Important Safety Instructions ............................................ 2
How and Why .................................................................. 2
Energy Saving Ideas .......................................................... 3
Installation .................................................................... 3-4
Air Conditioner Features ................................................... 5
Care and Cleaning ............................................................ 6
Before You Call For Service ............................................ 7
Sears Service ..................................................................... 8
Warranty ......................................................................... 8
Read and Save These Instructions
This Useand Care Manual provides specific operating instructions for your model. Use the air conditioner only as instructed
in this manual. These instructions are not meant to cover every possible condition and situation that may occur. Common
sense and caution must be practiced when installing, operating, and maintaining any appliance.
Record Your Model and Serial Numbers
Record in the s;paceprovided below the model and serial numbers. The serial plate is located behind the front louvers.
Model Number:
Serial Number:
l Purchase Date:
PIN 309000819(9903)

Important Safety
electric shock. Do not use an extension
cord or an adaptor plug. Do not remove
any prong from the power cord.
_m o not under _'_
V cordwi 3-p g
Avoid fire hazard or
ny circumstances|
ut, remove, |
r bypass |
he grounding prong I
this plug. )
Read all instructions before using this air conditioner.
For Your Safety
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity
of this or any other appliance. Read product labels for flammability and other
Prevent Accidents
To reduce the risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury to persons when using
your air conditioner, follow basic precautions, including the following:
• 8e sure the electrical service is adequate for the model you have chosen.
• This air conditioner is intended for window installation only. Through-
the-wall installation isstrongly discouraged.
• Besurethe air conditioner has been correctly and securelyinstalled according
to the installation instructions found in this manual. Readand savethis manual
for future reference.
• Clean both sidesof the glass first. If the window is atriple-track type with a
screen panel included, you may want to remove the screencompletely before
Electrical Information
The complete electrical rating of your new room air conditioner is stated on the
serial plate, Refer to the rating when checking the electrical requirements,
• Be sure the air conditioner is properly grounded. To minimize shock and fire
hazards, proper grounding is important. The power cord is equipped with a
three-prong grounding plug for protection against shock hazards.
• Your air conditioner must be used in a properly grounded wall receptacle. If
the wall receptacle you intend to use isnot adequately grounded or protected
by a time delay fuse or circuit breaker, have a qualified electrician install the
proper receptacle.
• Do not run air conditioner with outside protective cover in place. Thiscould
result in mechanical damage within the air conditioner.
• Do not use an extension cord or an adapter plug.
How and Why
Your room air conditioner provides the following functions to make hot weather
living more comfortable:
• Cools and circulates room air.
• Lowers humidity by removing excess moisture.
• Filtersout summertime dust, dirt, and some airborne impurities.
The air conditioner performs these functions by drawing room air through a filter
which traps dust and dirt particles. The air then passesover a cooling coil which
refrigerates the air and removes excessmoisture. The sameair isthen returned to
the room--cooler, drier and cleaner. Moisture removed from the room airiscarried
to the outside and evaporated.
Your air conditioner is designed to be easyto operate and to provide plenty of
cooling power.

Energy Saving Ideas
• The capacity of the room air conditioner must fit the room size for efficient and
satisfactory operation.
• Install the room air conditioner on the shadyside of your home. A window that
faces north is best because it is shaded most of the day.
• Do not block air flow insidewith blinds, curtains or furniture; or outside with
shrubs, enclosures,or other buildings.
• Close the fireplace damper, floor and wall registers socool air does not escape
up the chimney and into the duct work.
• Keepblinds and drapesinother windows closedduring the sunniestpart of the day.
• Clean the air filter as recommended in the section "Care and Cleaning."
• Proper insulation and weather stripping in your home will help keep warm air
out and coolair in.
• External house shading with trees, plants or awnings will help reduce the air
conditioner's work load..
• Operate heat producing appliances such as ranges, washers, dryers and
dishwashers during the coolest part of the day.
Figure I
Your air conditioner will install into standard double hung windows with actual
clearopening widths of 25 3/8" (645 ram) to 38" (965 ram). Thelower sashmust
open sufficiently to allow a clearverticalopening of 12 112" (318 ram) (Figure1).
Air vents at the sides and rear of the air conditioner must have clear air space to
allow sufficient air flow through the condenser for normal removal of heat. The rear
of the unit must be outdoors and not inside a building or garage.
Be sure you have athree-prong receptacle within convenient reach.Do not usean
extension cord or an adapter plug. Do not alter or remove the grounding prong.
If your presentwall receptacle does not match the plug, call a qualified electrician
to make the necessarychanges.
To1.Install Air Conditioner:
IMPORTANT:Foroptimalperformance from your air conditioner,attach foam
sealsto sliding panels beforeinstallation.Raisepanel retaining clipsto unlock
slidingpanels.Extendpanels,Peelbackingoff of sealto exposeadhesive.Align
sealwith top inside end of panel and flush with back of ridge (Figure2A),
T(I_ off backing to
T Back Edge Start Here T
(Align with back edge |
Adhere seal, wrapping it around the corner and down the side (Figure 2B).
Repeat on other side.
2. Raiselower sashof window. Select center of opening where the airconditioner
will be located,
Raisepanel retaining clipsto unlock sliding panels. Firmlygrip unit by top hand
slot and front handle. Placeunit in window opening so front edge of sliding
panelsbutts againstback edge of window stool (Figure 3).
Top View of Left Hand Sliding Panel

