standard- and Full-Version
May 2006

Included In delIvery:
MedIuM Pressure calIbrator
Included In delIvery:
MedIuM Pressure calIbrator
– 1 Calibrator
– 1 Carrying Case
1 Fitting G 1/4” to “Serto” quick t Connector
– 1 Hose Stem to “Serto” quick t Connector
– 2 Seals
– 1 Spare Battery (3,6 V)
– 1 Manual
– 1 Test Certicate
… in addition for ranges below zero:
– 1 Vacuum-Pump
– 1 T-Connection
… in addition for version with
– K101-Cable (RS 232)
– 2 Program Discs:
• Logger Windows
• Logger MS-DOS
– 1 Calibrator
– 1 Carrying Case
1 Fitting G 1/4” to “Serto” quick t Connector
– 1 Hose Stem to “Serto” quick t Connector
– 2 Seals
– 1 Pressure Switch Adapter
– 1 Adapter (4…20 mA / 0…20 mA)
– 1 Adapter (0…10 V / 0…20 V)
– 1 Mains Adapter
– 1 Spare Battery (3,6 V)
– 1 Manual
– 1 Test Certicate
… in addition for ranges below zero:
– 1 Vacuum-Pump
– 1 T-Connection
… in addition for version with
– K101-Cable (RS 232)
– 2 Program Discs:
• Logger Windows
• Logger MS-DOS

lIst oF contents:
Outline Drawing 1
General Description 2
Operating the Calibrator 3
– Turn-On
– Connecting Test-Units
– Executing Functions and Commands
– Pressure Generation
– Turn-Off
Description of the Functions 4
Measuring Mode 5
– Mano-Mode
Temporarily Setting new Zero Reference 6
– tara-Mode
Selection of Pressure Unit 6
– unit-Mode
Preparing the Leak-Test 7
– leak-Mode
Executing Storage of Measured Values 12
– reC-Mode
Measuring the Linearity* 13*
– lin-Mode*
Calculating the Linearity* 14*
– lin-Mode*
Adjusting the Display-Resolution 15
– reso-Mode
Permanently Setting new Zero Reference 15
– Zero-Mode
Data Transfer to PC 16
Maintenance 17
– Testing of Battery Capacity
– Battery Change
– Restarting the Calibrator
– External Supply of Test-Units
– Overow/Overpressure Limit
– Service
Executing the Leak-Test 8
– leak-Mode
Testing of Pressure Switches* 9*
– Pst-Mode*
Preparing Storage of Measured Values 11
– reC-Mode
Operating Guide/Functions 18
Technical Data 19
Declaration of Conformity 20
* Full-Version only

outlIne drawIng
5 6
7 8 9
13 14
1a) Connector for RS 232 Output
1b)* Connector for RS 232 Output
2) Instrument Base (with battery compartment*)
3) * LED-Diode
4) HOLD-Key (H-Key)
5) Display
6) Function-Key (F-Key)
7) Hand-Pump
Medium-Pressure-Calibrator Ranges:
0 (-1)…10 bar / 0 (-1)…20 bar / 0 (-1)…25 bar
8) Vent Valve
9) Fine Pressure Adjuster
10) Outlet Pressure Port (G 1/4”, female,
“Serto” quick-t)
11)* Input Plug for external Power Supply to
Transmitter/Switch under Test
12)* Electrical Connection for Test-Unit Adap-
ters (Transmitters or Pressure Switches)
13) Hand-Vacuum-Pump
14) T-Connector
* Full-Version only

general descrIPtIon
The calibrator combines a number of functions
and performance features. Please take your
time reading this manual thoroughly prior to
setting the calibrator into operation. The safety
instructions on page 17 are meant to enhance
your safety and to maintain the functions as well
as the accuracy of the calibrator and its internal
The instrument is battery powered, thus very
well suited for outdoor use.
The calibrator itself is powered by a 3,6 V
battery. Test-units (transmitters or electronic
switches) can either be powered by the internal
9 V batteries or external power supply.*
The medium pressure calibrator generates pres-
sure with both the integrated hand-pump and
the integrated ne pressure adjuster.
The high technology integrated in this instru-
ment allows it to measure precisely both the
pressure generated and the output signal of a
test-unit connected.
Thus, test-units can be measured and their
characteristics can exactly be documented.
The calibrator has an internal memory for recor-
ding data. It can either be lled with the linea-
rity measurements (function lin)*, the switching
points of a pressure switch (function Pst)* or
with continuously measured recordings. This
data can later be transferred to a PC for evalua-
tion via RS 232 serial interface.
The calibrator is operated with the function key
(F-key), marked by a pointed triangle.
An additional key, the Hold-key, will freeze the
display at any time during operation.
* Full-Version only

