perato:r Owner's Manuan
* Staffing the Refrigerator ................. ....................... 3, 4
° Adjusting the Controls ................................................ 4
, Food Storage Suggestions ......................................4, 5
0 Shelves and Storage Drawers ............................... 6, 7
°Automatic lcemaker...._..........................................................8
_lce & Water Dispenser .................................................9, 10
IceService ...............................................................................11
Before You Call for Service .............................. t 5
OVacation and Moving Precautions .........................15
° Warranty .L.........i....... i..... :..................... Back Cover
Your old refrigerator has a cooling systemthat used
CFCs (ch orofluorocorbons). CFCsare believed to harm
stratospheric ozone.
If you are lhrowing away your old refrigerator, make sure the
CFC refrigerant isremoved for proper disposal by a qualified
Servicer.If you intentionally release this CFC refrigerant you
can be subject to fines and imprisonment under provisions of
the federal Clean Air Act.
you purchased your Kenmore refrigerator in the
Serial Number
Date oFPurchase
_.RS,ROFBUCK AND COo, Hoffman Estates,IL 60179 USA
Side by Side 20-27 Models

Read all instructions before using • Don't refreeze frozen foods which have thawed
completely. The United States Department of Agriculture
in Home and Garden Bulletin No.. 69 says:
WARNING-When using this appliance, always
exercise bas c safety precauti0ns, inc ud ng the
followingi :
:.Use this_ appliance only for its in!ended
purpose: as described in ihis Owner sManual.
This refrigerator must be properly installed
in accordance with the Attention Installer
Instructions before it is used. See ground ng r d of t. The food may be dangerous to eat
requ_rementsbelowand on page 3 : "Eve " " .....
" NeVer unplug:your refrigerator by pulling on qual ty of foods, particu ar y flu ts,vegetab es and
the power cord, Always gr p plug firm y and pu f prepared foods The eating quality of red meats s
straight OutFromthe outlet. : affected less than that of many other foods° Use refrozen
• Repair or replace immediately all electric foods as soon as possible to save as much of their eating
: service cords that have become frayed or otherwise quality as you can.'
damaged.:Do not use a cord that shows cracks or - If your old refrigerator is still around the house but
:abrasion damage along itslength or at either the plug not in use, be sure to remove the doors. This wilf
Or ConneCtor end. reduce the possibility of danger to children.
• When moving your refrigerator away from the • Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang an
wall, be :careful nat to roll over or damage the the shelves in the refrigerator. They couid damage
: power cord. : . the refrigerator and seriously injure themselves.
• Afferyour refrigerator ts in operation, do :not - Unplug your refrigerator before making any
touch tl_e cold surfaces in the fTeezer compartment, repairs. NOTE: We strongly recommend that any
pa icularlywhen hands are damp or wet. Skin be performed by a q
may adhere to the extremely cold surfaces. " servicing ualified individual.......... Before replacing a burned-out light bulb, unplug the
Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic refrigerator or turn off power at the circuit breaker or fuse
icemaking mechanism while the refrigerator is box in order to avoid contact with a livewire filament.
:plugged in; Thiswill heip protect you from pass b e (A burned-out fig ht bulb may break when being replaced.)
in ury: it will alSOprevent interference with the moving NOTE: Moving control to OFF position does not remove
parts of the ejector mechanism, or with the heating power to the light circuit.
element that reieases the cubes.
" n parnal mawmg ana rerreez ng reauce me earing
"._You may safely refreeze frozen foods that have
thawed if they still contain ice crystals or if they are sti
cold-below 40°E (4°C).
...Thawed ground meats, poultry or fishthat have any
off-odor or off-color should not be refrozen and shou d
not be eaten.. Thawed ice cream should be discarded If
the odor or color of any food is poor or questionable, get
:;' Do not store or use gasol!ne or other flammable SAVETHESEINSTRUCTIONS
:vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
:: other appliance.
Grounding Requirements Important--Please read carefully.
To Connect Electricity
For personal safety,
this appliance must be
properly grounded°
The power cord of this
appliance isequipped
with a three-prong
(grounding) plug which
mateswith a standard
three-prong(grounding) wall outlet (Fig. 1) to minimize the
possibiii_/of electric shockhazard from thisappliance
Have wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified
electrician to make sure outlet is properly grounded
Where a standard two-prong wail outlet isencountered,
itisyour personal responsibility and obligation to have it
replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wall

Starting the Refrigerator
Use of Adapter Plug
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against use of an
adapter plug However, if you stilt elect to use an
adapter, where local codes permit, a TEMPORARY
CONNECT(ON may be made to a properly grounded
2-prong waft outlet by use ofa UL listed adapter
(Fig. 2) available at most local hardware stores.
The larger slot in the adapter
must be aligned with the
larger slot in lhe wall outlet
to provide proper polarity
in the connection of the
power cord
_ig, 2 BEFORE USE .....
CAUTION: Attaching an adapter ground teiminal to the
wall outlet cover screw does not ground the appliance
unless the cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and the
wall outtet isgrounded through the house wiring You
should have circuit checked by a qualified electrician to
make sure the outlet is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power cord from the
adapter, always hold the adapter with one hand
If this is not done, the adapter ground terminal isvery
likely to break with repeated use.
Should the adapter ground terminal break,
DO NOT USE the appliance until a proper
ground has again been established.
Use of Extension Cords
Because of potential safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use
of an extension cord_ However, ifyou stilt elect to use
an extension cord, itisabsolutely necessary that it
be a UL listed 3-wire grounding type appliance
extension cord having a grounding type plug and
outlet and that the electrical rating of the cord be
15 amperes (minimum) and t 20 volts.
