Ken more
Refrigerator Owner's Manual
• Safety Instructions....................................................................2
- Grounding Requirements .........................................2, 3
- Refrigerator Location, Clearances, Rollers .....................3
" Electronic Alert & Diagnostic System ........................4-7
• Ice & Water Dispenser .............................................8-t0
- Features ........................ .......................................................... t 1
- Adjusting Temperature Controls ....................................t 2
- Food Storage Suggestions .....................................12-15
- Energy-Saving Tips ........................................................................13
° Convenience Center ......................................................14
- Care and Cleaning ............... ............................................. ]6, 17
- Before You Call for Service .............. ......................... ] 8, 19
• Vacation and Moving Precautions ...............................t9
"Warranty ........................................................... Back Cover
Please record the model number, serial number and date you purchased your Kenmore refrigerator in the
space below_ See page 1t for model and serial number location,,
Model Number Serial Number DaJe of Purchase
SEARS,ROEBUCK AND CO,, Chicago, IL60684 USA 53781 53785
53782 53788

Read all instructions before using
this appliance.
VfARNING-When using this appliance, always
exercise basic safety precautions, including the
• Use this appliance only for its intended
purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
"This refrigerator must be properly installed
in accordance with the Attention Installer
Instructions before it is used. See grounding
requirements below and on page 3
• Never unplug your refrigerator by pulling on
the power cord. Always grip plug firmly and puJt
straight out from the outleL
• Repair or replace immediately all electric
service cords that have become frayed or
otherwise damaged° Do not use a cord that shows
cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either
the plug or connector end
• When moving your refrigerator away from the
wall, be careful not to roll over or damage the
power cord.
• After your refrigerator is in operation, do not
touch the cold surfaces in the freezer compartment,
particularly when hands are damp or wet° Skin
may adhere to the extremely cold surfaces
' Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic
icemaking mechanism while the refrigerator is
plugged in. This will help protect you from possible
iniury It will also prevent interference with the moving
parts of the ejector mechanism, or with the heating
element that releases the cubes
' Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
• Don't refreeze frozen foods which have thawed
completely. The United States Department of Agriculture
in Home and Garden Bulletin No 69 says:
"You may safely refreeze frozen foods that have
thawed if they still contain ice crystals or if they are still
cold-below 40°E
"Thawed ground meats, poultry or fish that have any
off-odor or off-color should not be refrozen and should
not be eaten Thawed ice cream should be discarded If
the odor or color of any food is poor or questionable, get
rid of it The food may be dangerous to eat
"Even partial thawing and refreezing reduce the eating
quality of foods, particularly fruits, vegetables and
prepared foods. The eating quality of red meats is
affected lessthan that of many other bods_ Use refrozen
foods as soon as possible to save as much of their eating
quality as you can"
• If your old refrigerator is still around the house but
not in use, be sure to remove the doors. This will
reduce the possibility of danger to children
• Unplug your refrigerator before cleaning and
making repairs. NOTE: We strongly recommend that
any servicing be performed by a qualified individual
• Before replacing a burned-out light bulb, unplug
the refrigerator or turn off power at the circuit breaker
or fuse box in order to avoid contact with a live wire
filament (A burned-out light bulb may break when being
replaced) NOTE: Turning control to OFF position does
not remove power to the light circuit
• Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang on
the shelves in the refrigerator° They could damage the
refrigerator and seriously injure themselves.
• Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or hang on
the Convenience Center Compartment door. They
could damage the refrigerator and maybe tip it over,
causing severe personal injury
Grounding Requirements Important--Please read carefully.
To connect electricity
For personal safety,
this appliance must be
properly grounded.
The power cord of this
appliance isequipped
with a lhree-prong
(grounding) plug which mateswith a standard three-
prong (grounding) wall outlet (Fig 1) to minimize the
possibility of electric shock hazard from thisappliance.
Have wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified
electrician to make sure outlet is properly grounded.
Where a standard two-prong wall outlet isencountered,
it isyour personal responsibility and obligation to have it
replaced with a properly grounded three-prong wail

