Record Your Model and Serial Numbers .............. Cover
Important Safety Instructions ....................................... 2
First Steps ....................................................................... 3
Energy Saving Ideas .............................................. ;....... 4
Setting the Controls ...................................................... 4
Temperatures ............................................................ 4
Energy Saver Switch ................................................ 4
Moisture .................................................................... 4
Fresh Food Storage ........................................................ 5
Care and Cleaning ..................................................... 6-7
Automatic Ice Maker (some models) ............................ 7
Reversible Door Instructions ................................... 8-,10
Avoid Service Checklist ......................................... 10-11
Normal Operating Sounds .......................................... 11
Sears Service ................................................................ !2
Refrigerator Warranty ................................................ 12
Sears Service in Canada .............................................. 13
Re rige 'ators
Warranty (Canada) ...................................................... 14
Read and Save These Instructions
This Owner's Guide contains genera1operating instructions for your refrigerator and features information for several models
Your refrigerator may not have all the described features Useyour refrigerator only as instructedin this guide These
instructionsare not meant to cover every possible condition and situation that mayoccur Common senseand caution must
be practiced when installing, operating, and maintaining any appliance
Record Your Model and Serial Numbers
Record the model and serial number in the space provided below The serial plate is located on the top left wail of the
refrigerator compartment
Model Number:
Serial Number:
Purchase Date:
PRINTEDINUSA P/N 218905300 (9812)

Important Safety
Proper Disposal of
Your Refrigerator/Freezer
Risk of child entrapment
Child entrapment and suffocation are
not problems of the past Junked or
abandoned refrigerators or freezers are
still dangerous-- even if they will sit for
"just a few days" Ifyou are getting rid
of your old refrigerator or freezer, please
follow the instructions below to help
prevent accidents,
Read all instructions before using this refrigerator.
For "(our Safety
Do not store or usegasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of
this or anyother appliance Readproduct labelsfor flammability and other warnings,
Child Safety
= Destroy carton, plastic bags, and any exterior wrapping material immediately
after the refrigerator is unpacked. Children should never' use these items for
play, Cartons coveredwith rugs, bedspreads, plastic sheetsor stretch wrap may
become airtight chambers and can quickly cause suffocation
• Remove allstaplesfrom the carton, Staples can cause severe cuts and destroy
finishes if they come in contact with other appliances or furniture
° An empty, discarded ice box, refrigerator or freezer is a very dangerous
attraction to chifdren Remove the door of any appliance that is not in use,
even if it is being discarded
in place so
children may
not easily
climb inside.
Avoid fire hazard or
electric shock. Do not use an extension
cord or an adapter plug Do not remove
any prong from the power cord
Electrical Information
These guidelines must be followed to ensure that safety mechanisms in
the design of this refrigerator will operate properly.
° The refrigerator must be plugged into its own 1t5 Volt, 60 Hz, AC only
electrical outlet, The power' cord of the appliance is equipped with a three-
prong grounding plug for your protection against shock hazards. It must be
plugged directly into a properly grounded three-prong receptacle The
receptacle must be installed in accordance with local codes and ordinances
Consult a qualified electrician DO NOT USEAN EXTENSIONCORD OR AN
o If voltage varies by 10 percent or more, performance of your refrigerator may
be affected Operating the refrigerator with insufficient power can damage the
compressor. Such damage is not covered under your warranty If you suspect
your voltage is high or low, consult your power company for testing,
. To prevent the refrigerator from being turned off accidentally, do not ptug the
unit into an outlet controlled by a wall switch or pull cord,
• Do not pinch, knot, or bend the power cord
Other Precautions
° Neverunplug the refrigerator by pulling on the power cord,Always grip the plug
firmly and pull straight out from the receptacle.
° To avoid electrical shock, unplug the refrigerator before cleaning and before
replacing a light bulb. Note: Turning the refrigerator control to OFFturns off
the compressor, but does not disconnect power to the light bulb or other
electrical components
• Do not operate the refrigerator in the presence of explosive fumes,
° Ifyour refrigerator has anautomatic icemaker, avoidcontact with moving parts.