Electrical Requirements
The refrigerator should always be plugged into its
own individual electrical outlet which has a voltage
rating that matches the rating plate This provides the
best performance and also prevents overloading house
wiring circuits, which could cause a fire hazard from
overheating wires.
• Install the refrigerator on o floor strong enough to
support it when it is fully loaded.
o Do not install itwhere the temperature will be
below 60°F. (16°C) because it wilt not run often
enough to maintain proper temperatures.
• Do not install it next to your range, a heating vent
or where the sun will shine directly on it,
Allow thefollowing clearances for ease of installation, proper
air circulation, and plumbingand electrical connections:
Sides ................ .................................. 5/8" (I 6 mm)
Top ................................................................I" (25 mm}
Back ...................................................................I" (25 ram)
(If built-in, allow 7/8" [22 mm] at top for hinge covers.)
If the refrigerator is against a wall on either side,
allow the following door clearances:
For models up to and including 25, allow 3/4" ( 19 mm)..
For27 models allow t _.6"(38 ram)..
Adjustable rollers behind the base grille enable you to
move the refrigerator away from the wall for cleaning.
These rollers should be set so the refrigerator rests firmly
on the floor.. To assure that the doors will close
automatically from a halfway-open position, there is a
buibin tilt from the front to the back of the cabinet. Side-
by-side refrigerators also have specially designed door
hinges that lift both doors slightly when opened, allowing
the force of gravity to help close them securely.
To adjust the rollers:
,, Remove the base grille.
Grasp itat the bottom and
pull it out
° Turn the roller adjusting
screws clockwise to raise
the refrigerator, counter-
clockwise to lower it Use
an adjustable wrench or
pliers on the 3/8" bolts..Both
doors should dose properly
when bottom front edge of
refrigerator cabinet is about
5/8" (16 mm)from the floor
- To replace the base
grille, line up the prongs
on the grille with the clamps
on the refrigerator and push
back until the grille snaps
into place.
(continued next page]

Starting the Refrigerator (continued)
Food Storage Suggestions
Fresh Food Storage Tips
gmmmm_mmmmm m m'_--'-_ _ _s
Temperature Controls (appearance may vary)
Two controls let you regulate the temperature in the
fresh food and Freezer compartments
At First,set the Fresh Food and Freezer controls at the
center of the "tNITIAL SETTING" range
Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize, whether
you are setting the controls for the first time or adjusting
them later Then, if you want colder or warmer
temperatures in either compartment, adjust the controls
one btter or number at a time
NOTE: Turning the Fresh Food control to OFF turns off
cooling in both compartments-fresh food and Freezer-
but does not shut off power to the refrigerator
How to Test Temperatures
Use milk test for fresh food compartment. Place
a container of milk on the top shelf in the fresh food
compartment Check it a day later IFthemilk istoo
warm or too cold, adjust the temperature controls,
Use ice cream test for freezer compartment.
Place a container of ice cream in the center of the
Freezer compartment Check it after a day Ifit's too
hard or too soft, adiust the temperature controls
Turning your Household Thermostat
Below 60°F. (16°C.) at Night?
You may want to move the Freezer control one step
colder. Cooler temperatures in the house may cause
the compressor to operate less frequently, thus allowing
the Freezer compartment to warm somewhat
To protect your Frozen food supply, leave your Freezer
control at this new, colder setting for the entire winter
or for as long as you keep your thermostat turned down
Moving the Freezer control to a cotder setting should
have no effect on your Freshfood compartment
However, if Freezing occurs, turn the numbered
control one step warmer,
When you stop turning the household thermostat
down at night, turn the refrigerator temperature
controls back to their regular settings
To store unfrozen meats, fish and poultry:
• Atways remove store wrappings.
