Important Safety Instructions ............................................... 2
How and Why .................................................................. 2
Energy Saving Ideas ................................................................ 3
Installation .......................................................................... 3-4
Using the Air Conditioner ...........................................................5
Air Conditioner Features .............................................. 5-6
Care and Cleaning ..................................................................... 6-7
Routine Maintenance ............................................................... 8
Before You Call For Service .......................................................9
Sears Service ........................................................................ 10
Warranty ............................................................................ 10
Read and Save These Instructions
ThisUseand CareManual provides specificoperating instructions for yourmodel Usethe airconditioner only as instructed
in thismanuaf Theseinstructi_nsaren_tmeantt_c_vereveryp_ssibIec_nditi_nandsituati_nthatmay_ccur Common sense
and caution must be practiced when installing, operating, and maintaining anyappliance
Record Your Model and Serial Numbers
Record in the space provided below timemodel and serial numbers The serial plate is located behind the left front louvers
Reading the numbers may be easier by using a flashlight or by removing the cabinet front as instructed under "Care and
Cleaning " On compact models, it is located on the outside of the cabinet
Model Number:
Serial Number:
Purchase Date:
PiN 955R-D02 (941t)

Important Safety
Avoid fire hazard or
electric shock Do not use an extension
cord or an adaptor plug Do not remove
any prong from the power cord
Read all instructions before using this air conditioner.
For Your Safety
Donot store or usegasolineorother flammable vapors and liquidsinthe vicinity ofthis
or any other appliance Read product labelsfor flammability and other warnings
[:_ Prevent Accidents
To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury to persons when using your
air conditioner', follow basic precautions, including the following:
• Be sure the electrical service isadequate for the model you have chosen
o Ifthe airconditioner isto be installed in awindow, you will probably want to clean
both sidesof the glassfirst, If the window isa triple-track type with ascreen panel
included, you may want to remove the screen completely before installation,,
o Be sure the air conditioner has been securely and correctly installed according
to the separate installation instructions provided with this manual Save this
manual and installation instructions for possible future use in removing or
reinstalling this unit
o When handling the air conditioner, be careful to avoid cutsfrom sharp metal fins
on front and rear coils.
Groundinc )e
Power supply
cord with 3-prong
grounding plug
How and Why
ri_ Electrical Information
Thecomplete electrical rating of your new room air conditioneris stated on the serial
plate Refer to the rating when checking the electrical requirements
+ Be sure the air conditioner is properly grounded To minimize shock and fire
hazards,proper grounding isimportant Thepower cord isequipped with athree-
prong grounding plug for protection against shock hazards
o Your air conditionerrnust be used in a properly grounded wall receptacle if the
wall receptacleyou intend to useis not adequately grounded or protected by a
time delay fuse or circuit breaker, have a qualified electrician installthe proper
• Do not run airconditioner with outside protective cover'in place Thiscould result
in mechanical damage within the air conditioner
o Do not use an extension cord or an adapter plug.
Your room air'conditioner provides the following functions to make hot weather
living more comfortable:
Cools and circulates room air
o Lowers humidity by removing excessmoisture
= Filtersout summertime dust, dirt, and some airborne impurities
The air conditioner performs these functions by drawing room air through a filter
'which traps dust and dirt particles The air then passes over a cooling coil which
refrigerates the air and removesexcessmoisture The same air isthen returned to
the room--cooler, drier and cleaner Moisture removed from the room air iscarried
to the outside and evaporated
Your air conditioner is designed to be easy to operate and to provide plenty of
cooling power

Energy Saving ideas
o The capacity of the room air conditioner must fit the room sizefor efficient and
satisfactory operation
• Install timeroom air conditioner on the shady sideof your home, Awindow that
faces north is best because it is shaded most of the day,
Do not block air flow inside with blinds, curtains or furniture; or outside with
shrubs, enclosures, or other buildings
o Close the fireplace damper, floor and wall registers so coot air does not escape
up the chimney and into the duct work,
o Keep btindsand drapesin other windows closedduring thesunniest partof the day
• Clean the air filter as recommended in the section "Care and Cleaning "
o Properinsulation and weather stripping inyour home will help keep warm air out
and coot air in
_, External house shading with trees, plants or awnings will help reduce the air
conditioner's work load
o Operate heat producing appliances such as ranges, washers, dryers and
dishwashers during the coolest part of the day
t i' Bottom Rail I it
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Installing Window Seal
Vertical Louver _
Unit Cover
Side Air and Top Air Discharge Models, Including Compacts
Installing Window Seal
The removable "sleeve"or cabinet (compact models) of the air conditioner must be
properly positioned for safeand efficient sealing,To installthe window seal,position
the bottom rail seal on timebottom rai! flush with the front edge of the rail and in
contact with side seals, Compact models are permanently encased in the cabinet,
which is not removable Referto the Installation Instructions
Manual Vertical Louver Adjustment
Complete this adjustment before installing front panel
1 Adjust the vertical louvers to the straight position by using the handle
2 The control panel and knobs are packed separately To install them, refer to
Installing the Dial Plate and Front Frame section
Front Installation
Install the front panel with filter as follows:
t Adjust the horizontal louvers to the straight position Hold the front straight
until the vertical louver handle linesup between the bottom horizontal louver
and the discharge opening
2 Pressthe front straight onto the cabinet until the holes in the flange of the
plastic front lineupwith the screw holes in the metal cabinet Fastenthe front
panel in place with the two screws provided
_ _'_-- Screw
Louvers Front Panel
Front Installation - Side Air Discharge

