0 er"s nual
Vacuum Cieaner
Read and follow ai/
safety and operating
nst set ons before frst
use of this p_oduct.
Sears, Roebuck and Co,, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A
Part No. CO1ZBCU3QUOO.8175141 Pr nted n US,A

Before Using Your New Vacuum .........2
Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Warranty ...2
_mportant Safety _nstructions ......... 3
Parts and Features .......... 45
Assembly Instructions 67
Row Your Vacuum Works ........... 14
CanisterCare ................... 4
B_g C lan9_ 9 .................... 14
CeaningEte_o ardAttachm@_s ..... 15
Motor Safety Fter C_ang ng ........ 15
Exf'a_st Filte Changin@ .......... 16
Use .......................... 8
Now lestar ................ 8
%_c_,,£_mngTps .....................9
S_ggested Pie He @_t8e tings ........._)
Drt Set sot 10
Attachme_ Is 1t
Attschme@ Jse Chart ...............12
Per%m_ance Features ........ 12.13
Power-Mate ®Care 16
BeltChangnga dAgtatof Csan g . I7't8
@t Butb Cha _r_ng 18
Ag tarot Sewic ng .............. 19
Ag tarot Assemb y ....... 19
TroaMeshooting ............... 20
Requesting Assistance Or Service ..... 2
Please read tH.s guide It wilt help yo._ assembe ard operate you_ new Kennore vacuum n
the sleet and most efectve way.
Fo more i_ff_:rrnat o_' atx@ vacua, m cfear e_ ca_'e and operate _,ca your _earest Sears store
'Y%uwl need the compete _odel and sera numbers when reques ng sfor'nation, Ycur va.....
._m% rods and seral n_mlbers are bcated on the Modei and Seia Humber Pate.
Use the space below to record the 'r_ode numb_ rand sera nt "nber of yo_" new Ken_ ore
Mode/No ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Sella/No .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Date of Purdase
Keep fhs book and your sales check (receipt) ina safe place for future _e_ar'er_ce.
This warranly is Ibr one year from the date of purchase and inciudes on!y pr vats household
vacuum cleaner ._se. Durng the warranty year when this vacuu r_cfeaaer s operated and
maintained according to the owneCs man._al nstruct ons, Sea_s wil repair any ddects in
materia or workmanship free of charge,
This warranty excludes vacuum bags belts, right bubs and fi_ters, whch are expendab e parts
and become were during narmat use
For warranty service, return this vacuum cJeaner to the nearest Sears Service Center in
the United States.
Thb warraaly appies only whle this product is in use in the United States. T_s warranty gves
you specific legal rights. . and you may also have other rights whch vary from state to stat_.' _
Sears, Roebuck and Co. D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, _L 60179

Yoursafety is importantto usTo reducetherisk o_fi_e,e_ectdcaiahock,iniu_yto
peFsensoFdamagewhenusingyour vacuumc_eane__oHowbasicsafetyprecau_
tines including thefollowing:
Readths msr__albeforeassembi _gor
Toreducetie rsk}I electrca/slock--.Do
Disconnecteiect_ca suppybeoresewc-
ingorc!ea ngoutbrusha_esFa!uretodo
socoudresultineectrcashocko br_st"
sL_ddeny startag
Alwaystun cteaneroffbeforeconnectingor
dsconnectingthehose)r Powep.Mate:_
A_waysturnclea_eroffbeforeunpug n9
Donotu_pugbyp.!ingot_ }ord % mpug
Wasp te plug not the cord
Ho_d p/._g when row ndi-_g or_to cord reel
Do _ot aowpug towtp when rewadng
Do not use wth damaged cord o plug. f
cleaner s not work ng as t sho,_d, has been
@opped damaged af oJtdoos o dropped
into water, _eu__ t to a Sea_s Service
Be not put or cary by cord use cord as a
bar d_e,case door o_ cord, o_ pu cord
around sharp edges or corners Do not ran
cteane_ ove_ cord. Keep cord away from
Do not leave ;e_ner w _e__plugged r.
Unpeg from outlt whet not r use and
beford servia ng_
Do not allow gobe _sed as a toy C!ose
atte_ t on is necessary when used by or near
Do net handle k_g or cleaner wth wet
Do net put a y obects ate oper ngs.
Do not operate the c ea_serwth a punctured
hose The ose costs[as electrical wres
Repace fcut or worn Avod pckng ._p
starp objects.
Do not _ss wth any open ng blocked; keep
free of dust }int, her and anyt_ ng t'st may
_educe ar low
Keep _ab loose coth ng, f ngers, a_d ai
parts of body away ffo-n open ngs and may
ing parts
De not use cleaner w ti o_£ dust bag axl/o_
rites n peace.
Always ci_ange t_e dtst bag after vacu_r_ _
ng carpet ceanes or freshener powders
and fine dust. These products cog the bag,
reduce arrow and can cause the bag to
burst Fsi ure to cha _ge bag could ca._se
permanent damage to the c;eaner
Be not use the ceaner to pck up sharp hard
ot:@cls, small trxys,pns, pape_ sips, etc
]_hey may damage the cbane_ or dst bag
Do not pick up anytt ng t_at s b_rn ng or
smokia 9 s_es as cga_ettes matches or hot
Do sot use cbaner to pck up f ammab e or
combstbe quds(gasoae eeanngfluids
perfumes etc0 (x use iF!areas where they
may be present. The fumes from these sub°
step,cos ca_ create a fro _aza_d or expoo
Use e×fra care wher cleaning on sta[is Do
_ot put as chairs tabies, etc Keep on fear
You are respons ble fo makir g s_re that
your vacuum cleaner s not used by anyone
unable to operate t proper y
Do not operate withe t exhaust filter or
exhaust fi!ter cover nstalted
Proper asse_Tb y and safe use of your vacuum cleaner a_e your responsib %s Your c/caner
is ntended oliy for househod use Read ths Owners Manua carefully for mportant use and
safety inferma%n Ths guide contains safoIy statements u'_der wa.m ng arid caut on symbo s
Please pay spec a} attention to these boxes and fol!ow any W_structions g;ven WABMNG
statements atert you to suet dangers as fire, ebctr cai shack, burns and persons} nury: CAU-
TION statements alert you to such dangers as pe_sona/inury and/at property damage