• Rewrap in foil, plastic wrap or wax paper and
refrigerate immediately
To store cheese, wrap well with wax paper or
aluminum foil, or put in a plastic bag,
• Carefully wrap to expel air and help prevent mold_
• Store pre-packaged cheese in its own wrapping if
you wish
To store vegetables, use the vegetable drawers-
they've been designed to preserve the natural
moisture and Freshnessof produce
"Covering vegetables with a moist towel helps
maintain crispness
"As a further aid to Freshness,pre-packaged
vegetables can be stored in their original wrapping
Tips on Freezing Foods
1. Freeze only top-quality foods. Freezing retains
quality and flavor; it cannot improve quality
2o Freeze fruits and vegetables quickly after
picking. The sooner you do, the better the Frozen
product will be, with lesscuIling and sorting todo,
3. Use food wraps designed especially for
To freeze meat, fish and poultry, wrap well in
freezer-weight foil (or other heavy-duty wrapping
material) Forming itcarefully to the shape of the
contents This expels air Fold and crimp ends of
the package to provide a good, lasting seal
Don't refreeze meat that has completely thawed;
meat, whether raw or cooked, can be Frozen
successfully only once
To store ice cream-Fine-quality ice cream, with
high cream content, will normally require slightly
lower temperatures than more "airy" already-
packaged brands with low cream content
• It will be necessary to experiment to determine the
freezer compartment location and temperature
control setting to keep your ice cream at the right
serving temperature
• The rear of the freezer compartment is slightly
colder than the fronk

Suggested Storage Times
For Convenience°°,
Eating quality drops
after time shown
Fresh Meats
Roosts (Beef & Lamb) ................ 3 to5 6 to 12
Roosts(Pork& Veal) ...................... 3 to 5 4 to 8
Steaks (Beef) .............................. 3 to 5 6 to 12
Chops ILamb) .......................... 3 to 5 6 to 9
Chops (Park) .............................. 3 to 5 3 to 4
Ground & Slew Meats ................... 1 to 2 3 to 4
Variety Meats ............................. l to 2 3 to 4
Sausage (Pork) ............................ 1 ta 2 1 Io 2
Processed Meats
Bacon ........................................ 7 1
Frankfurters ............................. 7 1/2
Ham (Whale) ............................... 7 1 to2
Ham (Half) .................................... 3 to 5 t to 2
Ham (S_ices) .............................. 3 1 to 2
Luncheon Meats .......................... 3 to 5 Freezing
Sausage (Smoked) ................... 7 not recom-
Sausage (Dry & Semi-Dry) ........... 14 to 21 mended,
Cooked Meats
Cooked Meats and
Meat Dishes .................................. 3 to 4 2 to 3
Gravy & Meat Broth .................. 1 to 2 2 to 3
Fresh Poultry
Chicken & Turkey (Whale} ........ I to 2 12
Chicken [Pieces) ................................. 1 to 2 9
Turkey (Pieces) ................................. 1 to 2 6
Duck & Goose (Whole) ................ 1 to 2 6
Giblets ............................................. 1 to 2 3
Cooked Poultry
Pieces (Covered with Broth) ......... 1 to 2 6
Pieces (Not Covered) ......................... 3 to4 1
Cooked Poultry Dishes .............. 3 to 4 4 to 6
FriedChicken ................................. 3 to 4 4
(Other than for meats & poultry) FREEZER
Mosl fruits and vegetables ............................. 8-12 months
Lean fish ..................................................... 6-8 months
Fatty fish, rolls and breeds,
soups, stew, casseroles ................................. 2-3 months
Cakes, pies, sandwiches,
leftovers (cooked),
Ice cream (original carton) .......................... 1_month max
35 ° to 40°F. 0_F.
(2 ° to 4°C.) (-18°C.)
• Store like thingstogether, This saves both time and
electricity because you can find foods faster,,
° Place the oldest items up front so they can be used up
• Use bins on the door for most often used sauces and
° Use the meat drawer for meats you do not freeze,
To Save Money in Energy and Food Costs_.
" Cover moist foods with tight lids, plastic film or foil
• Leaf vegetables and fruits placed in drawers will last
longer when stored in dosed plastic containers or
wrapped in plastic film.
• Do not overload your fresh food or freezer
compartment with a lot of warm food at once
• Open the doors the fewest times possible to save
electrical energy
• When going out of town for several days, leave
as few perishables as possible in the refrigerator
If your refrigerator has an icemaker, move the
icemaker feeler arm to the STOP (up) position and
shut off water to the refrigerator_
Meats, fish and poultry purchased from lhe store vary in
quality and age; consequently, safe storage times in your
refrigerator witJ vary
New techniques are constantly being developed.,
Consult the College or County Extension Service or
your local Utility Company for the latest information
on freezing and storing foods_

Shelves and Storage Drawers
Adjustable Shelves
Shelves in the refrigerator are adjustable Place them in
the best position far your foods_
To remove a shelf: _ []
Tilt the shelf up at front, \ "ri_tup
then lift itup and outof
the tracks on the rear walt.
To replace a shelf:
With the shelf front raised
slightly, put the top hooks in
the tracks on the rear wail.
Then lower the frontof the shelf
until it locksinto position
Spillproof Shelves (onsomemodels)
Spitlproof shelves have
special edges to he!p prevent
spills from dripping to lower
Some shelves slide out for
easy access. Make sure
you push theshelves all
the way back in before
closing the door.
Some spiHproofshelves
slide out for easy access
Handi Dishes j__jitii i 'i J
(on some models) __'_
dishes with durable see_
through lids fit into a rack that hangs on and can be
relocated on the fresh food compartment door.
Dishes and lids are safe for use in microwave ovens,
refrigerators, freezers, and are dishwasher-safe. The
dishes should not be used for cooking high-fat foods such
as bacon and high-sugar foods such as candy and syrup_
The high temperatures of the fat and sugar can cause
bubbles to Formon the inside of the dish.
CAUTION: Dishes and lids are not designed for use in
the regular oven, on the range-top or in the broiler Such
use can be hazardous..
Removable Door Bins [on some models)
To remove bin: Lift the bin
straight up unlil themounting
hooks come out of the tracks..
To relocate bin: Place the
hooks in the slots and push
down until the bin locks in
Dividers can be moved
from side to side to keep
items secure so lhey won't
tip, spill or slide.
Storage Bin
(on some models)
Thestorage bin isa removable
tilt-outbin that provides
convenient covered storage°
To remove the bin, lift it up
and out of the bin housing
To move the storage bin, lift it up and aut of the slots
on the door To replace it, lower the hooks on the housing
intothe slots on the door°
You do not have to remove the bin from the housing
when moving the storage bin.
To open, push the latch up and pull the bin handle
To avoid damaging the refrigerator, make sure
the bin is closed and latched before closing the
refrigerator door

Multi-Position Freezer Shelves (onsome models)
Sealed Crisper Drawer
Shelves in the freezer ore
To move the shelves:
1. Lift the shelf off the
supports, tf your mode} has
locking tabs, press the tabs
on the shelf supports while
lifting the shelf up-
2. Pull the shelf sideways
until the shelf rods come out
of the holes on the left wall
When replacing theshelves
on models with locking tabs,
make sure the shelf is
securely locked into position.
