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When installS, operated and maintainedaccording to all suppliedinstructions,if thisappIiance
fails d_ to a defect inmaterial or workmanshipwithinone year fromthe date of purchase,
cd! 1400-4-MY-HOME to arrange for free repair
Thiswarranty app@s for onty 90 days from the purchasedate ifthis appliance isever used for
other than private household purposes.
This warranty covers only defecfs in material and workmanship. Sears will NOT pay for:
t. Expendable itemsthat can wear out from normal use,including but not limited to filters,
belts, lightbulbs, and bags.
2. A service technician to instructthe userincorrect product instaibtion, operation or
3. A servicetechnician to clean or maintain thisproduct,
,4.Damage to or failure of this product if it isnot installed, operated or maintained
according to the all instructionssupplied with the product
5. Damage to or failure of this product resultingfrom accident, abuse,misuseor usefor
other than itsintended purpose.
6. Damage to or failure of this product caused by the useof detergents,cleaners, chemicals
or utensilsother than those recommended in all instructions supplied with the product_
Z Damage to or failure of parts or systemsresultingfrom unauthorized modifications made
to this product,
Disclaimer of implied warranties; limitation of remedies
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Thiswarranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rightswhich vary
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Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Congratulations on making a smart purchase. Yournew Kenmord_product isdesigned and
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1. Control Panel
Riskof child entrapment, Before you throw away your old wine chiller,
take off the doors. Leavethe shelvesin place sothat children may
not easily climb inside_
Youro_dwine chiller mayhave acoolingsystemthatusedCFCsor HCFCs
(chtorofluorocarbonsorhydrochlorofluorocarbonsl.CFCsand HCFCsarebelieved toharm
stratosphericozoneif reteasedto theatmosphere.Other refrigerantsmayalso causeharm
to theenvironmentif releasedto theatmosphere,
Ifyou arethrowing away yourold wine chitter, makesurethe refrigerantisremovedfor
proper disposalby a quatifiedtechnician.Ifyou intentionallyreleaserefrigerant,you may
besubjectto finesand imprisonmentunderprovisionsofenvironmentallegislation.
WARNING_ NEVER store food items of any type in this wine chiller. Because
wine chiller temperature settings are warmer than refrigerator settings, food
items stored in wine chiller are liable to spoilage, which can result in serious
foodborne illness if consumed.
Thank you for using this Kenmore product. This easy-to-use manual will guide
you in getting the best use of your wine chiller.
2. Wire Shelf Racks (5)
3. Wire Base Rack
4. Glass Door
5. interior Light Control Switch
6. Adjustment Legs
(Turn to left to raise; turn to right to lower)
Staple your receipt to your manual.
Record the model and serial number of
your unit in the spaces provided to the right.
Model number:
Serial number:

Unpacking Your Wine Chiller
!. Removeall packaging material Thisinctudesthe foam and the adhesive tape
from all outside and insidesurfaces,as weft as accessories and racks,Slide
out and remove theplastic or foam guard usedto protect the compressor from
shippingdamage caused by vibration and shock.
2, inspect and remove any remainingpackaging,tape or printed materials
before powering on the wine chiller
3. Checkto be sureyou have all accessoriesand parts listed inthe Partsand
Proper Air Circulation
Toensurethat your wine chiller works at the maximumefficiency it was
designedfor, you shouldinstall it ina location where there is proper air
circulation, plumbingand electrical connections.
Thefollowing are recommended clearances around the wine chiller:
Sides..................3/'4 inches (19mm)
Top......................2 inches (50 mm)
Back....................2 inches (50mm}
Electrical Requirements
Make sure thereisa suitable power outlet (1t5 volts,t5 amps) with
proper groundingto power thewine chiller.
WARNING: NEVERcut off the third grounding prong from the power cord
plug to accommodate a two prong outlet, Removal of the prong provides no
effective grounding for the appliance, which can result inseriousinjury or death
from electrical shock.
'Four winechHer isdesignedfor freestanding installationonly.It shouldnot be
recesseaor built-in. Placethe wine chiller on a floor strong enoughto support it fully
loaded. When movingme J._mesn,le_ nevertilt it bymore thana 45 degrees angle. This
could damage the compressorand thesealed system.
Fthe wne ch ller hasbeen tilted morethan 45 degrees, Jetitstand inan upright
positionfor at least 1hourpriorto plugging it into thepower source. This
will allow the refrigerant to settle and reduce the possibilityof amaffunction in
the cooling system.
Piugthe wine cnmer into anexclusive,properly installed grounded wall outlet.
Do notunaer any circumstancescutor remove the third (grounding) prong from
the power cord. Seethe WARNING in Electrica_Reau_rementson me previous
page. Any questionsconcerning power and/or grounding shouldbedirected
toward a certified electrician or a Searsor other qualified servicedealer.
After 0Juggingtheappliance into a wafl outlet, allow the unitto runfor 2 -3
hourssomat rneinterior issufficiently cool before opening the door to p_ace
softies into the corn 9arrmem.
Installation Limitations
Do not install your wine cooler in any location not properly insulated or heated,
such as m a garage. Your wine chiller is not designed to operate in fernperalure
settings below 55 ° Fahrenheit
Select a suitable location for the wine chiller on a hard even surface away from
direct sunlight or heat sources such as radiators, baseboard heaters or cooking
Handle Installation
[] []
1.Set the attacnmem shafts of the handle over me aTTacnmem posts protruding from
the door, To avoid turning unit over, attach handles with set screws facing uo if un_ s
_urnea over to faciDate attaching handle so that screws wi nOTbe seer, ,¢nu must Wa_T
" hour before p_ugging unit into eower source.
2. Use a 3 mm hex ke'y ro secure_y'hgmen me set screws in the r_anaie attachment shafts
to the attacnmem posts of the aoor.