Kenmore 141.157902 Owner's Manual

M e114!,!57902
L .... J
Resd this Owner's Manu_ carefully and be sure
your gas 9ril_is propedyassembled, lns_Hed and
age. _]s gasgri|l is i_tended for outdoor use only and is not intended to be inst_lIP._ inor on
recreational vehicles or boats.
Note to installer; Leave th_sOwner's Manual wi_ _e consumer
after delivery an_or _sta_ation.
No_ to Consumer: Leave th_ O_Ys Manua! in a cor_ven_nt pl_
for lucre ceferen_°
Manufacturer Customer _r-¢ice He|p]Ine: I_fme sh_ing _x is miss_g pads or y_J have
quest_s _oout assembiy, ca_ the Custem_ Ser- vice Help|ine 8urn - 11pro CST, f_4o_daythrough
Sea_ R_buck _d Co,_ Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U,S_.
Safe_ Inst_c_iens ..............................................2
Pre-Assemb|y instructions ..................,...............4
Pa_ Diagram and Part Lists ................. 5
Assembly InstpJctJons ...................................... 8
Cooking _nst_ctions ..................................... 15
.... 't5
FrequentJy Asked Questions ........................18
Cooking Gu{de and Recipes ....................19
_rom the date of purchase for '_e des_gna_ _me periods listed below, Sears wiffreplace the foI{_owing
g_ parts f_ee of cha_ if they are defective in
mazda! or workmanship,
_, LifeSme of Grff_:Ex_r_or Stainless Steel Parts,
Num_um Casings (except for paint _oss)
Failure to compty with these lnstru_ons cou|d result |n _ra o_rexp|_on which could cause serous bodily injury, death, or pro_ damage.
Grill Inatallstio_ Codes
This gas gr_l must be _ns_lled Jn accordance wi_h aft _oca! _de_. in areas without _oca_
_es° foltow the latest edit_ of the National
Fuel Gas Code _S_ Z223.Io in Caned& i_sta_la-
tion mus_ conform to standard 16149.1 or t-b_4g.2 (|ns_allabon Co_e for Gas Burning
Appliances and Equipment) and el) _eca) codes.
Proper Placement and Clearance of Grill Never use _ur gas gr||l in a gaffe, por_, shed,
b_eez_y or _y otr_erenc_os_ area. Your gas gri_! is to be used ou_oors only, at Jeast24" from the
back and side of any combustible surface,, Your gas _ff should not be p_taced u_nde_any surface
that wiff burn. Do ne_ obs_ct the flow of vent#a- t_n a_r aroun_ 'the {}as gdH housing.
Thisoutdoor gas g_'tff_snot intended to be installed in
_ recreat_ona_vehicles an_ boats.
3 Years: N_e Tamers_ Cooking Gdds_ Burners
5 Years; A_l Other Gdff Parts {except ignitor batte_) This warranty does not cover;
Labor costs for repa;_s
Griff ff it is used for commercial or rental pu_ses,
Rep4acement parts ate availabie by contacting the nearest Sea_s _e Center.
This wafraa#y apples of_y when _e gdff is used
in _e United States.
_is warranty gives you spec_3c _egaJ_ghts, and you may also have other rights wh_h vary from
state _ state, _a_, RoebaC_ _nd Co. Dept. SI7WA,
Hoffman Estates, IL 60'179
Carte€! LPG Cylinder Usa
Y_r gas gri!l _s designe_ for use w_th a s_n- dard 20 [b. Uqu_d Propane Gas (LPG) _inder. not _nduded _th gri_ _x, Never connect your
gas gd[_ to an LPG cylinder that exceeds th_s capac_yo A cylinder of approximately 12 inches
in diameter ey 18-1/2 inches _igh sh_ld be the m_x_m_m size LPG cylinder used, We recom-
mend buying an "OPD" gas cy_nde_ vah_nhoffers an Ove_ Prevention Dev_. Th_ safety feature
prevents the _inder [rof_ being oved_J|ed wh_h can cause maifunct_on of the LPG _inder,
regu_ato_and/or grill. The LPG cylinder must be censtructee end
marked st 8ccordance with specificat_s of the U.S. Dept. of Transpodat_on (DOT). _n Caned&
the LPG cylinder must rnee| the Canadian
Transpo_t_en and Communk:a#ons (CTC) specifications. _sa be sure:
The LPG _inder has a shutoffvalve, [e_ hating in an LPG supply cy_n_ valve out_et, _a_ is compatJbJe w_th a Type I cy_nd_ connect_ device. The LPG cy_iader must also _ave a safety re_ie_ de_ce that _as a direct communication w_th the vapor space of the cylinder,
