KC HiLiTES KC 74382 Instructions

Installation Instructions for KC 74382
2-Tab Light Bar on 2011 Chevy/GMC 2500
& 3500 Truck w/tow hooks
Thanks for choosing a KC HiLiTES product. We take pride in building the highest quality, best engineered systems possible. Your satisfaction with our product is important, so if you have any questions, please call our customer service line at 800-528-0950.
Parts Included:
1 - Modular light bar w/2-tabs 2 - Lg. formed brackets w/4 holes 2 - Lg. “J” shaped brackets w/5 holes 2 - Sm. 1/4” thick spacers w/3 holes 4 - 1/2” x 1 1/2” bolts w/lock nuts 8 - 1/2” flat washers 4 - 3/8” x 1” black bolts w/lock nuts 4 - 3/8” black flat washers 2 - 3/16” thick gold spacers
Installing the Bar
NOTE - Your new light bar will mount to the outside of each frame rail using the two bumper mounting bolts and one of the bolts from each tow hook.
1. Remove both tow hooks.
2. Remove the nuts from the passenger side bumper bolts.
3. Remove the nuts and bolts from the driver’s side bumper bracket and insert them from the inside of the frame so they are a mirror image of the passenger side bumper bolts.
4. Place the smaller 1/4” thick spacers with 3 holes on the outside of the frame and over the bumper mounting bolts and tow hook bolt position. Then place the larger “J” shaped 1/4” thick frame brackets on top of the smaller 1/4” spacers in the same orientation. NOTE - The “J” shaped 1/4” frame bracket
will come out through the tow hook area in the bumper.
5. Start the bumper mounting nuts, but do not tighten at this time.
6. Place the tow hooks back in the frame and insert the tow hook bolt from the inside of the frame through the frame and tow hook, then slide the small 3’16” gold spacer between the frame and 1/4” spacer and continue with the tow hook bolt through the 3/16” gold spacer, the small 1/4” spacer and the 1/4” frame bracket.
7. Start the nuts on the tow hook bolts and start the bolts in the bottom of the tow hooks but do not tighten at this time.
8. Now install the formed 3/16” light bar brackets to the modular light bar with the supplied 3/8” black hardware (hand tighten only). NOTE - The light
bar brackets mount to the outside of the modular light bar.
9. Hold the light bar in position and install the light bar brackets to the frame brackets using the 1/2” hardware and hand tighten. NOTE - The light
bar brackets are on the outside of the frame brackets.
10. Lift up on the light bar until the light tabs are level with the truck and tighten all hardware (tow hook bolts, bumper mounting bolts and all light bar bolts).
You’re DONE! - - - - - - - Install your KC lights and enjoy.
23 Year Warranty
See details on our website at
KC HiLiTES, Inc. 2843 W. Avenida de Luces, Williams, Arizona 86046-0155 * 800-528-0950 * www.kchilites.com KC3266GC - rev 041911