Unstailation (continued)
Installing Dial Plate and Front Frame
Some models require installation of the dial plate and the front panel of the air
conditioner, To assemblethe unit, follow these steps
Ao Pull top of panel away from front frame
has clear protective film, peel off carefully Do not scratch
B, Pull bottom of panel straight out and away from front frame
the Filter Monitor feature, install the dial plate as shown above,
then fully extend the plastic tube and clip in the condenser coil,
centered from top to bottom_
A Align bottom frame flanges onto
springs (some models), and press
down as you push in frame flanges
on the top of frame, into the unit
Depending on your model, fasten front retaining
screws on both sides of unit, or fasten screws to
unit through holes in frame,
If the unit has a screw in this location,
remove and discard before installing front

Using the Air Conditioner
NOTE: If the air conditioner is turned off,
wait 3 minutes before restarting This
allows pressure inside the compressor to
equalize Failure to follow these
instructions may cause inefficient
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, read the
IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONSbefore operating this appliance,
To begin operating the air conditioner, follow these steps:
Plugin the air conditioner (To prevent electrical hazards, do not useanextension
cord or an adapter plug )
2 Setthe exhaust vent to the CLOSEDposition
3 Setthe TEMPControl to the coolest setting
4 Set the fan control at the highest level
5 Adjust the louvers for comfortable air flow
6 Once the room hascooled, set the fan to the POWERSAVERFANsetting and/
or adjust the TEMP Control to the setting you find most comfortable
Review the "Air Conditioner Features" section for other settings..
Air Conditioner Features
MED i" ') MED
The controls featured in this manual are representational of the many models
available Your model may look shght!y different
TEMP Control
TheTEMPControi servesasthe thermostat to set the degree of room coolness Turn
the knob clockwise from thin rule to thick rule to increase the cooling temperature
FILTER MONITOR (some models)
To check filter monitor:
] Set NORMAL fan control to HIGH setting
2, If filter needs cleaning, a RED indicator will appear in the filter monitor
window A clean filter will help reduce operating costs and increase cooling
When in the NORMAL Fansetting, the air conditioner runs all the time, circulating
the air. Cooling starts only if the room temperature rises above the coolness level
selected on the TEMPControl, and stops once the set coolnesslevel isreached This
setting gives the most even room temperatures
POWER SAVER Fan (some models)
The POWERSAVERFancan saveenergy In this setting, the fan will not run unless
theTEMP Control isset colder than the room temperature When the TEMPControl
isset colder than room temperature, the air conditioner will begin to circulatethe
air in the room Cooling will begin in about 3 minutes The air conditioner turns off
automatically when tile room reachesthe level of coolness selected HIGHisfor fast
cooling, MED isfor normal cooling, and LOW is for quiet cooling
' :: :) :i ::::i:;:::':
HEAT Control (some models)
HEAT (some models)
The HEATselection provides quiet, efficient circulation of warm air..Turnthe selector
to the HEATsetting and set the thermostat to the warmest setting When the HEAT
Side Air Model Control Panel

Air Conditioner Features
Vent Control - Compact Models
setting is selected, the thermostat maintains the temperature by automatically
turning the heater on and off in response to room temperature Once the room is
warm, adjust the thermostat to a cooler' setting The fan runs continuously to
circulate air in the room
A slight heat odor may come from the unit when first switching to HEATafter the
cooling season isover This odor, caused by fine dust particles on the heater, will
disappear quickly
Vent Control
TheVent Control allows the air conditioner to either recirculateinsideair (CLOSED)
or exhaust air to the outside (OPEN)
o TheCLOSEDposition isusedwhen maximum cooling isdesired,Itmayalsobe used
for air recirculation without cooling when the air conditioner is set in the FAN
• TheOPENpositionremovesstaleair from the room and exhaustsit to the outside
Freshair isdrawn into the room through normal air passagesfound in homes
o The OPENor CLOSEDposition can be usedwith any fan selection
o Forcompact models, push the slide in to CLOSE,pull out to OPEN
Air Directional Louvers
The air directional louvers control the air flow direction. Adjust louvers up, down,
left or right The outside tabs adjust the air up or down Thecenter leversdirect the
air left or right
Care and Cmeaning
Pressfirmly on eachsideof
case to release locking tabs 8
Removing Decorative Front - Some Compact Modets
Clean your air conditioner occasionally to keep it looking new. Besure to unplug
the unit before cleaning to prevent shock or fire hazards,
Filter Removal, Some Compact Models.
Somecompactmodels requirethe removalof the front panel to accessthe filter for
cleaning. To remove the front panel, follow the directions below:
Note: Some compact models are equipped with a slide-out rigid filter that is
described under the "Air Filter Cleaning" section It isnotnecessary to remove the
decorative front in these units
Decorative Front Removal and Filter Cleaning
1 Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet
2 Remove knobs by pulling firmly Removefront retaining screw at the bottom of
the front (Figure t)
3 Pressfirmly on each sideof the metal casecloseto the front and approximately
half way down from the top of the front
4 While pressing on the sides of the metal case,gently pull the front out and lift
up to release it from the case
5 Remove filter by pulling filter straight off of clips (Figure 2) Clean according to
instructions under "Air Filter Cleaning" section
To reinstall:
Properreinstallation of decorative front isimportant for both safetyand performance
I Position filter over clips.
2 Position the top of the decorative front on the top flange of the case and align
the tabs on the front with the slots in the case
3 Carefully pull down on the front to engage the top tabs while pushing the front
over the caseto ensure proper alignment. The side locking tabs will "click" when
the front is properly installed
4 Install the front retaining screw at the bottom of the unit
5 Install the knobs byaligning them with their shafts and pushing firmly into place
Figure 2
Filter Removal- Some Compact Mode_s