Installation Instructions for
2-Tab Front Light Bar
KC 74071
Jeep JK 2007-12
Thanks for choosing a KC HiLiTES product. We take pride in building the highest quality, best engineered systems possible. Your
satisfaction with our product is important, so if you have any questions, please call our customer service line at 800-528-0950 or
Parts Included:
1 - Front Light Bar
2 - Mounting brackets
4 - 1/2” x 1” bolt (2010-12 models)
4 - 1/2” x 1 1/4” bolt (2007-09 models)
4 - 1/2” Flat washer (2010-12 models)
4 - 1/2” lock washer (all models)
4 - 1/2” nut (all models)
4 - 3/8” x 1” black bolt
4 - 3/8” black locking nut
4 - 3/8”black flat washer
Installing the Bar to the Brackets
1. Attach each of the brackets to the outside of the center bar (as shown in photo A) using the supplied black hardware.
Brackets should be marked driver or passenger. Slide all four black bolts through
the holes in the bracket and bar. Add the flat washers on the inside and attach all
four nuts. Tighten only enough to keep from flopping around.
Installing Bar with Brackets on the Vehicle
1. Locate the plastic filler panel between the bumper and the grill. This will need to
be removed for the light bar installation. If you wish to reinstall the panel, it will
have to be trimmed to fit. Remove the two plastic screws in the top of the filler
panel. The panel can be easily removed by first sliding it forward under the
bumper and then pulling up on the rear of the panel.
2. Note the bracket welded to each side of the frame rail. The light bar will bolt to
these brackets. For the 2007-2009 JK, you will use the lower two holes in the
light bar brackets. For the 2010-2012 JK, you will use the upper and lower
holes of the brackets.
3. Carefully slide the light bar brackets down between the grill and bumper. Align
the holes in the light bar bracket with the two lower holes in the frame bracket.
4. For 2010-2012 JK skip to step 7. For 2007-2009 go to step 5.
5. Insert all four bolts from the inside of the frame bracket, then through the light
bar bracket. Add the lock washers and start all four nuts on the bolts. (see
photo B)
6. Adjust the light bar forward against the bumper, then tighten all hardware and
go to step 13.
7. Place a lock washer then a flat washer on each of the 1/2” x 1” bolts.
8. Start all four bolts through the light bar brackets and into the frame to hold the light bar in place.
9. On the driver side, remove the upper bolt to provide access when attaching the lower nut to the lower bolt. NOTE -
Due to the tight quarters, you will need a magnet to hold the nut or tape the nut to your open end wrench.
Lower the nut into place and start the bolt into the nut.
10. Adjust the bar forward against the bumper and tighten the
11. Repeat step 12 for the upper driver side. then the lower passenger bolt and finally the upper passenger bolt.
12. Check alignment and ensure all nuts and bolts are tight.
13. You’re DONE! - - - - - - - Install your KC lights and enjoy.
Photo A
Photo A
Photo B
23 Year Warranty
See details on our website at
KC HiLiTES, Inc. 2843 W. Avenida de Luces, Williams, Arizona 86046-0155 * 800-528-0950 * www.kchilites.com KC3266BB - rev 033012