Power supply
cord witti 3-prong
grounding plug

_ - _- __
First Steps
Proper air circulation and leveling will
ensure efficient operation
Before starting the refrigerator, follow these important first steps:
Choose a place that is near a grounded electrical outlet, DO NOT use an
extension cord or an adapter plug
= If possible, place the refrigerator out of direct sunlight and away from the
range, dishwasher or other heat sources
• The refrigerator must be installe_don a floor that is level and strong enough
to support a fully loaded refrigerator
• Consider water supply availability for models equipped with an automatic ice
• Do not install the refrigerator where the temperature wilt drop below 60°F
(t 5°C) or riseabove t 10% (43°C) The compressor will not be able to maintain
proper temperatures
= Allow space around the unit for good air circulation, Leave a ! inch (25 ram)
space behind and a 3 inch (75 ram)space above the refrigerator for adequate
• In a recessed installation, allow an extra t/2 inch (10-15 ram) on each side
for ease of installation
o Forbest circulation, elevate the unit 1 inch (25 ram) from the floor, especially
if the floor iscarpeted
Screw_type Levelers (some models)
Exposed bolt (some models)
Sunken bolt (some models)
Door Opening
The doors should open to allow easy accessto a counter when removing food
- Do not position the refrigerator so you have to walk around the refrigerator
• Reversethe doors if necessary See "Reversible Door Instructions,"
All four corners of refrigerator must rest firmly on a solid floor, Some models are
equipped witln adjustable screw-type levelers Others are equipped with rolters If
your refrigerator did not come with rollers, they canbe purchased from your dealer
Refer to the Toe GrilleAssembly Instruction Sheetin the literature pack to remove
the Toe Grille (some models),
• To adjust screw-type levelers (some models): Tipcabinet back slightly and
raiseadjusting bolts as needed,
° To adjust front rollers (some models): Use a screwdriver, 3/8" socket
wrench, or nutdriver to adjust rollers as shown,
RAISETHE FRONT of cabinet enough so doors will close freely when opened
halfway Levelcabinet sideto side Referto the Toe GrilleAssembly Instruction Sheet
in the literature pack to replace the Toe Gritle (some models),
o Wash the inside, all removable parts and the outside with mild detergent and
• Do not use razor blades or other sharp instruments which can scratch the
appliance surface, when removing adhesive labels, Any glue left from the
tape or energy label can be removed with a mixture of warm water and mild
detergent, or touch the residue with the sticky side of tape already removed,

Energy Saving Ideas
° Locate the refrigerator in the coolest part of the room, out of direct sunlight and
away from heating ducts or registers Do not place the refrigerator' next to heat-
producing appliances suchasa range, oven or dishwasher, if this is not possible,
a section of cabinetry or an added layer of insulation between the two appliances
will help tile refrigerator operate more efficiently
• Level the refrigerator so the doors close tightly
• Referto this Owner's Guide for the suggested refrigerator settings
• Periodiccleaning of the condenser will help the refrigerator run more efficiently,
See Outside in the "Care and Cleaning" section
• Do not overcrowd the refrigerator or block cold air vents Doing so causes the
refrigerator to run longer and usemore energy, Shelvesshould not be lined with
aluminum foil, wax paper or paper towelingUners interfere with cold air
circulation, making the refrigerator less efficient, which could cause food
, Cover foods and wipe containers dry before placing them in the refrigerator, This
cuts down on moisture build-up inside the unit,
• Organize the refrigerator to reduce door openings Remove as marly items as
needed at one time and close the door as soon aspossible
Setting the Controls
_ _:.::C I_!LIII :': _TOR:: : i :, :::::/
Freezer Control
Cool Down Period
Toensure safefood storage, allow the refrigerator to operate with the doors closed
for at least 8 to 12 hours before loading with food.
Refrigerator and Freezer Controls
° To start out, set control dials to the midpoint for a trial period of 24 hours
o After 24 hours, adjust the controls as needed. Adjust temperatures one
number at a time. For colder temperatures, turn the dial toward COLDEST.
Forwarmer temperatures, turn the dial toward COLD The temperature will
increase or decrease, but not necessarily by 1, 2, or 3 degrees
An adjustment made to onecompartment may require an adjustment to the other
o Turning the refrigerator control will change the temperature in BOTH
compartments If the refrigerator control is turned to OFF, cooling
stops in both compartments.
