The Mano-Mode is the standard mode of the
Intelligent Manometer. Since the function of
secondary displays can be selected (see Dise-
Mode), the individual segments are described
with the peak- and trough pressure display:
The arrow with a flashing minus sign re-
presents a “1”, i.e. at 10bar in the overpressure range (here 10.034bar).
The two lower displays can also show the temperature or the time since turn on ( more information see “Dise-Mode” on page 6/7).
The following commands, appearing in the shown
order, can be activated from the Mano-Mode:
EXE resets the peak- and
trough values
OFF turns off the instrument
EXE resets the peak- and
trough values
STEP* leads into the Record-Mode
OFF turns off the instrument
10 / 11 / 12 / 13 (not programmed / no function)
DISE* DIsplay SElect*
16 / 17 (not programmed / no function)
ZERO Permanent Zero Adjust
20 / 21 (not programmed / no function)
RECS* RECord Select*
24 / 25 (not programmed / no function)
SAVS* SAVe Select*
28 / 29 (not programmed / no function)
MECY MEsure CYcle (Adjusting
the measuring cycle)
32 / 33 / 34 … (not programmed / no function)
(The numbers shown are home positions. Activating these numbers will not execute any command.)
*= Mano Record only
= Sensor 1 is active
= HIGH flashes, when maximum pressure
is displayed
= Peak pressure
= Actual pressure
= LOW flashes, when minimum pressure
is displayed
= Trough pressure