Installation (continued)
4. Keeping a firm grip on front handle while applying a downward force to
support the unit, closewindow solower sash restsin the groove on top of the
5. Loosen thumb screws on leveling supports and lower supports until they
contact window sill.Tighten thumb screws. Note: Unit should be tilted back
at a slight angle to allow water drainage to the rear of the unit.
6. Extend sliding panels away from the unit and into window frame. The foam
trim aroundthe sliding panels will form aseal within the window frame. Push
down retaining clips to lock sliding panels in place (Figure 4),
to windowframe
7. Drive 314• (19 mm) locking screwsthrough frame holes and into window stool
(Figure 5). Note: Toprevent window stool from possible splitting, drill a 1/8"
(3 ram) pilot hole before driving screws.
8. Cut foam sashsealto window width and place into spacebetween upper and
lower sashesto seal out air infiltration (Figure 6).
9, For safety and security, attach right angle safety lock with a 314" (19 ram)
screw asshown (Figure 7). Thisprevents the window from being opened and
accidental dislodging of the air conditioner.
10. Plug in the unit and turn unit on. Refer to "Air Conditioner Features" for
setting suggestions.
To Remove Air Conditioner:
1. Turn off the unit and disconnectthe power cord.
2. Removethe right angle safety lock.
3. Remove sliding panel locking screws.
4. Slide side panels back into the air conditioner. Grip the front handle firmly
while applying a downward force to support the unit. Raiselower sashand lift
unit out of the window using top hand slot.
To Store Air Conditioner:
Dueto itssmall shapeandlight weight, thisair conditionerrequires no winterizing.
Simply remove the unitfrom the window when not in use.Cover the unit with
plasticor return to its original carton and store in a cool, dry place.
Figure 6 Rgure 7

Air Conditioner
Featu res
Fan High Cool
Fan/Cool Selector
Fan/Cool Selector
The Fan/Coolcontrol allows a choiceof eithercoolingroom airwhen onthe Cool
setectionor circulating room air at the existingtemperature when on the Fan
selection.The Low, Med., and Highsettingsdeterminethe speedof aircirculation.
The High/Cool se)ection provides maximum cooling and is recommended for
cooling the air quickly.
Usethe slider knob of the thermostat to determine the levelof coolness. The thick
end of the rule is the coldest setting. The temperature warms as the rule thins.
The Fan selection does not cool the air. Therefore, sliding the knob on the
thermostat while on the Fan selection will have no effect on air temperature.
Note: If the air conditioner isturned off, wait 3 minutes before restarting. This
allows pressureinsidethe compressorto equalize. Failureto followthese instructions
may cause inefficient operation.
Exhaust Vent
The exhaustvent setsthe air conditionerto either recirculateinsideair (CLOSE)or
exhaust air to the outside (OPEN). The exhaust vent can be set to the OPENor
CLOSEpositionwhen in any Fansetting.
• The CLOSEposition is used when maximum cooling isdesired. It may also be
used for air recirculation without cooling when the air conditioner is set inthe
Fan position.
ExhaustVent CLOSED
Exhaust Vent OPEN
• The OPENposition removes stale air from the room and exhausts it to the
outside. Freshair is drawn into the room through normal air passages.
Air Directional Louvres
Air directional Iouvrescontrolthe airflow direction(Figure8).
• To direct airflow from side to side, use the lever at the bottom right of the
louvre panel.
• To direct airflow up and down, manually positionthe horizontal Iouvreswith
the touch of a finger.

Care and Cleaning
Clean the air conditioner occasionally to keep it looking new. Be sure to unplug
the unit before cleaning to prevent shock or fire hazards.
Air Filter,
Air Filter Cleaning
The airfilter shouldbecheckedat leastonceamonth to seeifcleaningisnecessary.
Trapped particlesinthe filter will build up, reducingair flow intothe unit and may
causean accumulationof frost on the coolingcoils.
The air filter is located on the top right of the unit. Thefilter slides in and out of the
body of the unit vertically. To remove the filter, grab the filter frame by the indent
at the top of the unit. Pull straight out and remove (Figure 9).
Wash the air filter inmild liquid dishwashing detergent and warm water. Rinsewith
clear water, and gently shake excesswater from filter. Replace dry filter by sliding
back into slot. Do not wash air filter in a dishwasher.
Cabinet Cleaning
• Be sure to unplug the air conditioner to prevent shock or fire hazard. The
cabinet and front may bedusted with an oil free cloth or washed with acloth
dampened in asolution of warm water and mild liquid dishwashing detergent.
Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.
• Be sure to wring excesswater from the cloth before wiping around the
• Never use harshcleaners,wax, or polishon the cabinet front.

