For SLO3 Air Conditoner (8K-12K BTU)
To avoid risk of personal injury, property damage, or product damage due to the weight of this device and sharp
edges that may be exposed:
Air conditioners covered in this manual pose an excessive weight hazard. Two or more people are needed to
move and install the unit. To prevent injury or strain, use proper lifting and carrying techniques when moving unit.
Carefully inspect location where air conditioner will be installed. Be sure it will support the weight of the unit over
an extended period of time.
Handle air conditioner with care. Wear protective gloves whenever lifting or carrying the unit. AVOID the sharp
metal fins of front and rear coils.
Make sure air conditioner does not fall during installation.
Tools and Parts:
Gather the required tools and parts before starting installation. Read and follow the instructions provided with any tools
listed here.
• Flat-blade and Phillips screwdrivers
e Level
• Tape measure
® Drill and 3/16", 1/8"_ 3/32", or smaller drill bit
Through-the-wall Installation:
In addition to the tools listed above, the following tools are needed for through-the-wall installation.
• 1" (2.5 cm) or thicker lumber
• caulk
• #10 X 1" wood screws (7)
Parts Supplied:
Check that all parts are included in parts package:
Hardware Qty. Hardware
"i" #10 X 1/2" pan - head
, Phillips screws
#10 X 1/2" round - headscrews
#10 X 1/4" pan - head
Phillips screws
Window sash seal
Top channel
Foam seal
side curtains 2
window lock bracket
Safety Lock
(for Vinyl-Clad window)
weather seals

• Installation parts are supplied for double-hung windows up to 36" (91.4 cm) wide. A special Wide Window Kit is
available from your dealer or service center. See "Accessories."
• Do not use any screws other than those specified here.
Location Requirements:
IMPORTANT:Observe all governing codes and ordinances. Check the location where air conditioner will be installed.
Proper installation is your responsibility. Make sure you have everything necessary for correct installation.
Grounded electrical outlet within 4 ft (122 cm) of where the power cord exits the air conditioner.
Free movement of air in room to be cooled.
A large enough opening for the air conditioner.
Adequate wall support for weight of air conditioner. Air conditioner weights between 70 and 85 Ibs (32 to 40 kgs).
• Do not use an extension cord.
• Cabinet louvers must not be obstructed. Air must be able to pass freely through the cabinet Iouvers.(FIG.1)
Window Installation:
Window opening measurements (FIG.2) :
26-7/8" to 36" (68.3 cm to 91.4 cm) opening width.
16-1/2" (41.9 cm) minimum opening height.
I !
l 1
A. Cabinet louvers
A. 26-7/8" (68.3 cm) minimum
B. 16-1/2" (41.9 cm) minimum
Remove packaging material:
Remove and dispose of/recycle packaging materials. Remove tape and glue residue from surfaces before installing
the air conditioner. Rub a small amount of liquid dish soap over the adhesive with your fingers. Wipe with warm water
and dry.
Do not use sharp instruments, rubbing alcohol, flammable fluids, or abrasive cleaners to remove tape or glue. These
products can damage the surface of your air conditioner.
Handle the air conditioner gently.
1. Remove the air conditioner from the carton and place it on cardboard.
2. Remove 1 shipping screw from each side of the cabinet (FIG.3).
3. Remove front panel by removing 1 Phillips screw from each side of the front panel. Set screws aside and save
4. Pull on the handles to slide the air conditioner out of the cabinet. Place the air conditioner on cardboard (FIG.5).

