Kenmore 14471, 14475, 14478 Owner's Manual

Model Nos. 14471
Model and Serial Number Plate
CAUTION: Read and follow all Safety
Rules and Operating Instructions
before first use of this product.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
165D3592P062 SR5561
347 CG
Printed in U.S.A.
Warranty .Below
Important Safety Instructions ....... 3
Important Parts of Your Dishwasher . .4
What Your Dishwasher Needs ........ 5
Special Tips .............. _..... 6
Operating Instructions ........... 7-9
Detergent Dispenser ............. 10
Detergent Usage Guide .......... 10
Rinse Agent Dispenser ........... In
Proper Loading .............. 11,
User Maintenance Instructions ..... 13
Care and Cleaning .............. 13
Air Gap ....................... 13
Color Panels ................... 14
Problems and Solutions ....... 15-18
Sears Service .................. 20
Full One-Year Warranty on Dishwasher
For one year from the first day of use in your home, Sears will repair, free of charge, defects in material or workmanship which appear in this dishwasher.
Full Ten;Year Warranty Against
Leaks in the Tub and Inner Door
For ten years from the first day of use in
your home, if a leak should occur as a
result of failure of the tub or inner door panel due to cracking, chipping, or peeling, Sears will replace, free of charge, the tub or inner door panel.
If the dishwasher is subjected to other than private family use, the above warranty.
coverage is effective for only 90 days. Warranty service is available by
contacting the nearest Sears Service Center/Department in the United States.
This warranty applies only while this '
product is in use in the United States. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
The model number of your automatic dishwasher is found on the serial plate fastened to.the tub wall just inside the
dishwasher door. All repair parts are available for immediate
purchase or special order when you visit your nearest Sears Service Center, or the Service Department at most Sears Stores. To request service or order parts by phone, call the toll free numbers lisl,_,'l
on the back cover.
When requesting service or ordering p-"....
always provide the following informatL.
Product Type
Part Number ° Model Number
Part Description Sears, Roebuck and Co.,
Dept. 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Please follow these basic precautions, including the following:
t,,,ad all instructions before using your
Only use detergents and rinse agents recommended for use in a dishwasher.
Storedetergents andrinse agents in a cooldry placeout of children's reach.
Do not tamperwithcontrols.
Do not operatedishwasherunlessall enclosurepanelsare properlyinplace.
Always-disConnectelectricalpowerto dishwasherbefore attemptingto service it.We recommendhavinga qualified technicianserviceyourappliance.
Remember, usedishwasherfor its intendedpurposeonly.
Do not washplastic itemsunlessmarked "Dishwasher-Safe"ol:equivalent.If
unmarked,checkmanufacturer's recommendations.
This dishwasher must be properly installed in accordance with the installation Instructions before it is used.
_nect to a properly rated, protected
,=,_dsized power-supply circuit to avoid
electrical overload.
Thisappliancemustbe connected to
a grounded metal, permanent wiring
system;or an equipment-grounding
conductormustbe runwiththe circuit conductorsand connectedto the equipment-groundingterminalorlead oftheappliance.
The improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can
result in a risk of electric Shock. Check
with a ,qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance is properly grounded.
To avoid risk of electrical shock,
the dishwasher must be electrically grounded before it is operated.
If you did not receive Installation instructions with your dishwasher, you can get a copy by contacting your Sears Service Center.
Do not touch heating element during or immediately after use. Allow time to cool.
Load sharp or pointed tableware with handles up (points down) to avoid injury when reaching into dishwasher.
Load sharp items and knives so they aren't likely to damage door seal.
Do not sit or stand on or abuse
dishwasher door or dishracks.
Do not allow children to play in or on
When discarding old dishwasher, be sure to remove door to prevent accidental entrapment.
Do not install the dishwasher on
carpeted floor. -"
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may build up in a hot water system that
has not been used for two weeks or more.
prevent injury or damage, before using dishwasher, turn on all hot water faucets and allow water to run for several
minutes..This will allow gases to escape.
As the g_s is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance near faucets while they are open.
NOTE: Do not_store or use combustible materials, gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids inthe vicinity of this
or any other appliance.
Appearancewillvaryaccordingto themodelnumber
Upper rack
;i _ I Washtower
__ Lowerrack
Right Side View
Door latch
Control panel
Door panel
Bottom panel
Inner Door,
Rinse agent Detergent
dispenser dispensers
Front View
" _ Water
.. _letdishesclean and dryyou need hot
water.Tohelpyougetwaterofthe proper temperature;yourdishwasher automaticallyheatsthewater inthe wash
cycle.Higherwatertemperatureis needed
to dissolvegreaseand activatepowder
detergents.Forgoodwashinganddrying, theenteringwatermustbeat least120°F. Topreventdishdamage, inletwater shouldnotexceed 150_F.
Checkyour watertemperaturewitha candyormeatthermometer.
Turnon the hotwaterfaucet nearestthe dishwasher.Putthethermometerin a glassandlet the water run continuously
intothe glassuntilthe temperaturestops rising.
Do notoperatethedishwasherduringor rightafterother heavy useof hotwater, suchas for laundry orbathing..
Water Pressure
Watersupplypressuremustbe between
15and 120 poundsper square inch.To
determineifyouhaveenoughpressure, puta 1 quart containerundera fully
ed hotwaterfaucet nearestthe
_,..washer. If the container fillsin less
th^n9 seconds,waterpressureis within
_.ceptablerange.Be sureallother
faucets are turnedoffduringthistest.
Water Conditions
Inareaswhere water is veryhard(12
grainsormore), it may be necessaryto
installa "watersoftenertoassureproper performancefromyourdishwasher.Ifyou do not knowthe hardnessofyourwater supply,contactyourlocalwater
departmentor bringa sampleintoyour Searsstorefor testing.
Only usedetergentslabeledfor usein automaticdishwashers.NEVER use
laundrydetergents,liquidsoapsor other householdcleanersinyourdishwasher.
Somedetergentswillbe moreeffective
Storedetergentina cool,dry place.
Rinse Agents
Rinseagentsmakewaterflow offdishes
quickerthan usual.This lessens water spottingandmakesdryingfaster,too.
Rinseagentscomein eitherliquidorsolid
form.Yourdishwasher'sdispenseruses the liquidlorm.
Most utensils and dishware can be safely washed in your dishwasher. However, some materials may require special handling.
Aluminum: Some darkening may take place. Colored aluminum may fad.e. Do not place aluminum items directly in front of detergent dispensers where contact
with undissolved detergent could cause
pitting, spotting or discoloration.
Cast Iron: Cast iron utensils should be handwashed.
China: Antique, hand-painted china and those with gold or platinum rings should
be handwashed. Crystal: Load carefully in upper rack
only. To prevent chipping, items should not touch. Handwash delicate items.
Select NO HEAT DRY option to air-dry crystal items.
Flatware: Sterling, silverplate and
stainless steel are normally dishwasher safe. Flatware with dark decorative
shading and/or non-metallic handles
should be handwashed.
Pewter:Pewteror pewter-like materials
should be handwashed.
Plastic: Plastic items should be placed in upper rack only. Wash only those items marked "Dishwasher Safe."
Wood: Wood items should be
Glass: Milk glass should be handwashed. Non-Stick Coatings: After washing, wipe
the non-stick coating area with vegetable oil to keep itfrom losing its non-stick quality.
Non-Dishware Items: DO NOT wash items such as electronic air cleaner filters, furnace filters and pa.intbrushes in your dishwasher. Damage to dishwasher and discoloration or staining of dishwashei" may result.
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