the knob
at normal position.
Never use a knife or other metal instrument to remove frost
and/or ice, because this may damage evaporator.
Refrigerator compartment temperature
and freezer compartment temperature
will vary depending on the quantity of foods stored anti on
the frequency with which doors are opened.
How To Remove Ice Cubes
Ice cube tray is flexible, Twist tray to
remove ice cubes.
.........to remove ice cube tray, because this may damage ...................... Disconnect the plug from the electrical outlet. Remove foods, .........
evaporator, st_elves, trays, etc.
Evaporating Tray
HowTo Defrost
This refrigerator has separate defrosting systems, one for
To clean interior liner, use a soft cloth with water or a solution
of warm water mixed with two tablespoons baking soda per a
quart. Do not use soaps, detergents, scouring powder, spray
cleaners or the like, or it may cause odor in refrigerator.
each compartment.
Shelves and ice cube trays may be washed in water.
1. Freezer Compartment
Wipe exterior surface with soft cloth dampened with mild
When freezer compartment is
soap water and then dry with soft cloth.
frosted about 1/4 inch tt_ick,
defrosting is required. Frosting
Use only milk soap water to:clean door gaskets.
will interfere with proper
Never use boiling water, scouring powder, acids, chemical
thinner, gasoline, benzine or the like for cleaning refrigerator,
When frost is thin or soft,
because these may deform or damage exterior surface,
scrape off and remove frost on freezer comp_rtment ....plastic parts and door gaskets.
walls Withscraper. This canbe done without Jnterrupt_ ,_ : .....
ingfreezing operation. " _ ..... Since dust accumulated:on evaporating tray will decrease
the evaporation efficiency; remove the trayand clean it;
Evaporating tray is set on refrigerator back.To remove, pull it.

Food Storage Times and Tips
Use thes_estorage times as a guide. Actual Storage times
vary, since food qua!ity always varies.
For the Refrigerator Section
Bread: Refrigeration slows molding. But bread still gets stale
with time, so use within 3 days.
Dairy Products: Keep cartons closed. Use milk, cream or
cottage cheese within 5 days. Wrap cheese tightly with foil or
plastic wrap. Hard cheese (cheddar, etc.) will keep as long as
a month. Soft cheeses will keep up to 2 Weeks.Wrapped
butter keeps about 2 weeks.
Eggs: Store unwashed. Use within 2 weeks.
Fish: Clean. Wrap tightly. Freeze unless you use it the same
day you buy it.
Fruits: Wash, dry and store in crisper. Stoi'e fruits with strong
aromas (apples, melons) in plastic bags, Berries keep up to 3
days, if stored unwashed, in a shallow open bowl.
Leftovers: Let cool before storing, Wrap We'll_Use within 2
days (or freeze). .:r ,
Meat: Wrap meats loosely (and seal), Wrapsrnoked meats
tightly, Use foil or plastic wrap. Store in m:eatdrawer or on
lower shelf. For best results, usewithin recommended times.
Refrigerator StoraqeTimes
,; -7':_:::_:_!'_:._!i".::._:,::No longer than
Bacon and other Smok_:d: _!_i:_:_:i:: i!-i!;;!_:!_:i:ii 14 Days
Cold Cuts.., (D&teo:tli_#_#_i_i_:!i!! :i :;_iii:i:ii:i:::;i!::_3 Days
GroundMeat ..........: :.:_:i?_i!::-i_i'i;':i!i_:::":_i'i;:i;!::i:_:ii.;::_i:i_iiii!:I: :J-2 Days
Liver and :'::i';!?:!:;::;i:!:C 1_2 Days
Steaks and Roast :(Fresh) -:-: - "_;i_);i;i;../ 2-3 Days
' ,°_ i ,! _% 4
Poultry: Rinse before storing. _rap Ioo_8_i_i_f0.i!:or plastic
wrap and seal. (Wrap giblets se_pa&tel_}:._:"eithin 2 da_s.
Freezer Storage Times
No longer than
Bread 6 Months
Butter, Margarine 2-9 Months
Cooked Dishes 3 Months
Fish (packaged frozen) 3 Months
Fruits 12 Months
Ice Cream 1 Month
Juice Concentrate 6 Months
Bacon, other Smoked Meats 1Month
Beef or Lamb 5-6 Months
"Ground Meat 3-4 Months
Liver, other Variety Meats 3-4 Months
Pork or Veal 4 Months
Poultry 4-6 Months
Vegetables 8 Months
Energy Saving Tips
Ways to Save Power, Save Money, and Still enjoy your
1. Close the door as soon as you can. Make sure the
door isfully shut after each use, so cold air doesn't
2. Keep the condenser coils clean. YourKenmore's motor
works harder when coils are dusty. Clean the coils at
least once every 3 months.They are on the back of your
: : refrigerator.AIIow3inchesofair.spaceabOveyouri::;::::.:.,::,::_:
Kenmore so air circulates freely.
3._ Adjust the cold control. Try a warmer setting.Your re-
frigerator may be colder than needed. Check the refrig-
erator temperature with milk. As long as it keeps well,
your refrigerator is cold enough.
Vegetables: Wash, drain and store in crisper. Oi' store
unwashed in plastic wrap .....
Forthe Freezer Section
Wrap carefullyand seal Contactwithairshorter_si_e lifeoffood.
So containersmust be airtight.Fresilfoodsthat are:already
packaged,such asbread Orpoultry,shou d be::_rewi_pped.Use
heavy duty aluminumfoilfreezer paper andtape or specialfreezer
Freeze food only when it isfresh and intop condition. Do not
Label and date each package. Use food with the oldest date first.
"When loading the freezer, allow enough space atthe front to letthe
door close completely and seal.
4. Don't put hot foods in the refrigerator.
Don't allow more than W' of frost to build up in the
frozen food storage section.
6. Reduce door openings, so your cooling system won't
have to runasoften.
7. Keep your refrigerator reasonably level. Sothe door
seals tightly.When the door isclosed, the door gaskets
should touch the refrigeratorall the way around. Ifr_ot,
make your refrigeratormore level. Use the adjustment
screw under the refrigerator.
Keep the refrigerator away from the stove or other
heat sources. A cool and dry place lets your refrigerator
work best.