Kenmore 11625615506, 11625615503, 11625615502, 11625615501, 11625614506 Owner’s Manual

Vacuum aner
116o25614 11&256!5
Before returning the8 product-
Sears Parts and Repair Center
(1-800-488-1222 }
At ytime, day or night
Ee£a #4e costact;
Vacuum @eaner Neap Mr_e
(1-877-531-7321 }
7:30am,*4:00pm ES_ M_F
(USA. and Canada)
Read and foiiow all
safety and operating instruct ons before first
use of this product
Sears, Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates _L 60179 U,SA. www, sears,com
....i '_ _ / _'; _....
Pr nted in Mexico
Before Using YouF New
Vacuum Cfeaner .... 2
Kenmore Vacuum Chaser Warranty S
important Safety hatructioas 4 Parts and Features 5-6
Assembly Instructions 7.s
Power-Mate Jr,? Storage 8
Operatng Inetrueions ......... 9
How to Start ................ 9
Canteter Care .................... t4
Bag Char 9 n9 14 C/ean_ g ExteAot and Attach _Ae_ts I5
Moto_ Safety Fire' C _angi_g ......... I5
Exhaust Fiter Chang ng .......... 16
Power-Matd _ Oa_e ............ 17
Belt Chang n9 sos Agitate_ Cleaning 17-18
L ht Bub Changing .......... '8
AIi ato_Bervich'_g..................... 19
Vacuum ng Tps ............. 10
Suggested Pile t@igbt Betti; I ......... 11
Attac} ments 11
AttachrTeat Use E_bie ........... 12
Traubleahootln9 ............ 2o
Requesting Assistance
Or Service Back Cover
Perler'mance Feat ires ........ 12-13
How '_1a_,_rVae_um Cleaner Wo_ks ........ 14
Please read ttAs g_,Ade It will help you asset _be and cpersia your new Kenmore vacuum
c aaner in tie safest and most effective way
For mere irfformation about vacuum cleaner care and operat on cal your o
Nearest sears safe.
'_::_uwll need Ihe compete model and seral nurrbe s when aquesti_sg nformat o_ Yas_ 'vacu-
_rr_c eaner s model a_d serial r Jmbers are located on the Mode a_d Seral N_,srx_berPlateii
R,_vlse ,_1,, r8cu
servcia debe 5e
Desconect÷ IS
,,I illi/llOll IC' t*4r
,I all)I fl_llllI 8I a's8
[II10 Ie Ipagl,
Use the space betow to leco[d the model numbe and sepal u T_berof yaw new Kenmore
vacuum cleaner
Model No.........................................................................................................................................................................................
¢_5a_d_ II ;_It I d
Date of P_ rc_ase ................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Keep ths back _rd your saes check (fete pI) n a safe p/ace for f _tue rafer_ce
Li 1it lI lillIilll>
I! i/tti DI II IIIii
When assembled operated and ma stained according to aH nstructions supplied with the product, if this vacuum eIeaner faits due to a defect in materia or workmanship within
one year frem the date of purchase, return it to any Sears store, Sears Parts & Repar Center or ether Kenmore out_et k_r free repair_
If this vacuum cleaner is used for other than pdvate family purposes this warranty appies for only 90 days from the date of purchase
Th_s warranty covers only defects in matar/a_ and workmanaNpo Sears w#/NOT pay for:
1. Expendabie terns that can wear out from normat use, including but not limited to fi tars. belts, _ight bulbs, and bags
2. A service techn{cian to instruct the user in correct product assembly; operation or
3 A service technician to c_ean or maintain ths p oduct
4 Damage to or fa_ure of ths product f t s not assembled, operated or mainta ned
according to a[I instructions suppiied wth the product.
5 Damage to or failure of this product resulting frem accident, abuse, misuse or use for
other than its intended purpose
6 Damage to or faitur\e of this preduct caused by the use of detergents, canners,
chemicals or utensits other than those recommended n a_ nstructions supp ied wth
7 Damage to or failure of parts or systems result ng from unauthor zad rrodif cations
made to ths p_oduct,,
D_solaimer of _mpHed warranties; Hmitat_on of remedies Customer's see and exc!usive remedy under ths imted warranty sha/t be product repar
as provided herein, Imp/ed warrant es, incbJding warranties of merchantab _ty or f tness
fera particular purpose, are lira ted te one year or the shortest period a _owed by _a/w.
