Matador MDE 2/2
Electric direct
heated deck baking oven 17.09.2009
Double width Triple width
MDE 80 MDE 100 MDE 101 MDE 125 MDE 121 MDE 150 MDE 151 MDE 180
Baking area m² 8 10 10 12 12 15 15 18
Ovens Length in mm 1,600 2,000 1,600 2,000 1,600 2,000 1,600 2,400
Width in mm 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800
No. of ovens 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 4
Ovens Length in mm approx. 2,528 2,928 2,528 2,928 2,528 2,928 2,528 3,328
Width in mm ca. 1,830 1,830 1,830 1,830 2,435 2,435 2,435 2,435
Height in mm ca. 2,180 2,180 2,180 2,180 2,180 2,180 2,180 2,180
Room height at least in mm 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700
Room length at least in mm 5,175 5,975 5,175 5,975 5,175 5,975 5,175 6,775
Electr. connection in kVA 46.5 58 57.5 72.5 66.7 80 80 89
400 Volt Rated current (total/priority) A 70/50 90/62 89/64 111/79 100 120 120 136/100
Fuse (total/priority) A 80/63 125/80 125/80 125/100 125 125 125 160/125
Supply line cross section in mm² 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 70
Steam heating kW 13.2 18 16.5 22.5 18 18 22.5 24
Connected load with
priority circuit in kVA
Pre-set at works 33.3 40 41 50 48.7 62 57.5 65
Technical data
Navigo plus
– Fully automated baking program with random
freely programmable baking stages
– Temperature curve progress
– Freely programmable per oven group
– Program-controlled automated steam extractor
– free-programmable steam volume
– Recipe management + recipe storage card
– Recipe management + recipe storage card
(securing of data)
– Pictogram control possible
– Possible oven control (networking of individual ovens)
– Actual data recording for program optimization
– Manual operation possible
– Service menu with fault signal history
– With remote display per oven group
The heating system
Oven Control (in Navigo-Steuerung)
– Remote diagnosis via Internet
– Screen operation via Internet
– Networking of individual ovens
– Master Slave
The intelligent distribution of the heating rods guarantees
even heat radiation throughout the complete oven.
An excess of steam, baking batch for batch – no problem for the MATADOR .
Saturated steam fl ows rapidly into the ovens. 75 % of relative humidity is
already reached after the fi rst minute. The hot baking chamber air is fed away
through release valves, together with superfl uous steam.
Saturated steam – steam distribution system
All details non-binding. Subject to change in the course of technical progress. All rights reserved. ® = registered trademark
Werner & Pfl eiderer Lebensmitteltechnik GmbH . von-Raumer-Straße 8-18 . 91550 Dinkelsbühl . Germany
Fon +49 (0) 98 51-905-0 . Fax +49 (0) 98 51-905-342 . info@wp-l.de . www.wp-l.de