Before You Call For
Before calling for service, review this list. It may save you time and expense. This list
includes common occurrences that are not the result of defective workmanship or
materials in this appliance.
Air conditioner will not operate.
Air from unit does not feel cold
Air conditioner cooling, but room is
toe warm - - ice forming on cooling
coil behind decorative front.
WalL plug disconnected. Pushplug firmly into wall outlet.
House fuse blown orcircuit breakertripped.Replacefuse with time delaytypeor reset circuit breaker.
FAN/COOL selector in OFFposition. Turn FAN/COOL selector to the desired setting.
Unit turned off by moving thermostat to awarmer setting and then immediately turning back to
a colder setting. Wait approximately 3 minu_s. Listen for compressor to start.
Unit turned off and then on too quickly. Turn unit off and wait 3 minutes before restarting.
Thermostat setwarmer than room temperature. Slidethermostat to a colder setting (thick rule).
Turn selector to a higher FAN position
Thermostat set too warm (thin rule). Slidethermostatto a colder setting (thick rule).
Roomtemperature below 70"F(21 °C). Cooling may not occur until room temperatu re risesabove
Outdoor temperature below 70"F(21°C). To defrost the coil, set selector to FAN position. Slide
thermostat to awarmer setting (thin rule).
Air filtermaybedirty. Cleanfilter.RefertoCareandCleaningsection.Todefrost, setselectorto
Thermostat set too coldfor night-time cooling. Todefrost the coil, set selector to a FANposition.
Slide thermostat to a warmer position.
Air conditioner cooling, but room is
too warm - NO ice forming on
cooling coil behind decorative front.
Air conditioner turns on and off
Noise when unit is cooling.
Water dripping INSIDE when unit is
Dirty air filter--air restricted. Clean air filter. Refer to "Care and Cleaning."
Thermostat set too warm. Slide thermostat to a colder setting (thick rule).
Exhaust vent set at OPENposition. Set exhaust vent at CLOSEDposition for maximum cooling.
Air directional Iouvres positioned improperly. Position Iouvres for better air distribution.
Front of unit is blocked by drapes, blinds, furniture, etc. -- restricts air distribution. Clear blockage
in front of unit.
Doors, windows, registers,etc. open -cold air escapes.Close doors, windows, registers,etc.
Unit recentlyturned on in hot room. Allow additional time to remove "storedheat" from walls,
ceiling, floor and furniture.
Dirty air filter- air restricted. Clean air filter.
Outsidetemperature extremely hot. Set FANon high speed to bringair pastcooling coils more
Air movement sound. This isnormal. If too loud, turn selector to lower FANsetting.
Soundof fan hitting water-moisture removalsystem.This isnormal when humidity ishigh. Close
doors,windows and registers.
Window vibration-poor installation. Refer to installation instructionsor checkwith installer.
Improper installation.Tilt air conditioner slightlyto the outside to allow water drainage. Refer to
•Installation'--check with installer.
Water dripping OUTSIDE when unit
Unit removing large quantity of moisture from humid room. This isnormal during excessively
humid days.

Sears Service
"We Service What We Sell" isour assurance you can depend on Searsfor service
...and Searsserviceis nationwide. Your air conditioner has added value when you
consider that Sears has service units nationwide, staffed with professional
technicians specifically trained on Sears appliances and having parts, tools and
equipment to insure that we meet our pledge to you... "We ServiceWhat We Sell."
Sears Maintenance Agreement
Maintain the value of your Kenmore_ air conditioner with a SearsMaintenance
Agreement. Searsairconditioners are designed, manufactured, and tested for years
of dependable operation. Yet, anymodern appliance may require sen/icefrom time
to time.
The SearsMaintenance Agreement
• Isyour way to buy tomorrow's sen/ice at today's price.
• Eliminates repair bills resultingfrom normal use.
• Allows for as manyservice calls as required.
• Provides for service by professional Sears-trained technicians.
• Offers an annual preventive maintenancecheck-up at your request.
Thismaintenance agreement doesnot cover originalinstallation, reinstallation,or
damage resultingfrom external causessuchasactsof God, abuse,theft, fire,flood,
wind, lightning, freezing, power failure, power reduction, etc. Please ask a
salespersonto seethe agreementfor allof the terms and conditions.
Full One-Year Warranty on Air Conditioner
Forone year from date of purchase, when this air conditioner is operated and
maintained for normal room cooling according to instructionsin this owner's
manual, Searswill repairthisair conditioner,free of charge, ifdefective in material
or workmanship.
Full Five-Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System
Forfiveyearsfrom the date of purchase,when thisair conditioner isoperated and
maintained for normal room cooling according to instructionsin th_ owner's
manual, Searswill repairthe sealed refrigerationsystem (consistingof refrigerant,
connecting tubing, and compressor),free of charge, if defective in material or
This warranty give syou specific legal rights, and you may have other
dghts which vary from state to state.
Warranty serviceisavailableby contactingthe NEARESTSEARSSERVICECENTER/
DEPARTMENTin the UnitedStatesor call 1-800-4-REPAIR.
Forparts, call 1-800-FON-PART.
3333 Beverly Road
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179