Kenmore 100.90002 User Manual

Use& Care Guide
E L 1 T E
14-Cup Capacity
Heavy Duty
Model No,
Safeguards and Opereting
Instructions in this Manual before using this producL
Sears, Roebuck and Co.,
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.SoAo
tf thisproduct lails due Ioa defect in mateda_ or workmanship within live years from ths date of purchase, return it to any Sea_s stere of other Kenmore outlet in the United Stales
for free repiaeemenL
if the motor of this product ever fails due to a defect in material or workmanship, return this
product to any Sears store or olher Kenmore culler in the United States for free replacement
This warranty does not inctude expsndab_e parts such as filters or biades, which can wear oul from normal uss within the warranly period.
This warranty applies !or only 90 days if this product is ever used for other than private household purposes
This warranty applies only while this product is used in the Uniled Slates, This warranty gives you specllic legal rights, and you may also have other righls which vary
from state to state Sears. Roebuck and Co, Holfman Estates, IL 60179
When usingelectricalappliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed, Including the folJowtng:
1 Read al! instructions,, 2 To protect agafnsl risk of eleclrica_ chock do not put Food Processor in water
or other liquid
3 Close supervision is necessary when any appliance ts used by or near children,
4 UNPLUG from outlet when not in use, before putting on or taking off parts,
and before cleaning
5 AVOID contact with moving parts 6 DO NOT opsrate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug, or al er he app iance
malfunctions or has been dropped or damaged in any manner Return appliance o the nearest authodzed service facility for exarninalion, repair or adjustmBnt
7 The use of accessory attachments not recommended or sold by ths manufacturer
may cause fire, electric shock or personal iniury
8 DO NOT use outdoors 9 DO NOT tel the cord hang over Ihe edge of table or counter
10 Keep hands and ulensils away trem moving btades or discs white processing loud
to reduce the risk of severe injury to parsons or damage to the food processor
A scraper may be ussd but must be used only wllen the food processor is not running
11 Blades are sharp Har'_dle carefulJy
12. To reduce Ihe risk of injury, never place cu_ing btade or discs on base without first putting bowl property in place
t3 Be cerlain cover is securely locked in place before operating appliance
14NEVERfeed food by hand. Always use food pusher,
15 DO NOT attempt to defeat the cover intsrlock mechanism 16 Toprolectagatnste{ectdcaisheck, thisapplianceisequippedwilhacordhavtng
a 3-prong groundingotype piug for Insedion into a proper grounding-type receptacle DO NOT altar the p_ug for use in a 2-prong receptacle If the plug will nof fit into a receptacle, have the proper receptacle installed by a qualified elecldcian
Fig. I
Food Chute
Slide Button
Loop _,
Bowl Cover Shred Disc
Center _
Disc St_cetShred
Stem Disc
Dough Disc Blade
Spatula/Scraper Disc
Fine Slice/
Julienn_ e
French Fry
Beforeusingthefoodprceessor_washallparisexceptthe Base in hot, soapy water,
Rinse dry,,These pads can also be placed in the dishwasher on the lop rack Do not
put in or near the utensil baskel
CAUTION: CAUTlON:Bladeearesbarp_Handlece_reful_y. t
CAUTION: NEVER place food processor's motorlbase tn water
or other liqulds_
NOTE: DO NOT attempt to chop ice in this Food Proceasor_ it will damage the
Bowl and dull the Chopping BladeoThls unit will not whip cream, beat egg whites to a desirable volume, grind coffee beans, spices or other items with
high oi! contentp or slice or shred hard-cooked eggs, marshmallows, or soft cheeses.
IMPORTANT: For your protection, this unit has an interlock system,. The Processor will not operate unless the Bowl is properly locked onto
Base and Cover is properly locked onto the Bowl Do not attempt to operate
the unit without the Bowl, Bowl Lid, and Food Chute Lid correctly in place.
i Make sure th_ Control Knob Switch is in the OFF posilion and the power cord
is unplugged..
