RecordYour Model and Serial Numbers .............. Cover
Important Safety Instructions ....................................... 2
Energy Saving Ideas ...................................................... 2
How and Why ................................................................ 3
Normal Sounds .............................................................. 3
Front Installation ........................................................ 4-5
Using the Air Conditioner ............................................. 6
Air Conditioner Features ............................................ 6-7
Care and Cleaning ...................................................... 7-8
Routine Maintenance .................................................... 9
Troubleshooting Guide ................................................ 10
Sears Service ................................................................ 11
Warranty ...................................................................... 11
Read and Save These Instructions
This Owner's Guide provides specific operating instructions for your model. Usethe air conditioner only as instructed in this
guide. These instructions are not meant to cover every possible condition and situation that mayoccur. Common
senseand caution must be practiced when installing, operating, and maintaining any appliance.
Record Your Model and Serial Numbers
Record in the space provided below the model and serial numbers. The serial plate islocated behind the left front louvers.
Readingthe numbers may be easier by using a flashlight or by removing the cabinet front as instructed under "Care and
Cleaning." On some models, the serial plate is located on the outside of the cabinet.
Model Number:
Serial Number:
I Purchase Date:
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
P/N 309000817 (9903)

Important Safety
Avoid fire hazard or
__lectricshock. Do not useanextensioncord
_r an adaptor plug. Do not remove any
_rong from the power cord.
Grounding type
Power supply
cord with 3-prong
grounding plug
Read all instructions before using this air conditioner.
For Your Safety
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance. Read product labels for flammability and
other warnings
Prevent Accidents
To reduce the risk of fire, electdca! shock, or injury to persons when using your
air conditioner, follow basic precautions, including the following:
• Be sure the electrical service _sadequate for the model you have chosen.
• If the air conditioner is to be installed in a window, you will probably want
to clean both sidesof the glass first. If the window isa triple-track type with
a screen panel included, you may want to remove the screen completely
before installation
• Be sure the air conditioner has been securely and correctly installed
according to the separate installation instructions provided with this manual.
Save this manual and installation instructions for possible future use in
removing or reinstalling this unit.
• When handling the air conditioner, be careful to avoid cuts from sharp
metal fins on front and rear coils.
Electrical Information
The complete electrical rating of your new room air conditioner is stated on
the serial plate Refer to the rating when checking the electrical requirements.
• Be sure the air conditioner is properly grounded. To minimize shock and fire
hazards, proper grounding is important. The power cord is equipped with a
three-prong grounding plug for protection against shock hazards.
• Your air conditioner must be used in a properly grounded wail receptacle. If
the wall receptacle you intend to use is not adequately grounded or
protected by a time delay fuse or circuit breaker, have a qualified electrician
install the proper receptacle.
• Do not run air conditioner with outside protective cover in place. This could
result in mechanical damage within the air conditioner.
• Do not use an extension cord or an adapter plug.
Energy Saving Ideas
• The capacity of the room air conditioner must fit the room size for efficient
and satisfactory operation.
• Install the room air conditioner on the shady side of your home, A window
that faces north isbest because it is shaded most of the day.
• Do not block air flow inside with blinds, curtains or furniture; or outside with
shrubs, enclosures, or other buildings.
• Close the fireplace damper, floor and wall registers so cool air does not
escape up the chimney and into the duct work.
• Keep blinds and drapes in other windows closed during the sunniest part of the
• Clean the air filter as recommended in the section "Care and Cleaning."
• Proper insulation and weather stripping in your home will help keep warm
air out and cool air in.
• External house shading with trees, plants or awnings will help reduce the air
conditioner's work load
• Operate heat producing appliances such as ranges, washers, dryersand
dishwashers during the coolest part of the day.

How and Why
Normal Sounds
Yourroomairconditionerprovidesthefollowingfunctionsto makehot
• Cools and circulates room air.
• Lowers humidity by removing excess moisture.
• Filters out summertime dust, dirt, and some airborne impurities.
The air conditioner performs these functions by drawing room air through a
filter which traps dust and dirt particles. The air then passesover a cooling coil
which refrigerates the air and removes excessmoisture. The same air is then
returned to the room-- cooler, drier and cleaner. Moisture removed from the
room air is carried to the outside and evaporated.
Your air conditioner is designed to be easy to operate and to provide plenty
of cooling power.
You may hear air movement._
from the fan.
As the cooling
the thermostat may click.
The high efficiency
compressor may have a
high pitched hum or pulsating
noise that cycles on and off.
Unit Vibration
The unit may vibrate and
make noise because of poor
wall or window construction,
may hear droplets of
water hitting the condenser
causing a "pinging or
clicking" sound.