2. The _inder supplysystem must be a_ranged for vapor wffhdrawaL
3. The LPG c_i_der used must have a colta_ to protect the cylinder va_e.
2 ? Sea_, R_b_K and _.
Failure to compty with these tns_ucUons cou|d resu_ In a fire or explosion which could cause serious bodtty injury, death,
or _perty damage°
Never connect an LPG cy'Fmder to _r gas gd& The gas regut[ator assemb_),
su_lt_ w_th your gas gnl| Js adjusted to have an ouUet pressure of 1_° water column
(W.C.) for connec|ion 1o aM LPG _inder.
t Only use _ r_u_ator and hose assembly
suppl_ed wi_ your gas grill. Replacement regulators and hose assemblies must be those spec_f_ by Sears.
" Have your LPG cylinder fWed by a repub_ble
propane gas _aJer and v_ue_fy inepec_d and refuelled at each fiJi}ngo Never fi]_ the _ cyt_nder b_tond 80% _ll. Have your propane gas deaNer che_ the
release verve afiet avery fi_Bngto ensure _na! it remains free of defects.
A_ways I<e_ LPG _inders m an upright , Do net sto_e {or use) gasoline or other fl_mmab{e
vapors and _iqu_dsin the v}cinityof th_s gas gd;
An LPG _-3_inderthat _ not connec|ed for use
must not be st_ed in the vicinity of this _ any other gas grill
,, Do not subject the LPG cylind_ to excessive
Never s_ore an LPG c'y_nder indo_s. _f store your gas gd_l in the _a_e or other _ndoo_ location, always disconnect the LPG ¢34inder _rst and store it safely o_tslde.
= LPG cylinders mus_ be s_ored o_tdoo_s i_ a
we_ovent_ated area. D_sconnec|ed LPG cy_in_ ders must _ be stored in a bui_tding,
g_ra_ or any other enclosed _rea,
When _r gas gri_t_is not _n use the gas must be turned off at the LPG cylinder.
The _gu_ator a_ hose assembly must be _nsp_'_,ed before each use of the gr_lL If
there is excessive abrasion or wear or if the hose is ouL it must be rep_ed prior to the gr_lt being used _ain,
Keep the gas regulator hose aw_y from not grW sude_s and dripping grease.
Avoid unn_ssa_y fw_sting of hose. V_is_{iy
insect ,hose prior to each use for cuts, c_ac_s, excessive wear _ other _amage
|f the hose appears damaged do not _se
gas gra C,a_l_rs at _-8004-MY-HOME for a Sears euthori_ replacement nose.
Never |_ht your gas grw with the _ dosed or b_ore chewing to insure the burner tubes
are fuJty seated over the gas valve odfices.
Never a_ children to operate your gn& Do not allow chitdre_-t _o platy near your gnU.
