Installation Instructions
KC 7309 Light Bracket for
2¾ and 3 inch Tubular Bar
Thanks for choosing a KC HiLiTES product. We take pride in building the highest quality, best engineered
systems possible. Your satisfaction with our product is important, so if you have any questions, please call
our customer service line at 800-528-0950.
Parts Included:
1 - Light bracket (2 pieces) 4 - Allen (3/16” head) bolts 1/4”-20 x 1 3/4”
4 - Square nuts 1/4”-20 1 - Instructions
2 - Rubber spacers 2 5/16” x 4 3/8” x 1/8”
For 2¾” Bar - You will need to use the two spacers supplied.
Align one in each half of the bracket so they do not overhang any
of the edges.
For 3” Bar - No spacers needed
Continue Installation
1.Fit both halves around the bar.
2.Insert one of the bolts through one of the bottom holes. Add a nut
and tighten bolt only enough to hold nut in place.
3.Loosely add the other three bolts and nuts.
4.Position and level the bracket to fit your needs. Tighten all bolts
evenly by alternating diagonally one turn per bolt each time until
See details on our website at
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KC HiLiTES, Inc. 2843 W. Avenida de Luces, Williams, Arizona 86046-0155 * 800-528-0950 * www.kchilites.com KC3266UB - 032511