High performance vacuum cooling
Vacuum cell for very fast cooling of baked goods
VACUSPEED® functions according to the principles of vacuum enthalpy cooling
Part-baked, hot goods are cooled by vacuum from the inside outwards to about
+4 °C. No freezing takes place.
VACUSPEED® means shock freezing is unnecessary for short and medium term storage.
The VACUSPEED® cell is suitable for cooling baked goods
– Rolls
– Bread, including rye bread
– Small pastries/fine pastries
– Cakes
In standard production model
– Touchscreen control
(with remote diagnosis via Internet and USB connection)
– Solid stainless steel casing with ramp
– Differential pressure manometer
– Adjustable pump performance
– Rehydration
High quality vacuum cooling 29.04.2009
Huge energy savings in various areas
– No more deep freezing logistics costs (freezer rooms,
cold stores, cold chain)
– Less energy is needed for final baking of goods at + 4 C than
for frozen goods
– Comparable performance shock frosters use up to 6 x more
energy than VACUSPEED
Large advantage in price
– With the same performance, VACUSPEED is about 80% more
cost-effective than a shock freezer
Time saved thanks to special technology
– Only takes about 30% of the time needed for cooling with a
shock freezer
Requires less space
– A comparable performance shock freezer requires 3 x as much
space as VACUSPEED
Bacteria-free cooling
– The cooled baked goods have a low bacterial count due to
re-aeration with sterile air or protective gas
Differential pressure measurement for reproducable,
product-protecting cooling
Improved shelf life of baked goods
– No microbial contamination of baked goods due to rapid cooling
Problem-free storage at refrigerator temperatures for up to 2 weeks
High quality of baked goods after final baking
Minimum loss of moisture
Proven, durable technology
High performance vacuum cooling
– Will hold up to 2 trolleys with a load of up to 700 dough pieces per trolley
VACUSPEED® can be integrated in fully automatic production lines
– Industrial use of the versatile and flexible vacuum enthalpy technology
– Products can be cooled quickly and hygienically

All details non-binding. Subject to change in the course of technical progress. All rights reserved. ® = registered trademark
Werner & Pfl eiderer Lebensmitteltechnik GmbH . von-Raumer-Straße 8-18 . 91550 Dinkelsbühl . Germany
Fon +49 (0) 98 51-905-0 . Fax +49 (0) 98 51-905-342 . info@wp-l.de . www.wp-l.de
Sliced bread can be cooled to slicing firmness without the danger of recontamination
Tested quality
The Bremerhavener Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Bioverfahrenstechnik (BILB)
confirms the following advantages for the VACUSPEED® cell
– No phase separation within the rolls due to ice formation
– Good crust structure with long-lasting crispness
– No breaking off for crusty goods
– Smooth product surface, uniform colour appropriate
to type of bake goods
– Attractive exterior after final baking
– Marked storage stability over a long period
– Product expansion depending on product/recipe
– Two chamber lengths for 1 - 2 trolleys
– Water cooling equipment for steam condensation
High quality vacuum cooling 29.04.2009
Picture: VACUSPEED with long chamber
Technical specifications
Non-dimensional comparison of vacuum cooling (VACUSPEED) with conventional cooling (storage and shock freezers)
with the same production capacity
Storage freezer Shock freezer VACUSPEED (TYPE 1140)
Trolleys 1 1 1
Energy requirements 6.4 7.3 1
Space required 6.5 8.8 1
System costs 2 1.6 1.0
Productive capacity 1 1.0 1.0
1 trolley (Euroblech 980 x 580 mm or 780 x
580 mm)
Exterior dimensions W x D x H approx. 2,130 x 1, 610 x 2,975 approx. 2,130 x 2, 960 x 2,975
Door opening (clearance) mm 800 x 1,950 800 x 1,950
Size of opening for entry into
building (entry dismantled, in parts) W x H mm 1,210 x 1,800 1,210 x 2,400
Total weight kg approx. 3,500 approx. 5,000
Connected load kW 19 19
Water cooling equipment (optional)
Connected load
W x D x H mm
900 x 1,900 x 2,000
2 trolleys (Euroblech 980 x 580 mm) or
3 trolleys (Euroblech 780 x 580 mm)
900 x 1,900 x 2,000
*Name of type refers to usable chamber depth in mm