Starting the Refrigerator
Use of adapter plug
Because of potenfia! safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against use oFan
adapter plug However, if you still elect to use an
adapter, where local codes permit, a TEMPORARY
CONNECTION may be made |o a properly grounded
two-prong wall outlet by use of a ULlisted adapter
(Fig 2) avallabie at most local hardware stores_
larger slot in the wa]l outlet to
provide proper polarity in the
connection oFthe power
CAUTION: Attaching an adapter ground terminal to the
wall outlet cover screw does not ground the appliance
unless the cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and
the wall outlet isgrounded through the house wiring You
should have circuit checked by a qualified electrician to
make sure the outlet is properly grounded
When disconnecting the power cord from the
adapter, always hold the adapter with one hand
if this is not done, the adapter ground terminal is
very likely to break with repeated use_
Should the adapter ground terminal break,
DO NOT USE the appliance until a proper
ground has again been established.
Use of Extension Cords
Because of potentia} safety hazards under certain
conditions, we strongly recommend against the use
of an extension cord However, if you still elect to use
an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it
be a UL_isted 3-wire grounding type appliance
extension cord having a grounding type plug and
outie! and that the electrical rating of the cord be
15 amperes (minimum) and 120 volts
EJectrica! Requirements
The refrigerator should always be plugged into its
own individual electrical outlet which has a voltage
rating that matches the rating plate. This provides the
best performance and also prevents over{oading house
wiring circuits, which could cause a fire hazard from
overheating wires
• Instal! the refrigerotor on a floor strong enough to
support it when it is fully Ioadedo
o Do not install it where the temperature will go
below 60°F because it wilt not run often enough to
maintain proper temperatures..
° Do not instati it next to your range, a heating vent
or where the sun will shine directly on it
Allow the following clearances for ease of installation,
proper air circulation, and plumbing and electrical
Sides .........5/8" Top ..............0" Back ..............1"
(if built-in, allow 7/8" at top for hinge covers )
Allow a 1Y2"door clearance at Convenience Center
Adjustable rollers behind the base grille enable
you to move the refrigerator away from the wal_ for
cteaning These rollers should Be setso the refrigerator
rests firmly on the floor, Toassure that the doors will
close automatically from a halfway-open position,
there is a buibin tilt from the front to the back of the
cabineL Side-by-side refrigerators also have specially
designed door hinges that lift both doors slightly
when opened, allowing the force of gravity to help
close them securely
To adjust the rollers:
o Remove the base grille._
Grasp it at the bottom and
putl it out,
• Turn the roibr adjusting
screws clockwise to raise
the refrigerator, counter-
clockwise to lower it. Use
an adjustable wrench or
p{iers on the 3/8" bolts
Bolh doors should close
properly when bottom
front edge of refrigerator
cabinet is about 5/8"
from the floor
• To replace the
base grille, line up
the prongs on the grille
with the clamps on the
refrigerator and push
forward until the grille
snaps into place.

ElectronicAlert & Diagnostic System
WATER Kenmore
(_ Red signal light flashes to tell you when either door is
(_) Signal light tells you that the Door Alarm beeper has
been setto sound after either door has been open 30
(_) Red signal light tells you when freezer foodkeeping
temperature is above normal.
(_ Lighted word normal indicates that no
failur e has been detected by the diagnostic system
(_) Flashing diagnostic codes in the display
warn you when:
B power has been interrupted
[]defrost system has failed
11_ frozen foods should be checke&
When your refrigerator isfirst plugged in...
All panel lights come on for five seconds, a beep sounds,
and lights go off except as follows:
• PFflashes inthe display Touch SYSTEM CHECK-RESET
pad to erase it
• Word NORMAL glows
• Red W'ARM TEMPERATURElight glows if freezer
compartment temperature is higher than normal It goes
off when proper foodkeeping temperature isreached
oDoor alarm beeper isactivated and light on DOOR
ALARM pad glows
" CRUSHED ice selection light glows,
Red DOOR OPEN light flashes if either door is open,
goes out when doors are shut.
° Night light in water-and-ice dispenser is off,
[ icemaker may not be operating properly
What these codes mean-and what to do when they
appear-is summarized on the inside of the freezer
compartment door and explained more thoroughly on
the following pages
(_ System Check pod puts a review of the electronic
diagnosis of four coded functions at your fingertip
and also allows you to erase codes from display,
(_ Electronic control allows you to select ice cubes,
crushed ice or chilled water and signal light confirms
your choice

