Keith McMillen BopPad User manual

Bo p pa d Us e r Ma n U a l
Created by Keith McMillen, Evan Adams, Brent Allen, Noah Ambrose, Evan Bogunia, Dave Criss, Tom Ferguson, Andrej Hronco, Conner Lacy, Kyle Lobedan, Dan McAnulty, Chloe Stamper, Maxime Stinnett, Alex Vittum, Greg Wille, Brian Wright, and Stephen Wright
This reference manual was written by Evan Bogunia and designed by Carson Whitley and Evan Bogunia.
Version 1.0, May 1, 2017.
The content of this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Keith McMillen Instruments. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. No warranties, express or implied, are made with regard to the quality, suitability, or accuracy of this document. Keith McMillen Instruments reserves the right to change the contents of this document and/or the associated products at any time without the provision of prior notice
to specic persons or organizations. Keith McMillen Instruments shall not be held liable for damages of any
kind arising from the use, or the inability to use this product or its documentation, even if the possibility of such damage is known.
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, edited, or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Keith McMillen Instruments.
Product and brand names contained in this document are used for identication purposes only. Use of them does not imply any afliation
with or endorsement by them. Keith McMillen Instruments, the Keith McMillen Instruments logo, the BopPad and BopPad logo are trade-
marks of Kesumo LLC. Apple, Finder, iPad, Mac, Macintosh, and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc, registered in the U.S. and other coun­tries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. All other product and company names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective holders. All other names and designations of companies, products, trademarks, or brands used in this document are the registered property of their respective holders.
© 2007–2017 Keith McMillen Instruments, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kesumo LLC. All rights reserved.

TaBle of ConTenTs

0. WELCOME ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. BEFORE YOU BEGIN .....................................................................................................................................2
1.1 What’s In The BopPad Box? ................................................................................................................3
1.2 What’s In The MIDI Expander Package? .............................................................................................3
1.3 – System Requirements .......................................................................................................................4
1.3.1 – Hardware ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3.2 – Software .................................................................................................................................4
2. GETTING STARTED ........................................................................................................................................5
2 - Getting Started .....................................................................................................................................6
2.1 The BopPad Hardware ................................................................................................................6
2.2 The BopPad Software .................................................................................................................. 6
Bop pad
3. FEATURES OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................7
3 - Features Overview ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Multi-Dimensional Control .........................................................................................................8
3.2 Connectivity .................................................................................................................................8
4. BOPPAD HARDWARE....................................................................................................................................9
4 - BopPad Hardware ............................................................................................................................... 10
5. BOPPAD EDITOR .........................................................................................................................................11
5 - BopPad Editor .....................................................................................................................................12
5.1 The Editor ..................................................................................................................................12
5.2 The Desktop Editor ...................................................................................................................16
5.3 The Web Editor .........................................................................................................................17
5.4 Factory Presets Overview .........................................................................................................18
6. TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................................20
7. F.A.Q. ............................................................................................................................................................22
8. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ...............................................................................................................................24
9. KICKSTARTER BACKERS .............................................................................................................................26


Bop pad
Hello, and welcome to the world of BopPad! Taking the time to read this document is a huge step toward mastering the BopPad.
The purpose of this document is to provide a resource containing helpful information regarding the use of the BopPad hardware and software. While this document is written for people of all levels, it does not attempt to explain basic, fundamental MIDI concepts or terminology, and it is assumed that you have at least basic experience working with MIDI devices, MIDI software, and MIDI hardware
QUesTions? feedBaCk? ConTaCT Us!
Any questions or feedback that may come up regarding BopPad or its software can be directed to us here:
Technical Support:
General Questions:
User Forum:
Where To doWnload everyThing
All BopPad software can be downloaded on the KMI website:
You can also access the BopPad Editor online: https://

Before You Begin

Before yoU Begin

1.1 WhaTs in The Boppad Box?

For Bopping.
MiCro-UsB CaBle
For connecting BopPad to a computer, tablet, or MIDI Expander.

1.2 WhaTs in The Midi expander paCkage?

Midi expander
For expanding.
Bop pad
UsB poWer sUpply + ConverTer Blades
+5V DC, 500 mA
Includes power converter blades for non-United States AC sockets.
UsB CaBle
For connecting the Expander to the USB power supply.
Mini-UsB CaBle
For connecting a KMI device to the Expander (Although this cable is included with the MIDI Expander, use
a micro USB cable to connect BopPad to a MIDI Expander).
MIDI Expander
Keith McMillen
+5V DC
Before yoU Begin

1.3 – sysTeM reQUireMenTs

1.3.1 – hardWare

MaC os
Mac OS 10.6 (or greater)
Intel Core 2 Duo (or greater)
USB 2.0 (or greater) port
• Windows 7, 8, & 10
USB 2.0 (or greater) port
Bop pad

1.3.2 – sofTWare

MaC os
• Mac OS 10.9 or later
Intel Core 2 Duo (or greater)
USB 2.0 (or greater) port
• 100 MB free hard disk space
• Windows 7, 8, & 10
• 64 bit
2.5 GHz processor (or greater)
4 GB RAM (or greater)
USB 2.0 (or greater) port
• 100 MB free hard disk space
WeB ediTor
• Chrome, Opera or other Web MIDI capable web browser. To check compatibility with WebMIDI, go here:

Getting Started

geTTing sTarTed

2 - geTTing sTarTed

This section covers information that will help you get started with the BopPad. We will introduce the BopPad hardware, discuss how to connect your BopPad to the world, and go over basic operation of the device and the editor. More in-depth information is available in the BopPad Hardware and BopPad Editor sections.

2.1 The Boppad hardWare

The BopPad hardware is pretty straight forward. The playing surface is divided into four separate quadrants,
where you strike the instrument to produce amazing sounds.
There is a micro USB port on the back of the device that you can use to connect to a computer, tablet, or
MIDI Expander. Once connected, you can open the DAW/music software of your choice, make sure that the application is listening to the BopPad, and start triggering drums, playing synths, or sending dynamic control data to go into more unexplored territory. More information can be found in the BopPad Hardware section.
Bop pad
To connect to an iOS device, we recommend using an Apple branded
Camera Conection Kit (USB to Lightning adapter). To connect to an Android device, you should use a USB OTG cable.

2.2 The Boppad sofTWare

The BopPad Editor runs on the desktop, and in WebMIDI capable browsers. The Web Editor for BopPad is compatible with any device that can run a WebMIDI capable browser. The Standalone Editor is compatible
with any device running macOS or Windows. The Editor allows you to customize nearly all aspects of how
the BopPad responds to user input. More information can be found on the BopPad Software section.
You may need to give the browser permission to control your MIDI device. This is simply a security precaution when sending SysEx to a MIDI device.
Windows Users: if using Chrome versions 58 - 60, you must disable a ag in the browser, go to: chrome://ags/#enable-midi-manager-dynamic-
instantiation and set it to “disabled” and then restart your browser.
+ 21 hidden pages