Shut off gas supply to the gr_&
- Ex|inguish _y open _ame_ * I_ odor cow,hues, imm_ately call .your
_as company or _a} fire d L
Fa_ure _ comply w_th these _q couJd resutt in a f_re _ ex_Jon wh_h cou!d cause serous bo_y _njury, death, _-
A strong gas sme,lL _ the hissing sound of gas indicates a sedo4Js probl,=,,mw_th your gas gd_l _ the LPG cylinder: Fa;ilure to _medlate{y f_Uow the steps I{sted _l_w cou{d result in a _re or expl_ion wh_h _u_d cause _ous _iP_t _jury, death,
* Get away from the LPG cylinder,
Do _t _y to f_ _ I_ob_em _rseff_ Ca_! your fire doper|meaL (Do r_t _li near the LPG ¢-y_nd_ because your |e|ept_one is an elec_ri_ device_)
CAUTION: Spi_s and sma_ _nsects occao _enet_y sp_ webs or ma_e nes_ in the gristburner tu_s during trans_ and wa_qe- housing, The_ webs can _ead to a gas
obs_ _ich cou;_d result laa fize _n and around the burner tubes. _is type of
fire is known as a "F_SH-SACK" _d _n
cause serious damage to y_r grill and create an unsafe operating _d_n for _e
_ough _ burner tube is not
the on_y _u_ of "F_H-BAC_, it is _ mos_ _mmen c_se,
To reduce the chance of "FLA.SH,-BACK_,
_ must _ean the burner _s before
assemb_n 9 your gd_, a_d a_ least _ce a m_th in |ate summer _ early fa_ when
spiders a_e most a_i_ AJso ped_3# th_ burner tube cteani_ procedure _ your gri}l
has not been us_ f_ an extendee period
of _me_
To _ the _._n_ of "FLASHBACK" (see
_utio_ on previous page) _an _ _Jmer tu_
and _me_s _ fuAy _m_i_ your g_ Re_ve _e _e_ pin _ the rear u_t_ of
each _rr_ using a pair _ long ;_ p!_. _refu_iy I_n:each l_._rmf up and away _ _
-_lve _e. t_ refer to Figu_ _ and
_o_ one of these _ _ni_ metes:
a _ _m0 (a i_I-_ coat:hanger
_Iow Run the h_, thresh t_ I_Jmer tu_
and in,de _t_e _mer _veral t:_ to _ve any _s
2_ Use a bo_le _ _h a f]exi_e baptize, Run
the brush thm_ _ _mer |u_ and ip_
e _ several_mes_ mm_,_ing any deb#_.
Use an a+r f'_ to f_ air _ugh each burrer tube+ The f_ _ir st_u_ pass
through the burner and out t_
The _ion _ the _r t_ wib_ _-d_e_ to _ _ce _ vIIalforsafe _ion,
Check to e_Jte the od_ is tn_ of _er tube _re _ng _ur gas grt_. See
Fig. 2 if the _me_ tu_ d_ n_ _ _ver
wive office, _mg IP_ _ may
cau_ and_J_¢fir_.
Figure 1
ASS_k_LY ,._ // 8_JRN_ R tBt_R
TO_ _ T_, _ .................::::::: .......................,...........:............
_R T_J_ COTT1E_ P_
_. _ Use
H005 _ 4 xl_ Ph_lips Head Sc_'_v 4
!/4 _ Nut: 4
_t4_×_ Ph_il_ Head Screw 3 1/4" N_ 3
1/4" N_: 7 _!4"Xlt2" Phil|i_ He_ S_ 4
!/4 _ N_ 4
H0O7 _mm Phi!_i_ _ad _ 4
_/4"×_ P_ll_ H_ S_ 4
_/4"x3/4' Phillt_ H_ Scr_ 4
114" L_ N_ 4
1/4_x3/4' PhWi_ Hea_l _ 8
F_239A D_ H_le 2
|nst_ll Bottom _ To Cad Legs
InStil Wheels To Ca_ Legs
Install Rear P_el 'To _
in_a_i Top P_ _ _om Shelf To Ca_:
_!_ _ SI_ To Cart
|_1_ T_k Holder To Cm! |r_al! Te_k H_ To _rl
RestrictD_ From Be.J_ Fhjl_ Out Too Far l_st_llG_I Head To C_
|_1_ _ Shelves To C_rt
P5589A M_ _r _op 2 PS080A _ _ery !
