Owner's Manual
n_isowner's Guideprovidesspecificoperatinginstructionsforyourmodel.Usethe air
conditioneronlyasinstructedin thisguide.Theseinstructionsarenot meantto cover
every possiblecondition and situation treat may occur. Common sense and caution
must be practicedwhen instafling,operating, and maintaining any appliance.
Record Your Model and seriaJ Numbers
Recordinthe space provided below the model and seda[ numbers. The serial plate is
located behind filter at the bottom of unit. Reading the numbers may be easier by _sing
a flashlightor by remowng the cabinet front as instructed under "Care and Cleaning."
Model Number:.
Serial Number.
Purchase Date:
P/N309000827 (11/99)

Read all instructions before using this air conditioner.
Important Safety
Avoid fire hazard or
electdc shock. Do not use an extension
cord or an adaptor plug. Do not remove
any prong from the power cord.
Grounding type
wall feces
under _'_
any drcumstances, )
cut, remove, l
or bypassthe )
_grounding prong.._
Power supply
• cord with 3-prong
grounding plug
For Your Safety
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinityof
this or any other appliance. Read prc_luct labelsfor flammability and other warnings.
Prevent Accidents
To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury to persons when usingyour air
conditioner, follow basic precautions, including the following:
• Be sure the electrical service is adequate for the model you have chosen.
• If the air conditioner is to be installed in a window, you witl probably want to
clean both sides of the glass first. If the window is a triple-track type with a
screen panel induded, you may went to remove the screen completely before
• Be sure the air conditioner has been securely and correctly installed accordingto
the separate installation instructions provided with this manual. Save this
manual. Save this manual and installation instructions for possible future use in
removing or reinstallingthis unit.
• When handling the air conditioner, be careful to avoid cuts from sharp metal fins
on front and rear coils.
Electrical Informationf13__=_amm
The complete electrical rating of your new room air conditioner is stated on the
serial ptate. Refer to the rating when checking the electrical requirements.
• Be sure the air conditioner is properly grounded. To minimize shock and fire
hazards, proper grounding is important. The Dower cord is equipped with a
three-prong grounding plug for protection against shock hazards.
• Yourair conditioner must be used in a properly grounded wall receptacle. If the
wall receptacle you intend to use is not adequately grounded or protected by a
time delay fuse or circuit breaker, have a qualified electrician install the proper
• Do not run air conditioner with outside protective cover in ptace. This could result
in mechanical damage within the air conditioner.
• Do not use an extension cord or an adapter plug.
Energy Saving Ideas
• The capacityof the roomair conditioner must fit the room sizefor efficient and
• Installthe room air conditioneronthe shady sideof your home. A window that
facesnorth isbest becauseit isshadedmost of the day.
• Do not block air flow inside with blinds, curtains or furniture; or outside with
shrubs,enclosures,or other buildings.
• Close the fireplace damper, floor and wall registersso cool air does not escape
up the chimney and into the duct work.
• Keepblinds and drapesin other windows closedduring the sunniestpartof the
• Cleanthe air filter as recommendedin the section "Care andCleaning."
• Properinsulation and water strippinginyour home will help keep warm airout
and cool airin.
• External house shading with trees, plants or awningswill help reducethe air
conditioner'swork load.
• Operate heat producing appliances such as ranges, washers, dryers and
dishwashersduring the coolestpart of the day.

How and Why
Your room air conditioner providesthe following functions to make hot weather
living more comfortable:
• Cools and circulatesroomair.
• Lowershumidityby removingexcessmoisture.
• Filtersout summertime dust,dirt,andsome airborneimpurities.
The air conditioner performs thesefunctions bydrawing room air through a filter I_,
wh ch traps dust and dirt particles.The air then passesover a cooling coil which !
refrigerates the air and removesexcessmoisture. The sameair isthen returned to
the room --- cooler,drier and cleaner.Moisture removedfrom theroom air iscarried
to the outside and evaporated.
Your air conditioner is designed tO be easyto operate and to provide plenty of
cooling power.
Normal Sounds
At the front of the unit,
y_u may
of rushingair being moved
and off, you may hear a
"dicking" sound.
compressorsmay havea
the coolingcycle.
_Gurgling orhissing"
noisemay be hearddue to refrigerant
passingthrough evaporationduringnormal
Unit may vibrateand make
noisebecauseof poorwall
orwindow constructionor
incorrect installation.
Pinging or Swishing
Dropletsof water hitting
operationmay cause
"pinging or swishing"