tts importanti:oknowyou_vacu_mclearersportsasdfeaturestoensurets prepe__andsafe
sse R(viewthesebeforeusn!/_yourcteaner,
Item PartNo_
fn U.S_ h Canada
Headl9ht Bulb 59618I
Ce_d and
P_ug Holder
Handle Qt ,_cR
Some Mede_s)
.... L/ppet Wt_nd

[Some MeddeJ
NOTE: A models have one set of
atlachme_ts n the caestor Some
modes have ar addtena set whch
con be kept n the accessory bag for
9arage _se o_ othe dirty are_ s,
Pert No, Part No,
h Uo& _n Canada
20_50557 20-,50557C
Exheust Ftter 2086880 20_86880C
Motor Safety Filter
Be#/Hose Chec

EJectrica[ Shock Hazard
DO NOT ptug into e_ectdcal suppl;/
until assembly is complete0 Failure
to do so could result in electrical
shock or _ury,
Before assen' bli_g vacu_._m che(k t_e
P/\CKtNG L/ST on the (.;over of t_e se:_rate
Repar !arts UsL Use this Is1 to verify that
e,.ew_sd a[ the corn >orients elyou have r /" :. :,
your new Ker __ore w_cu_,m.
S_de wands
together u_til
wand butto_
pace _am wand
b_l_on to t_e
slotted area of
'le waxJ swve
The swve[
a[tows you to
tu _thelande
to the fefi sde to
'il_I ;, if: _
Ho_der /'
u_sder low f;rn
WaRd ..........
1 / sse_t wards nto Pow_pMat_ _*_etl _t'e
wa_d x_1tors snap r_topace.
2. Coer_ect Power
Mate <'_pug and
cord as shown. DO
NOT force, Raised
area of pL_g r__st
be towed hand.
3_ Secule cord nto
cord t eider e'_
To remove:
Disconr ect cord a_d step on wa_d r@ea_:_e
pedal then puil LP en wands.

l_Open he carste hood
2_Check to see that the dust bag is p_eper y
nsta led__,_ C ' (........c:_eeBAs CI-4AN aING fo_ n{trsc _
3 Check to see ttsat the r_aot safety _ter is
properly instaied, See IqOTOR SAFETY Fil.
TER CLEAN NG for nstl _ctons
is r_orma ter he ca_'ister hood and cover
to come of when opened furtl e_ than need
ed Lneupthehngesots ssertthem and
cose the hood and/or cover to _eptace t
1,[ neupthe
hose arch tab
and notch n cam
ister hood ard
hset hose nto
canster unt t
soaps r pace_
To remove: Lift
hose latch tab
upward and pu
up on hose,
2 nsert hondo
nto wand unt/
lock button
snaps n piace
Never open canister hood with the
cover open, This will help to prevent
damage from occurring to the
canist÷r hood and/or cover
is not twisted_
To store: D scon_ oct lose fro_ wands and
canster t prevent stress on hose durr_ 9
storage_ Store hose in a loosely coed
poston so tte _,osecovernf_ s no stressed