P_A Flame Tamer Sr_ 4
II ii i / .................................... [ III IIII [
_n_t To ¢_t Install To Ele_ I_il_
I_ To _ _ Panels
T .......... III III r_H[ I
aw_y; inste_ u_ _ _ an elev_ _,e,
8. 9
_2 13,
16. 17'
-Por_a_n_ _p;hl!_
LkJ Side _ne_- Left
U_ S_de Panel _ Right
Name P_ Ud Na_le
S_r@Away Wa_ing Ra_ Cas_ #on _ng G#d Stainless Sleei Flame Tame_
_amer SUp_ Bracke_
Gas _|_ec_r Box w! E_c_ Ign_t_n Wke _:
Bowl Pane_ _ Left Bowl Psnei- Right
_wt Panel - Roar Brawl Pane| - Fron_
H_ Sh_e_ Gas Val_e As_b_
Gas _n_e_
Con_ _el _ntrol Kr_b
Top _el of Cabinet
_,_tage Bin Grea_ _ral_ng Tray
Le_- Heat Sh_ _r_se_P|ate - Sta_nie_ ,Stael Rea_-Pe_l
_om Shelf _ Cabin_ S_de S_f -Left Side Sh_f- R_ht Hea_4nsu|atmg Spacer
Ca_ Legs-, Castor S_e CaA L_s - Wheei S_de O_w_- Painfed, Graphite
Castor _at Caster
£_nf Do_r
Rega_ator and _se Whee_ Hub - G_a_i_e Wheei- Graphi_s Tank _k
Tank _
BatLe_ M_',ettc Door S_p Do_r Handle
Grease Shield Rain Sh_d
Owner's Manua! Ha_a[e Pack (con_en_ page 5)
P[_15B P0459A
_TD P1522A
P072_0 PO727D
P3409B P1042B
P1_34A _725A P2717C
P2944A PI _318
P__32_ _573A
_109A P4328A
_3ZE _13C
P510_D P4029A
P4_ Pa080A
P558£_ P0_ Pa_C4A
Pa_ Pa0D_3A
2 2
2 I I
i I
i I
2 2
2 2
2 4
if _ur shipp}ng box is m_sst_ or _u have
q_aestbns_tas_h_, cal:[8 8m - 11 _ CST, M_eay _rcajgh Friday, !-888-3!7-7642
Fat _ repair or replacement _rt$ you _d: Ca_ 6 am _I _ CST, 7 da_ a week
To make sure _ ebt_n _e corr__ ;replacem_l
parts for your Kenmore £!i_e gas; £d!!, p|ease refe_ to _ha part n_bers on [h_ pa_. _e
fo_l_win,£ _nfo_a_en _s _u}red _e assure _,_u
ra6eive the correc_ pa_: t Gri![ M_e Number (_e _GA tabs _ g#I|}
2, Part Number 3, Pa_ Descrlpt_
4 Quantity of pa_ _ded ]mpo#_nt: Keep _ Owner's Manual far ¢_v_lent
referral and for part replacement
|m_l: Use o_N Seam a_:hofiz_ pa_ The u_ of any part _at _ mot _ au_ho,_d cam
dan_ro_s aad wi_ _18o void yo_r product
B_ore yo_ _ _.1_ use the p_ts _ to _ the_ a]! necessary par|s have _n
_ gn_i _ cart _ for d_m_ge
you Woce_l. _ not or ope_e your
gtifl _ _ _a_ damaged, if _u have queries
during tl_ _eml_y _1! 1_3t7:7642_
8am - ]i_ _To Moray through F_y_
While _ is for one per:,_ to _ th_ g_ gritl_ have _ anotJ_ _._ when _ _ the _r, _avier _s,
espe,_affy the gdi! head°
Re_e aU _ paris, h_n_, and gril! _ad from ca_ten. Assem_ the g_ gel1 on a protective
Re_ to parts IL_ _ haldwa_
to help you _mble _r gr_li_
_mbli_ TI_ G_tl Cart
Position _om Shell (Pa_ List item I_31)
with its fmr_ vertica! I_e facir_ __ t_fore
the _ Lags to the _om Sheff_
make _ gs 2 _les f_ _ Stop a_
located _n the front, _ Fig= 1, Insta_ the Ca_t Side on the |eft _e of the Bo_em Shelf. _ the _r Channel faci_
in, The 90 dag_ lip on _ and _ of [_tom S_f must be on the o_de Of the _e Panels fo_ prop_ fit. _re u_ng 2 of
the "_/4"x1/2_ Phi|lips h_ad sc_ _ n_.s
pt_e_. Install the ¢_tl Legs_V_[heel Side to
the other s_e of _om S_ by u_
Flg_ I
2. in_t_l R_r Panel to _e of _e Pa_ by using 3 _ t_ 1/4"xl/2" _1_ he_ _ and nu_,
See Fig, 2,
the 2 C_ _nto Casto_ 5ea_ (see
bo_om of C_ _). T_ the
th_ casto_ stem by ha_, clockwise ur_il it
stops. T_h|en _ _ Open..ep_ 1t/t6" w__
|n_all _he 2 Whee_ te the _ _s-Whee_
Sk_. by ir_ng the _ bolt t_ _ ar_l a_de _ on _ cart leg as _
in F_g. 2. Put sp_ng _ and 3_" n_l _.o
_ _hten secrecy _r_ a _ 4 _ps
r. Do not ove@_n or _eel _ no_
t_m _ly_ Snap _ Hubs o_o _t_ v_eels.
