Keil MCB517AC User Manual

SAB 80C517/80C537 Microcontroller Target Board
with 81C90 Full CAN Controller and Banking Support
User’s Guide 04.97
ii Keil Software
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A35 D05/06/97
MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide iii
This manual describes the Keil Software MCB517AC Evaluation Board and the 8051 microcontroller software development tools. The following chapters are included:
“Chapter 1. Introduction” gives an overview of this user’s guide and provides a quick start table.
“Chapter 2. Setup” describes how to connect and configure the board and provides detailed information about the DIP switches and configuration jumpers.
“Chapter 3. Hardware” provides detailed information about hardware including the schematic drawings for the MCB517AC board, the logic equations for the PLD and the memory locations of the different Monitor versions contained in the EPROM.
“Chapter 4. Programming” gives details about how to use our tools to generate programs for the MCB517AC evaluation board.
“ Chapter 5. Using the 8051 Monitor” gives a quick overview about the MON51 terminal program.
This manual assumes that you are familiar with Microsoft Windows and the hardware and instruction set of the 8051 and 80C517A microcontrollers.
iv Preface
Document Conventions
This document uses the following conventions:
Examples Description
Elements that
repeat… Omitted code
. . .
Optional Items
Bold capital text is used for the names of executable programs, data files, source files, environment variables, and commands you enter at the MS-DOS command prompt. This text usually represents commands that you must type in literally. For example:
Note that you are not required to enter these commands using all capital letters.
Text in this typeface is used to represent information that displays on screen or prints at the printer.
This typeface is also used within the text when discussing or describing command line items.
Text in italics represents information that you must provide. For example,
file name. Occasionally, italics are also used to emphasize words in the text.
Ellipses (…) are used to indicate an item that may be repeated.
Vertical ellipses are used in source code listings to indicate that a fragment of the program is omitted. For example:
in a syntax string means that you must supply the actual project
void main (void) { . . . while (1);
Optional arguments in command-line and option fields are indicated by double brackets. For example:
} Text contained within braces, separated by a vertical bar represents a
group of items from which one must be chosen. The braces enclose all of the choices and the vertical bars separate the choices. One item in the list must be selected.
Text in this sans serif typeface represents actual keys on the keyboard. For example, “Press Enter to continue.”
MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide v
Chapter 1. Introduction..................................................................................... 1
Quick Start.....................................................................................................................2
Chapter 2. Setup................................................................................................. 3
Using the MCB517AC..................................................................................................4
Configuring the MCB517AC........................................................................................5
DIP Switches.................................................................................................................6
Configuration Jumper....................................................................................................9
Monitor Modes..............................................................................................................9
Monitor Status Display................................................................................................10
Chapter 3. Hardware....................................................................................... 11
Printed Board Assembly..............................................................................................21
Technical Data.............................................................................................................22
PAL Equations ............................................................................................................22
Monitor EPROM Addresses........................................................................................27
Chapter 4. Programming................................................................................. 29
Monitor Memory Map.................................................................................................29
Monitor Data & Interrupt Vectors...............................................................................31
Writing Programs for the 8051 Monitor......................................................................32
BLINKY Example Program........................................................................................33
External CAN Example...............................................................................................43
Code Banking Example...............................................................................................45
Chapter 5. Using the 8051 Monitor ................................................................ 50
MON51 Terminal Program.........................................................................................50
Index................................................................................................................... 54
vi Contents
MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide 1
Chapter 1. Introduction
Thank you for letting Keil Software provide you with the MCB517AC evaluation board and software for the 8051 microcontroller family. With this kit you can generate code and then operate it on the MCB517AC evaluation board. This hands-on process helps you determine hardware and software needs for current and future product development.
The MCB517AC evaluation board lets you become familiar with the different operating modes of the SAB 80C517 or 80C517A microcontroller and the SAE 81C90 full CAN controller. Alternatively, you may choose just to play with the
board, make it flash the LEDs, and write “Hello World” out the serial port.
This user’s guide describes the hardware of the MCB517AC evaluation board and contains the operating instructions for the monitor program (Monitor 51) and the terminal program (MON51.EXE). Both the Monitor 51 with and without banking support are installed in the EPROM of the MCB517AC board in different configurations. These monitor programs let you communicate between your PC and the MCB517AC evaluation board so that you can download and run your 8051 programs.
The MCB517AC kit includes the following items:
n MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide (this manual), n MCB517AC Evaluation Board, n 9-pin Serial Cable, n and a 8051 Evaluation Kit which includes a 2K compiler and the MCB517AC
Evaluation Board Software.