oPeratIng the calIbrator
The calibrator is turned on by pressing the func-
tion key once.
connectIng test-unIts*
Included in the delivery of the calibrator are
different test-unit adapters, one for each of the
following transmitter types:
– 4…20 mA / 0…20 mA transmitter
– 0…10 V / 0…20 V transmitter
– Pressure switch
electrIcal connectIon oF test-unIt*
Select the correct adapter. Wire the transmitter/
switch under test to the adapter. Check that
polarity is observed and that good connec-
tions are made.
socket 12.
Pressure connectIon For the test-unIt**
Your test-unit can be connected with the
calibrator via the pressure connection 10.
Plug the test-unit adapter into
Pressure generatIon
Open vent valve (8). If the display is not zero,
activate rst tara followed by exe.
Close vent valve (8). Generate pressure with the
hand-pump (7).
Final ne adjustments are accomplished with
the ne pressure adjuster (9).
For ranges below zero:
Couple the T-connector (14) to port 10. Connect
the test-unit and the vacuum-pump (13) to the
T-connector. Decrease pressure with vacuum-
decreasIng the Pressure
To return pressure to zero, open vent valve (8).
executIng FunctIons and coMMands
Read the following chapter to get acquainted
with the functions.
Press the function key until the command oFF
appears on the display. Release the key imme-
diately and the instrument turns off.
** To avoid leakage and damage of the check valve, the test-unit has to be cleaned prior to connecting it to the

descrIPtIon oF the FunctIons
For a better understanding, the operating ele-
ments are described again:
FunctIon-Key (F-Key)
The function key on the front of the instrument,
marked by a pointed triangle, serves to operate
the instrument.
hold-Key (H-Key)
The Hold-Key, integrated in the back of the
instrument housing, freezes the values during
the Mano-Mode. It has additional functions in
other modes (see following pages).
coMMand structure
When keeping the F-Key pressed, the functions
exe, oFF, Mano, tara, unit, leak, Pst*, reC, lin*,
Zero, reso and ascending numbers appear suc-
cessively on the display. Releasing the F-Key at
a displayed function activates and leads into the
function. This cycle (constantly pressing the F-
Key and letting it go at a desired function) is cal-
led activation (e.g. to activate Mano --> Press
F-Key until display shows Mano --> Release the
exe: In Mano-Mode: To reset peak- and
oFF: To turn off the instrument.
Mano: To display the actual pressure
generated, the units, peak- and
trough pressure.
tara: To set a new, volatile reference for
the zero point (Tare).
unIt: To display the pressure in different
units (bar, Psi, kPa, MWC…).
leaK: To measure the pressure changes
over a programmable time.
Pst*: To test pressure switches.
rec: To record the measured values in
programmable intervals.
lIn*: To determine the linearity of a
Within specic functions, the F-Key can execute
additional commands (exe, steP, reset).
Activating oFF turns off the instrument. When
starting the instrument again, the display will
automatically lead into the function from which
the instrument was previously turned off.
Activate Mano if normal operation is desired.
reso: To reduce the resolution by
factor 10 or to return to the
original resolution.
Zero: To write a new zero point into the
non-volatile memory.
28, 29… Ascending numbers (have no
* Full-Version only

The Mano-Mode is the standard mode of the ca-
librator. In this mode, the calibrator shows on
the upper display the actual pressure generated.
The smaller displays below indicate the peak-
and trough values. The measured values on the
smaller displays always appear with a reduced
resolution. Activating exe resets the peak- and
trough values, meaning that they are reset to the
actual pressure.
Full-Version only: If a transmitter is connected,
the display automatically indicates the value
of the transmitter in mA or V on the lower left
display. The lower right display shows the tem-
Pressing the Hold-Key (H-Key) freezes the
measured values. The actual pressure is now
shown on the lower right display. Pressing the
H-Key again leads back into the Mano-Mode
with the peak- and trough values reset to the
actual pressure (same as exe).
Press H-Key
Actual PressurePeak
With H-Key back to
disPlay WitH transMitter (Full-Version only)
disPlay WitHout transMitter
Activate ExE
Is being read as a “1” between 10 bar and 20 bar when displaying with increased resolution --> 13.341 bar
Signal of
Frozen Value
of Transmitter
Press H-Key
Temperature of
the ReferenceSensor