Kemo B172 User guide

B172 - The little electro-technician
Easy instructional construction set for beginners from 8 years on. The cables are not soldered, solely screwed or twisted. The tests are described through figures and helpful descriptions. As current supply is been used a 4,5 V/DC flat battery (not included). Among others there are to be made following tests:
ordinary circuit with small lamp electromagnetism current proof through compass needle radio transmitter system Marconi generator selfmade battery etc. test of conductivity of water LED test I LED test II Items included: compass with coil as current indicator, small lamp, electro-motor, lustre terminals, litz, detailed mounting instruction.
Monday 23 January, 2012
Kemo Electronic GmbH
Klaus Kernchen Leher Landstr. 20 27607 Langen Germany
Phone: +49 4743 9338-0 Fax: +49 4743 9338-22
HR.Nr. HRB 111 486 UstNr: DE 814 380 369