2 Chapter 1. Introduction
Quick Start
Use the following list to quickly locate important information about the MCB517AC evaluation board.
To… See…
Connect power to the MCB517AC board. “Using the MCB517AC” on page 4. Connect the MCB517AC to your PC. “Using the MCB517AC” on page 4. Read about the default configuration settings. “Configuring the MCB517AC” on page 5. Create a simple program to blink the LEDs. “BLINKY Example Program” on page 33. Accessing the external CAN controller. “External CAN Example” on page 43. Create a simple banked program. “Code Banking Example” on page 45. Learn more about the µVision IDE. “Using µVision to Create the BLINKY Program”
on page 34.
Learn more about the dScope debugger. “Using dScope to Debug the BLINKY Program”
on page 39. Learn about the MON51 terminal program. “Chapter 5. Using the 8051 Monitor” on page 50. Read about the DIP switch settings. “DIP Switches” on page 6. Read about the configuration jumpers. “Configuration Jumper” on page 9. Configure the RAM/ROM memory. “Monitor Memory Map” on page 29. See the MCB517AC schematics. “Schematics” on page 17. See the MCB517AC PAL equations. “PAL Equations” on page 22.
MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide 3
Chapter 2. Setup
Setting up the MCB517AC evaluation board is easy. The board requires power and a serial connection to a PC running the MON51 terminal program or dScope for Windows. Before you start, make sure you have satisfied the following hardware and software requirements.
Hardware Requirements
n The MCB517AC Evaluation Board. n A serial cable, 9-pin male to 9-pin female, 1-2 meters long, wired one-to-one. n A power supply capable of providing 9-12VDC at 300-500mA. The power
cable should terminate with a 5.5mm barrel plug with a 2.5mm center hole. Plus must be connected to the center hole.
n A PC with an available RS-232 port. If the port has a 25-pin connector, a
9-pin male to 25-pin female adapter may be required.
n A device programmer is required to program any EPROMs or other
programmable devices.
Software Requirements
n The Keil MON51 terminal program (MON51.EXE) or the Keil dScope for
Windows with the MON51.DLL / MON51B.DLL driver.
n The Keil MON51 software/firmware is already programmed into the EPROM
provided on the MCB517AC board.
n Microsoft Windows version 3.1, 3.11, Windows 95 or Windows NT.
4 Chapter 2. Setup
Using the MCB517AC
To use the MCB517AC evaluation board, you must:
n Connect the external serial port jack (COM 0) to an serial port on your PC
using the supplied serial cable.
n Connect power using a standard power supply.
The serial cable lets your PC download program code and debug your target applications. The power cable provides power to the MCB517AC evaluation board. The MCB517AC does not get power from the PC via the serial cable.
The following illustration shows MCB517AC board and the important interface and hardware components.
or 80C517A / 83C517A
80C517 / 80C537
Monitor EPROM
Port 1 Status
DIP Switches
Serial Interface 0
Serial Interface 1
CAN Interface
Reset Button
Power Supply
80C91 Full CAN Controller
MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide 5
Configuring the MCB517AC
You configure the MCB517AC evaluation board with the DIP switches and the configuration jumpers. The MCB517AC evaluation board is shipped with the following configuration:
n Siemens SAB 83C517A microcontroller n Monitor uses serial interface 0 (COM0) at 9600 bps n Banking disabled
The default DIP switch settings are shown in the following table.
Switch S_
S4 S3 Moni
The default setting of the configuration jumper is shown in the following figure. The jumper is in position 80517A for a 80C517A/83C517A CPU.
6 Chapter 2. Setup
DIP Switches
The following sections describe each of the DIP switches of the MCB517AC board.
S-CAN : Default OFF
The S_CAN switch determines, whether a 120Ohm terminating resistor is connected to the CAN_H and CAN_L lines. Switch S_CAN only to ON if this prototype board is connected to one end of a CAN-bus line.
INT_CAN: Default OFF
The INT_CAN switch selects whether or not the external SAE 80C91 full CAN controller generates an interrupt on the microcontroller. If INT_CAN is ON, the interrupt output from the 80C91 is connected to port pin 3.2 (\INT0). If INT_CAN is OFF, the interrupt output from the 80C91 is not connected to the microcontroller. Switch INT_CAN to ON if you want to use the CAN interface, or to OFF if INT0 is used for a different interrupt source.
S3: Default ON S4: Default ON
The S3 and S4 switches select which serial interface and which baudrate is used by Monitor 51 to communicate with the PC. Therefore these switches are only relevant when the Monitor DIP switch is ON. The serial interface settings are shown in the following table.