,, Turning the freezer control will change only the temperature in the freezer
To maintain temperatures, a fan circulates air in the refrigerator and freezer
compartments. Forgood circulation, do not block cold air vents with food items.
Energy Saver Switch (some models)
tfyour refrigerator isequipped with an Energy SaverSwitch, keep it set on ENERGY
SAVERfor lowest energy usage.
Energy Saver
During humid weather, or if moisture appears on the cabinet between the doors,
set switch to REDUCEEXTERIORMOISTUREA heater will warm the surface and
allow moisture to evaporate.

Fresh Food Storage
: i i :
Sliding Shelf
Shelf Adjustment
Refrigerator shelvesareeasilyadjustable to suit individual needs Some models have
sliding shelves, others havecantilever shelves Before adjusting shelves, remove alf
food. Theshipping clipswhich stabilize the shelvesfor shipping may be removed and
Toadjust sliding shelves, remove by pulling forward to
thestop position, then lift the front edge up and pullout.
Replaceon any pair of rails by reversing this procedure
To adjust cantilever shelves (shelves supported at the
rear of the refrigerator), tilt the back of the shelf upand
out Replace shelf by inserting hooks at rear into slots
Lower and lock into position
Toadjust combination cantilever/sfiding shefves,remove
shelf by lifting hook out of rear slot, and sliding shelf
forward to the stop position Lift upfront edge and pull
out Replaceshelf by sliding shelfback on supports, and
inserting the hook into the respective middle slot
Remove Shipping Clips
Spifl ProoFMgtassshelves(some models) catch and hold accidental spills. In some
models, the Spill ProofTM shelvesslideout for easyaccessto food and fast cleaning.
Theshelvesslideout independently of the cantilever brackets. Just pull front of shelf
forward Shelfcan beextended asfar asstopper ,willallow and isnot removable from
the cantilever bracket.
:i !i :
Combination Cantilever/Sliding Shelf (some models)
Humidity Control
Door Storage
Door racksand door binsallow convenient storage of jars,bottles, and cans Items
usedoften are available for quick selection Somemodels havedoor rackswhich can
accommodate gallon_size plastic drink containers and economy size jars and
containers which are available today
Somemodels haveadjustable doorbins which canbe moved to suit individual needs
Removebins by lifting straight up Placebins in the desired position and lower over
the supports
The Dairy compartment is warmer than the general food storage section and is
intended for short term storage of cheese, spreads, or butter
The Crispers, located under the bottom refrigerator shelf, are designed for storing
fruits, vegetables, and other fresh produce, Wash items in clear water and remove
excesswater before placing inthe Crispers Items with strong odors or high moisture
should be wrapped before storing
TheHumidity Controls allows you to adjust the humidity within the Crisper Thiscan
extend the life of fresh vegetables which keep best in high humidity Leafy
vegetables, however, keep best when stored with the Humidity Control set on high
moisture, or in a drawer without a Humidity Control Thiskeeps incoming air to a
minimum and maintains maximum moisture content
Meat Pan (some models)
Some models are equipped with a Meat Pan that can be positioned below any
refrigerator shelf Usethis pan for short term storage of bulk meat items tf meats
are to be kept longer than 1or 2 days, they should be frozen
Wine Rack
Wine Rack (some models)
The wine rack storesbottles of wine, or 2-liter plastic bottles of juice or soda pop.
To install, slide the wine rackonto the shelf with the curvefacing in To remove, slide
the wine rack out Install on either side of a Spill Prooff_ shelf

Care and Cleaning
Damp objects stick to cold
metal surfaces Do not touch refriger-
ated surfaces with wet or damp hands
To avoid damage and help
the refrigerator run as efficiently as
possible, clean the condenser
Keep your refrigerator and freezer cleanto prevent odor build-up Wipe up any spills
immediately and clean both sections at least twice a year Never use metallic
scouring pads,brushes, abrasivecleanersor strong alkaline solutions on any surface
Do not wash any removable parts in a dishwasher.
Always unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before cleaning. Turning
the control to OFFdoes not disconnect power to the controls, light bulb, or other
electrical components
Wash insidesurfacesof the refrigerator and freezer with a solution of 2 tablespoons
baking soda in ! quart warm water. Rinse and dry thoroughly, Be sure to wring
excess water out of sponge or cloth before cleaning around the controls,
light bulb, or any electrical parts.
