Installation Instructions:
Pa_ No. 309000913
Do This First
(for existing sleeve)
Note that the air conditioner dimensions are: 24" wide,
14½" high, and 18½" deep (without front). Install Air
Conditioner according to these installation instructions
to achieve the best performance. Save these installation
instructions for future reference.
Items in Kit
You may not need all parts in the kit. Discard unused
Tapered Spacer Blocks 17" Long 2
Centering/Support Blocks 4½" x 3½"x 1½" 2
Plastic Divider 1/8" x 4½"x 14½- 1
Stuffer Seal 1"x 1½"x 84" 1
Seal 1½" x 1½" x 26½" 2
Seal 1½"x 1½"x 14" 2
Seal 1½" x 3/8" x 26½" 2
Seal 1',_"x 3/8" x 14" 2
Seal 1" x 3/4"x 14, 1
Trim Frame (side legs) 2
Trim Frame (top & bottom legs) 2
Ground Wire (green) 1
Nut for grounding screw 1
Grounding Screw 1
Grille (plastic) 1
Nuts (plastic) 4
Screw w/washer 4
CAUTION: When installation is complete, replacement
unit MUST have a rearward
2. Remove old Air Conditioner from wall sleeve and
prepare wall sleeve as follows:
-- Clean interior (do not disturb seals).
-- Wall sleeve must be securely fastened in wall before
installing Air Conditioner. Drive more nails or screws
through sleeve, into wall, if needed.
-- Repair paint if needed.
3. If not existing, drill a 3/16" clearance hole for ground-
ing screw through left side of wall sleeve, in a clear area
about 3 inches maximum (to suit) back from front edge
of sleeve as shown below. Next attach ground wire
inside sleeve, using grounding screw and nut. Pull loose
end of ground wire out front of sleeve, and temporarily
bend it down and around lower edge of sleeve.
Wall sleeve to unit
sleeve grounding
"_]l Max'] 3/16"
ill IFHo,e
1/4" to 5/16"
3" _
How to Install
1. Identify the wall-sleeve brand for your installation,
from the chart below.
Carrier (52F Sedes)
General Electric/
Fedders/Emerson 27 16¾
Sears/Kenmqre 25% 16¼
Emerson/Fedders 26% 15¾
Carrier (51S Series) 25¾ 16¼
Friedrich 27 16¾
NOTE: All wall sleeves used to mount the new Air
Conditioner must be in sound structural condition and
have a rear grille that securely attaches to sleeve, or
rear flange that serves as a stop for the Air Conditioner.
Wall Sleeve Dimensions
Width He oht Oeoth
25½ 15½ 16, 17½
26 15%
25% 16½
or 22
4. Prepare the wall sleeve for installation of the new unit
per the following Brand instructions.
#1 Emerson
#2 Fedders
#3 Fedders or Friedrich
#4 General Electric/Hotpoint
#5 Sears or Carrier (51S Series)
#6 Whirlpool
#7 Whirlpool
#8 White-Westinghouse/Frigidaire/
Carrier (52F Series)
#9 White-Westinghouse/Frigidaire
5. Install new unit into wall sleeve.
6. To attach ground wire to the new unit, remove the
screw from the left side front.
7. Assemble and install the
Trim Frame (see instruction).
15" Deep
16"+ 17½"Deep

Wall Sleeve Brands:
ar_._ 10-1/4'
#1 Emerson 15" Deep
1. Redirect the louvers at the back of the wall sleeve as shown in the
illustration. The use of pliers is recommended.
2, Attach (1) 1½"x 3/8"x 26'/_- long seal as shown in the illustration.
3, Attach the (2) 1½" x 3/8" x 14" long seals, to the inside of the
Iouvered pane. Install the seals as shown in the illustration,
4, Cut the 1½" x 3/8 "x 26'_" long seal to 14" long. and attach it to the
inside of the Iouvered panel as shown in the illustration. Attach the
(2) 4½" x 3½" x 1½" Centering/Support Blocks, one on each side wall,
to the inside of the sleeve with the Tappered End facing the opening.
These (2) blocks should be Iocaed approximately in the center of the
side walls. To attach the blocks remove the backing paper from the
blocks. Do not touch adhesive on the blocks. Press the blocks firmly
in place.
5. Install the new unit into the wall sleeve.
6. Attach the ground wire to the unit as shown.
7. Install the 1"x 1½, x 84" long stuffer seal between the wall sleeve
and the unit. A fiat bladed screwdriver or putty knife is recommended.
8. Assemble and install the Trim Frame. (see Trim Frame)

Wall Sleeve Brands: #2 Fedders 19¾"Deep
1. Redirect the louvers at the back of the wall sleeve as shown in the
Rear Louvers
Top _rN_w
illustration,The use of pliers is recommended.
2. Attach the (2) 4'½"x 3½"x 1½"Centering/Support Blocks to the inside
of the wails of the wall sleeve as illustrate with tapered end facing
the opening of sleeve. These (2) blocks should be located
approximately in the center of the side walls. To attach the blocks
remove the backing paper from the blocks. Do not touch adhesive on
the blocks. Press the blocks firmly in place.
3. Cut (2) 17"Tapered Spacer Blocks and install as shown in the
illustration. The 4" portion to be placed in front of the rib on base end
tapered end facing the back of _he slee_{e.The re_ai_ing portion to
be placed behind the rib. _ / _, " _
4. A_ach (1) 1½"x 1½"x 26½"long seals and the (2) 1½"x 1½"x 14"
long seals as shown in the illustration.
5. Cut (1) 1½' x 1',_"x 26_,_"long seal to 14" and attach to inside of the
Iouvered panel as shown in the illustration.
6. Install the new unit into the wall sleeve.
7. Attach the ground wire to the unit as
8. Install the 1 "x 1½"x 84" long stuffer seal between the wall sleeve
and the unit. A flat bladed screwdriver or putty knife is recommended.
9. Assemble and install the Trim Frame.
(see Trim Frame)

Wall Sleeve Brands:
#3 Fedders or Frieddch
60 _ _llllll_lllll I n IiJiiJiJJJ
Top Vmw
1. Redirect the louvers at the back of the wall sleeve as shown in the
illustration. The use of pliers is recommended.
2. Attach (2) 4½" x 3½"x 1½ -Centering/Support Blocksto the inside of
the wails of the wall sleeve as illustrated with tapered end facing the
opening of the Sleeve. These (2) blocks should be located
approximately in the center of the side walls. To attach the blocks
remove the backing paper from the blocks. Do not touch adhesive on
the blocks. Press the blocks firmly in place.
3. Cut (2) 17.Tapered Spacer Blocks and install as shown in the
illustration. The 4" portion to be placed in front of the rib on base and
tapered end facing the back of the sleeve. The remaining portionto
be placed behind the rib. The 2½" portion to be placed in front of the
rib on the base with the tapered end facing the back of the sleeve.
Cut the remaining portionto 12½" and place behind the rib with the
tapered end facing the back of the sleeve.
1i-_ ,-
c=_,'_ 1_-_" __..=_._
4. Attach (1) 1½"x 1',_"x 26½"long seals and the
(2) 1½"x 1½"x 14"long seals as shown in the illustration.
5. Cut (1) 1½-x 1½• x 26½ - long seal to 14" and attach inside of the
Iouvered panel as shown in the illustration.
6. Install the new unit into the wall sleeve.
Attach the.ground wire to the unit as shown.
7. Install the 1 "x 1½-x 84"long stuffer seal between the wall sleeve and the unit.
A flat bladed screwdriver or putty knife is recommended.
8. Assemble and install the Trim Frame.
(see Trim Frame)