!!ttSal i%@I=ii ;_ # SI;K_V_giS'O's/e!i0[£ ] LI_ eF Av_)d 1i 1
Jm.q he ts_;tce i
._o{ ,,/_}/s;@ "z@0 <;yc/esACL 15 a/'_ps,
Sea_s, RoebucR and Co., Hoffman Estates,/L 8017g
Sea's Ro@tc _;_!d(]o,, IJ S,A,
P _to 3{29_!£

Use and CaFe Inf®Fma ioH
Tips ®_ everyday os_'-e asd use
"1%certes he tets'_per_s9®
_t_Ai se te cod oenm, on _3_ 24 h© _'S
Ot see_i:r'e cabsot o_x_tl '%e_ adlss_ ¢t'ie
_x>t_t_of _ec_c_ss,_u'ySe£_g he oo/d can 50!tu
_4N s 1'_®w_ mestsettkg; maxt_u_ s he
ce de_,__te _qAX se_'tng may _e4uce/t_e
tempested, e to b{,ow f_x_-ezF;I_bu_ _ w _H@t
ooo tt,e re t ge ate_ f_sa_,r
2, ©effoSt
AS t}l_g as/:ie (30 ol is s<s_s
_'_omssl,esi;:on,, evaporate s attesatcaty
doffts!ed aBd so ma_us ope_e os e seeded e
do ttst
Fo_'at eeac_r,_g
Mx 2 I÷sbes oe_ssbake 9 sods wfls 1 G_>s__
wem_ wa_er 8 se a tad sos!> De _o 8s4_,
strong tea }e_s, se@Mr_g powde_ os pads _O
_SeK_SteSstOdOrS m,_alect Seato Se_wce Cents
£)r ode @__sov8p oducts Do set De Sip
ray s the d shwashe_
Clean _g t_}e®w_/>o_s_@tR;y
Si_-_cesees a@_x _ Is{eden _eevai'.oa!_} 9
b'sywi decease _eovapoat@_effiee_cy
_*emove'@e_u}@{o teas
"[Be e,/ape_aSs9 !#_y s sat as e Sack of tt_e
teffgetao_ / _sca_sbe_esavodby p_. ng
e@ 9_t :hebac4ko Be sat
De He; ;Asee hX{ k)ods t_f_e_ef? ge a o_
Redes ;h® ;@mDe_ atd lei 9tti of time yo!
(_:_e"the dao_ You' ceei _sgsystem w f _sol
bs'_e to £" as (sen,
Heels yo_,_teFr'gel'at x eve/, so @a_tie door-
seastgsly W_es 'edoe_ sc!ss®S _t_edos_
gaskets sBeud su(h he _e_ge_'ste al the
6 s
f 'T_a£_yOr _e_"Qe'a sF£eve 5y use cf %:e
a'' @
s,, r.,4_s : /®9 located ,_@o_ lee usi(
Ke__s_he _e_rge s 8_ away f o__ scores o
}¢ter Is{ca so_oes A cool a%d d _ypa:;e.......lows
yetr _e _'@dratt_'o 3pe_a e mete efficient y
Befof'e Callll£ for $®_vice
+ O ec£ttepuga_drise
Test tl"_eout,e wth a _amp
, Be sure he eeet_x,i s as1 se_to ON£
, Read lt_e __s_'__a_especa:/y he t£,_'_'s u_de_
se a_td Ca_e sfe_ma on eeu may find the
shewed,tO yot£ qu_e o_s,
f ya do !"F;4fk_d the s_'_swero )'eu quest er_s
n 'tt_s menus fi_-_dthe unt mode __umber(on
the uppe_ back of the re t get'sto_} e_sdcer'4act
you_°@_sarsServ ce Cemer,
Ds®_gy Savt_'_g 8ps
Oose _he dee <}ssoer_ as you cs_ s'te_
ol._ecin!_ :e ewuovo fi;,od tdake s_® tDat
door s fdly shu af/e_ each tee so _st :sod ar
(:ees net escaDe fiwr_ te r®G'Qer_sb:wcsvtv
se}'v e., o_ e_def nQ pat_m always
ptevSethofe OW_Sg slorma sac
P_edvc¢ s_m's
o Model _sumbe_
Pa_t _same°
Rat( _ur be_
Disconnect: _}owe_ be$oFese_vi_i_,