B / V 300 D 1/2
Dough Divider 26.08.2010
Dough Divider
B / V 300 D
Universal Dough Divider
This dough divider is suitable for most common types of dough as well as sensitive dough’s.
The divider handles a big variety of dough types such as wheat, wheat/rye, sti (pizza)
dough’s, as well soft (French) dough’s.
- Robust design
- Long lifespan by using wear-resistant materials
- Minimum oil consumption
- High weight precision
- Dough friendly dividing at a high capacity
- Self-cleaning knife
- Hingeable dough hopper for easy cleaning
- Voluminator with low and high pressure setting
- Good handling of practical all common dough types
- Easy access for cleaning and maintenance
- Extreme weight ranges possible
Basic execution B 300 D :
- B 300 D : 1, 1/2, 2/4 pocket machine
- Dividing unit with automatic oiling, 6 xed dosing valves
- Conveyor : cross 720 mm.
- Mechanical discharge ap with plastic scraper
- Hopper, stainless steel, 60 liters, H=1629 mm., with safety ring
- Operation : on / o / emergency stop
- Main piston, dividing chamber and hopper: wear-resistant chrome nickel alloy
- Measuring pistons bronze
- Knife hardened steel
- Cover plates, stainless steel, brushed, with Schmersal safety switches
- Frame : steel, nickel coated
- Crankshaft and drive rods cast iron, nickel coated
Basic execution V 300 D :
- V 300 D : 1, 1/2, 2/4 pocket machine
- Voluminator Compact U
- Dividing unit with automatic oiling, 6 xed dosing valves
- Conveyor : cross 720 mm.
- Mechanical discharge ap with plastic scraper
- Hopper, stainless steel, 60 liters, H=1629 mm., with safety ring
- Operation : on / o / emergency stop
- Main piston, dividing chamber and hopper: wear-resistant chrome nickel alloy
- Measuring pistons bronze
- Knife hardened steel
- Cover plates, stainless steel, brushed, with Schmersal safety switches
- Frame : steel, nickel coated
- Crankshaft and drive rods cast iron, nickel coated
- Stop position
Illust ration: B / V 300 D

B / V 300 D
Technical details Pockets / Variable (option)
Type Weight range Capacity (xed) by means or frequency inverter with digital display
- Type 1010 1 / 100 - 1200 gr. - 925 or 1030 pcs/h. - 507-1160 or 637-1456 or 700-1600 pcs/h.
- Type 1510 1 / 200 - 1800 gr. - 925 or 1030 pcs/h. - 507-1160 or 637-1456 or 700-1600 pcs/h.
- Type 2010 1 / 400 - 2400 gr. - 925 or 1030 pcs/h. - 507-1160 or 637-1456 or 700-1600 pcs/h.
- Type 1012 1 / 100 - 1200 gr. - 925 or 1030 pcs/h. - 507-1160 or 637-1456 or 700-1600 pcs/h.
2 / 50 - 300 gr. - 1850 or 2060 pcs/h. - 1014-2320 or 1274-2912 or 1400-3200 pcs/h.
- Type 1512 1 / 200 - 1800 gr. - 925 or 1030 pcs/h. - 507-1160 or 637-1456 or 700-1600 pcs/h.
2 / 50 - 500 gr. - 1850 or 2060 pcs/h. - 1014-2320 or 1274-2912 or 1400-3200 pcs/h.
- Type 2012 1 / 400 - 2400 gr. - 925 or 1030 pcs/h. - 507-1160 or 637-1456 or 700-1600 pcs/h.
2 / 100 - 1050 gr. - 1850 or 2060 pcs/h. - 1014-2320 or 1274-2912 or 1400-3200 pcs/h.
- Type 2024 2 / 100 - 1050 gr. - 1850 or 2060 pcs/h. - 1014-2320 or 1274-2912 or 1800-3200 pcs/h.
4 / 50 - 400 gr. - 3700 or 4120 pcs/h. - 2028-4640 or 2548-5824 or 2800-6400 pcs/h.
Dimensions (depending on execution) Weight Connecting load
- Length 2520 mm. max. - Net 720 kg. - 230/400 V, 3 Ph, 50 Hz + earth
- Width 1225 mm. max. - Gross 880 kg. - 1,8 KVA
- Height 1829 mm. max.
Options B / V 300 D Extra option, only for the V 300 D
- Hopper 95 l, 150 l, 250 l - Hybride main piston, reduced oil
- Hopper teonized for round hoppers 95 and 150 liters
- Oiling on hopper
- Pre-set counter
- Stop position on dividing unit for easy cleaning
- Servo weight adjustment with digital read out
- Frequency inverter for variable speed
- Discharge conveyor (standard 1100 mm.), 1600 mm.
- Mechanical our duster
- Curling net on discharge conveyor
- Separate drive on in- and outside conveyors with motorreductors or drum motors
- Increasing the machine with 100 mm.
B / V 300 D 2/2
Dough Divider 26.08.2010
Werner & Pfleiderer Haton B.V. Industrieterrei n 13, 5981 NK Panningen, The Netherlands.
Phone +31(0)77 -307-1860 . Fax +31(0)77-307-5148. info@ wp-haton.com . www.wp-haton.com
All details non-binding. Subject to change in the course of technical progress. All rights reserved. ® = registered trademark