Cam ct RefdgeFato
_aode_s: 94882 / 9468g
Read TiMs Baa¢_al!!
F@I O_te Yea_ Wa_aasty e:r_Reffigera'_er
c'_:_['t:3e fmRd d_ff%ctu_' _s n_at8 t_l o wo_kms_:shp.
CAUI'IION:I o ts >I tleocH :;_: I[,I aiil)_
8t I@a8i !:!d!@ 'i" iliJ:!l> bof_f _£iIAi t i @ii:iI
E.loct_iaal Requ_eme_sts
4 ' , s
,#0 _<O:_ , %(:i/! 's :;/:d} I{ Itix_
WARH!HG: U,!_?sshe abovegm nsn!_
sD'.';d c_,c..i r t;'_ _'i_{e_o w,g or ee_::trcs
s ....
ili 3C3816
Roebuck s nd Oo._ Hoffman Estates_ IL 60179 U_S_A_
I;;W_!No, 88884:!0][!}700
!_e tS I 3eiiil@: Ilr%_t tliO= L!

Use and Care sfo mation
T@s o_ ev®_yday car÷ and us®
I "?o e_t_el ,_h@temp®¢at_.;_e;
Ftst sa };e Cod Cent*e! oq "_3_"Wet 24 hours
fat tb4_entie eat;¢_e _s_x_ The_ edi_4s_t_te
centre r_®oesss%7Sett '9 be CodGor¢o k_
MN s he wa_w;est s_ing M/'dX s the cedes_.
1:'heMAX set _]gmay _e@._c_;the te ';perat:u_'e
tO beow freeN_g bul [_ w:/net co0 /be
_¢t_9e_ste;' Isat_:m
"Fi_,effest food s_cdes'_houd b® as cek_ as
possR_le _4__o_,d£'eee _g ,_getsb es e r!!k,
2 Defrost:
De<as ®has I/4 wtt_ f_'os fete"@ Se 1he
temperature ceqb'tl de 10OF'F 1ordeftest: n@
Remove food Do _o t@,x:t fi'ee:_@]ipate wth
your bare hahds Do __o_se e_eddc d@_:est
dev e®eor ha_"@y®_a ts melt fast _'fheymay
damag8 paste pa_Ss
Wt;es eta 9 s camp®ted wp® tt_e
freezi; g _;_ate dry s@ t'eset the ctx¢'e dSa
Rett_m £;od to the _e,f_9e_alor:
3 _e e_eeat_@;
Mx 2 _ab®spaces barn 9 sods wth 1 quart
'wa_s _ate tK 858 a s' d seep De rest se
atK>egt/es'}e_-s,, scoa_'stg f£>'_'_de@"is@de 08
pefs ¢£etd.edor_s cef4sc Seats Srsce Ce¢_4a_
R_todor _e_'rove pR;dt_cts ©o _o p_t he @p
t_ay Is theds_was er
_ed_ee _he rlJ_' be_'t;_d eat{ of Ise yo
have io _,;r ;s often
Keep yo_ f®f# getat@f evel ss t!ss t}te deer'
seas _9h% _When 1he doe s cased, tb_edo@
gaskets should ouch t_e H#rig_"ats atl te
way a¢o,,/rwJ If _,_etmake yo ref?ge_'ale eve
by ,see d tt,e adi_,.,s_abe eg coaled _nde_'tt;e
o Checkthe p_sg nd fuse
T%s he eu,_k£wth a amp
Be sue the eent_oSs so sol {o OFF
Read the/s:@_es especa y se te_>sunder'
Use asd Ca'® afo m_d es Y%umay fled Oh®
answer 1oyet,el'q ,;eerier}s,
- you de r_e_fir_:d_he answer t:oyeu qLe@o_xS
1h8 ep_t_ebacXkd 9e tel too a_d cs_ so4
yea' SeaTs;Se_wce Ce;'ster
E ®rgy Saqrtg t@s
e_®hing Make sa'x tt'-_edes_ a @a st_£ after
eBoB _sss so _ha_ sod air do85 ao_ 8;: _ape _fom
Disc_r_ec_ p®®8_ Beta _ ®err 8 #_
_}revde the fe_lo_ n9 _ff0_sa_ on:
° P[o:_ua_ esf_1e
Pat't Na:_'%8
" PaS Numbe_