Combi IV N 1/2
Long Moulder 08.02.2009
Long Moulder Combi IV N
Industrial Dough Long Moulder
The Combi IV N is a unique dough long moulder suitable for the industrial - and middle size bakeries for the production of wheat
and wheat/rye dough’s. Through its unique sheeting and turning station long sheeted dough pieces can be created with a lot
- Unique sheeting system
- Sheeting rollers with anges in small execution
of windings. Through this the water in the dough is perfectly spread in the dough piece, so that a homogeneous dough piece
arise with a ne structure and a short cylindrical shape which can be long moulded to the desired length.
- 3 pair of rollers
- 1 dough turning station
- Driven curling net
- Well known and proven long moulding system
- Heavy spring loaded pressure board
- Recipe control (option)
- Hingeable pressure board for easy cleaning
- Easy to operate and maintenance
Basic execution Combi IV N :
- Infeed conveyor with driven centering rollers
- 3 pairs of sheeting rollers
- Fan and scraper on third xed rollers
- Tipping device
- Driven curling net
- Moulding bridge with adjustable belt speed
- Panner device with own drive and top stopper
Illustration: Combi IV N

Combi IV N 2/2
Long Moulder 08.02.2009
Combi IV N
Technical details
Type Weight range
- IV N 400 - 1100 gr.
- Capacity max. 3600 pcs/h.
Dimensions Combi IV N Weight Connecting load
Without panner device With panner device
- Length 5200 mm. - Length 6300 mm. - Net 1500 Kg. - 230/400 V, 50 Hz + earth
- Width 1030 mm. - Width 1030 mm. - Gross Kg. - 4 resp. 4,75 KVA
- Height 2125 mm. - Height 2125 mm.
Options Combi IV N
For moulding bridge and sheeting head
- Driven curling net
- Divided pressure board
- Wafer device (singular)
- Cutting device, 2-pieces
- Cutting device, 2-pieces with spread-V
- Twisting device 4-pieces (running in same direction with topstopper)
- Electronic pieces counter (with pre-set counter)
For Panner device
- Panner device 2,5 of 5 meter with top- or bottom stopper
- Dierent panner conveyor length per 1000 mm.
- Extra bottom stopper
- Separate top stopper
- Extra peelboard stopper (tracking)
- Tin signalization: shortage and back-up
- Depositing/centering device (triangles)
- Depositing/centering device (triangles), positioning left and/or right-middle (capacity max. 2800 pcs/h)
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Werner & Pfleiderer Haton B.V. Industrieterrei n 13, 5981 NK Panningen, The Netherlands.
Phone +31(0)77 -307-1860 . Fax +31(0)77-307-5148. info@ wp-haton.com . www.wp-haton.com
All details non-binding. Subject to change in the course of technical progress. All rights reserved.