Wash removablepartssuch asshelvesand drawers with baking soda solution or mild
detergent and warm water. DO NOT USE HARSH CLEANERS ON THESE SUR-
FACES.Rinseand dry thoroughly. Cleanthe door gasketswith mild suds, rinsewith
clearwater and wipe dry Do not userazor bladesor other sharp instruments which
canscratch the appliance surface when removing adhesive labels.Any glue left from
the tape or energy label can be removed with a mixture of warm water and mild
detergent, or, touch the residue with the sticky sideof tape already removed DO
Wash the cabinetand handleswith warm water and mild tiquiddetergent_ Rinsewell
and wipe dry with a clean soft cloth
When moving the refrigerator, pull straight out Do not shift the refrigerator from
side to side asthis may tear or gouge the floor covering If the refrigerator has an
automatic ice maker, be careful not to move the refrigerator beyond plumbing
Periodically clean the condenser (black tubes and wires on the back of the
refrigerator) Using a vacuum with its dusting tool attachment, vacuum the coilsto
remove dust build-up Do not allow lint or dust to accumulate on the coils,
Thedefrost water pan is located at the bottom rear of the refrigerator on top of the
compressor (shown left) The pan should be cleaned periodically. Wipe clean with
a damp cloth
Replacing the Light Bulb
To replace the light bulb:
1 Unplug the refrigerator.
2 Wear gloves asprotection against possible broken glass
3 Replace old bulb with an appliance bulb of the same wattage.
4. Remember to plug the refrigerator back in

Care and Cleaning
Vacation and Moving Tips
Short vacations: Leavethe refrigerator operating during vacations of 1to 3weeks
Use up all perishable items from the refrigerator section Wrap and store other
items in the freezer If the unit hasan automatic ice maker,turn off the icemaker.
Long vacations: Removeallfood and iceifyou will be gone I month or more. Turn
the control to OFFand disconnect the power If the unit has an automatic ice
maker, turn off the ice maker and turn the water supply valve to the closed
position Defrost and clean the interior thoroughly Leave both doors open to
prevent odor and mold buildup Block open if necessary
Moving: When moving the refrigerator, follow these guidelines to prevent
• Remove all food and other items from both the refrigerator and freezer
compartments Empty the ice storage bin Defrost and clean the
interior thoroughly
• If a hand truck isused in moving, load the refrigerator from the side
o Turnfront rollers asfar up aspossible(somemodels) Thiswil! protect them
during sliding or moving
• The cabinet should be well padded and handled with care DO NOT
Automatic ice Maker
If your refrigerator has an automatic ice maker, it will provide a continuous supply
of icefor normal use, The automatic ice maker is an optional accessorywhich may
be installed in most models at any time, Call your local dealer for installation
After the plumbing connections havebeen completed, the water supply valvemust
be opened Placethe ice container under the ice maker, pushing it asfar back as
possible Lower the wire signal arm to its "down" or ON position Becauseof new
plumbing connections, the first production of ice cubesmaybe discolored or have
an odd flavor Throw the iceawayuntil the cubes made arefree of discoloration and
taste Rememberthat water quality determines your ice quality tt isbest to connect
the ice maker to water that is not softened Chemicals from a malfunctioning
softener can damage the i,remaker If the ice maker isconnected to soft water,
ensure the softener ismaintained and working properly
To stop the ice maker, lift the wire signalarm until it clicksand locks in the "up"
or OFFposition Theice makerturns off automatically when the ice container isfull
If your model has an adiustable freezer shelf, placethe shelf so the wire signal arm
wil! hit the ice when the ice container is full.