Shelf rod
Removable Wine Rack (onsome models)
The wine rack holds a
bottle on itsside and
will fit on any shelf To
move it, pull it straight out,
position its _ipover either
edge of the shelf, and push
it all the way in.
Removable Freezer Basket Shelves
(on some models)
Shelves in the freezer will
stop before coming al! the
way out to help prevent
contents from spilling onto
the floor. They can be
removed easily by lifting up
slightly and pulling past the
"stop" location.
Thissealed drawer helps (_
to keep foods fresh by
retaining lhe natural
moisture content of foods
such as:
• Artichokes • Celery • Lettuce • Radishes
• Asparagus • Cherries • Parsley • Rh_Jbarb
• Beets, topped ° Corn • Peas, green • Spinach
• Blueberries • Currants • Plums • Tomatoes,
. Carrots • Greens, leafy ripe
As in any refrigerated storage area, foods with strong
odors should be stored wrapped-foods such as:
• Brussels • BroccoIi ° Cauliflower • Turnips
Sprouts • Cabbage • Green Onions - Parsnips
Temperature Controlled Meats Drawer
(on some models)
The Temperature Controlled Meats Drawer has itsown
cold air duct to alfow a stream of cold air from the
freezer compartment to flow around the drawer
The variable temperature control regulates the air flow
from the freezer compartment
the coldest setting to store _
fresh meats If lever isleft
in meat position a long _--'_fj
period of time, some frost
Set control lever down tofor __ f...tt __
may form on the inside of
the drawer.
Set control lever up to convert the drawer to normal
refrigerator temperature and provide extra vegetable
storage space, Cold air duct is turned off..Variable
settings between these extremes can be selected.
.,,__. Normal
Dell Pan (onsome models)
Adjustable Humidity Drawers (onsome models)
These drawers have individual, adjustable humidity
controls that let you regulate the amount of moisture
retained in foods,
Slide the control all the
way to the "High" setting
and the drawer provides
high humidity
recommended for most
Slide the control all the way to the "Low" setting to
provide lower humidity levels recommended Formostfruits.
The Deft Pan can be
moved within the
refrigerator. The sealed
drawer keeps high
humidity for storage of
lunch meats, cheese,
hors d'oeuvres, spreads
and snacks.

Automatic lcema ker (onicemaker&dispenser equipped models)
With a newly-installed refrigerator, allow about 24
hours for the freezer compartment to cool down to the
proper icemaking temperature,
If your refrigerator is
operated before the water
connection is made, keep
the icemaker feeler arm in the
STOP (up} position,
Ice Storage Bin position
When the refrigerator has .._L_I
been connected to the water
supply and the water has
been turned on, move the
feeler arm to ON (down)
Theice cube mold will automatically fill with water after
cooling to freezing temperature, and firstcubes normally
freeze after several hours,
When cubes are solidly frozen, they wil! be ejected from
the mold into the ice storage bin by means of a sweeper
arm..lcemaking will continue until the feeler arm senses
that there are enough cubes in the bin and halts the
operation temporarily, Be sure nothing interferes with the
swing of the feeler arm
Your icemaker wit1produce 8 cubes per cycle-
approximately 120 cubes in a 24 hour period-depending
on freezer temperature, room temperature, number of door
openings and other use conditions.
To make sure the bin fills with ice, level lhe cubes
occasionally,. When cubes fall into the bin they may pile up
close to the icemakerand push the feeler arm tothe STOP
(up) position before the bin gets full Keeping the cubes
level allows the icemaker to fill the bin
Once your icemaker is in operation, throw away the
first few batches of ice cubes. Thiswil! flushaway any
impuritiesin the water line, Do the same thingafter
vacations or extended periods when ice isn'tused
Move Feeler Arm to STOP (up) Position when...
o Home water supply isto be turned off for several hours
• Ice storage bin isto be removed for a period of time
° Going away onvacation, at which time you should also
turnoff thevalve in thewater supply lineto your refrigerator
e Moving the FreshFoodcontrol to OFF.
__r Icemaker
arm in
/ STOP (up)
Feeler arm in
ON (down)
If ice is not used often, old ice cubes will become
cloudy and taste stale° Empty the ice storage bin
periodically and wash it in lukewarm water,
If this isyour first icemaker, you wit! hear occasional
sounds that may be unfamiliar They are normal icemaking
sounds and are not cause for concern,.
Ice Trays (onmodels without automatic icemaker)
To release ice cubes,
turn the tray upside down,
hold it over a container,
and I,,vistboth ends
For only one or two
ice cubes, leave the
tray right-side-up, twist
both ends slightly, and
remove as many cubes
as you want..
Wash the ice trays in lukewarm water and vinegar
to remove lime deposits, Do not put them in an
automatic dishwasher
Automatic Icemaker Accessory Kit
(optional at extra cost)
If your refrigerator did not come already equipped with
an automatic icemaker, you may add one-contact your
Sears store or Sears Service Center..
Water Filter Accessory
(optional at extra cost)
Your ice cubes can only be as fresh-tasting as the water
that produces them That's why it's a good idea to purify
the water with a water filter,
The water filter isan optional part at extra cost and is
available from your Sears Service Center° Order Filter
No 978488 and it may be installed in minutes when
attached to the inlet water tube connection_
Water Supply Accessory Kit
(optional at extra cost)
A water supply kit containing copper tubing, shut-off
valve, fittings and instructionsneeded to connect the
icemaker to your cold water line isalso available from
your Sears store or Sears Service Center,

Ice & Water Dispenser (on somemodels)
How It Works
Some models have an
automatic icemaker
and a dispenser that
dispenses water, ice
cubes and crushed
ice (on some models)
through the freezer
door. Here's how
they work.