Front Installation
Installina Bottom RailSeal
Vertical Louver _
Louvers ont Panel
Unit Cover
Installing Bottom Rail Seal (some models)
Some models are shipped ina removable sleevethat must be positioned properly for
safe and efficient sealing. Follow the Installation Instructions supplied. To install the
Bottom RailSeal,position the sealon top of the bottom rail, flush with the front edge
of the rail and in contact with the side seals.
Manual Vertical Louver Adjustment (side air discharge)
Complete this adjustment before installing front panel.
I. Adjust the vertical louvers to the straight position by using the handle.
2. The dial plate and knobs are packed separately. To install them, refer to
Installing the Dial Plate and Front Frame section on the next page.
Front Installation - Some Side Air Discharge Models (FIG. 1)
Install the front panel with filter as follows:
1. Adjust the horizontal louvers to the straight position. Hold the front straight
until the vertical louver handle lines up between the bottom horizontal louver
and the discharge opening.
2. Pressthe front straight onto the cabinet until the holes in the flange of the
plastic front line up with the screw holes in the metal cabinet. Fastenthe front
panel in place with the two screws provided.
Front Installation - Some Side Air Discharge Models (FIG. 2)
1. Position the top of the decorative front cover onto the top flange of metal case
and then align the tabs on the front with slots in metal case.
2. Carefully pull down on the front cover to engage top tabs while pushing the
front cover over the metal case. To ensure proper alignment the side
locking tabs will "click" when the front cover is properly installed.
Note: Power cord must be held in position inside metal casehalf-round relief
while sliding front cover over metal case.
3. Install the front cover retaining screw at the bottom of the unit.
Front Installation - Side Air Discharge
Front Installation - Side Air Discharge
Installing the Vent Control (on some models)
The vent control handle isincluded in the decorative front kit (Fig. 3). The handle
must be installed before the decorative front is attached. See illustration below.
I. Insert the handle with the "Etchings (Vent/Air)" facing to the left.
2. Slipthe black door extension into the split at the end of the handle.
3. Foreaseof assembly, Pusgthe handle in while pressing the door extension
against the foam until the two pieces lock together.
4. Move handle in and out to be sure vent isoperating properly
FIG. 3

Front Installation
Installing Dial Plate and Front Frame
Some models require installation of the dial plate and the front panel of the air
conditioner included in a decorative kit. To assemble, follow these steps.
• Remove control knobs from front kit
(some models).
• Carefully remove protective film
from the front of the dial plate
(some models).
• Line up holes on dial plate with the
correct control stems and push dial
plate to control panel surface.
• While holding dial plate in place
install control knobs on protruding
Some Models
\ /
Decorative Front
• Position the top of the decorative front over the top flange of the case, and align the tabs with the
slots in the case.
• As you install the front frame to the unit be sure the vent handle ispositioned through the front in the proper
• Carefully pull down on the front to engage the top tabs, while pushing the front over the case to
ensure proper alignment.
• The side tabs will "click" when front is seated.
• Install front retaining screw(s) at the bottom of the front (Fig. I), or behind the filter handle (Fig. 2).
Side Air Discharge
FIG. 1

Using the Air Conditioner To reduce the riskof fire, electric shock,or injuryto persons,read the
IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRUCTIONSbefore operating this appliance.
To begin operating the air conditioner, follow these steps:
I. Plug in the air conditioner. (To prevent electrical hazards, do not use an
NOTE: If the air conditioner is turned off,
wait 3 minutes before restarting. This
allows pressure inside the compressor to
equalize. Failure to follow these
instructions may cause inefficient
extension cord or an adapter plug.)
2. Setthe exhaust vent to the CLOSED position.
3. Setthe TEMP Control to the coolest setting.
4. Set the fan control at the highest level.
5. Adjust the louvers for comfortable air flow.
6. Once the room has cooled, select the POWERSAVERMODE andlor adjust the
TEMP Control to the setting you find most comfortable.
Review the "Air Conditioner Features" section for other settings.
Air Conditioner Features
MED \\ ' //POWER
• 5 •
1 9
(some models)
The controls featured in this manual are representational of the many models
available. Your model may look slightly different.
TEMP Control
The TEMP Control servesas the thermostat to set the degree of room
coolness. Turn the knob clockwise from 1 to 9 to increase the cooling
When in one of the COOL settings, the air conditioner runs all the time,
circulating the air. Cooling starts only if the room temperature rises above the
coolness level selected on the TEMP Control, and stops once the set coolness
level is reached. This setting gives the most even room temperatures.
POWER SAVER MODE (some models)
The POWERSAVER MODE can save energy. In this setting, the fan will not run
unless the TEMP Control isset colder than the room temperature. When the
TEMP Control is set colder than room temperature, the air conditioner will
begin to circulate the air in the room. Cooling will begin in about 3 minutes.
The air conditioner turns off automaticalJy when the room reaches the level of
coolness selected. HIGH COOL is for fast cooling, MED. COOL isfor normal
cooling, and LOW COOL is for quiet cooling.
HEAT (some models)
The HEAT selection provides quiet, efficient circulation of warm air. Turn the
selector to the HEATsetting and set the thermostat to the warmest setting.
When the HEATsetting isselected, the thermostat maintains the temperature by
automatically turning the heater on and off in response to room tempera-
ture. Once the room is warm, adjust the thermostat to a cooler setting. The
fan runs continuously to circulate air in the room.
HEATControl (some models)
Side Air Model Control Panel
• 5 •
1 9