A.shippingscrew B.frontpanelscrew
o Handletheairconditionergently.
o Besureyourairconditionercabinetdoesnotfalloutoftheopeningduringinstallationorremoval.
o Donotblockthelouversonthefrontpanel.
• Donotblockthelouversontheoutsideofairconditioner.
• Donotlift,pullorremoveanyexpandedpolystyrene(foam)frominsideoftheairconditioner.Itisnotpacking
Attach Top Channel (FIG.6):
• Attach the top channel and side curtains to the air conditioner cabinet before
placing the cabinet in the window.
1. Locate provided bag of screws.
2. Place the top channel on top of the air conditioner cabinet, lining up the three
holes in the top channel with the three holes on top of the air conditioner cabinet.
3. Using three #10 X 114"pan-head Phillips thread cutting screws, attach the top
channel to the air conditioner cabinet.
Attach Side Curtains :
1. Locate provided bag of screws.
2. Insert the right-hand curtain connector tab into the curtain housing channels on the air conditioner (FIG.7A).
3. Insert the top and then the bottom of the right-hand curtain housing in the top and bottom curtain channels on the
air conditioner (FIG.7B, FIG.7C).
4. Slide the curtain housing into the curtain guides as far as it could go.
5. Repeat the above steps for the left-hand curtain.
FIG.7A A FIG.7B Top view FIG.7C Bottom view
A. #10 × 1/4" pan-head Phillips
thread cutting screws
B. Top channel
A. Side Curtain
A. Curtain housing
B. Curtain top channel
on air conditioner
A. Curtain housing
B. Curtain bottom channel
on air conditioner

Attach foam adhesive seal
Attach foam adhesive seal along the bottom of the curtain bottom channel (FIG.8).
FIG.9 ng_ket fCacbuinel_seated
___!_ FIG.8
A. Curtain housing
B. Foam adhesive seal
;n'n'er°_i,t wintdow rJ Bracket
Install Cabinet into Window:
1. Center empty cabinet in window:
Check that lower rail of air conditioner cabinet is behind and against back side of window sill. Maintain a firm hold on
the air conditioner cabinet (FIG.9). Lower window sash to hold the cabinet in place. Measure the distance between the
right side of the cabinet and the inside of the window channel (FIG. 10). Repeat for the left side. Adjust the cabinet until
the distance on each side is the same.
2. Attach the cabinet to window:
A: For wooden window:
Use a 3/16" drill bit to drill three starter holes 3/8" deep through the three holes in the cabinet and into the window sill,
and drill one starter hole 318" deep through the hole in the middle of top rail and into the window frame (FIG. 11).Attach
cabinet to window with three #10 x 1/2" pan-head Phillips screws and one #10 X 1/2" round-head screw (FIG.11).
B: For Vinyl-Clad window:
Use a 1/8" drill bit to drill one hole through the hole in the middle of top rail and into the window frame. Attach cabinet
to window with one #10 x 1/2" round-head Phillips screw (FIG.11). Place two safety locks into the holes that located
in the bottom of the cabinet and drive two locking screws through the safety locks into the cabinet as shown (FIG.12)
3. Check that air conditioner is tilted back about 1 1/8" to 1 1/2" (tilted about 3° to 4° downward to the outside, see
FIG.13). After proper installation, condensate should not drain from the overflow drain hole during normal use, correct
the slope otherwise. FIG. 13
---,,,,,, FIG.12
on edge of inner sill.
outer sill
A. Window sash
B. Empty cabinet
C. Window channel
r],,_indow Sash
LL_ about 1 1/8"- 1 1/2"L
#10 X I/2"pan-head Phillipsscrews
#10 X I/2"round-head screw
Window channel
#10 X 1/4" pan-head Phillips screws
B. Safety Lock
Only for Vinly-Clad Window
--1 ide Louvers
Wind6w Sill
Attach Side Curtains to Window Frame:
1. Extend the side curtains out against the window frame
2. Drill holes and drive locking screws:
A: For wooden windows:
Use a 3/32" drill bit to drill 4 starter holes through the holes in
the side curtains into the window. Drive four #10 X 1/2" locking
screws through the holes in the side curtains into the window
sill and window frame(FIG.14A, FIG.14B).
B: For Vinyl-Clad windows:
Use a 1/8" drill bit to drill two holes through the holes in the
side curtains into the window frame as shown (FIG.14A).
Drive two #10 X 1/2" locking screws through the holes in the
side curtains into the window sash (FIG.14A) screw bottom of the curtain
3. Trim the weather seal (6"X3/4"X1/12") with a proper length, peel off the protective backing and plug any gaps if
needed as shown (FIG.14B).
A. Window channel
B. left-hand curtain
C. #10 X 1/2" round-head
A. #10 X 1/2" round-head
B. Slotted hole in the