Water flows from the
household supply
through a
(1) dual solenoid valve to the
(2) water tubing and to the
(3) automatic icemaker as needed.
Water is frozen in the
(4) cube mold and ejected into the
(5) storage bin where a motor-powered auger moves
cubes forward_
Cubes dispense through the chute in the door when the
pad is pressed..
When the switch is moved to CRUSHED (on some
models), a baffle channels cubes through the crusher
and crushed ice falls through a chute into the glass_
Water flows through the
(6) tubing in the door and isdispensed when the pad
is pressed
(7) A light switch (on some models) turns the night light in
the dispenser on or off The light also comes on when the
pad is pressed_
The light in the dispenser should be replaced with a
7 watt maximum bulb when it burns out..
Important Facts about
Your Ice & Water Dispenser
* You can reach the ice through
the ice access door°
• Intermittent dispensing of ice
is normal. If ice flow interruption is
more than brief, ice clump(s) may be
the cause and should be removed
following instructions in this section
• Avoid over filling glasses with ice and using
narrow or extra-tall glasses° Thiscan jam the chute
or cause the door in the chute to freeze shut Open the
freezer compartment door and took down into the chute
If ice is blocking the chute, poke it through with a
wooden spoon
• To help keep bits of ice from being sprayed
beyond the glass, place the glass close to the ice
chute-but not so close that it blocks outcoming ice..
• Add ice before adding beverage to
prevent splashing.
e Beverages and foods should not be quick-chilled
in the ice storage bins Cans, bottles or food packages
in the storage bin may cause the icemaker or auger to jam_
• Do not add ice from trays or bags to the storage
bin. It may not crush or dispense well
Before Using Your Dispenser
On models with a water dispenser, if no
water is dispensed when the refrigerator
isfirstinstalled, there may be air in the
water line system, Pressthe dispenser
pad for at least two minutes to remove
trapped air from the water line and to
fil! the water system.
Pushthe dispenser pad
untilthe water line is filled.
Clean out thewater line by pouring the first six glassfuls of
water in thekitchen sink The first water through the system
picks up a slight "plastic" taste from thewater tubing
NOTE: With a newly-installed refrigerator, allow about
24 hours for the freezer compartment to cool down to the
proper icemaking temperature
(continued next page)

Ice & Water Dispenser (continued)
To Dispense Ice and Water
• Setthe selector switch to CUBES, CRUSHED ICE
(on some models) or WATER.
° Grip the glass or other container near the rim and press
the rimagainst the center of the pad
When Dispensing Ice:
• Same crushed ice may be
dispensed even though you selected
CUBES_This happens occasionally
when a few cubes get channeled to
the crusher
° Sometimesa mound of snow will
form on the door in the ice chute.
Th_scondition is normal, and usually occurs when you have
dispensed crushed ice repeatedly. The snow will eventually
• Sometimes crushed ice will spray beyond the glass To
avoid this,hold the glass up close to lhe chute_
When Dispensing Water:
• The firstglass of water dispensed
may be warmer than the following
ones._Thisis normal
• Dispensedwater is cool, noticed
Forcolder water, simply add crushed
iceor cubes before dispensing water.
CAUTION: Never put fingers or other
objects into thedispenser opening
If )ce Clumps Form inthe Storage Bin.,.
The icemaker ejects cubes in groups of eight, and it is
normal for several cubes to be joined together However,
ifyou don't usethe ice very often ice clumps may form in
the storage bin and can clog the dispenser If this happens:
° Remove the storage bin from the freezer.
,, Break up ice clumps with your hands Throw away any
clumps that you can't break up.
° Replace the bin before the remaining cubes melt and
fuse together
• After washing the bin, allow itto cool before replacing it,
otherwise ice will stick to the metal auger.
To Remove )ce Storage Bin
Liftthe left corner to free the bin from
the shelf. Pullthe bin straight out while
supporting it at front and back..
To Replace Ice Storage Bin _,
Slide the bin back until the tab on the
bin locks into the slot in the shelf
IFthe bin does not go all the way back,
remove it and turn thedrive mechanism
1/4 turn Thenpush thebin back again
until thetab on the bin locks into theslot inthe shelf.
To Stop Dispensing
Release pressurefrom the pod and
waita few seconds to catch the last
bits of ice or drops of water_ There
may be some dripping after
dispensing of crushed ice or water.
Ifthere isa lot of dripping, the spill
should be wiped dry right away
Do not pour water in the spill shelf
because it is not selfdraining-pour it in the
kitchen sink.The shelfand its grille should be
cleaned regularly according to
Care and Cleaning instructions°
Thegrille is easily removed by
pressing on t_e back right corner
Press here to
remove gfilre

Ice Service
Icemaker Water Line
Installation Requirements
You will need a shutoff valve, two
1/4" O Docompression nuts, two
compression sleeves and enough
1/4" OD copper tubing to connect
refrigerator to water source. (Your
Sears Store or Catalog Sales Office
has a kit available with a saddle-
type shutoff valve and copper
tubing, Before purchasing, make
sure a saddle-type valve complies
with your local plumbing codes.)