Air Conditioner Features
FIG. 1 (OFF)
A slight heat odor may come from the unit when first switching to HEATafter
the cooling season is over. this odor, caused by fine dust particles on the
heater, will disappear quickly.
Vent Control
The Vent Control allows the air conditioner to either recirculate inside air
(CLOSED)or exhaust air to the outside (OPEN).
• The CLOSEDposition is used when maximum cooling isdesired. It may also
be used for air recirculation without cooling when the air conditioner is set
in the FAN position.
• The OPENposition removes stale air from the room and exhausts it to the
outside. Freshair is drawn into the room through normal air passages
found in homes.
• The OPENor CLOSEDposition can be used with any fan selection.
• For compact models, push the slide in to CLOSE, pull out to OPEN.
Fresh Air Vent Control
The FreshAir Vent allows the air conditioner to recirculate inside air (OFF),
draw air into the room (FRESHAIR)or exhaust stale air to the outside (VENT).
See Figures 1,2 & 3 for this operation.
Care and Cleaning
Air Directional Louvers
The air directional louvers control the air flow direction. Adjust louvers up,
down, left or right. The outside tabs adjust the air up or down. The center
levers direct the air left or right.
Clean your air conditioner occasionally to keep it looking new. Be sure to unplug
the unit before cleaning to prevent shock or fire hazards.
Air Filter Cleaning
The air filter should be checked at least once a month to seeif cleaning is necessary.
Trapped particles in the filter can build up and causean accumulation of frost on the
cooling coils.Theseconditions reducecooling capacity. Therearetwo types of filters:
the rigid filter and the floppy filter.
Figure 1
Models with rigid filters allow you to remove the filter without removing front:
• Some models, push the vent control handle to the OFF position. Lift the filter straight
up and out (Figure 1).

