Fully Automatic Retarder Proofer
Temperature range -20/+35 °C
Moisture range approx. 65–95 % rel. hum.
Output from 92 to 1,244 kg dough pieces per batch
Fully automatic retarder proofer of the series GUV AROMAT assist aroma formation in dough pieces and
improve the quality of the products through optimum long-time control. The complete product range is ready
for proofing as soon as work starts. The Werner & Pfleiderer air guidance system, specially designed for
dough pieces, together with the high relative humidity and the adjustable air speed are a guarantee for an
optimum flavour development of the products for proofing. The systems are fitted with dough resting and
ripening process control. Temperature and moisture climates ensure that the products run on an aroma line within
the plus range and achieve a surprisingly aromatic result.
– Efficient working and division of labour
– Shifts working hours from night to day time
– Goods are ready to bake in the early morning
– Optimum use of oven capacity
– GUV AROMAT supports flavour development in the dough pieces
– Improvement in product quality
fully Automatic Retarder Proofer 29.04.2009
aroma line
-20 / +35 °C
Technical Details
We offer a standard GUV AROMAT series with room for 1 to 21 trolleys,
sheet sizes 58 x 78 cm or 58 x 98 cm for all bakery operations.
Cell housing
Panels in 80 mm PU insulation, foamed, free of CFCs, HCFCs and HHCs.
k value
0.24 W/m²K
Surfaces Standard Finish
Inner walls stainless steel
Outer walls sheet steel, galv., white, RAL 9002
System front stainless steel, grain ground
Optional stainless steel panelling for all surfaces
Tongue and groove system with foamed-in eccentric turnbuckle joints for easy,
fast assembly on site.
The floor of the TECFLOOR system has 80 mm thick PU insulation with direct
foamed-on 0.8 mm thick stainless steel panel. Mounted on this, there is a 3 mm
thick stainless steel base plate in the form of a trough with raised sides.
Ram protection
Inside allround stainless steel square profile 40 × 120 mm
Optional as rotating door with clear dimensions of 73/90/100 x 200 cm or
double wing doors with clear dimensions of 143/150/178 x 200 cm
per rotating door
– 3 door hinges, rising
– Solid press lever fastener for commercial use
– Ram protection inside and out
– Door seal
– Multiple rubber abrasive for floor seal
The performance of the cooling system is matched exactly to the feed
volume taking into account loads per hour or per batch.

All details non-binding. Subject to change in the course of technical progress. All rights reserved. ® = registered trademark
WERNER & PFLEIDERER Koeling Benelux B.V. Industrieterrein 9 D . 5981 NK Panningen . Netherlands
Fon +31 (0) 77-850 70 60 . Fax +31 (0) 77-850 70 61 . info@wp-bakerycooling.com . www.wp-bakerycooling.com
WERNER & PFLEIDERER Lebensmitteltechnik Kälte GmbH . von-Rau mer-Straße 8-18 . 91550 Dinkelsbühl . Germany .
Fon +49 (0) 98 51-905-510 . Fax +31 (0) 77-850 70 61 . info@wp-l.de . www.wp-l.de
Fully Automatic Retarder Proofer 29.04.2009
Air Guidance
To achieve more gentle storage of the dough pieces, the cold air is fed into the room via a lowered stainless steel ceiling and
a removable stainless steel guidance system, i.e. it is not blown directly over the dough pieces. Stainless steel rails are mounted
at a distance to the wall in the air intake and blow-out areas. The cold air is blown out on one side of the cell and is fed back
slowly over the cooling products to the vaporizer.
Control system
By WP-MCS4 Computer – built into the door or in a cassette in the cell wall
– complete with control cabinet above the door
– very easy operation by menu navigation (5 keys)
– fully automatic proofing delay program
– control cabinet pre-wired to VDE
– Computer control is installed at the correct ergonomic height
– Computer controll is esasy to understand and operate
– Machine switch
– Soft start
– Oil sump heating
– Pressure controlled, speed-controlled condenser for energy-saving operation
– Low noise, separate condensers (< 56 dB) or quiet rollers (< 38 dB) as optional features
– All necessary safety features
-20 / +35 ºC
+25/-4 °C
Trolleys 65 x 85 cm
Single width Single row
GUV AROMAT 1-1-80 1 121 121 256 73 95 200 92 GUV AROMAT 1-1-100 121 156 256 73 130 200 92
GUV AROMAT 2-1-80 2 121 191 256 73 165 200 137 GUV AROMAT 2-1-100 121 261 256 73 235 200 179
GUV AROMAT 3-1-80 3 121 296 256 73 270 200 179 GUV AROMAT 3-1-100 121 366 256 73 340 200 215
GUV AROMAT 4-1-80 4 121 366 256 73 340 200 215 GUV AROMAT 4-1-100 121 471 256 73 445 200 267
Double width
GUV AROMAT 2-2-80 2 191 156 256 143 130 200 137 GUV AROMAT 2-2-100 191 156 256 143 130 200 179
GUV AROMAT 4-2-80 4 191 191 256 143 165 200 215 GUV AROMAT 4-2-100 191 261 256 143 235 200 267
GUV AROMAT 6-2-80 6 191 296 256 143 270 200 267 GUV AROMAT 6-2-100 191 366 256 143 340 200 386
GUV AROMAT 8-2-80 8 191 366 256 143 340 200 386 GUV AROMAT 8-2-100 191 471 256 143 445 200 458
GUV AROMAT 10-2-80 10 191 471 256 143 445 200 458 GUV AROMAT 10-2-100 191 576 256 143 550 200 708
GUV AROMAT 12-2-80 12 191 541 256 143 515 200 564 GUV AROMAT 12-2-100 191 681 256 143 655 200 928
Triple width
GUV AROMAT 3-3-80 3 261 156 256 213 130 200 179 GUV AROMAT 3-3-100 261 156 256 213 130 200 179
GUV AROMAT 6-3-80 6 261 226 256 213 200 200 267 GUV AROMAT 6-3-100 261 261 256 213 235 200 386
GUV AROMAT 9-3-80 9 261 296 256 213 270 200 458 GUV AROMAT 9-3-100 261 366 256 213 340 200 564
GUV AROMAT 12-3-80 12 261 366 256 213 340 200 564 GUV AROMAT 12-3-100 261 471 256 213 445 200 708
GUV AROMAT 15-3-80 15 261 471 256 213 445 200 684 GUV AROMAT 15-3-100 261 576 256 213 550 200 928
GUV AROMAT 18-3-80 18 261 541 256 213 515 200 928 GUV AROMAT 18-3-100 261 681 256 213 655 200 1,244
GUV AROMAT 21-3-80 21 261 646 256 213 620 200 928 GUV AROMAT 21-3-100 261 786 256 213 760 200 1,244
Outer dimensions Operating dimensions
Width cmDepth cmHeight cmWidth cmDepth cmHeight
Trolleys 65 x 100 cm Outer dimensions Operating dimensions
Width cmDepth cmHeight cmWidth cmDepth cmHeight
+25/-4 °C
Door dimensions GUV AROMAT single width 73 x 200 cm. Double and triple width 90 x 200 cm, alternative double wing door 143 x 200 or 178 x 200 cm