CAUTION: Do not install icemaker
tubing in areas where temperatures
fal! below freezing
1. Find a 3/8" (10 ram) to 1"
(25 ram) vertical COLD water pipe
near the refrigerator. When it is
necessary to connect inlo a
horizontal water pipe, make the
connection to the top or side, rather
than at the bottom to avoid drawing
off any sediment Fromthe water piper
2. Measure from INLET on rear of
refrigerator to water pipe Add 7'
(2 m)to allow for moving
refrigerator for cleaning. This is the
length of 1/4" O_D copper tubing
you will need for the job (length
from water valve to water pipe
PLUS7' [2 m])_Be sure both ends
of copper tubing are cut square
3. Turn OFF main water supply_
Turn on nearest faucet long enough
to clear line of water
CAUTION: When using any
electrical device (such as a power
drill) to facilitate installation, be
sure the device is insulated or wired
in a manner to prevent the hazard
of electrical shock
4. Using a grounded drill, drill a
3/16" hob in the vertica! cold
water pipe you have selected
ways to
to water
to basemen!
cold water pipe
Under slnkto
cold water
5. Faslen shutoff valve to cold water
pipe with pipe clamp Be sure inlet
end is solidly in 3/16" drilted hole
in water pipe and washer is under
pipe clamp Tighten packing nuL
Tighten pipe clamp screws carefully
and evenly so washer makes a
watertight connection_ Do not
overtighten or you may crush
copper tubing, especially if soft
copper tubing is used, Now you are
ready to connect the copper tubing
6. Slip compression sleeve and
compression nut on copper tubing
as shown above Insert end of
tubing into outlet end squarely as far
as itwill go Screw compression nut
to outlet end with adjustable
wrench Do not overtighten Turn
ON main water supply and flush out
tubing until water is clear_ Turn OFF
shutoff valve on water pipe You are
now ready to connect other end of
1/4" copper tubing to water valve
on back of refrigerator
to u|ilttyroom
cold water pipe
7. Your model has a water valve
compression fittingcoming lhrough
the rear wall of the reFrigerator
Assemble compression nut on
compression fittingas shown above,
Insertend of tubing into connector
and tighten compression nut. Be sure
end of tubing is square in connector
and isinserted as far as it will go, Do
not overtighten. Be surethere is
enough extra tubing (coiled into
three turns of about 10 _[25 cm]
diameter) to allow refrigerator to
move out from wall after installation
Secure tubing in metal clamp at top
right corner of compressor
compartment cover°
8. Turnshutoffvalve O N TIG HTEN
9. Copper tubing may now be
fastened to baseboard°
10. Your ice cubes can only be as
fresh-tasting as the water that
produces them. That swhy it is a
good idea to purih/the water with
a water filter, The water filter isan
optional part at extra cost and is
available from the Sears Service
Center, Order Filter No 978488
and install at the inlet water tube
11. Water Pressure Limitations:
Not below 15 P_SJ.or above
125 PoSI,If a problem occurs,
call your Utility Company,
IMPORTANT: It may take up to
24 hours for your icemaker to
begin producing ice.
The first few batches of ice cubes
should be thrown away, so that
remaining impurities in the water
line will be flushed out

Care and Cleaning
The water and ice dispenser spill shelf should be
wiped dry immediately to prevent spotting. Water left on
the shelf may leave deposits that you can remove by
soaking in undiluted vinegar You can also use a paste
of non-precipitating water softener (such as Calgon
brand) and water, or one teaspoon (5 ml) of citric acid
powder per pint (500 ml) of hot tap water Soak until the
deposit disappears or becomes loose enough to rinse
away Usually 30 minutes soaking timeis adequate
Avoid using wax on the spill shelf and trim
The dispenser pad (on some models) can be cleaned
by using a warm water and baking soda solution-about
a tablespoon ( 15 ml) of baking soda to a quart (1 L) of
water Rinse thoroughly with water and wipe dry.
The door handles and trim (on some models) can be
cleaned with a cloth dampened with a solution of mild
liquid dishwashing detergent and water Dry with a soft
cloth Don't use wax on the door handles and trim
The soft door handles are easy to clean if they are
waxed every few months. Use a household wax such as
Pledge or Jubilee brand to coat the handles. Soil will
then easily wash off with dish detergent and water or a
non-abrasive all-purpose cleanerL
Keep the finish clean. Wipe with a clean cloth lightly
dampened with kitchen appliance wax or mild liquid
dishwashing detergent, Dry and polish with a clean, soft
cloth. Do not wipe the refrigerator with a soiled
dishwashing cloth or wet towel These may leave a
residue that can harm the painL Do not use scouring
pads, powdered cleaners, bleach or cleaners containing
bleach because these products can scratch and weaken
the paint finish
Protect the paint finish. The finish on the outside of the
refrigerator is a high quality, baked_on paint finish_With
proper care, it witl stay new-looking and rust-free for
years Apply a coat of kitchen/appliance wax when the
refrigerator is new and then at least twice a year
The fresh food and freezer compartment interiors shoutd
be cleaned at least once a year_ Unplug the refrigerator
before cleaning, if thisis not practical, wring excess
moisture out of sponge or cloth when cleaning around
switches, lights or controls_
Use warm water and baking soda solution-about a
tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda to a quart (1 L)of
water. This both cleans and neutralizes odors. Rinse
thoroughly with water and wipe dry
Other refrigerator parts-including door gaskets, meat
and vegetable drawers, ice storage bin and all plastic
parts-can be cleaned the same way. Do not use
cleansing powders or other abrasive cleaners_ Door
gaskets are factory-lubricated with petroleum jelly on the
hinge sider If the lubricant is excessive, wipe itoff but
leave a thin film on the gasket to help insure a proper
hinge-side seal When you clean the door gaskets,
relubricate them If the freezer baskets don't slide freely
after cleaning, lubricate them with petroleum jelly_
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves and g_assstorage
drawer cover with hot water because the extreme
temperature difference may cause them to break.