Care and Cleaning cont.
Figure 2
Figure 3
• 6-waylouvermodelshaveaslideoutfilter. Grasptheformedhandleofthefilterand
pull it to the left, removing it from the front panel (Figure 2).
• Formost installations in the window, this front may need to be removed to access
the filter for cleaning (Figure3). To remove the front, reversethe installation process
for SideAir Discharge Models shown in Front Installation.
• Some models require the louvers to be tilted in the up position, before pulling the
filter out. Placethe thimb under the center handle and pinch the top of the filter bar
with your forefinger while pulling the filter up and out as shpwn in Figure 6.
Washfilter usingaliquid dishwashingdetergent and warm water. Rinsefilter thoroughly.
Gently shakeexcesswater from the filter. Dryfilter thoroughly before replacing.
Cabinet Cleaning
• Besureto unplug the air conditioner to preventshock orfire hazard.Thecabinet and
front maybedustedwith anoil-free clothor washedwith acloth dampenedinasolution
of warm water and mild liquid dishwashingdetergent. Rinsethoroughly andwipe dry.
• Never useharsh cleaners,wax or polish on the cabinet front.
• Besure to wring excesswater from the cloth before wiping around the controls.
Excesswater in or around the controls may cause damage to the air conditioner.
• The cabinet front can be removed for more thorough cleaning. Refer to "Front
Installation" in this manual and Figures4 and 5.
• Cleanthe front in a sink using liquid dishwashing detergent and warm
water. Rinsethoroughly and dry. Becareful not to disturb soft sealson the front.
• Replacecabinet front. Replacethe screws or hex nuts.
• Replacefront panel and filter. Plug in air conditioner.
Decorative Front and Dial Plate Removal
1. Unplug power cord from the wall outlet.
2. Removeknobsby pullingfirmly, andthen removedialplate.Removefrontretainingscrew
from thefront (seeFigure4 or 5 for screwlocation,whicheverissimilarto your model).
3. Pressfirmly on each sideof the metal casecloseto the front, approximately half way
down for Figure 4, or 2/3 the way down from Figure 5 from the top of the front
4. While pressing on the sides of the metal case, gently pull the front out and lif
up to release it from the case.
Pressfirmlyon eachsideof
caseto releaselocking tabs;
Figure 4
Removing Decorative Front - Some Models
To reinstall:
Properreinstallation of decorative front isimportant for both safety and performance.
2. Position the top of the decorative front on the top flange of the case and align
the tabs on the front with the slots in the case. On some models remove the filter
to expose the two (2) front retaining screws.
3. Carefully pull down on the front to engage the top tabs while pushing the front
over the caseto ensure proper alignment. The side locking tabs will "click" when
the front is properly installed.
4. Install the front retaining screw (seeFigure 4 or 5 for screw location, whichever
is similar to your model).
5. Install the knobs by aligning them with their shafts and pushing firmly into place.
Winter Storage
Ifyouplanto storetheairconditioner duringthe winter, removeitcarefullyfrom thewindow
accordingtotheinstallationinstructions.Coverit with plasticorreturnittotheoriginalcarton.
NOTE: To prevent rust or electrical connectionsfrom being damaged, store air
conditionerinanupright positionanda dryplace. Awintercovercanbepurchasedfrom
ourdealer.Thecoverwillprotecttheairconditionerwhen it isleftinplacethroughthewinter.
3. Pull Filter Out and Up
1. Tilt Louver
Figure !
SliderCasement Front
2. Pinch Center
Handle Here

Routine Maintenance
Winter Storage
If you planto storethe airconditionerduring the winter, removeit carefully from
the window accordingtothe installationinstructions.Cover it with plasticor
returnit to the originalcarton. NOTE: To prevent rust or electrical
connections from being damaged, store air conditioner in an upright
position and a dry place. A winter covercan bepurchasedfrom yourdealer.
The coverwill protect the airconditionerwhen it isleft inplacethrough the
Before performing any service, unplug the power cord
from the electrical outlet.
After servicing,reversethe following procedures to reinstallthe air
Cleaning the Cabinet Front
Removethe front panel. Washwith warm, sudsywater. Rinseand drywith a soft
cloth. Neverusesolvents,cleaningfluids,abrasivecleanersorstrongdetergents.If
the packagingleavesa gum residue,removewith a clothdippedin rubbing
Repairing Paint Damage
Inspectweather-exposedparts (cabinetshell,mounting hardware, ifused,etc.)
onceor twice a year, especially in areasnearoceansor where rustisa problem. If
needed,touch up with a good gradeof exterior paint.
Cleaning Inside the Air Conditioner
No Liquid shouldget into the motor, electrical control box, or
compressor electrical terminals.
1. Remove front panel.
2. With help and usingthe proper lifting methods to avoid personal injury,
remove the chassisfrom cabinet shell.* When removing the air
conditioner from cabinet shell or window, there may be water insidethe
basethat may spill on the floor. Be careful to avoid cutsfrom sharp metal
-finson the front and rear coils.
3. Liquids should not get into electrical parts. Wrap the fan motor, electrical
control box, and electricalterminals in plastic.This will keep water or
other liquid from getting insidewhere it could damage the insulation and
cause serious trouble.
4. Clean and hose out base, coils, and water pans. Clean at least once a year
or more often if the coils and pans collect dirt, sand, leaves, algae, or
5. After cleaning, remove plastic protection. Wait 24 hours before starting
the unit again. This allows time for all areas to dry out.
NOTE: Water from rainfall or from normal use does not harm these
components since the water is not asforcefully driven into parts as a
stream of water from a garden hose.
*HANDLE NOTE: If the air conditioner hasa chassis handle, it is NOT intended for
lifting the unit. It isfor sliding the chassis WITHIN the cabinet shell only (to aid in
cleaning, maintenance, etc.).

