PPlleeaassee ttaakkee hheeeedd ooff tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg bbeeffoorree uussiinngg tthhee KKEEFF MMooddeell KKuubbee--11.. NNoottee aallssoo tthhaatt tthhee wwoorrdd ““aapppplliiaannccee””
sshhaallll rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee KKEEFF KKuubbee--11 ssuubbww ooooffeerr,, oorr aannyy ppaarrtt ooff iitt..
11.. RReeaadd IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ––
All the Safety and Operating Instructions should be read before the appliance is operated.
22.. RReettaaiinn IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ––
The Safety and Operating Instructions should be retained for future reference.
33.. HHeeeedd WWaarrnniinnggss ––
All warnings on the appliance and in the Operating Instructions should be adhered to.
44.. FFoollllooww IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ––
All Operating and Use Instructions should be followed. Only use attachements/accessories
specified by the manufacturer.
55.. IImmppoorrttaanntt ––
Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding typeplug. The third prong is provided
for your safety.
If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
Refer all servicing to a qualified service personnel. Servicing is required for any damaged parts such as power-supply
cord or plug
66.. WWaatteerr aanndd MMooiissttuurree ––
The appliance should not be used in or near water - for example, near a bathtub,
washbowl, kitchen sink,laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool,and the like. The apparatus shall
not be exposed to dripping or splashing. Care should be taken so that objects containing liquids are not placed
upon or spilled into the enclosure through openings and that no objects filled with liquids, such as a vase, shall be
placed on apparatus..
77.. VVeennttiillaattiioonn ––
The appliance should be situated so that its location or position does no interfere with its proper
ventilation. For example, the appliance should not be situated on a bed,sofa, or similar surface that may block any
ventilation openings.
88.. HHeeaatt ––
The appliance should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other
appliances (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
99.. PPoowweerr SSoouurrcceess ––
The appliance should be connected to a power supply only of the type described in the
operating instructions or as marked on the appliance and it shall remain readily operable. Mains plug is used as the
disconnect device. To be completely disconnected from the power input, the mains plug of the apparatus must be
disconnected from the mains completely.
1100.. PPoowweerr--ccoorrdd PPrr ootteeccttiioonn ––
Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or
pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles
and the point where they exit from the appliance. The main plug should not be obstructed OR should be easily
accessed during intended use.
1111.. AAttttaacchhmmeennttss aanndd AAcccceessssoorriieess ––
Use only attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
1122.. NNoonn--uussee PPeerriiooddss ––
Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.
1133.. DDaammaaggee RReeqquuiirriinngg SSeerr vviiccee ––
The appliance should be serviced by qualified service personnel when:
a) The power supply cord or the plug has been damaged;
b) Objects have fallen or liquid has been spilled into the appliance;
c) The appliance has been exposed to rain;
d) The appliance does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked change in performance;
e) The appliance has been dropped or the enclosure damaged.
1144.. SSeerrvviicciinngg ––
The user shall not attempt to service the appliance beyond that described in the Operating
Instructions.All other servicing should be referred to qualified service personnel.
(F) Utilisation du manuel (D) Verwendung der Anleitung (I) Uso del manuale (ES) Uso del manual (P) Utilização do manual (NL) Gebruik van de handleiding
(DK) Brug af manualen
(F) Utilisation du manuel (D) Verwendung der Anleitung (I) Uso del manuale (ES) Uso del manual (P) Utilização do manual (NL) Gebruik van de handleiding
(DK) Brug af manualen
(GB) Follow this manual carefully for best results from speakers
(F) Afin de tirer les meilleurs résultats des haut-parleurs, veuillez suivre scrupuleusement les instructions reprises dans le présent manuel
(D) Für optimale Ergebnisse mit Ihrem Lautsprecher befolgen Sie diese Anleitung
(I) Per ottenere le migliori prestazioni dai diffusori seguire le istruzioni contenute nel presente manuale
(ES) Siga las instrucciones de este manual para obtener los mejores resultados de los altavoces
(P) Siga este manual atentamente para obter o melhor resultado das colunas
(NL) Volg terwille van een optimaal resultaat de instructies nauwkeurig op
(DK) Følg denne manual omhyggeligt for at opnå det bedste resultat fra højttalerne
(GB) Read and return warranty card
(F) Veuillez lire et renvoyer la carte de garantie
(D) Lesen Sie die Garantiekarte und senden Sie sie ausgefüllt zurück
(I) Si prega di restituire la scheda di garanzia,previa attenta lettura
(ES) Lea y envíenos la tarjeta de garantía
(P) Leia e devolva o cartão de garantia
(NL) U kunt na lezing en invulling de garantiekaart aan de importeur sturen
(DK) Gennemlæs og send garantibeviset tilbage
(GB) Do not use spirit based cleaners.
(F) Ne pas utiliser d’agents nettoyants à base d’alcool.
(D) Keine alkoholhaltigen Reinigungsmittel verwenden.
(I) Non utilizzare prodotti a base di alcol
(ES) No use limpiadores con base de alcohol
(P) Não utilize produtos de limpeza à base de álcool
(NL) Gebruik geen reinigingsprodukten op basis van alcohol
(DK) Brug ikke rengøringsmidler med alkohol
(GB) Avoid direct sunlight
(F) Eviter l’exposition directe aux rayons du soleil
(D) Direktes Sonnenlicht vermeiden.
(I) Evitare l’esposizione diretta ai raggi del sole
(ES) Evite la luz directa del sol
(P) Evite a exposição directa à luz do sol
(NL) Vermijd rechtstreeks zonlicht
(DK) Undgä direkte sollys
(GB) Avoid temperature extremes
(F) Eviter les températures extrêmes
(D) Extreme Temperaturen vermeiden
(I) Evitare temperature troppo alte o troppo basse
(ES) Evite temperaturas extremas
(P) Evite temperaturas extremas
(NL) Vermijd extreme temperaturen
(DK) Undgå ekstreme temperaturer
(GB) SAFETY NOTICE! trailing cables are dangerous,secure all cables
(F) NOTE DE SECURITE ! Les câbles de haut-parleurs traînant sur le sol peuvent être source de danger.Fixer tous les câbles
(D) SICHERHEITSHINWEIS ! Herumliegende Lautsprecherkabel sind eine Gefahrenquelle. Bitte alle Lautsprecherkabel sorgfältig verlegen
(I) NOTA PER LA SICUREZZA:i cavi di uscita dei diffusori possono essere pericolosi se non sistemati in un posto sicuro
(ES) ¡ATENCION! los cables de conexión sueltos de los altavoces son peligrosos. Fíjelos
(P) Precauções de segurança! Os cabos das colunas espalhados são perigosos, fixe todos os cabos
(NL) VOOR UW VEILIGHEID! Loshangende luidsprekerkabels zijn gevaarlijk! De kabels steeds op een veilige plaats leggen
(DK) BEMÆRK! skarpe knæk og slid på højttalerledningerne er farlig,de skal fastgøres
(GB) Clean with a dry lint free cloth
(F) Nettoyer à l’aide d’un chiffon humide, non pelucheux
(D) Mit einem angefeuchteten, nicht fusselnden Tuch abwischen
(I) Pulire con un panno umido non sfilacciato
(ES) Limpie con un paño húmedo
(P) Limpe com um pano húmido sem pêlos
(NL) Reinigen met een vochtige niet pluizende doek
(DK) Rengør med en fugtig klud,der ikke fnugger