To help prevent odors, leave an open box of baking
soda in the rear of the refrigerator, on the top shelf.
Change the box every three months_ in addition, put an
open box of baking soda in the freezer to absorb stale
freezer odors.
Do nat wash any plastic parts from your
refrigerator in your automatic dishwasher.
Handi Dishes and lids can be cleaned in an automatic
dishwasher, or by hand with liquid dishwashing
detergent and water. You can remove stains by soaking
them in a Bleach-and-water solution-one part chlorine
bleach to three parts water (Stubborn stains may
require two or more hours of soaking.) Use a plastic
scouring pad to remove burned-on soil Do not use
cleansing powders or other abrasive cleaners.

Drawer Removal
Light Bulb Replacement
Drawers will stop before
coming all the way out of the
refrigerator to help prevent
contents from spilling onto
the floor Drawers can easily
be removed by tilting up
slightly and pulling past
"stop" location
On some models you may
need to remove the door
bins from the fresh food door
before removing the drawers
If the door prevents you from taking out the drawers, the
refrigerator will need to be rolled forward until the door
opens enough to sfide the drawers out In some cases
when you roll the refrigerator out you will need to move
the refrigerator to the left as you roll it out
When replacingthe drawers
make sure you stide them
through the drawer guides
on the left side
Drain Opening in Freezer Compartment
When cleaning, remove the
freezer bin and flusha
solution of baking soda (one
teaspoon [5 mill and two
cups (500 ml) of hot (not
boiling) water through the
drain line with the help of a
meat baster This will help eliminate odor and reduce the
likelihood of a clogged drain line. If drain becomes
clogged, use a meat baster and baking-soda-and-water
solution to force the clog through the drain line
Under Refrigerator
The condenser is located
behind the base grille For
most efficient operation,
remove the base grille (see
page 3} and sweep away or
vacuum up dust that is readily
accessible For best results, Clean the condenser
use a brush specially coils at leastonce a year
designed for this purpose
It is available at your Sears store or service center Thiseasy
cleaning operation should be done at least once a year
Behind Refrigerator
Take care moving your refrigerator away from the wall
All types of floor coverings can be damaged, particularly
cushioned coverings and those with embossed surfaces_
Pu!lthe refrigerator straight out and return it to position by
pushing it straight in Moving refrigerator in a side
direction may damage floor covering or refrigerator,,
When pushing the refrigerator back, make sure you don't
roll over the power cord or icemaker supply fine,
Unplug refrigerator before changing a light bulb_
Fresh Food Compartment-Upper Light
1. Pull off temperature control knobs
2o Pull the bottom Pin
of the light shield
down and forward,
then rotate the top
up and off
After replacing with
same size bulb,
reinstafl light shield,
Fresh Food Compartment--Lower Light (on somemodels)
This light is located behind the top drawer or right above
the top drawer (depending on your model),
1. Unplug the refrigerator-
2. If the light is behind the top drawer you will need to
remove the drawer and the shelf above it, To remove the
drawer see the Drawer Removal section in Care and
• To remove the shelf first
remove any food on the shelf,
Then tilt lhe shelf up at the
front and lift it up and out
of the tracks,
3, Grasp thebottom of the
light shield and pull it
forward and up
4. After replacing wilh the same size bulb, replace the shield
If you cannot locate the correct bulb, see your dealer,
5. tf the light was behind the top drawer, you will need to
replace the drawer and the shelf above it,
• To replace the sheff, raise the shelf front slightly and
place the top hooks in the lowest large track slots. Then
lower the front of the shelf until itis level
6. Plug the refrigerator back in
Freezer Compartment
1. Remove shelf just below light
panel. (Shelf will be easier to
remove if it isemptied first )
2o Pull plastic light panel
toward you (it will bend to free tabs from grooves.)
3. After replacing with same size bulb, reinstall panel
and shelf,

BeforeYou Call for Service
Save time and money Check this list of causes of minor
operating problems you con correct yourself,
Refrigerator does not operate
o May be in defrost cycle when motor does not operate
for about 30 minutes,
• Temperature control in OFF position.
If interior light is not on, refrigerator may not be plugged
in at wall outlet
° IFplug is secure and refrigerator fails to operate,_tug
lamp into same outlet to determine if there is trippea circuit
breaker or burned out fuse,
Motor operates for long periods
* Modern refrigerators with more storage space and a
larger freezer require more operating time,
o Normal when refrigerator is first delivered to your home-
usually requires 24 hours to completely cool down_
o Large amounts of food placed in refrigerator to be
cooled or frozen.
° Hot weather-frequent door openings,
° Door leftopen.
- Temperature controts settoo cold..
° Condenser needs cleaning
Operating sounds
° Thehigh speed compressor motor required to maintain
near zero temperatures in the Iorge freezer compartment
may produce higher sound levels than your old
° Normal fan air flow-one fan blows cold air throughthe
refrigerator and freezer compartments-another fan cools
the compressor motor,,
° TheseNORMAL sounds wit also be heard from time
to time:
* Defrost timerswitch clicks at defrost,
° Defrost water dripping,
o Temperature control clicks ON or OFF.
