Flanked by a pair of 165mm (6.5in.) ultra-low distortion LF drivers
(independently loaded to neutralise distortion from internal
standing waves) for exceptionally fluid bass response, the individually
pair-matched Uni-Q midrange/HF array floods even the largest
space with an intricately detailed sound image, irrespective of
where you happen to be sitting.
Dynamics are crisp and assured, with seamless transitions born
from crossover technology based on that of the KEF
Reference Series and perfectly matched to the advanced
19mm (0.75in.) tweeter with the new ‘tangerine’ waveguide.
Together these capture nuances of the human voice that
you usually only ever hear live. What you experience is a big,
expansive sound tempered by a remarkable delicacy. Flawlessly
natural imagery, especially with digital formats. Full-bodied
emotion under perfect control. It’s a beguiling combination.
XQ 40
p ag e
p ag e
Respect is what the XQ40 commands.
Not just because it sounds as assertive
as it looks, but because of the uncanny
illusion of presence it creates. With
music or drama, it is as if the original
source of the sound were right there
in the room.
Birdseye Maple
Khaya MahoganyPiano Black
Ful l bandwi dth three -way floor stander
Unr ivalled o ff-axis p erforma nce from KEF’s lat est
165 mm (6.5i n.) Uni-Q midr ange/HF array with
new ‘tang erine’ wave guide
Two 165mm (6 .5in.) ultra -low distor tion bass
dri vers in de dicated enc losures
Refer ence Serie s inspired audiophile grade tier ed
cross over to elimina te coupling effects
Magnetica lly shielded, with a choice of three superb
high glos s finishes