2 Be sure Food Processor base is on a flat, dry, clean, stable sudace before you
begin p_ocessing
3 To assemble, pul lhe Bowl on the Base by aligning the BDWIhandle wilh the unlock icon
on the base Turn the Bowl counterclockwise until It clicks into place (see Fig 2 and 2a) The Bowl handle should _ow face straight to the center front,
NOTE: There is only one position for the Bowl to lock onto lhe Base The unit will not operate if the Bowl does nol lockonto the Base
Fig, 2a I ........
Fig. 2 __
4 On the Bowl Cover are the food chute, food chute lid, and movable loop, which serves
as a housing for the food pusher Nso included isthe shaft containing the spring mechanL, m that controis the slide button used to lock the food ehole lid into place
These are part of lhe Bowl Cover assembly
5 Place the Bowl Cover Assembty onto the Bowl, A_ignthe arrow on Ihe Cover and the
unlock Icon on the Bow_(see F_g 2 and 2a) Turn the Cover counterclockwise towards the senior front untilit clicks
NOTE: There is only one position for the Bow! Cover to tuck onto Bowl The unit will not operate If the Bowl Cover does not lock onto the Bowl, or if the Food Chute Lid does not
]alch onto lhe Food Chute
6 Make sure the loud chule lid issecurely latched inlo place 7 To open the Food Chute Lid, pull the Slide ReJease Button out Llfl the Food Chute Lid
and Movable Loop (see Fig 3 and 3a) up and back to open
Fig° 3
8, When the food pusher is not being used to feed items down through the food chute,
it should be locked into place tn the movable loop This [s usually the case when using blades down in the bowiinslead of discs at the top of the bowl,
When locked together, the _'oodpusher and movable Ioop can also act as one iarger food
pusher To lock the food pusher t'nlo the movable loop, siide the tab located on the food pusher Into the slot on the rim of the movabte loop
When Ihe processor is ptugged in. the blue Power light illuminates to show the{ the unit Is connected toa power source When the base. bowl and cover assembty is correctly connected and lacked into place, the OFF button is also illuminated blue to show that the unit is ready to operate, if the OFF button is not giewing blue, the bowl and cover are not locked together correctly
PULSE: When the PULSE button is pushed and held, it ilturnirmles blue and the Food Processor operates As soon as you tet go of the button, the Processor shuts elf and the
PULSE button tight goes out Use PULSE for short processing tasks, such as chopping nuls. raw meats or vegetables This atlows you much greater control of the consistency of whal
you are processing, ON: When the ON butlon is pushed, tt lfluminates biue and the oni1wiilrun continuously
The processor wilt stay on until you push lhe OFF button This is good lot tess tender food
end items that fake a while longer to process.,
! Lock the Bowl onfo the Base as described in Assembly,
2 Place the Mullipurpese,'Chopping Blade Ohio the
Center Post (see Fig 4),
3 Place food to be chopped Into Bowl Refer to Food Guide to
prepare feed for chopping
4 Lock Bow[ Cover Assemb}y onto Bowl. as described in
5 Lock the Food Pusher into the Movabfe Loop by rotating
counterclockwise until the food pusher's lab is under slot in the movable loop s lid, then _ockfood chastelid into the
spring operated slide bullon by pressing down firmly
6 Plugthe cord into an electric oulleL The Food Processors power ;ight illuminates blue
to show il is connected to a power source, and the OFF button illuminates if base bowl and cover aseemb y are a locked into piece
7 Push the ON button to run conslantly, or for better controlover consistency, push and
held PULSE button
are sharp_ Handle carefully., J
When finished processing;
,. it Pulsing. stop pressing butlon and unit aulomaticafly stops ', if you turned processor to ON. push the OFF bulton to stop
Allow the rnuIilporpoee/chopplng blade to stop rotating
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