Sears shat not be _able for incidental or consequential damages Some states and provinces do not allow the exclusion or t m tation of nc[dentat or consequential damages,
or lim tstions on the duration of imp ied warrant es of merchantability or fitness, so these
exclusions or Imitations may not apply to you
This warranty appties only wh/e this vacuum c_eanar is used in the United States and
This warrant}, gives you specif c legal r ghts, and you ms.}/s/so have other rghts which vary from state to state
Seare, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, _L60179 Sears Canada _nc_,Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2B8
Read alt instnJctions in this ma_ua before
assemb tag or usng your vacuum c_eaner_
Sears recommended attachments
check or brash sudderfly starling Do r_ot bare vacuum deana_ when
plugged !n Unp!eg from out_etwhen not in use and before servia ng
To reduce the dak of etectdaa_chock _ De net use outdoors or on wet surfaces
Do not allow to be used as e toy Case attention is necessary when used by or
near children.
Do no_pu}/o_ GsrO/by cord, use cord as a handle_ cbse door on co_x3or put card around sharp edges or corners. Do not _an vacuum cleaner over cord. Keep cord away
from heak, d satiates.
Do not unplug by pu/_ing on cord To unplug, grasp S_tep_ug,not the co_d
De not hande pie or vacuum cleaner with
wet hands.
Do not put any ob eats into openin9s De not use with any opening Mocked keep
free d dust, _nt, her and anything that may
reduce ai_ew
Use extra care when cleaning on stairs Do not put on chairs Ssbtes,etc. Keep on
fumes from these subahenees can create a fire hazard or expiosion
hot ashes De net use vacuum c eaner without dust
bag and/or filters in place
the bag reduce airflow and car cause the bag to burst. Fatlu_ to change bag ooud cause permanent damage to the vacuum
c_eaaeK De set use th® vacuum cteanei to pick up
The heae can_lns electrical wires. De sot
Or nezzfe_
Keep hair/ease clothing, fingers and all
parts of body away from openings and
moving pa£s.
Turn off aHcontrols before unp_ugging_
You are respons ble for mak!ng sure that your vacuum cleaner Is '_ot used by anyone
unable to operate it propedy,
Proper assembly and safe use of your vacuum cleaner are your respor!sibitities
Your vacuum cf6aner is ntended for Household use. Read this O:,7¢ners Manua carefully for important use and safety informaton. This guide con_ns safety
statements under warning and caution symbols_
It is important to know your vacuum c eaners parts and features to ensure ts proper and safe use. Revew these before usi_gyour vacuum cleaner.
Part No, Part No
Style No,
in Canada
Headl gt t Bub .......
205240 20-40600
20,-5218 20-401 I 8
_- Handle
Wand .................................
Adiu £
B_, ton
Handfe Release Peda£
Part No Pai't: Nm
in USA inCanada
Dast Bag
Exh.,ust Fiter Moto SaFety [:i[ter C[,:..i 20-,,,_6883
Please pay speca a tention te these hazard a[et boxes and blow any Y_' tions gven, WARNING statemen s abrt you to such dangers as fie eectrc
shock, bums and personal njury CAUTION statements aert you to such dan9ers as persona njury andor property damage.
EIectdcai Shock Hazard
could resutt _n e_ectricai shock or
Beb_e asse_r bl ng vacuum cleaner check rise RACKING UST on he cove_ of the
separate REPAR PARTS UST. Use ths/st to verfy that you have rece ved at/the compor ants of your new Kenmore vacuum
fhe wand I,rg_h is
adiustab e and
_equ es u_o
adiust simls/y
push dow_ on the wand adjusl b/.4tou_
and slide the
K_,_eD Hand
This Tab
upper wand to the desired height
B u#en
Wand Length
Adjust B#_to_
Tte swve, o(:ated
on the PowapMa e%
slows you to tuns the handb to the eft
sde to reach farther under low fumit _re.
Whe_/ad ustirlg rite wand tength you
nay have te hod the
your hard or foot.
ksse4 wand ino Power Mate'_'until the wa_d button snaps into [ace,
]i} remove: Step on wand release pedal: then pul up on wands,
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