Kenmore 56424702400 Owner’s Manual

Upright Freezer
Modei No. :24702
7.5 cuo _ Capacity
Read This ManuaH
I1:wiii tel you iIow %::,o[x_"ate and car_ fe_you_freezer,
It also o_ets tps on how to %et: the bes at@ _'_wesl
I you prefe_i_saa; r-_9yoq_ own pars, sse the pstts £s p_ovd÷d n his msn_,_sito _nd Is®,_a_ numb®_ do _o_
_a_ number o you freezer. Esch is [_rinted on g_w_
_reeze_" bsck. Use _hese num_,)_s >_en caii _9 for
B@:h<>a_be four@ on (h@model ._mbe£ _tate Ioc_:_l_®d _mt_e _e8_'d ,I'® _t÷ezet _his infom_at o!_wl be
required wher_cain 9 fo__pars o_sewic_
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