Room Air Conditioner Troubleshooting Guide
Check if...
The power supply cord is unplugged.
A household fuse has blown or circuit breaker
The Fan Control is set to OFF
Check if... Then...
Too many appliances are being used on the Unplug or relocate appliances that share the same circuit.
same circuit.
An extension cord is being used with the unit. Do not use an extension cord to run the air conditioner.
The unit is being restarted immediately after Wait three minutes after turning off cooling circuit before trying to restart
turning off cooling circuit, unit.
Check if... Then...
The filter is dirty or obstructed by debris. Clean filter using a vacuum cleaner or wash filter in warm water and a
The coils are dirty or obstructed by debris. Check Call the local Sears store to inspect and clean the coils and condensate
both inside evaporator and outside condenser water passages. OR If familiar with electrical appliances
coils, perform the required cleaning by carefully following the maintenance
There is excessive moisture or heat in the room Use exhaust vent fans while cooking or bathing and try not to use
being cooled (cooking, hot showers, etc.) heat-producing appliances during the hottest part of the day.
The Fan Control is on a Power Saver/Energy Use NORMAL settings for best comfort. When the Power Saver settings
Saver setting, are in use, the fan does not circulate the room air continuously.
The Vent Control is Set to OPEN or EXHAUST. Set the Vent Control to CLOSED for maximum cooling.
The Temperature Control is not at a cool enough Set the Temperature Control to a cooler setting.
Check if_ Then...
The unitis not leveled properly. The unitshould Levelthe air conditioner to providea 1/4"downwardslopetothe outside
slopeslightlydownward tothe outside. (½ bubbleon carpenter'slevel)to provideproperdrainage.Repositionor
Check if.. Then,.
The currentunit replaced an older model. The use ofmoreefficientcomponentsmay causethe unitto runlonger
The unit isin a heavilyoccupiedroom or heat- !Useexhaustventfans while cookingor bathing.Try notto use heat-
producingappliancesare in use in the room. producingappliancesduringthehottestpart of the day, A highercapacity,
Firmly plug the cord into a live outlet with proper voltage.
Replace the fuse or reset the circuit. Make sure the unit is plugged into a
properly grounded receptacle as described in the Owners Manual
provided with the unit.
Set Fan Control to the desired setting.
mild detergent. Dry thoroughly before reuse.
instructions prevlded with the unit.
shimthe cabinetasnecessary.DO NOT drill a holeinthe drainpan.
thanan oldermodel, butthetotalehergyconsumptionwill be less.Newer
unitsdo notemitthe "blast"of cold air you may be accustomedto from
olderunits,butthis IS NOT an indicationoflessercoolingcapacity or
efficiency.Referto the efficiencyrating(EER) and capacityrating(in
BTUs)marked onthe unit.
unitmay be requireddependingonthe sizeofthe roombeingcooled.
Condenser- You may hear droplets of water hitting
the condenser, causing a "pinging" or "clicking" sound.
Unit Vibration- The unit may vibrate and make noise
because of poor wall or window construction.
Fan- You may hear air movement from the fan.
D/817 TP 5-54- Room Air _ Troubleshool_g Gulde- Revision "A"- March 18, 1996- Page 1 of I
Compressor- The modem high efficiency compressor may have
a high pitched hum or pulsating noise that cycles on and off.
Thermostat- As the cooling system cycles, the thermostat
may dick.
© Sears, Roebuck and Co.

Full One-Year Warranty on Air Conditioner
For one year from date of purchase, when this air conditioner isoperated and
maintained for normal room cooling according to instructions in this
owner's manual, Searswill repair it, free of charge, if defective in material or
Full Five-Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System
For five years from the date of purchase, when this air conditioner is operated
and maintained for normal room cooling according to instructions in this
owner's manual, Searswill repair the sealed refrigeration system (consisting of
refrigerant, connecting tubing, and compressor), free of charge, if defective in
material or workmanship.
Warranty Service
Warranty service is available by contacting the nearest service center in the
United States.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights
which vary from state to state.
SEARS, ROEBUCK and CO. Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60719
Sears Service
Maintenancp Agreement
"We Service What We Sell" isour assuranceyou can depend on Sears
for service. Your air conditioner hasadded value when you consider
that Sears has service units nationwide, staffed with professional technicians
trained on all appliances Sears sells. They havethe knowledge and skills, tools,
parts, and equipment to insure our pledge to you that "We Service What We
Sears Maintenance Agreement
Maintain the value of your air conditioner with a Sears Maintenance
Agreement. Searsair conditioners are designed, manufactured, and tested for
years of dependable operation. Yet, any modern appliance may require
service from time to time. The Sears Maintenance Agreement offers you an
outstanding service program for your air conditioner.
The Sears Maintenance Agreement
• Is your way to buy tomorrow's service at today's price.
• Eliminates repair bills resulting from normal use.
• Allows for as many service calls as required.
• Provides an annual Preventive Maintenance Check at your request to
keep your Air Conditioner in proper running condition.
For more information, call 1-800-827-6655