° Refrigerant boiling or gurgling.
. Cracking or popping of cooling coils caused by
expansion and contraction during defrostand refrigeration
following defrost.
. Ice cubes dropping intothebin and water running in
pipes as icemaker refills
Motor starts & stops frequently
° Temperature control starts and stops motor to maintain
even temperatures ThL_isnormal.
Door not closing properly
° Door gasket on hinge side sticking or folding over.
To correct, put a small amount of petroleum jeIly on face
of gasket.
Vibration or rattling
° If refrigerator vibrates, more than likely itisnot resting
solidly on the floor The front roller screws need adjusting,
or floor is weak or uneven Rel:erto Starting Your
Refrigerator sectionr
* If dishes vibrate on shelves, try moving them Slight
vibration is normal.
o Icemaker supply line may be rattling; move the
refrigerator i/2" €13 ram) out from the wal!,
Foods dry out
° Foods not covered, wrapped or sealed properly,
Fresh food or freezer compartment temperature
too warm
° Temperature control not set cold enough.
° Warm weather-frequent door openings
* Door left open for long time
* Package may be holding door open
Frost or ice crystals on frozen food
° Door may have been left aiar or package holding
door open.
° Too frequent or too long door openings
o Frostwi|hin package isnorma_,
Slow ice cube freezing
• Door may have been left ajar,r
° Set temperature of freezer compartment colder
Ice cubes have odor/taste
° Old cubes need to be discarded Empty ice bin every
30 days,
o Ice storage bin needs to be washed
,, Uf,,:'_aled packages in refrigerator and/or freezer
compartments may be transmitting odor/taste to ice cubes,
. Interiorof refrigerator needs cleaning.
Automatic icemaker does not work
° Icemaker feeler arm in STOP (up} position.
• Water supply turned off or not connected.
• Freezer compartment too warm.
• Cubes too small-water shutoff valve connecting
refrigerator to home water line may be clogged
• Sometimes cubes fuse to the side of the icemold and
hold the feeler arm inthe STOP (up} position, P,emove this
ice to restart theicemaker.
• Piled up cubes instorage bin may cause icemaker to shut
off prematurely, With icemaker feeler arm in STOP (up)
position, level cubes in bin by hand
• When levering cubes by hand, you may have pushed
thefeeler arm intothe STOP (up) position by mistake

° No ice cubes Remove storage container, ff cubes are
frozen to wire arm, remove cubes
° No ice cubes, Icemaker or water supply turned off.
° Irregular ice clumps in storage container Break up as
many as you can with fingertip pressure and discard the
remaining clumps.
Water has poor taste/odor
° Ifwater dispenser has not been used for an extended
period, dispense several glassfuls of water to eliminate taste
temporarily imparted by the water line.
° PooNasting incoming water, Install a water filter
Water dispenser does not work
° Water supply line turned off or not connected,
* Supply line may be clogged with sedimenL
* If no water isdispensed when the refrigerator is first
installed,there may be air in the water system Pressthe
dispenser pad for at least lwo minutes to remove trapped
from the water line and to fill thewater system
Moisture forms on outside of refrigerator
o Not unusual during periods of high humidity
Moisture collects inside
o Too frequent or too long door openings,
• Inhumid weather, air carries moisture into refrigerator
when doors are opened,
Water on floor
o The drain inthe bottom oflhe freezer may be clogged,
Remove any ice on the freezer bottom and clean the drain
Referto Care and Cleaning section
Hot air from bottom of refrigerator
° Normal air flow cooling motor in the refrigeration
process,itisnormal that heat be expelled in the area
underthe refrigerator Some floor coverings will discolor
atthesenormal and safe operating temperatures Your
floor covering supplier should be consulted ifyou object
Interior light does not work
• No power at outfet
• Light bulb nccc]sreplacing See Care and Cleaning
Refrigerator has odor
o Food with strong odors should be tightly covered
• Check for spoiled food
• Interior needs cleaning Referto Care and Cleaning
• Defrost water systemneeds cleaning
• Keep open box of baking soda in refrigerator; replace
every three months
Water Filter Accessory
(optional at extra cost)
Your ice cubes can only be as fresbtasting as the water
that produces them Thal's why it'sa good idea to purify
the water with a water filter_
The water fitter is an optional part at extra cost and is
available from your Sears Service Center_ Order Filter
No. 978488 and it may be installed in minutes when
attached to the inlet water tube connection
Water Supply Accessory Kit
(optional at extra cost)
A water supply kit containing copper tubing, shut-off
valve, fittings and instructionsneeded to connect the
icemaker to your cold water line isalso available from
your Sears store or Sears Service Center°
Moving Precautions
Disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet, remove all
food and clean and dry the interior. Secure all loose items
by taping them securely in p_ace Keep the refrigerator in
an upright position during actual moving and in the van._
Secure the refrigerator inthe van to prevent movement,
and protect the outside with a bIanket
Vacation Precautions
For extended vacations or absences, shutoff power to
the refrigerator, move the numbered control to the OFF
position, and clean the interiorwith a baking soda solution
of one tablespoon of baking soda to one quart of water.
Wipe dry To prevent odors, leave an open box of baking
soda in the refrigerator. Leave the doors open
For shorter vacations, remove perishable foods and
leave controls at their regular settings However, if room
temperature isexpected to drop below 60 °F_,follow the
instructions in the Adjusting the Controls section.
Seticemaker tothe STOP position and shutoff water supply