Kendall Howard 5500-3-100-36 User Manual

DISCLAIMER: Kendall Howard LLC. endeavors to make this manual accurate and com­plete. However, Kendall Howard LLC makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about whether the use of products contained herein would infringe any rights or the correctness, accuracy or reliability of the information contained herein or that said information covers all details, conditions or variations. The information herein does not provide for every possible contingency in connection with the installation or use of the product(s). The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice or obligation. Kendall Howard LLC assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained in this document. Any reli a n c e p l a ced on th e i n f o rmation is t h e r e fo re stric t l y a t your ow n r i s k .
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Assembly - Step 4:
a. Secure female Hinges to the Cable Enclosure Bottom with the
M5x10 Screws. Make sure the hole openings are face to­wards each other.
b. Secure 1 Male Hinge to Cable Enclosure Door Bottom with
the M5x10 Screws. Insert should be facing to the outsides of the door
c. Insert the installed male hinge into the female hinge. Take
the remaining male hinge and insert into the opposing female hinge and secure to the door with the M5x10 Screws
Instructi on s / Directi on s
Training Table Cable Management Enclosure
# 5500-3-100-36
w w w . k e n d a l l h o w a r d . c o m
A d d re s s : 1 0 15 2 Li be r t y L a n e C h i sa g o C i t y , M i n n e s o t a , 5 5 0 1 3 U n i te d St a t e s o f A m e r i c a P h o n e : 651- 213- 1333 F a x: 800- 418- 6897
Tools Needed:
Screw Driver
(1x) Left End
(9x) 1/4-20 Screw
(8x) M5x10 Screw
(1x) Right End
(2x) Male Hinge
(2x) Female Hinge
(1x) Bottom
(1x) Door
(1x) Lock Base
Assembly - Step 1:
Secure right and left ends to the bottom of the
Cable Management Enclosure with 1/4-20” screws
Assembly - Step 3:
Assembly - Step 2:
a. Detach the modesty panel from the leg kit b. Remove screws from the rear leg kit that fasten it to the table
top c. Slide the Cable Enclosure around the modesty panel d. Re insert screws securing the modesty panel and cable en-
closure to the leg kit.
Secure the lock base just behind the grommet opening with the
1/4”-20 screws