_smos, _s,.,Hng !_(r'a at: ape f0a'_ the;, /sp_{,t
h!_ a} :_m _g_d ,:J_,rl ss r !/tparts
Compact Ref ge '°ato
Mod@s_ 91611 o91615 o938't9
8A ¢u_ _ Capacity
I"S8 !4ek_nil/_as:rosglsvelf,co o_c8 Irite_ A£}da y
d!'e: h,,S ../r.. _ O/' 'SOiS !s e
2{, Vo_'s l0 (60 c'fc us A8 I5
_,s_:r_,d s a 8-'_. d N, @_] _}_tied wall ou_leL Do _14:}i;use
rs if, _,,s
b o,_s,m__ses @rppir_!_ )_'eu s t:su_hesk, e_.
_:sd H8 3(2@4_s ,se r_, F,o_L _l, . ......... /J.SA

Use and 6are _f@HJ_;@_i©_
T_s @n everyday ear® a_sd use
Frst se Ih® cold centre oN "3h WAit 24 ho_.15
fo_the e£_I_ecabine to coo. "then ad]us he
coO:re f secessa% _ S_r£ts@ he Cod Ce_a o
MH s he vusm'_:,s sell ns_jMAX s rise cod®st
The MAX set_n{_ms), educe the osspe aLJ s
_:obeew f_,eexin{_ but w n@8coo the
_"efl'9e_a or !as(oK
_sef'mshf0odsec/ess @_Sbeassodss
pessbew seudSee#ongvegetabesor ask
2_ D_sfiw_st
Def%os_wise %,4' %as for_ns, Ib sa
deffost_ 9 i_sh _he de_os batten at _® ,_mte
of e@d car b_ekFeb F(emeve rise(. Do net
o_.ch ff®ex_"_gpate wh ba_'e hands De not
useeecScdehoetdeveeso ardyors a
me( K_,s as they may da'_sage piss',':e pa£s
Who% de oseet{t s ce_np eted Seemfnge ab:}
wt esls}1 Seecoons ape at on aute_sa£ical y.
A£ezde!:ost 9 dseaK! hewaee n he@'p
tax Replace _!(_c_'.
3 F®_sH cea_s ng::
Mx 2 t_@espeons bar g sods with I qa_
wsrmwatero uses ssd soap Do no se
sben,{_clea_'$e_'s_see sr g pewde_ or" pads. t"_o_
pe[s ste@ o6o8 cnntacl. Seats Sept, o8 Oe'ste_
fe ode remove p_oduca De_o p_.t the drp
_ay n the d s!wash®_ v'._,cuumthe oondense_
ttubsgos he bacl< e s8 refrge'sto when
6, t'_edt_ee the numbe and e_gth of _me you
open the doe_. 'Yo8_-oooi_l 9 system 'w not
7 Kee_ your H@/ge_ate_ _levei_ so lea( Seedoor
seas tghy, W _e_t_e deo_' s cio_}_edthe doer
gaske s shard leuah the refrigerate s lte
way a_surd. [ no ms_<__yeJ_ refrigerator ave
by _:se of he ad.iu_-4_l:,o e{] ec#£ed undo th_
8, Keep yew Fee,'igor'ate sway t/am staves or'
othe heat sources. A coo/wad dq/pace slows
your se_d!_]en_to_o uperate '_en<)effceety.
B®fo_e OalH_sg foF ServiRse
o Chec hepRgsqd!_se
'1_st the e.@®t ,Mth a ia°np
Be sure Iha eost_'et s no1 set {e OFF
.= Read he manual_ especs y (he terns unde__
lhe Use and ©are s_ermaeon %9@may find t'_e
8Bswe toyo_ quea o s
o you do rot _'_d/,he answer' to ye_,_rqeest (ns
hit smanua, _sd he u._n mode nu_De_(o_
the upper IS@. o 'e 9fngen'_4oO and centsc_
yo_._ Sears Sop/c® Cos or,
©iseenieIt Io_®t be{}o-_,x¢s®pTieI_g
En®Fgy ,.,',eying ti_sS
Clese _he doer as cools as _©%1 88_1 after
</;txm_n9 i_ Make e:._'et'<_ he d,go_ s fuly shu
a'Ber'each use so the cod a does _0 escape
tra_ toe e@geato_ cavty
2 Adju@; the Cold ¢@si_ _@ @"y8 'wa_'T_e_s®tting
Y@y _e_ffige'ato may be coder ths_ se':;;essa@
Us<)t"_econd tian of m_< o c_'eck te!_,gera¢a_'
empe_s_;e, As (ngasm k eepswthout
spo ins yeu_ raft 5$erav::_s cold enei9 h
3 Do _ot plw:.e hot faed i's I_e _e_ geml;e _,
4 De Net a_;w mob*eta,w, 1_'4_eh of frost_e b id
_:_n the fl'eeze co'_ par' r_elt.
When r_:_qeseng serv ee e[ order}rig pads always
p_-ovde _f_efol ew ng nRsrmat on
P_'edte: £}anse, _ Pari Manic
Modetnumbe_ o Pa Dud's' e