Ice Maker Tips
1 Icestored too long may develop an odd flavor. Emptythe container and be sure
the wire signal arm is in its "down" or ON position The ice maker will then
produce more ice
2, Occasionally shake the container to keep ice separated
3 Keep the wire signal arm in its "up" or OFFposition until the refrigerator
isconnected to the water supply or whenever water supply is turned off
4 Certain sounds are normal when the ice maker is operating° They are:
Motor operation
Icebeing loosened from the tray
Ice being dropped into the container
Running water
Water valve opening and closing
Formore information on these operations, see "Normal Operating Sounds"
5. Wash ice container in warm water with mild detergent Rinsewell and dry
6 Stop the ice maker when cleaning the freezer or for short vacations
7 If the ice maker will be turned off for a long period of time, turn the water supply
valve to the closed position

Reversible Door
NOTE: Some models have "pocket"
handles, which are recessedinto the
side of the door On these models,
only the hinges will need to be re-
versed A handle is built into both
sides of each door
1. Refer to the Toe Grille Assembly
Instruction Sheet in the literature packto
remove the Toe Grille (some models)•
Snap off hinge cover at top of cabinet
(some models) With the freezer door
closed, remove the two screws attaching
upper hinge to cabinet Lift the hinge up
and off. Be sure to save screws and
hinge for reassembly later.
Your refrigerator isequipped with convertible door hinges Hinging of the door can
be changed to the opposite side any time you wish An envelope containing extra
plastic hole plugs is included in some models Turn the refrigerator control to OFF,
Removeall food, bottles, and other items from the door Begin with freezer door
Completely remove one door before beginning the other,
Tools Necessary: ,_ _ !_ P_t_/
Phllll S__:_ I )R__!_O Adlu_oblo
screwdriver Wrench Set U _ Wrench
3, With the refrigerator door closed,
remove center hinge pin (Note the
arrangement of the upper and lower
washers (some models) on the hinge pin
The washers must be assembled later in the
same manner) Open refrigerator door
enough to allow door to be lifted off the
lower hinge Remove the two screws
attaching the center hinge The third
outermost screw under the center hinge
should be left in place Save hinge, pin,
and washers (some models) for
reassembly later. Reinstall screws in
original holes
Lower Hinge crews
_£)_ Htlnge
Lewe/Hinge Screws
4. Removehinge pin, hinge, and the two
screws attaching the lower hinge Save
the hinge, hinge pin, washer (some
models) and screws for reassembly
5. Carefully remove the hole plugs from
the hinge holes in the center mullion and
top of cabinet and reinstall in the
opposite set of holes
_ Screws
Freeze_ Door
,_ _<-- Screw
6. After the handles a_e removed (see
steps 7 and 8), remove door stop from
bottom of freezer and refrigerator door
and reinstallon opposite side

Reversible Door
Instructions (continued}
Freezer Door Lock Handle Over
7, Reversehandleswhiledoorsareoff Removethe
two screwsattachingthe handleto the bottom of
the freezer door Swingbottom of handle away
from the door and slidehandleup and off dovetail
button Removescrew and dovetailbutton and
install on other side, moving hole plug from
corresponding hole to the opposite side, Reverse
instructions for reattaching handle, Start with
handle offset away from the door Placetop of
handleover dovetail buEon,swinghandleinto an
upright position and push upward, locking it into
place Securebottom of handlewith screws
Hinge Pin
Dovetail Sutton
Screws Lower Hlnge
8, To remove handle: Pull
down to slidetrim off bottom of
handle Removethe two screws
attaching the handle to the top
of the refrigerator door Swing
the top of handle away from the
door andslide handledown and
off dovetail button Remove
screw and dovetail button and
installon otherside, movinghole
plugsfrom corresponding holes
to the opposite side Reverse
instructions for reattaching
handle Start with the handle
offset awayfrom the door Place
bottom of handle over dovetail
button, swing handle into an
upright position and push
downward, locking itinto place
Secure top of handle with
screws Replacetrim,
Trim Lock Adhesive
Trim Removal (Full-Length Trim models only):
In some models, the refrigerator door has a fu!! length trim piece which
continues from the bottom of the handle to the bottom of the door The top of
the trim fits around the base of the handle An adhesive "trim lock" ispositioned
about half-way down The bottom of the trim is held in place by either an
adhesive trim lock, or a trim lock with two prongs inserted into a hole on the
face of the door Remove the trim by gently pulling the trim lock areas out and
away from the door When the trim is free from the door, gently pull the trim
down and away from the base of the handle, using a slight side to side motion
Trim Lock
To reattach trim: Slideboth trim locksout of trim Insertthe new adhesivetrim
lockscontained inyour literature pack NOTE: Trimlockmust be removedand
installed by sliding OVERthe two donut shapedareas Install trim to handle by
sliding over baseof handle Carefully align trim and pressdown at trim lock
locations Replacehole plug on opposite side Userubbing alcohol to remove
any adhesiveresiduefrom old trim lock location(s)
Washer /
9. If your refrigerator doesnot havea ToeGrille,
usea putty knife to removethe plastic plug (not
shown) from front of base and reinstall in the
opposite set of lower hinge holes Assemble
lower hinge to cabinet Install hinge pin in
opposite hinge hole from which it wasremoved
Install the washer (some models) on the lower
hinge pin and insert hinge screws, but do not
tighten Hingeswill have to remain looseagainst
cabinet to align door
Hole Plug
.Center Hinge
(upside down)
10. Turn center hinge upside down and secure to
cabinet as shown, using the screws which are in
the new holes Install refrigerator door on lower
hinge pin Align door with edge of cabinet Hold
the door on front of cabinet

•:_ -= ........
