Updght F zer
Model No_ £450=.
5 0 cu ft £
k ,/all t,t '_o_¢,to )I:i_®_ e ad cae @ you_"
_'ees@_ I abe oFes/,,ps on how to g@_'fte bes! atd
owest cost i;}@_J_: s.®
Iult Five-Y÷a_ Wa_°_a_ty os Seated
RefAgeratien Syst®_
!_o I,v_ years f_ls: the d_£rs(';>purd_aee_ %,lie _ths
ff'eezer s Q:,ecated a_d _a _ta nee 8cc.or_._91(_
ns_,_ :_ions al_che0 ¢00_fi ,msh_d wY_ he p_:)duc_,
Sears vd cepa _ lhe sealed system {/:o_sss/ng e
_et_9e_at_t c@' sec_ir_ uhis_}, a{_dcomi:nesso_ mote@
Ir®e e eha:{/_e found defectw_ ma_edalo'
f you pr:eF:e _'s&_/'N{_yo_.l_'owl parts _se e pa_ts
IM,_,, lllI hi I)IIR II,IF_t,II@L l_It eli@ lhe .
in the sp4c® L,elow mcoKi: {be model asd serial
_'sumt)®_¢1your fH:_e®_ Eash s p_ned on the
r_'o(_en_,robe pate o{mted n t_e upper toner of
( tS® ff_s>ezeback, Us® these numb®_'s wtsen c@hg
R} aerv c_-
- YV=:d'l_s )
IIli.I I[ III I'W,,II I_: P
=I= _@11OO111
The sbo/e a xa y co _8age a ::Ni®s en,y o a fi,_ezer
vh tl-s _.sedfc,_"e ea!}e of cod fer prvee hause'_e/d
I) LR "r.e8
I' '11£HE_ REST StlARS _>ER_,IO1i_
!i III_H ) iIIl_,.I ll}Ii .
..... )_I _i@11[% I OIIOI
} @ luFr etches[@ N;) S L)IbMII 213 _} 11 [ L
45 r¢5
5ea_4, _oeaus_ a_}d CO. -Ioffman s_;_es;
120 des 5@H; If _ /_t i6 raps
@©NOT 5s ®x!e/siaHsso_(:
Sel_@ ss 8_8cb(se,;;AI 8 s _sl ha:scan1{4 5e tumid
of by _. svdtch e 1:_ c:_s. B< :,
_ cestiel: ot seee r :)8,::e ne®d s ceii} 9@%';_
Use a R_sa (stor'_._it sleake s_s_eI...,d,"_ 8 re/. sai
w no become sver<sded ,,_ls®r__;hefree:ze_ ix
f,8 a ed
WA£NtNG¢ U '_ess _te !]_xxndir'K m®th,od
describe 4beve is !tlew<sd= you ale n8¢
_are_ec$eda.gans; save@ o_ e_ha shock s
the ®yes o he shot crcut: cff IXe I?eezeCs
v_dh':g ¢:)_ek/u:"FOS q,a_ po_®nCs.
'he {reexe¢ tempe_'mu/'s cat: De _*eg@s/ea by
adjusiag me can re/ Tre ev%asu:,40_oq_s the s orage
shehesof l'eun_ u chyovdes{osss_eetfreezng
tempetatur'es !hn:::,_.g'_onIh÷ i88z®[. [Crec>/ef
tempe u um wi vs%, deBer;d tg on i:he q _an ity of k_od
d:ered _pd o_ ¢he ¢,tq _ei_cyof cesr Opa8 lK}s
Wa 4 Is;re heave h(: f[ee;::e_, tt tales tree to
. ,, t [%*rK} 8eu f_eezer_aach S etaqe (;Ill _,_':_....
mayru cor'is(8 t}
;:,u.:: :ha Ire eeo-
D &S b;IiiR I:.. ........... , ;, "
Qe(]: 1"" ' =i;i, , ;, iei £ iiN ]=
I" + ........ .... s,
_;)t£, , Uk=l_:i;@>;;;$ Virl£I qeez@l t,sls£[ !-]FI
Sol 'aS 14 hIch hick. _ III ,,t, ..;== IM 11, ,,Alil!"c,dL!ce
peraiiin 9 _;ffic:ie-=c . II ,,,,,ofie;_ } .... I_ .... , l®Iie.sl
dei)er d'l er_ tt_e I)'pe an:l liner.us 01 i >:.,d y>_., lr_ e_e,
fletet÷@aribii6 irdihi idit)/a_i iher.e'_sibel _IIii 9s
yIu opec and dose !he {rr:,;_z:er_%e peAod t_4,.=__.x_h"
de'as ing can be exl®nded b set8 i_* It÷-;>t_' _,r' s:_
olten paslc sc aper.
Defrostii_ t Steps
i,'[um the _-';,tOF
2. Rr_,i°_ov at cod an{ f):Kse b;r : ;tb'oscf hs;_es or
'0_el> ir sev_s th @ r:esses .4 _.. :4;_t ...... t.,
acts1 wil _r_ep.fO_'d :.sa_ _,fezer. ¢_%ie yo,t_ def }st
and cl_a_ ys _"_ezer
3 The drp _'a'y' she.. d D® 3!ased at the bele_ >f t'_
cab nil
4. Leave he d_corep _r:t waii for =_::s _e softe '_.
P i_ce pans _ he we; el: e"_ the _d, _, o ase a'_
ek_ct'_ fan bowng '40 ha _ee_*et ts speed
de@ostng De '_o useee@_cd@os (e,.ces _s
t_a ('._,,_-damageike alas sea, so y,s fh.._s
5, Remove safer est ,o?;h a p stic or ,Jvo}de
set _[::,_L Or a cleh ," *' _-_,#,,,r .,f;u= p.. CA.;T!O_-: NIFU:FR
6otld p lOI_ife ffeezi ]@COHSt;fiJ skwsrely dSmsge
the refriI®ra iOfi syslem
1. DIII)8i vvi e vdl aec;twm iate i=rle ddp l'ay.
I:}isca;rd wse[ :fie "n Ire IriI b%i
7 r'_,='r...,.>athe i"@ile ofihe l'eezet. CJeanieg "_st__(6,
ios ale de ctt;ed :_e!ov,, _nd Or he pe_r_a_en
_se and eae lade c _he "_s e flih_ f _;_¢:_e*:' eel
8. Tuti't eqq_ as:on _sdpiacetPel[o;*_,b _
back ir's de ¢e ffees:)h
° USe any is/d soapy '4Jah!,rts e!ea_ doer gaskets
TuFn 0£ the f!"eezet 81'd _#A_Ov'e feeds V?;_slI _d:®No_
ires with a so t; ie _of wan-_ ws_er•s_d t_vo t_;@le-
spoons bs r_9 soda pe_ o_e quar ofwato R;:'@e
erd wipe seen DO _OT _._sesoaps, detu@e_ s
sooudeg powder, spsy c ®seer or See/ke fa _e
lee£ N;ey may e_eafe u_swasled odors n the q'ee)!:e
o Wash Ihe exter 0¢'with del:e@enl 0,' soa;_ and _,,_.£_:.
Rhse ;,_÷ and =_Ape@\y
DO NO'] _se SCSSLAn9 powders Or pads h%ve_ use
aeds chemca _hnne£ 9ssone besz®p.e ot(se
Re fo_ oleae s9 asy f:,_aqof he I%eeze Boih G ,_*_,ate_
and bar' z_e may de_c:,m and dams=fle pasts psd.s