Keithley System SourceMeter 2601B, System SourceMeter 2602B, System SourceMeter 2604B Instrument Specifications

Models 2601B, 2602B and 2604B
SPEC-2602B Rev. B / February 2014 1 of 13
Four-quadrant source or sink operation
Four-quadrant source or sink operation
Keithley Instruments, Inc. System SourceMeter
28775 Aurora Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139
Instrument Specifications
This document contains specifications and supp lemental in formation for t he Mod els 2601B, 2602B and 2604B System SourceMeter
instrument. Spec ificati ons are the st andar ds against whic h the Models 2601B, 2602B and 2604B are tested. Upon leaving the factory, the Models 2601B, 2602B and 2604B meet these sp ecifications. Supp l em ental and typ ical valu es are nonw ar ran ted, appl y at 23 °C, and are provid ed solely as us eful information.
Source and measu r emen t accur acies are speci fied at the Models 2601B, 2602B and 2604B terminals under these conditions:
1. 23 °C ± 5 ° C , < 70 perc ent relativ e hum idity
2. After a two-hour w ar m-up period
3. Spee d no r ma l (1 NP LC)
4. A/D autozero enabled
5. Remote sense operation or properly zer oed local operation
6. Cal i bration period: One year
Voltage Current Maximum output
power and source/sink limits1
40.4 W maxi mum
± (40.4 V at 1.0 A, -1.0 A) ± (6.06 V at 3.0 A, -3.0 A)
40.4 W maxi mum
± (1.01 A at 40 V, -40 V) ± (3.03 A at 6 V, -6 V)
Refer to the “Pulse Characteristics” section for pulsing details, such as duty cycle and pulse width.
Full power source operation regardless of loa d to 30 °C ambient temperature. Abov e 30 °C or power sink operation, refer to “Operat ing
Boundaries” in the Series 2600B Reference Manual for additional power derating information.
Specifications are subject to change without notice
Models 2601B, 2602B and 2604B System SourceMeter® Instrument Specifications
2 of 13 SPEC-2602B Rev. B / February 2014
Source Measure
Programming resolution
± (% reading + volts)
Typical Noise (Peak to Peak)
0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
Display resolution
± (% reading + volts)
100 mV 5 µV 0.02 % + 250 µV 20 µV 100 nV 0.015 % + 150 µV 1 V 50 µV 0.02 % + 400 µV 50 µV 1 µV 0.015 % + 200 µV 6 V 50 µV 0.02 % + 1.8 mV 100 µV 1 µV 0.015 % + 1 mV 40 V 500 µV 0.02 % + 12 mV 500 µV 10 µV 0.015 % + 8 mV
Source Measure
Programming resolution
100 nA 2 pA 0.06 % + 100 pA 5 pA 100 fA 0.05 % + 100 pA 1 µA 20 pA 0.03 % + 800 pA 25 pA 1 pA 0.025 % + 500 pA 10 µA 200 pA 0.03 % + 5 nA 60 pA 10 pA 0.025 % + 1.5 nA 100 µA 2 nA 0.03 % + 60 nA 3 nA 100 pA 0.02 % + 25 nA
± (% reading + amperes)
Typical Noise (Peak to Peak)
0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
Display resolution
± (% reading + amperes)
1 mA 20 nA 0.03 % + 300 nA 6 nA 1 nA 0.02 % + 200 nA 10 mA 200 nA 0.03 % + 6 µA 200 nA 10 nA 0.02 % + 2.5 µA 100 mA 2 µA 0.03 % + 30 µA 600 nA 100 nA 0.02 % + 20 µA 1 A 20 µA 0.05 % + 1.8 mA 70 µA 1 µA 0.03 % + 1.5 mA 3 A 20 µA 0.06 % + 4 mA 150 µA 1 µA 0.05 % + 3.5 mA 10 A5 200 µA 0.5 % + 40 mA N/A 10 µA 0.4 % + 25 mA
For temperatures 0 °C to 18 °C and 28 °C to 50 °C, accuracy is degraded by ± (0.15 × accuracy specification)/°C. High Capacitance Mode
accuracy is applic ab le at 23 °C ± 5 °C.
Add 50 µV to source accuracy specifications per volt of HI lead drop.
Derate accuracy specification for NPLC setting < 1 by increasing the error term. Add appropriate typical percent of r eading term for resistive
loads usi ng the table below.
NPLC setting 100 mV range 1 V and 40 V ranges 100 nA range 1 µA to 100 m A ranges 1 A to 3 A ranges
0.1 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 % 0.01 %
0.01 0.08 % 0.07 % 0.1 % 0.05 % 0.05 %
0.001 0.8 % 0.6 % 1 % 0.5 % 1.1 %
10 A range is accessible in pulse mode only. A cc uracy specificatio ns for 10 A range are typical.
Specifications are subject to change without notice
Models 2601B, 2602B and 2604B System SourceMeter Instrument Specifications
SPEC-2602B Rev. B / February 2014 3 of 13
The followin g specific ation s are supplem ental charact er isti cs t hat provide additional i nform ation about ins trum ent functi ons and perform ance. These characteristics are nonwarranted specifications; they describe the typical performance of th e Models 2601B, 2602B and 2604B.
Pulse region specifications Pulse region specifications
quadrant diagram
Region maximums
1 1 A at 40 V DC, no limit 100 % 1 3 A at 6 V DC, no limit 100 % 2 1.5 A at 40 V 100 ms 25 % 3 5 A at 35 V 4 ms 4 % 4 10 A at 20 V 1.8 ms 1 %
Times measured from the start of pulse to the start off-time; see figure below.
Maximum pulse width6
Maximum duty cycle7
Thermally limited in sink mode (quadrants 2 and 4) and ambient temperatures above 30° C. See power equations in the S e ries 260 0B
Reference Manual for more information.
Specifications are subject to change without notice
Models 2601B, 2602B and 2604B System SourceMeter® Instrument Specifications
4 of 13 SPEC-2602B Rev. B / February 2014
Minimum programmable
100 µs
Source value
Source settling time (% of range)
Minimum pulse width
6 V
2 Ω
0.2 %
150 µs
20 V
2 Ω
1 %
200 µs
35 V
7 Ω
0.5 %
500 µs
40 V
27 Ω
0.1 %
400 µs
1.5 A
27 Ω
0.1 %
1.5 ms
3 A
2 Ω
0.2 %
150 µs
5 A
7 Ω
0.5 %
500 µs
10 A
2 Ω
0.5 %
200 µs
6 V range
See Current source output settling time for additional test conditions
< 300 mV/R
+ 5 % of larger range
Current < 10 mA
pulse width6
Pulse width programming resolution
Pulse width programming accuracy
Pulse width jitter
Note: Minimum pulse width for settled source at a given I/V output and load can
1 µs
± 5 µs
2 µs
Noise 10 Hz to 20 MHz
Transient response time
< 20 mV peak-peak, < 3 mV RMS
< 70 µs for the output to recover to within 0.1 % for a 10 % to 90 % step change in load.
Range change overshoot
Guard offset voltage
Remote sense operating range9
< ±0.1 % + 10 mV Step size = 10 % to 90 % of range, resistive load, maximum current
< ±0.1 % Step size = 10 % to 90 % of range, resistive load
< 300 mV + 0.1 % of larger range Overshoot into a 100 k load, 20 MHz bandwidth
< 4 mV
Maximum voltage between HI and SENSE HI = 3 V Maximum voltage between LO and SENSE LO = 3 V
With source settling set to SETTLE_SMOOTH_100NA
Add 50 µV to source accuracy specifications per volt of HI lead drop.
Specifications are subject to change without notice
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