Reversible Door
Instructions (continued)
Hinge Pin
11. Placeoriginal washer (some models)
over hole in refrigeratordoor and line up
hole in center hinge. Insert hinge pin
through both holes Placewasher (some
models) on hinge pin, then position
freezer door on center hinge
12. Remove plug from upper bearing
of door and reinstall on opposite side,
13. Assembleupper hinge to top of cabinet
and door Useoppositeset of holes Do not
completelytighten screws
Align doorssothere isa parallelgap between
doors Adjust doorsto cabinetso gasketsseal
but do not bind Tighten upper and lower
hinge screws
Additional adjustmentmay be necessaryafter
loading thedoor shelvesReturnfood, bottles,
and other articles to doors Turn the
refrigerator control on and to the
previous setting.
Referto the Toe GrilleAssembly Instruction
Sheetinthe literaturepack to replacethe Toe
Grille (somemodels)
Avoid Service Checklist Before calling for service, review this list tt may save you both time and expense
This list includes common occurrences that are not the result of defective
workmanship or materials in this appliance
Refrigerator compressor does not
Refrigeratorruns too muchortoo
Refrigerator control is set to OFF Turn on refrigerator control See Setting the Controls_
Plug at wall outlet is disconnected Be sure plug is tightly pushed into outlet
House fuse has blown or circuit breaker has tripped Check and/or replace fuse with a 15 amp
time-delay fuse Reset circuit breaker
Power outage Check house lights Call local electric company
Refrigerator islarger than the previous one you owned This isnorma!, Larger, more efficient units
require longer running time,
Room or outside weather is hot It is normal for the refrigerator to work longer under these
Automatic ice maker is operating (some models) Operation of the ice maker causes the
refrigerator to run slightly more
Doors are opened too frequently or too tong Warm air entering the refrigerator causes it to run
more Open the doors tessoften
Refrigerator or freezer door may be slightly open Make sure refrigerator islevel, Keep food and
containers from blocking door
Temperatures in either compartment are too cold or too warm SeeSetting the Controls.

ice maker is not making any ice, Ice maker wire signal arm is in "up" or OFFposition
Move wire signal arm to "down" or ON
Household water line valve is not open Turn on household water line valve
Water supptyvalve in refrigerator isbeing blocked byforeign materia! Unplug the refrigerator and
turn off water supply. Slide refrigerator out and locate where water isconnected to the valve.
Unscrew the brass fitting and puff out the screenfrom inside the valve mesh Clean the screen of
foreign matedaI Replace screen and brass fitting and turn the water supply on; check for leaks
Plug in refrigerator and slide into place
Moisture collects on inside of Weather is hot and humid which increases rate of frost buildup and internal sweating This is
refrigerator walls, normal Besure doors are sealed tightly Open doors lessoften
Water collects under drawer cover or Vegetables contain and giveoff moisture Washed vegetables and fruits drain while in the drawer=
in bottom of drawer. This isnormal Pat rinsed vegetables dry with a towel before storing Clean and dry crispers as
Moisture forms on outside of Door is slightly open, causing cold air from inside the refrigerator to meet warm air from outside_
refrigerator or between doors.