Serial Interface Setting for Monitor 51 (Monitor DIP Switch is ON)
S4 S3 ser. Interface Baudrate at 12MHz Baudrate at 16MHz
OFF OFF COM 1 9600 bps 12800 bps OFF ON COM 1 28800 bps 38400 bps
ON OFF COM 1 38400 bps ON ON COM 0 9600 bps 12800 bps
MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide 7
Monitor: Default ON
The Monitor switch selects if the Monitor is used for debugging or if the MCB517AC operates with and user application EPROM at IC23. When Monitor is ON, a the Monitor Memory Mapping is enabled and you must operate the MCB517AC board with the supplied Monitor EPROM. When Monitor is OFF the User Memory Mapping is selected and you may insert an EPROM with your application.
S1: Default OFF S2: Default OFF
The S1 and S2 switches select the memory map and banking configuration for the MCB517AC. The memory map used on the MCB517AC board depends on the setting of the Monitor DIP switch. The memory maps for both settings are shown in the following tables.
Monitor Memory Mapping (Monitor DIP Switch is ON)
S0 S1 used Pins von Neumann RAM Monitor EPROM Banking
OFF OFF --- 0000h–E7FFh C:E800h–FFFFh disabled OFF ON illegal illegal illegal illegal
ON OFF illegal illegal illegal illegal ON ON P6.5-P6.7 Common: 0000h–7FFFh
Bank 0-5: 8000h-E7FFh
User Memory Mapping (Monitor DIP Switch is OFF)
S0 S1 used Pins RAM EPROM Banking
OFF OFF --- X: 0000h–E7FFh C:0000h–FFFFh disabled OFF ON P6.5 X: 0000h–E7FFh Common: 0000h–7FFFh
Bank 0-1: 8000h-FFFFh
OFF OFF P6.5-P6.5 X: 0000h–E7FFh Common: 0000h–7FFFh
Bank 0-3: 8000h-FFFFh
ON OFF P6.5-P6.7 X: 0000h–E7FFh Common: 0000h–7FFFh
Bank 0-6: 8000h-FFFFh
C:E800h–FFFFh enabled
The CAN interface is always mapped to the address range X:F700h-F7FFh and the optional user chip select to X:F600h-F6FFh. The 2Kb on-chip XRAM is available from X:F800h-FFFFh when the SFR-bit XMAP0 is cleared.
8 Chapter 2. Setup
LED: Default ON
The LED switch selects whether or not port 4 is connected to the 8 LEDs in the upper right portion of the board. When LED is ON, the LEDs on port 4 are enabled. When LED is OFF, the LEDs are not connected to port 4. If you work with the Monitor DIP switch ON and LED is OFF, then you select also a Monitor version which does no longer modify the port 4 lines.
OWEoff : Default ON
The OWEoff switch enables or disables the on chip oscillator watchdog. If OWEoff is ON, the oscillator watchdog is disabled. If OWEoff is OFF, the
oscillator watchdog supervises the crystal frequency and generates a reset if it is below 1 MHz.
PE/Soff: Default ON
The PE/Soff switch enables or disables the watchdog timer as well as the power saving modes. If PE/Soff is ON, the watchdog timer is off by default and the software is able to enter the power down, idle and slow down mode. If PE/Soff is OFF the watchdog timer is automatically started and the power saving modes are blocked. When you are using Monitor 51 this switch has to be in ON position.
MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide 9
Configuration Jumper
The following sections describes the configuration jumper of the MCB517AC board.
80C517 / 80C517A: Default 80C517A
This configuration jumper selects whether the MCB517AC board operates with a 80C517 or a 80C517A CPU. It switches the CPU pin 60 from V pin has to be connected to V
(circuit ground) for an 80C517. For an 80C517A
this pin is a hardware reset and power down input (\HWPD). It has to be connected to V
(high level) for normal operation.
to VCC. This
Monitor Modes
The MCB517AC board comes with an Monitor EPROM which contains 16 different Monitor configurations. Most of the Monitor configurations are required to use different serial interfaces and baudrates. The other configurations determine whether the normal or the banked Monitor should be used and whether
the Monitor should flash the LED’s or not.
DIP Switch Monitor Mode
S3 and S4
S1 and S2
LED ON: display Monitor status on Port 1 LED’s (see below).
Monitor ON: use Monitor program for debugging
Refer to “S3 and S4 DIP Switch“ on page 6 which serial interface is used for Monitor 51 and at which baudrate.
Refer to “S1 and S2 DIP Switch“ on page 7 if a normal or banked Monitor 51 is used for debugging.
OFF: Monitor status is not displayed and Port 1 is not affected..
OFF: User EPROM as IC23. Refer to “S1 and S2 DIP Switch” on page 7 for
the User EPROM Memory Map.
