BM 2-40 + BM 2-40 Basic 1/2
Long Moulder 28.02.2012
Long Moulder - BM 2-40
Universal Industrial Moulder
Universal industrial moulder for tin and hearth bread, suitable for wheat dough’s
and mixed rye/wheat (up to max. 30% rye) dough’s.
- Excellent moulding results
- Infeed conveyor with adjustable diabolo centering rollers and adjustable
- BM 2-40 Basic
pressure roller
- Two separate individually driven sheeting rollers with adjustable speed
- Progressive sheeting of the dough pieces with relaxation phase
- Separation of curling- and sheeting belt for an optimal synchronous
of curling belt and roller speed and an longer sheeting time
- Second sheeting station with upper belt or pressure board (option)
- Easy to clean scrapers on each roller
- Drying device on each roller
- Good accessibility of rollers and scrapers for easy cleaning
- Thickness and width dough piece adjustable through speed control
through recipe control via PLC
- Curling- and sheeting belt are adjustable in speed
- Pressure board hingeable for fast cleaning and accessibility
- Very modern and functional design in stainless steel
Illustration: BM 2-40
Basic execution BM 2-40 :
- Infeed conveyor with pressure board
- Two sets of sheeting rollers, opening adjustable between 1 and 23 mm.
- Rollers made of arnite, width 400 mm, diameter 125 mm, equipped with
teon coated scrapers
- Two separate (option) individually driven sheeting rollers and scrapers on
each roller, turnable for easy cleaning
- Visual control of sheeting process
- Frame sheeting head made of aluminium
- Brushed stainless steel cover plates
- Moulding bridge in sand blasted stainless steel
- Pressure board adjustable in height between 10 and 70 mm, both on infeed
and outfeed side
- Drying device on all sheeter rollers
- Side guide adjustable to <600 mm
- BM 2-40 Basic: xed drive of infeed conveyor, rollers, curling- and sheeting belt

BM 2-40 + BM 2-40 Basic 2/2
Long Moulder 28.02.2012
BM 2-40
Technical details
Type Weight range
- 2-40 200 - 1100 gr.
- 2-40 Basic 200 - 1100 gr.
- Capacity max. 3000 pcs/h., at 1000 gr.
Dimensions BM 2-40 Weight Connecting load
- Length 4943 mm. max. - Net 980 Kg. - 230/400 V, 50 Hz + earth
- Width 995 mm. max. - Gross Kg. - 2,2 KVA
- Height 1770 mm. max.
Options BM 2-40
- Pre-set counter - In same direction running panning conveyor, length 5300 mm:
- Drying device on curling belt - stainless steel frame,
- Drying device on driven top moulding belt - two at chains in guides,
- Flange roller last roller pair - side guides, adjustable in height 215-475 mm,
- Driven moulding belt running ccw instead of pressure board - connection load 4,75 KVA,
- Flour duster with own drive - dimensions 6300x1030x2125 mm (lxwxh),
- Cutting device 2-pieces with nal moulding plate and spread V - net weight 300 kg,
- Twisting (cutting into 4-pieces + 90º turning) - Overhead stopper, pneumatically operated, compressed air 600 l/6 bar
- Extended version with 2 pressure stations (board or belt) - Bottom stopper, pneumatically operated, compressed air 600 l/6 bar
Decoration station - Peelboard stopper
- Extended version: belt width 600 mm, sheeting length 150-600 mm - Tin signalisation, shortage and back-up
® = registered trademark
Werner & Pfleiderer Haton B.V. Industrieterrei n 13, 5981 NK Panningen, The Netherlands.
Phone +31(0)77 -307-1860 . Fax +31(0)77-307-5148. info@ wp-haton.com . www.wp-haton.com
All details non-binding. Subject to change in the course of technical progress. All rights reserved.