Parts list
1 1 190FA 190 Frame Assembly $225.00 $225.00
2 1 190AX 190 Axel and Hardware $24.95 $24.95
3 2 190WHEEL 190 Wheels Foam filled $24.95 $49.90
4 9 190WB 190 wing bolts $3.50 $14.00
5 4 190SB 190 Support belts $5.95 $29.75
6 1 190DRLF 190 Dry washer body less frame $1,095.00 $1,095.00
7 1 190HS 190 Hopper Support $35.00 $35.00
8 1 190HF 190 Hopper Flare $150.00 $150.00
9 1 190RC 190 Riffle Cartridge $59.95 59.95
10 1 190RT 190 Riffle Tray $79.95 $79.95
11 1 190VAP 190 Vibrator Mounting Plate $39.95 $39.95
12 1 190HA 190 Plastic Hose adaptor $19.95 $19.95
13 1 190V 190 Vibrator $89.95 $89.95
14 1 190VB 190 Vibrator Bearing $29.95 $29.95
15 1 190BGA 119 Blast Gate assembly $29.95 $29.95
16 2 SS72 4" hose clamps $3.00 $6.00
17 1 151AH 4" duct hose 10 foot long $70.00 $70.00
18 1 151EBA B/S Motor and Blower assembly $685.00 $685.00
Congratulations you have purchased the finest quality American
made dry washer in the world. The package should last a lifetime
if you take care of it properly.
Keene Engineering is proud to introduce the Model 190 series Dry washer & High Banker Dredge
Combination. The 190 Series is the most advanced and user friendly on the planet with “Six Unique
Patents” to its credit.
“Soft Bed Technology”, creating a whopping 7 milliamps of constant current, resulting in an electro-
static charge ten times greater than any other dry washer. It also creates a positive charge on all dust
particles that reacts to the negative charge of the ground, creating “virtually a dustless environment”.
“Blast Gate Technology“ provides for Infinite adjustment of vibration and air pressure. “Scrubbing
Pins” separates and Liberates stubborn gold and creates an even flow of material.
“Enclosed riffle bed” Creates a dust free environment and a compact single unit design for an extremely efficient machine. In a matter of minutes the 190 transforms to an extremely effective high
banker and dredge. The 190 dry washers provides unmatched fine gold recovery.
1. Please read the Briggs and Stratton manual for Safety issues specification and maintenance.
You need to completely read all the safety and operating instructions on the new Briggs and Stratton
powered blower assembly. This engine was engineered for the application. It is set up with a two
part air cleaner system for superior air filtration and longevity. It has a greater oil capacity including
the new oil filter system. The flywheel is heavier to insure smooth operation and no kick back when
2. Assemble the frame and wheels as per diagram. All the parts are held in place with the large
wing bolts. Do not over tighten, just finger tight is adequate for all frame hardware. The wheels are
held on with a flat washer and cotter pin. There should be no tools required for this assembly.