10 Chapter 2. Setup
Monitor Status Display
The Monitor program flashes the Port 4 LED’s during the reset phase. After the reset phase the LED’s reflect the monitor configuration and signals that the board is working correctly. The following table lists the LED pattern after reset.
Monitor Version P4.7 P4.6 P4.5 P4.4 P4.3 P4.2 P4.1 P4.0
Monitor 51 using COM 0 ON x ON ON ON ON ON ON Monitor 51 using COM 1 OFF x ON ON ON ON ON ON Non-Banked Monitor 51 x ON ON ON ON ON ON ON Banked Monitor 51 x OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON
After the reset phase, the P4.7 status LED is ON when monitor 51 uses the COM 0 interface to communicate with the PC and is OFF when COM 1 interface is used. P4.6 shows whether the normal or the banked monitor is selected.
Note If you want to debug a banked application, you have to use dScope for Windows with the MON51B.DLL loaded.
MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide 11
Chapter 3. Hardware
The MCB517AC is designed to be a very flexible evaluation board that you can use to become familiar with an 80C517A microcontroller and an 80C91 full CAN controller. We have also tried to provide a board that can be expanded to support your own hardware prototypes.
This chapter describes logical sections of the MCB517AC and also provides a circuit description. The descriptions here will help you understand how the MCB517AC board works and how you can easily interface to the various I/O devices available.
The following block diagram shows the various memory, I/O, configuration, and power systems that compose the board.
8-12V DC
Memory System
5V +/-5%
serial Port 0 serial Port 1
CAN Contr.
User I/O
CAN Line
CAN Ports
RS232 RS232
Bus & Port
Reset & Int.
12 Chapter 3. Hardware
Power Supply
Power is supplied to the MCB517AC from an external 8-12 Volt DC power supply which is capable of providing 300-500mA. Connection is made using a standard 5.5mm barrel plug with a 2.5mm center hole. The center hole is the plus polarity. 5 Volts DC is provided to the board by a 7805 voltage regulator at IC2. To reduce the noise for the 80C517A A/D converter a second 78L05 voltage regulator is provided at IC4.
80C517A/80C517 CPU
The 80C517A provided with the MCB517AC is a 8051 derivative with 2 Kbytes on-chip XRAM. This part is located at IC6. Alternatively you can insert a 80C517 into the IC6 socket. Please be sure to set the jumper to the correct position, otherwise the board might be damaged. A 12.000 MHz crystal provides the clock signal for the CPU.
The MCB517AC is a very flexible evaluation board. You can change the operation of the board using the DIP switches and the configuration jumpers. Features such as CPU type, LEDs, memory map, memory banking, external CAN interrupts and different monitor configurations can all be configured using these switches.
You must RESET the MCB517AC after changing the state of any DIP switch.
Refer to “DIP Switches” on page 6 and “Configuration Jumper” on page 9 for a complete description of the DIP switches and configuration jumpers.
MCB517AC Evaluation Board User’s Guide 13
Decode Logic
All memory address decode logic as well as other signal conversion is performed by two 20V8 PALs at IC13 and IC22. Refer to “ PAL Equations” on page 22 for
a complete listing of the PAL equations used.
Memory and I/O Devices
The MCB517AC maps three memory devices into the address space of the CPU. RAM at IC5 and IC7, EPROM at IC23. The two 20V8 PALs at IC13 and IC22 provide also the chip select signal for the external CAN controller at IC3 and an user chip select signal.
The MCB517AC board comes with an Monitor EPROM at IC23 which contains up to 16 different Monitor versions. You can use 27C1001 or 27C2001 as an USER EPROM at IC23. If you insert an EPROM with an user application program, the DIP switch Monitor must be off. Then you can select different memory bank options for the user application using the DIP switches S1 and S2. For more information refer to “DIP Switches” on page 6.
Status LEDs
The MCB517AC has a single power LED labeled ON which indicates the power to the board is on. Eight LEDs are optionally connected to the port 4 outputs through a 74HC373 at IC2. The Port 4 LEDs are flashing during reset and display the configuration status of the Monitor EPROM. For more information refer to “Monitor Status Display” on page 10. You may disable the LED driver by setting the LED DIP switch off. In this case you select also a Monitor version which does not affect the Port 4 Pins during the reset phase.
Push Button
The MCB517AC provides one push button. It is labeled RESET (S1) and connected to the reset input of the CPU. Pushing this button also resets the external CAN controller 81C90.
Serial Port
The MCB517AC supports both on-chip serial ports of the 80C517A CPU. Both of these use the MAX232 at IC9, to convert RS-232 voltage levels.
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