Installation Instructions for
Front Light Bar KC 74531
2007-2011 Toyota FJ
Thanks for choosing a KC HiLiTES product. We take pride in building the highest quality, best engineered
systems possible. Your satisfaction with our product is important, so if you have any questions, please call
our customer service line at 800-528-0950.
Please Read First ...
If your Toyota FJ has a TRD (Toyota Racing
Development) skid plate installed (pictured at right),
you must remove it and cut it as shown, before the light
bar can be mounted. The skid plate can be taken off by
removing the six bolts as shown in the photo.
Install the KC bar on the vehicle following the
instruction below before reinstalling the skid plate.
If you do not have the skid plate as pictured, continue
with instructions below
Hardware Included
1 - Front Light Bar 2 - Spacers
2 - Mounting Brackets 4 - 3/8” black lock nut
2 -12mm -1.75 x 70 bolts 4 - 3/8” black flat washer
2 -12mm lock washer 4 - 3/8” x 1” black bolt
Cut this piece off
of both sides
Cut here
TRD Skid Plate
Cut here
Remove all
six bolts.
Installing the Bar
1. Locate the 3 studs on the front of each frame
rail, behind the bumper cover. NOTE - These
are the 3 studs pointing forward toward the
2. Remove the nuts from each of the three studs.
NOTE - Do not discard the nuts, as they will be
3. Position the light bar brackets over the 3 studs
on each side that you removed the nuts
4. Loosely install the upper nut on the left and
right studs on the front of the frame rails.
5. Locate the hole towards the rear of each light
bar bracket.
6. Place the supplied spacer between the light bar
bracket and the frame. Line up with the
rearward hole in each light bar bracket.
7. Insert and start the supplied bolt with lock washer, through the light bar bracket, the spacer and the threaded
hole of the frame.
8. Install the remaining nuts and loosely tighten all on the 3 studs on each side of the frame.
9. Loosely tighten the supplied 12 mm bolts into the frame.
10. Place the light bar between the two brackets, align the holes and push all four bolts through the bracket and
then the bar. Add the flat washers and loosely install the nuts.
11. Align and level bar and brackets, then securely tighten all bolts and nuts.
12. If you had previously removed the TRD skid plate for altering, you should now reinstall it using the six bolts that
held it initially.
13. Your DONE! ---- Install your KC lights and enjoy.
23 Year Warranty
See details on our website at
KC HiLiTES, Inc. 2843 W. Avenida de Luces, Williams, Arizona 86046-0155 * 800-528-0950 * www.kchilites.com KC3263XA - 112210