This isnormal in humid weather. When humidity is lower, the moisture should disappear Setthe
Energy Saver to the Reduce Exterior Moisture position
Interior needs to be cleaned Clean interior with a sponge, warm water, and baking soda
Food with strong odor is in refrigerator/freezer Cover food tightly
Icehas picked up odor or flavor from strong food stored in refrigerator or freezer Cover foods
tightly Discard stale ice
Light bulb is burned out See "Replacing the Light Bulb" in Care and Cleaning.
Light switch isstuck Light switch is located on the ceiling of the refrigerator compartment near
the temperature control box Push in light switch to release
No e_ectriccurrent is reaching refrigerator See nUNNtNGOFREFrIGeRATOr{above
Normal Operating
So und s AUTOMAtiC,deMA ER"
Occasiona_fy you will hear ice
cubes dropping into the ice bin
These parts can pro{tuca a snapping
sound when turn}r_g lhe rsfdgerato_'
on or off. The timer also produces
sounds s_milar to an electric dock
You may hear air being forced
through lha cabinet by the fan
EVAPORATOR through the]
The flow of _'ef_geranl a be{ling |
evaporslor may creale
or gurgling sound,
During defrosl cyctes, water dripping
onto the heater may cause a hissing
or sizzling sound, Attar defl'osttng, a
poppingsound may occur.
Modem. hlgh efficiency compressors
operate much faster than o_der mode_s
The compressor may have a high-
p tchad _um ar pu sat ng Sound
When the Ice maker fills with
water, you will hear a buzz{ng
sound and water running.
Rigid foam tnsulalion has excellent
insulating capabtIlties. It Is very
energy etffcianl; however, it does
have a lendency to amplify sound.

Sears Service
"We Service What We Sell" isour assuranceyou can depend on Searsfor service
and Sears service is nationwide Your refrigerator has added value when you
consider that Sears has service units nationwide, staffed with professional
technicians specifically trained on Searsappliances and having parts, tools and
equipment to insure that we meet our pledge to you "We Service What We Sell"
Sears Maintenance Agreement
Maintain the value of your Kenmore® refrigerator with a Sears Maintenance
Agreement Searsrefrigerators are designed, manufactured, and tested for years
of dependable operation Yet, any modern appliance may require service from
time to time
The Sears Maintenance Agreement
• Is your way to buy tomorrow's service at today's price
• Eliminates repair bills resulting from normal use
• Allows for as many service calls as required,
• Provides for service by professional Sears-trained technicians
• Offers an annual preventive maintenance check-up at your request
This maintenance agreement does not cover original installation, reinstaltation,
or damage resulting from external causes such as acts of God, abuse, theft, fire,
flood, wind, lightning, freezing, power failure, power reduction, etc Pleaseask
a salesperson to see the agreement for all of the terms and conditions,
Refrigerator Warranty
Full One-Year Warranty on Refrigerator
For one year from date of purchase, when this refrigerator is operated and
maintained according to the instructions provided in this Owner's Guide, Searswill
repair this refrigerator, free of charge, if defective in material or workmanship
Full Five-Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System
Forfive years from the date of purchase, when this refrigerator isoperated and
maintained according to the instructions provided in this Owner's Guide, Searswitl
repair the sealed system (consisting of refrigerant, connecting tubing, and
compressormotor), free of charge, if defective in material or workmanship
Theabovewarranty coverage appliesonty to refrigerators which are usedfor storage
offood for private household purposes, Excludesoriginal and replacementKenmore
Ice & Water filter cartridges (if equipped with the filter system) Original and
replacement cartridges are warranted for 30 days (parts only)_
Warranty serviceis available by contacting the NEARESTSEARSSERVICECENTERt
DEPARTMENTin the United States Seethe back page of this manual
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
3333 Beverly Road
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179

Sears Service in Canada
Dear Customer:
In manufacturing this product, many steps have been taken to provide you with
the highest quality. Unfortunately, errors or omissions occasionafy occur_ In the
event you find a missing or defective part, pleasecontact your nearest Searsstore
Ifyou haveany suggestions that would help usto improve our assembly/operation
instructions or this prouct, 3leasewrite them down, including the information
listed below and maiI to:
Sears Canada, Inc_ Attn: Buyer Dept, 646
222 Jarvis Street
Toronto, Ontario
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