Position Top P_nel (Pa_.s D_ Item #24) with its front ve_l ledge _ng _p. Befor_
the Top P_, _ke _Jr_ _ 2 for the D_or Stop are k_d in the f_t. Pl_e Top Panel i_o . with the 90
Cleg_ee lip on t_ o_'_de of Rear Panel Fig, 3. _re firmly using 7 of the _14"xl/_ Phi_lip_ ffead _ a_ nuts prov_
Figure 3
_mblir_ T_e _blr_et C_ _ in_|i Oo_ S_ to _om Sh_ and Top
Pane! of _t, in_ S_ Fig. 4_ _m _ly
4 _ _ _/4_xt12_ Phil_i_ head screws
2, Remove _ wMe _ec_.e _m from
sta|_ steet _ _ a DO_ Handle to each Fro_ _ _ _ 2 _ _ M4_mm
3_ _ in_li_ me Front _m_ _e sure
_ _ _e Cart
Install either F_ Door _ inse_J_ t/4_ "
_'t _gh the I_wer dot_ _4_ _ _e Fro_ Boor a_ into ll_ _ the Bottom She_ T_ht_n se_rel¥,
Next, align the _r _ bolt P_ _ F_ DOOr w_h the t_ hole in the Top Paget of
p_ and t_n _ty_
5_ Rep_= _ _ to in_l t_ _her Fm_ Do_
F_ S
Wh_ the top _ of the cabi_ d_ do _{
li_p y_u_ g_l! _ _ to _ _,_ Th_ step
isoften _ui_ afte¢ _it_ _y a_ 'when yourg_ll h_ _ _ved _oa new _;_. To
levely_o_r_llCart__an _i116__ _ toun_ theCa_e_s
from_r C_or Seals(seetx_tto_rn_tl_ Cart Legs) u_d!_ ca_ _ are aligned, _ F_,
_bl_ T'rm, Tank Hook and G_[| Ora_r
A_ the Tank Hook and Tank _ to the wheeks_e of gd_! as _ in Fig. 6.
Align the tapp_ hoJ_ of _h _ _ the
he_ on Sk_ Panel Se_re fl_y usi_
114"x1/T Phillips head _ provide.
2, |r_|] 2 _ the 1/4"xl/T _H_ he,_ sc_
to tl_ _ar of _e _ T_,
in_l 2 of the _/4"x!/_ Phillips head
to _ fror_ of the Drawer Tra_. Th_ impor* ta_ step the d_ from _g
_ _e the tra_. See Fig, 7,
Now that yo_ve __ _e g_|l _ _u
_n install me Gri|! Head _e Fig. 8 To reduce the _fght _ _ Gril!
I_ad, _ _ y_ o_ the G_il_ Lid and remo_,_ the _ Even
the removed, this _ep _ 2 _e to I_ a_ potion the Gd|t _ o_o
the gdl| ca¢_. _ s_re to alan the 2 _s
benea_ _e hang _ _ each _ of tt_e Gdl_ Head _h the 2 hotes _ e_
b_ of _ Raise G_i_ _ and mse_t 4 of
the _14"x_4" Phiilips head _ a_ P._ nu_ and _ght_ se_rely.
Figure 7
2. From the _ _ of g_! he_, i_a_ the G_aoo _in_ T_y,, See Fig, $_
3 Cer_e_ the G_ R_e under Gm_
O_n_ T_ay _ F_= 8_
+ 22 hidden pages