How to Set the Door Alarm.
You don't have to set the visual
alarm° As long as either door is
open, the red DOOR OPEN
signal Lightflashes,
If the signal bight on the
the beeper alarm is set. If it's not, ON/OFF
DOOR ALARM pad is glowing, I! DOOR_M 1
touch the pad to turn it on,
If either door is open far more than
30 seconds, a recurring beep sounds
The light goes out and the beeping stops when you close
the door,
There are times when you'll want the Door Alarm
beeper turned off. When you're rearranging a lot of
food, for example_ Just touch the pad, The light will go
out and the beeping will stop°
Deactivating the Door Alarm beeper does not turn the
red DOOR OPEN light off-it keeps flashing until the
door is closed
How the Electronic Alert
and Diagnostic System Works.
The word NORMAL islighted
except when a failure has
been detected
The SYSTEM CHECK-RESET If ............
has two functions: It
1. You can touch the SYSTEM SYSTEM
CHECK-RESETpad and geta CHECK Jl
review of the electronic diagnostic
codes inorder of their priority° -il
2.You can touch the SYSTEMCHECK-RESET pad to
erase three flashing codes immediately and two codes
after the condition that caused them to flash has been
corrected (see the next page),
lcontinued next page,_
Why the Red Warm
Temperature Light Glows.
At first, it's probably because
your newly installed refrigerator
hasn't completely cooled down
yet, Wait a few hours Foritto cool,
and then the light will go out
From then on, the red light will glow whenever
temperatures inside get too high for proper food storage
If this happens, open the doors only when absolutely
necessary, and dose them as quickly as possible
As soon as inside temperatures return to normal, the light
goes out
If the WARM TEMP light reappears and stays on for
longer than 4 hours, call for service

Electronic Alert & Diagnostic System (continued)
The Electronic Alert and Diagnostic System
alerts you when something starts to go wrong
tf a system code appears on the display,
something needs special attention_ To get your
attention, the display code flashes until you erase it
The first 6 flashes are accompanied by beeps_
If more than one coded function requires attention
at the same time, the one with the highest priority will
be displayed firsL
Pressing the SYSTEM CHECK-RESET pad wiI! evaluate all
other coded functions If the NORMAL display islit
during the displaying of o code, that function isoperating
Pressing the SYSTEM CHECK-RESETpad will erase
two codes immediately-PF, and CI The DE and
FF codes can only be erased by touching the
SYSTEM CHECK-RESET pad after the condition
that caused the code to flash has been corrected.
This flashing code tells you the
power to the refrigerator has
been interrupted for more than
2 seconds Check the condition
of food in both the Freshfood and
freezer compartments Touch
erase code,.
This flashing code tells you
to check your frozen food.
Has any of itstarted to thaw?
A package may be holding the
freezer compartment door open
Don't open the door more often
than absolutely necessary while
thiscode isdisplayed Touching the
SYSTEM CHECK-RESETpod after the freezer
compartment temperature has returned to norma{ wil!
erase the code
This flashing code tells you to
check the automatic icemaker.
Ice clumps in the storage bin may
have stalled the icemaker Follow
corrective measures described on
page 9. If water supply to the
icemaker is not connected or not
turned on, make sure manual
icemaker switch isin the STOP position Code stops
flashing when problem iscorrected or SYSTEM CHECK-
RESETpad istouched
There is no fault with the refrigerator when
PFcode flashes,
This flashing code tells you
something's wrong with the defrost
system- keep doors closed to
retain cold and call for servicer
Code flashes until problem is